Overpriced Tech vs Undervalued Travel Stocks

The Fed has been pumping up market with free cash since pandemic crash, which already been flatten up recently. And the market is acting irrationally piling up tech stocks way more than the available money supply, while leaving travel stocks undervalued. All technology stock such as TSLA, AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, MSFT, etc. are unreasonably overpriced. While all travel related stock such as airlines BA, AAL, DAL, LUV; cruise line NCLH, RCL, CCL; resort: LVS, MGM, PK etc and some banks JPM, BAC, C, etc are left undervalued. Market are recovering steadily, business are opening up, people are start to traveling out, especially in the country that has recovered from pandemic. Data from flight radar shows that domestic flight is recovering steadily. Peoples has forgotten DotCom crash and leaves many tech stock drop more than 80% and need a decade to recover. The market will reverse soon and in the long run the travel stocks has more upside potential.

Beyond Technical Analysis

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