IFCA: Enemies at .50 border.

Di mdzulfid
After successfully breaching enemy defense at .33-.34 border, IFCA continues to march forward only to be halted by quite a strong enemy force at .49-50 outpost.

IFCA had fallback to resupply at the previous defeated defense of .33-.34 and is now ready to launch a full frontal to penetrate that heavy defense at .50.

If it manages to breach that defense, the road is cleared for IFCA to continue its march toward the next line of defense at .575.

However, if the enemy force is still strong, IFCA might need to resupply once again.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an investment advice nor a buy call. This is just some analysis of based on some technical factors coupled with just a little or totally nonexistent fundamentals. This analysis is based on lagging (past) data (ie historical prices) thus any forward looking statement is just based on perceived highly probabilistic assumption(s) to assist personal trading decision.
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