EURUSD. Short retrace before going higher

Many of us wondered why there hasn´t been any correction in EUR/USD pair after an incredible ascending on Friday. Looks like it is coming after Draghi´s speech. He didn´t say anything special so market simply used it as a trigger...

It has broken 1H 50 and 88 MAs (blue and red MAs on this chart) and, normally, after 50 MA is broken, next target is 200 MA which peacefully reposes close to 1.126 figures. I opened a short position at 1.370 figures and targeting these 1.126 between today and tomorrow. SL: 1.1390
Trade attivo
Moved to profitability. Beware of a possible reverse at 1.13100
Trade attivo
At 1.129, sorry!
Trade chiuso manualmente
Closing 1/2 of position here
Trade chiuso manualmente
Closing the rest of Short position here. They reversed it really fast so not sure if the thing can still go lower... Anyway, I take my small profits
Please, follow your strategy! Always!
If there is no strategy that has proven itself successful, please do not trade with real money!

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