EUR/JPY: swing SHORT TRADE setup and parameters

Di FlukeTrading
[1] 126.50 to 128.00 is SELL zone, in principal the overshoot is taken into consideration and is part of the plan
[2] 128.50 is strict STOP level
[3] I do expect certain kind of lower move anytime by Tuesday's close. when happens just lower the stop to lock some gains. closing some portion is also okay. of course there many more money management strategies that can be used to maximize the gains. but I approach this sharing to help beginners and also the professional ones as the quality of this trade plan is high grade.
[4] the target is clear and sort of minimal. of course, I repeat, there are many ways to increase rewards and decrease risks. but for now let us stay with the TRADE.
[5] feel free to contact me and we together may check ways to be focused to serve your individual trading needs/targets better.

as always, good luck !
Trade attivo
STOP lowered deep into the money. profitable and risk-free
that's the way to trade :)
Trade chiuso: obiettivo raggiunto
worked well :)
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