We are in Expended Flat -rule is Wave B retraces 1.27 to 1.382 area of A or 1.382 to 1.618 zone rarely more than 2 of wave A .
Wave C usually extend to 1.618 of A or it retraces 1.618 of wave A sometimes when C wave is extended it goes to 2.618 of wave A size.
calculation B is 1017 and A is 779 approx i.e B wave is 1.30 % of A.
Now C wave calculation is simple 779x 1.618 =1260
add 1260 to B wave comes to 21510 so first support comes here and if it extends then 2039.( i.e 2.618 % of wave A ) THEN 22770-2039 =20731