The chart is self-explanatory and shared for educational purposes.
1. Moving Averages (MA): LUPIN stock is trading above the 50, 150, and 200-day moving averages. This is often considered a bullish signal, indicating that the stock is in an uptrend.
2. Trendline Support: The stock has strong trendline support, line 1 provided too slow as the uptrend accelerated. In this scenario, a second line is steeper tracking a rising trend with high volume. suggesting that there is a well-defined upward trend in place.
3. High-Volume Breakout with Retracement: A high-volume breakout can be a positive sign, indicating that there might be strong buying interest and potential for further upward movement.
4. Trade with Stop Loss: This is a risk management strategy. Placing a stop-loss order helps limit potential losses if the trade goes against expectations.
5. Short-Term Investment Expectation: The suggestion is for a short-term investment with an expected return of 10-20% within 3 months.
It's important to note that while technical analysis can provide valuable insights, it doesn't guarantee future outcomes. Market conditions, news events, and other factors can influence stock prices.
Trade chiuso: obiettivo raggiunto
10% reached.
Moving AveragesTrend LinesVolume

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