Biotechs are on fire! Gossamer and upcoming event!

Biotechnology is the favorite sector of one of our analysts, most of his portfolio consists of biotechs, and he himself claims that it is the cryptocurrency of the common stock market.

Why? Let's explain :

High risk/reward and high volatility.

Imagine this: you invest in a company that has no revenue or any specific product, yet you believe in the idea it promotes. You're taking giant risks because it's far from clear what to expect.

But for that you get a great opportunity to make a quick buck. In biotech, soaring by 20%, 30%, or even 100% is the absolute norm. But you have to approach it carefully, because if you fail, the reaction can be devastating.

Here is an example of successful investment in biotech companies:

Axsome Therapeutics
Ranks: 48.

The company recently grew by more than 30% after successful results from a clinical trial of its drug to treat agitation in Alzheimer's disease.

Cool? Absolutely.

Our analysts have found another attractive company with a catalyst in the coming days!

Its name is Gossamer Bio.
Ranks: 11

Financials are really weak, the Ranks system also gives it a low rating, but the coming catalyst could immediately change everything. In the coming days, the company is expected to present the data of phase 2 of its core drug GB002. Take a closer look at the company!

Biotechs are scam or great potential
axsomebiotechbiotechnologybiotechsbiotechstocksFundamental Analysisfundamental-analysisgossamer

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