To chase or not to chase?

Those in calls already are sitting nicely. Especially if they have taken out their original money from their profits. They now have a free trade basically. As for us, who have missed the run, the question is should we chase?. I say, don't chase. Wait for a pullback. Or if you wish, buy a small amount. Do not buy 10 far OTM calls, when you could just buy 1 ITM calls. Why?. Because ITM calls have less theta, so if the price goes your way, you can sell immediately for a profit. OTM calls you will not be able to get out, if it doesn't go your way. As for long-term direction, then i don't know. Basically we all messed up not getting in early on the run. Now all that is left is to chase, which is more risky.
CDNS and PEP are 2 tickers to put on the watchlist. Both are showing signs of accumulation.
Continuing my studies. I still want to daytrade only. Thats because i am a hyper-active person and i cannot sit still. I wanted to take less trades and tried to wait for the perfect entries but lets face it. With my personality, i will never be able to sit patiently. I need to take trades everyday. I need to work everyday. That means i must go back to daytrading. Because with my new setup, there is gonna be a lot of sitting out of the market. And thats not something that suits my personality.

Every trader must find a strategy that suits their personality otherwise, you will end up abandoning it eventually, so it would all be a waste of time.

So back to daytrading it is.

And back to daytrading SPY only. Once i found SPY, i never really liked anything else. And thats because SPY has the cheapest options, the most liquid, and the best spreads. SPY is ideal for daytrading.

Because i had always been transparent with all my trades and my account balance, posting them everyday in real-time, and never hiding the truth and losing account after account, people on Minds ridiculed me and bullied me. Calling me names. I'd post that i lost my account, and instead of showing empathy, they would post "LOL". Ridiculing me. But they would pretend they are winning. But i knew they were not winning. Certain things you notice in their online behaviour, which i know straight away, they are losing. Human nature is to be loud when you are winning and quiet when you are losing. Thats the tell-tale signs they are losing.

But let them pretend they are winning.

I'm not going back there.
I'll be here studying, trying to improve until i succeed.
The online community make you fed up. Below some doofus commented that i should not post anymore because apparently i'm gonna mislead new investors. So i looked back at my predictions and i found that most of my predictions were correct. So instead of calling out my predictions, he just attacks me.

And this is why i stopped posting. What benefit do i get from posting, other than being part of a community.

So i've gotten fed up. I'm not even gonna post no more.

Its not like posting helps my trading.

Posting makes things worse, because of trolls who have nothing better to do than put people down, who are working, researching and sharing some of their research.

On minds i got someone making lewd comments to me, and no-one even called him out for it.

What do i care about the online community. Those who know me, respect my work-rate, and endurance in this game. Thats why they follow me. Some follow me, even if its for general reading purposes, because sometimes i do post some good stuff which stimulates the readers minds about trading.

Anyway it's over. Not gonna post no-more. Milo posting lewd comments to me is the last straw that broke the camels back. When i see that no-one called him out for it, then i know the online community is silently supporting a man, making lewd comments to a woman. And that makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah the best thing to do is put your head down and study. Keep going. Give up and its over, forever. Worst case scenario, papertrade. Give up, then its over. You hear me. Its over, forever. I'll keep going forever. Thats my only chance in life. Risk it for the biscuit. I'd rather die broke than poor at this moment. Gotta do something about my life. Who knows, maybe one day i'll become a good trader. Gotta do something. Gotta work harder at it. I just always say to myself, maybe one day Livermore 2.0 will finally come out from no where and make me rich. That would be a great story if that did happen. Cos i struggled more than anyone in the world. I lost the most accounts. I hold the world record. And people who know me, know i hold the world record for accounts lost.

I dont care though. I'll keep studying. On and on until i make it or i die trying to make it.
Most people just look at me and think, 'I've never seen someone lose every week. Lose always, and just continues putting 100 after 100 in, cos im broke. But you wont understand. Thats my pocket money i would've spent on going out, coffee, netflix, and other things if i wasn't trading. So really i am not wasting that much money. Just my pocket money and maybe sometimes i have to put an extra 100 in. But who cares. Step by step i am gaining experience from my money that im spending on trading anyway. What would i have gained from spending money going out, buying coffee. If at the end of it, i make money from trading one day, it will be all worth it. But people will question, how can you get rich from $100. Easy. In the options game you can take 100 to a million in 2 weeks. In the stock trading game, you can do it in 20weeks, daytrading or swing trading. In the long-term investing game you can do it in 2years.

Just gotta become a good trader. Thats the mission.
Last year was a hard one, but life goes on
Hold my head against the wall, learnin' right from wrong
They say my ghetto instrumental, detrimental to kids
As if they can't see the misery in which they live
Blame me for the outcome, ban my records – check it
Don't have to bump this, but please respect it
I took a minus and now the hard times are behind us
Turned into a plus, now they stuck livin' blinded
Hennessy got me feelin' bad, time to stop drinkin'
Rollin' in my drop-top Jag, what's that cops thinkin'?
Sittin' in my car, watch the stars and smoke
I came a long way, but still I got so far to go
Dear mama, don't worry; I'ma watch for snakes
Tell Setchu that I love her, but it's hard today
I got the letter that she sent me, and I cried for weeks
This what came out when I tried to speak – all I heard was…
time goes by,
seeing charts all night,
hoping that i fly,
gonna make me go crazy.
i feel good. They killed me, but i don't back down. So no money. Can't trade. OK MMs. You bankrupted Livermore 2.0. Thats not a problem, because i'm Livermore 2.0. You hear me MMs. I'm no longer wanting to become Livermore 2.0. I am Livermore 2.0.
It's time Ayesha. Its time. Sir thats Bones.
MMs won't know what hit them.
Sir thats Livermore 2.0
They dont know you Ayesha. I know you. We'll make it.
You do have a name? My name is Gladiator. How dare you turn your back to me. You will remove your helmut and tell me your name?

My name is Livermore 2.0. Protege of Jesse Lauriston Livermore.
Just stay away from the people Ayesha. Its not good for you. You will trade emotionally and you will waste time retaliating hoping they lose. For what Ayesha. For what. If they lose, what good is it for you. Come on Ayesha. You did that, and took down innocent readers too. Dont do that please. There are consequences to your actions. Not everyone was trolling you, and even if they were, why do you have to stoop to their level. I know you caused other people to lose yesterday or get shaken out of their positions. You did that Ayesha. Just listen to me from here on. Stay away from the people. Stay here with me.
Ok Jesse. You are right. I'll do it. I'll stay away from the people.
Here you go Ayesha, a song for you to start the day off with good vibes. Come on now. We gonna do it. My protege Livermore 2.0 will return my name to the top. Now study yesterdays price action. Dont waste time. The best i ever saw. And i mean it. Stay away from Mindss Ayesha.
You can't stay away from Minds can you Ayesha?

No Jesse. I just can't.

Never mind. Not gonna keep pressing you to leave. Its clear you can't. Anyway just write off 2024. 2025 is coming Ayesha. Keep studying them charts and keep working. Gotta make 2025 our year. I'll always believe in you. I know what my eyes have seen. I never saw anyone like you. Thats why i chose you to be Livermore 2.0. Its obviously not happening so far. But i know you. No-one else knows you like i do. You just gotta keep working like i did, when they killed me off 3 times. I worked, and sometimes it took years. You gotta do it for me. Everyone else says 'Jesse Livermore was a bad trader. A gambler. It hurt. They never asked themselves which other trader went from Zero to Millions 3 times. How could i be a lucky gambler if i took my account from Zero to millions 3 times. How can that be luck. They knew how hard i worked. But after i died they said Jesse was a bad trader. A gambler. Your the only one who defended me. And i know why. Its because your a prolific chartist. And you saw yourself in my writings, and my life. So you gotta do it for me. You gotta become Livermore 2.0. And you gotta announce in your interviews after you become Livermore 2.0, that you are the protege of Jesse Livermore. And how you learnt of me. And that you considered Jesse the greatest retail trader of all time. That will shut up the people who have forgetten me. We'll go down in History. The greatest traders of all time. Jesse Livermore in the 20th century and Livermore 2.0 in the 21st century.

Never give up Ayesha. Nothing came easy for me. And nothing is gonna come easy for you. Do it for me Ayesha. Keep your head up. You always was, and you always will be, Livermore 2.0.

what you doing Ayesha?
Nothing Jesse. Just listening to sad songs.
Are you gonna cry?
I already did
Thats good. Let it all out. These losses are good for Ayesha. They are good for you. We now found out that the chart is not good enough. We need to find better. Really and truly it was your fault anyway. 15% up and you didnt take profit. When you go all in, you must use a stoploss. When you go in with 10-20% of the account it is ok to not use stoploss. If you lose, you lose 20% max. No probs. But when you go all in, you must use the stoploss Ayesha. Do you understand?
Yes Jesse, you are right.
Ok now lets move on. Do not throw away your charts. If you used the stoploss, you wouldve been out and then you couldve entered PUTS like your charts were saying. Do you understand?
Yes Jesse.
Now do not keep throwing away your charts. Yes always study, and try to improve them. Do not throw them away. You are Livermore 2.0. I do not care what the people think of you. I know you. Now calm down, study more. Try to improve. Fix your risk-management first. You cannot be right always Ayesha. It is impossible. Even the MMs are not always right with their trades. Do not be extreme with your reactions. Control your bi-polar illness. Control it woman. Now get to work. You are giving me problems. But i know who you are Bones. You are Livermore 2.0. Stop the sulking and self-pity. I know who you are.
I dont know Jesse, i'm losing hope.
You'll get over it. Don't try and tell me you are not Livermore 2.0. You can't fool me. I know you are Livermore 2.0
Where's the money then Jesse, if i'm Livermore 2.0
It will take time. You need to up your risk-management. Although you work hard. You gotta work harder Ayesha. You're wasting a lot of time. You can do more. Once everything aligns, you'll be the greatest trader of all time. Even better than me. You'll be the best. Now enough of this. Get to work.
Ok Jesse.
Thanks Jesse
I know who you are Ayesha. You're Livermore 2.0. Now get to work. Here's a more uplifting song for you. You're gonna become the greatest trader of all-time.
still sulking in self-pity arent you Ayesha. Why? Why are you so down. Why Ayesha? This is not the Ayesha i know. Looks like the people got to you. I told you to stay away from the people. But you would never listen. Now they've demoralised you. I couldnt give a damn you lost the money. I was always proud of my student. The Beast. The prolific chartist. The workhorse. What has happened to you. Will you not listen to me for once in your life. Stay away from the people. Every single one of them are liars. You know it. And i know it. Now stay here with me, like i told you.
New Rule for you Ayesha.

The most important rule.

Do not speak with anyone who does not show their account balance daily.
Thats good Ayesha. heres another uplifting song for you. Now get to work. Where is my workhorse at.
I'm here Jesse. Working on the charts. Working away like i always have done.
That's my girl. We gonna make it, so as long as you can keep away from the people. The only people you are allowed to communicate with from now, is the Live Traders who display their account balances everyday. These ones are the truthful people. But you and i know already, that this type of person does not exist in the trading world. They are all liars. Every single one of them. So thats it Ayesha. Become accustomed to being on your own. If people message you or reply to you anything, then ignore everyone. Tell them you only speak to people who display their account balances everyday. As soon as you say that, they'll leave you alone and run. They will never display their account balances. Because they are not truthful people. Let them live in that dishonest way. As for us, we will be with the truthful people from here on.
I found some funds Jesse.
Good Ayesha. We'll go again.
What you doing Ayesha, where are you?
Nothing Jesse. No studying, nothing. My body is frozen. I can't seem to get any energy to do any studying. Just depressed. Dreading tomorrow. Just feel like I will lose again. You know my charts will always not work the day i follow them. They'll work every other time except for when i use them.
Theres nothing we can do Ayesha. Thats life. But you gotta follow the charts and cut the loss when it says so. Obviously we are stuck because of the capital. 100 just has no leeway to lose. We need to get it to 500 somehow, then we'd have 5 chances to trade 100. But what can we do. We are just not getting the luck. Well, we did get the luck once, but you blew the 2.5k in one trade. But that is the past now. We cant change the past. Work more on the charts. Work more Ayesha. Not gonna push you today, cos i know you've hit rock bottom by the sounds of it. Never seen you go through a whole day without working on your charts. This is the first time i've ever seen that. But i understand. Maybe in a couple of hours you might perk up a bit. If not, don't worry. I'll be here when you decide to come back.
The first time i saw you, i only saw the next Livermore 2.0. Thats all i saw Ayesha. We'll make it in the end. Jesse Livermore and Livermore 2.0.
You're gonna be better than me.
Wish me luck Jesse. Worked on my charts overnight and still working on them now. I feel anxiety, because one mistake and i lose my account today. Putting 100 in. Just gotta keep going, until I get better. There's nothing i can do. This is how it will be, until a turnaround happens. It maybe that the turnaround never comes Jesse. It might never happen. I don't believe in myself anymore.
You might not believe in yourself no more Ayesha. But i'll always believe in you. I know what i saw in you.
You gotta keep going
Ok Ayesha sit out now from the market. Take the 32% and run. Study the charts again. Our charts did not work well. We need better entries, so stay out of the market today, and make a new chart. That was not a good entry.
Ok Ayesha, you got 140, so what we will do is this. Trade 40 on the next trade, with the new chart. Ok.

Yes Jesse. Only 40 on the next trade.
Remember, we do not need to take anymore trades today. It's ok to sit out and study more. Go get some food, i know your hungry. See you in a bit.
Ok good Ayesha. Now don't take anymore trades. We need to study more. Lets just take the 42% for the day and come back tomorrow. We got more studying to do. Stay away from Minds Ayesha. Im telling you, stay away. We good here. Take a rest from the market rest of the day. We'll come back tomorrow. Will you listen to me for once.

OK Jesse. I'll do what your telling me.
This chart is not good enough Ayesha. It didn't even pick up that sell end of day. Instead it was giving poor entries to the upside. You'll have study more Ayesha. This aint it. We gotta do better than that.

OK Jesse. Yeah its strange. They move so fast whenever they want to. Hard to catch those unless you just take a gamble. I'll try and find something. Looks like the profits are gone, cos their already down, plus you got overnight theta aswell.
I told you stay off Minds. Why you go back on there. Do you know the reason, you must stay away from there Ayesha?

Its because if you post something there and it goes pear shaped, then you will feel the emotional distress of getting it wrong publicly.

Number 2 is - they are all dishonest people. None of them will post their account balance daily. You know that, and i know that. So why hang around dishonest people. If you find an honest person who is showing their account balance daily, then stick with them. Why? Because if you ever see anyone performing well consistently then you should gamble some of your money on their callouts. I even recommend doing that. Because there maybe another Livermore out there. But the fact is you will never find a person who will show their account balance daily. Because the whole trading world is dishonest. Hopefully we do find an honest trader one day, but its unlikely.

So stay away from people Ayesha.

Anyway i see that you made a new chart. And i like it. We also need to start trading stocks instead of SPY sometimes. Thats the next level up. Your new chart is not giving signals everyday on SPY, so on those days it will be good to trade some stocks instead.

Well at least you aint responding to people who comment on your posts. Thats at least a small step. We need to stay away from the rubbish and all the noise they spew.

There are a million ways to win in the market. Reading minds, you will be subject to noise from others who are trading a different method from you. You must stick to your own way, and be firm on it.

Anyway keep working. We need to be ready for 2025. We need zero losses in 2025 Ayesha. Zero losses. I've given you a pass for 2024. Make mistakes or do whatever, dont stress. But be ready by 2025.

OK Jesse. I'm gonna be ready.

Fix up. Get rid Ayesha. You need to be ruthless with your ownself.
Its great Jesse. I feel good today. I feel like i am gonna finally get away from the people.

You say that always Ayesha.

Yeah but i feel different this time.

Well just make sure you get rid before 2025 starts Ayesha.
Get rid of the rubbish from your life. They are all liars. Dishonest people, full of lies and bravado. Take it from me Ayesha, never waste your time with liars. You was never a liar, and people like you should stay away from liars, lest you become a liar too. We dont need that Ayesha. Being a poor truthful person is worth more than being a liar. Stick with the truthful people. Stick with the truthful people, and stay away from the liars. Let them live their lives and we live ours.

Now go. 4hrs left. Make the new chart. For the runner, thats gone. Unlikely that will go into profit. MMs pulled off a rug. Add to that overnight theta, chances are zero there.
Made the new chart Jesse. Its just an adaptation of my old chart, when i had that little winning run for 3 weeks. Not confident in it, so i'm gonna test it out for 2 days. I really don't wanna lose my account again. So I think its best to test this mf out properly before using it.
Thats good Ayesha. This is the way. We do not need to trade everyday. I did the same after losing it all. I tested for a while until i had some faith in my system. This is the way and I am proud of you for making this decision. I'm really proud of you. OK now test the system.
Yeah i gotta be ready by 2025 remember.
Thats right Ayesha. 13 days to come up with a system for 2025. Take it easy.
Why you coming fast Ayesha? LOL. 2025 Ayesha coming fast.
You stopped listening to your favourite song, Ayesha. I want that Ayesha back. Where's my Livermore 2.0 gone.
I'm still here Jesse. MM's won't know what hit them in 2025. 2025 is year Livermore 2.0 will launch an astonishing attack on the MM's.
its working good
I don't know whats wrong with you Ayesha. You promised me 3 days in a row you would stay away from minds and all 3 days you go on there. When are you gonna keep your promises? Its of no benefit to you Ayesha. You wanna stay there to do what? What will you get out of it? Tell me Ayesha. You wanna win or you wanna entertain people. Instead of working more, you worked less, busy entertaining and trolling people. Are you a Troll? Are you Ayesha? What just because they mocked you and trolled you, now you've stooped to their level and trolled them back. That move you did in the beginning of the market was just scum Ayesha. Pure scum move you did. Serously if you're gonna become like that, then i don't want you.

Just stop it. I know they hurt you, and you're getting your own back, trolling them, but what do you get out of it. This is not a Livermore. A Livermore only trades and studies. Thats what a Livermore is. Not this BS trolling.

Anyway forget it. Just stop from today. Will you do that for me?
You're right Jesse. I don't know. They made me like that.
But thats not you Ayesha. You're better than that. You're Livermore 2.0.

Do you want karma to follow you. Is that what you want?
I'll try Jesse.
Trying aint good enough. You gotta stop the trolling, and mocking people.
Ok Jesse, from tomorrow.
Ok we'll see. Anyway get back to work. We never stop charting. Never Ayesha. 2025. You can't have any losses. So get back to work.
Focus. Focus on the goal and stop playing around.
the new chart is faulty Jesse. been giving mixed signals on futures. Have to make a new chart. Got happy for no reason.
Its ok Ayesha. At least you're not wasting your time. Jusr keep going.
yeah still studying Jesse. The beast is on beast-mode. Need to be ready for 2025. We coming for the MMs.
Your doing good Ayesha. Doesn't matter you sold too early. You bought too far out OTMs and theta was on your back because of it. Im proud of you, for managing risk. OTMs ODTEs on high IV is not a good position to hold. As you can see the theta has already eaten them to the point where the price has gone up since you sold, but the price of your OTMs have not gone up much.
We good Jesse. Just sitting out. Don't have the money for ITMs, so not gonna risk with OTMS.
Lucky you only bought using your profits. That was our chance though if you held. Never mind Ayesha. The Market is here everyday. We not here for one day.
Sorry Jesse. I just put all my profits into 24 Jan calls 622c 640c and 645c.
Thats ok Ayesha. Its free money and im glad you're trying swings. Thats over a month, so you can relax. You got the signal to go long, long-term. So its fine. You did not base your decision on a whim. You are following your swing charts and there is no harm when using free money. I can see why you did it also. When the 1DTES are so expensive, its not worth it. Overnight it will lose $4 dollars of theta on the OTMS. And you could not afford ITMS. So you did well Ayesha. You have until 24jan on those calls. You never know.
what you doing Ayesha?
Nothing Jesse. I had a long 6hr sleep today. Just woke up an hour ago. Feel fresh. Just started going over the price action for the day, and testing all my charts. Right now im working on my swing charts, going through different tickers. Like you said, you want me to start flying in 2025. So im under pressure to be ready by 2025. Thats why i'm upping my study, and studying everything, daytrades and swings. Feeling good for the future. But the market always beats me down, when i think i'm getting better. Thats why i can't ever seem to get happy no matter what happens.
Thats OK Ayesha. That was our rule. Never get happy when you win. And never get sad when you lose. Always continue studying. Keep the pressure on the MMs.

I dont care if you win, you must not stop studying. Not until you've made it.

Do you understand me Ayesha.
Yes Jesse. I understand.
Keep the pressure up on them Ayesha. They gonna get the lesson of their life when Livermore 2.0 finally arrives. Jack Schwager will write his final book of the Market Wizards series, and he will title it

'The Market Wizard - Livermore 2.0'.

In the book you will tell the whole world, that you was Jesse Livermore's protege and that Jesse Livermore taught you everything. And that you considered Jesse to be the greatest trader of all-time. Jack will respond saying 'I died bankrupt and that i killed myself'. And you will reply, 'Name me 1 trader who was able to take zero to millions 3 times? To do it 3 times is not luck Jack. Jesse Livermore did it 3 times'.

After reading this book, the whole world will stop talking bad about me.

They will say the greatest trader of the 20th century was Jesse Livermore.
And the greatest trader of the 21st Century was Livermore 2.0.

You gotta restore my name Ayesha. You got to. Jesse Livermore & Livermore 2.0.

Me and you forever Ayesha.

2025 i need you to break out Ayesha. The world needs to know, you dont mess with Livermore 2.0
I got Stamina - Livermore 2.0
sold the calls Jesse. $5 dollars up from entry but zero gains. Need to ITM to make money on overnighters. Figured i'm better off using that money on daytrades.
take it easy. Follow the charts and do not get influenced by minds. They are following different charts from you. You understand Ayesha.
Yes Jesse. I know
Nothing happening on my charts today Jesse. Sitting until something happens.
Yeah i bought calls after hours Jesse, but its not looking good. Just charting now trying to find a better way. 11 days left Jesse. Until 2025. Gotta ramp up the studying. Just went through a few of my charts. They all giving bad signals. Have to find something else.
Its Ok Ayesha. You used your profits. No harm done if you lose. Dont worry about anything. All i want you to do is ramp up the studying. We cant have a bad 2025. Do you understand? So keep studying. Gotta be prepared for 2025. Need to finish them off this time.
Never mind Ayesha. We know what happened now. Ex-Divident day. That dividend gets taken from the share price. Although its priced into the options, most of the time it dumps before. It happened last time, but you didn't keep track of the ex-div day and you fell into the trap. The blame does not fall on that though. The blame falls on your charts. Your charts should be able to pick that up, but they didn't. Anyway doesnt matter, it was just free money lost. Although we cant count it as free money because your all-time pnl is in severe loss. Nevertheless, you must prepare a new chart. 2025 i don't want anymore losses. And to do that, you need to up your study these next 11days and find something.

Notice how no-one mentioned that ex-div day was coming up. A pro-trader would be banging on about ex-div day from a week back. But none said a word. So do not concern yourself with the people. None are professional traders. So stay away from the people Ayesha. I warned you and you still go back there. For what. You got it wrong publically and now you feel bad. What benefit is it for you, especially when none of these people could even tell others that ex-div day was coming. Who are you associating with? The likes of these people. To try and impress them. They are winning even without knowing that today is ex-div. What are you doing Ayesha. Are you winning?

Dont even bother trading today, you got work today, and trading off the phone while busy at work has got you into problems nearly everytime. Neither do you have a new tested system. And you cannot afford to lose the last bit of money.

Just dont. Do not trade. Get away from me, put your head down, make a new system, test it and then come back to me. You are not Livermore 2.0.

I don't wanna hear that you traded today. Ok Ayesha. Go to work. Study over the weekend and come back to me Sunday or something.
Sorry i was harsh on you Ayesha. You know how much i love you. You'll always be my one and only protege. Its me and you forever. You're gonna make it. I know who you are Ayesha. You're Livermore 2.0.
Whatever Jesse. I'll show you. You need me. I don't need you. The trading world called you a loser who lost everything and killed himself. They calling you a loser. So you better watch your mouth. Cos without me, you have no-one.
Wow Ayesha. Whats gotten into you. You think you're better than me? You've never won ever. I took zero to millions 3 times. Who you talking to?
I'm angry.
OK. Use that anger and show me something.
I will. Just leave me alone for a bit. I'm very angry.
Sorry for what i said to you Jesse.
Its OK Ayesha. You was right tho. I do need you. The whole world is saying that Jesse Livermore was a gambler who lost everything and killed himself. And you're right. You are the only one who always defended me.

Sorry Ayesha. You are Livermore 2.0. You always was, and you always will be, Livermore 2.0. My protege, who will restore the Livermore name back to the top of the trading world.

They will say after you finish,

The greatest trader in the 20th century was Jesse Livermore.
And the greatest trader in the 21th century was Livermore 2.0

You go Ayesha. I believe in you now for real. 2025 we will blitz them. They are already saying, 'What kind of beast are we up against. We cant kill her', someone will reply 'Sir, thats Livermore 2.0'
What you doing Ayesha?
What do you think im doing Jesse. The same i always do. Studying. Kobe Bryant used to say 'rest at the end. Not in the middle'. Did you rest ever Jesse? No you didn't. Thats why you called me Livermore 2.0. This is a beast.
not feeling good. Just going round in circles. There is daytrading and there is swing trading. One must master one of them. It is impossible to combine both. The swings will always lag the daytrades.

The swings one must be prepared to sit out of the market for weeks sometimes. Or the other option is to move your money to that which is moving right now.
Swings will never be rockets. They will only rocket unexpectedly. One must be in it to catch the rocket when it comes. NVDA prime example. Every red day in the beginning, some would've been shaken out. Thats the job of the MMs. To shake people out. Then afterwards those people will just say 'If only i had held'.

But if you are a daytrader then none of this applies.
Life is hard. Had one of the worst days in a long-time. Went to a family get-together, my niece is getting married. The grooms family came to meet the family. 'What do you do?' The proverbial question that is asked. Every single person had a 50-100k job. I quietly made an exit before someone asks me what job i do, what job does your husband do? I dont fit in. The poor people will never fit in with the rich. I could see a lot of arrogance the way they were talking about their jobs. They would've looked down on me. So i left the room quietly and sat upstairs on my own. I had my laptop with me. Actually i am upstairs right now writing this. All i could think about is, i need to find an edge. I need to make some money. So then i could hold my head high when amongst people. I could just reply 'I am a trader' and when the question is asked 'are you making money', i could reply 'yes'.

Anyway what can i do, just a loser in life. Stuck being poor. Stuck like a MF.
My heart has dropped to the floor. All i hear is voices in my head saying 'stop talking. You are a loser. You have no right to speak. Dont speak, do something instead'. I dont feel good about myself. Water bill came in high, gas and electric bills are on the way, and i got my nieces wedding coming up, so need money. And here i am trading and losing. I guess i have to quieten down for a bit. At least until i can show something to myself. Until then I dont wanna speak too much. Im at rock bottom. Feeling depressed with my life. I dont like making excuses. Oh the market always moves when i sell. Thats just excuses. This and that. Everything is an excuse for my failings in trading. Why did you sell? Thats the question. And i know the answer. Its because my entry was bad. If i had a good entry then i'd probably have a chance of managing to hold. But when you're 80% down and it goes into profit, and starts going sideways, with theta eating you, then you eventually sell.
gonna put my head down, be quiet and work hard in the background. I need to make some money very soon. Otherwise i am in big trouble financially. Big trouble.
Its ok Ayesha. Maybe it was my fault too, for calling you Livermore 2.0. I shouldnt have done that. Anyway just do that. Keep your head down and work quietly in the background and hope for the best.
17% so far Jesse. Waiting patiently for another entry. But im gonna lose some on the 1 cent lotto call im holding. Have to pay closing out fees on that. I tried to sell it but no buyers. Just gonna chill Jesse. Made a new chart and following it.
Dont worry Ayesha. You know i'll always believe in my one and only student. My protege. The beast. The chartist. The workhorse. We'll make it one day.
its over Jesse. They gonna hold the price here until my Broker auto-closes 2hrs from market end. They always do that, and my PUTS are already near zero. My charts did not work. Maybe i should've just took one trade a day.
Never mind Ayesha. Just study, make new charts, what can you do. Keep plodding on. On and on until one day you figure out the market. I guess we are both demoralised now. 2025 eh. But where is the capital gonna come from. You'll just have to switch to papertrading and stay away from everyone. No-one likes you anyway Ayesha. No-one likes losers. Thats what you are. In financial problems and everything. You have no-one left in your life Ayesha. Only you. Because i am gone too. I'm gonna give you some space to do your own thing. You need to feel the pain and the loneliness. See ya Ayesha. I still love you. I just gotta get away for a while Ayesha. I dont even know why the market is so harsh against. Why your charts always fail when you enter, but when you're not in it, they work. I just cant bare to watch this anymore. I just dont know why luck has never come your way. See Ya Ayesha. Just keep your down, do the work. I'll be back one day.
Farewell, Jesse.

Love Ayesha.
I'm sorry about before Ayesha. I just got upset to see you losing your account. I saw how you carried on without me, even though you was upset. I also saw that you never read Minds after that, even though you almost clicked on Minds a few times, but you restrained yourself. I also saw how upset you got when i said im going away. I also saw how many charts you made. Forgive me Ayesha.
It's Ok Jesse. I dont need you. I'm fine on my own. I have no choice. I'll continue my journey via papertrading now, since all funds are gone. They can take my funds, but i'll carry on. If i get good on papertrading, i'll just ask my brother for 100. I'm sure if i can show some results on paper, he'll give me a 100 if i ask. MMs can't kill me just like that. They messing with the wrong person. This will be their downfall. They messed with the wrong person.
i'm sorry Ayesha. Will let you carry on your studying, i can see your busy working. See you when you feel like talking.
F U forever Jesse.
In this game, you gotta be ruthless. Jesse is in the bin. He stopped believing in me like everyone else. Who does he think he is. Does he think i am a pauper that he can talk down on. Livermore 2.0 is not Jesse Livermore. Thats my teacher and the school i studied from, but does not mean i am him. I am not. I am Livermore 2.0. The second coming of Jesse Livermore. Once someone talks down to me, its over. In this trading world, there are no niceties. People only want you if you are a winner. And if you are a loser, they talk down towards you. Keep working. Doing your own thing. Either youll make it. Or you wont.
Why Ayesha? Why you being like this? Why?
Cos i hate you, you dumb MF
Who you gonna talk to then?
Your mum you MF
I still believe in you though
I dont care Jesse. F off.
Just chill, we'll make it through this.
OK Ayesha. Just promise me, you won't stop studying
F U Jesse. Do i ever stop studying. Just F off. I dont need no-one.
Alright. I'll give you your space. F'ing Bi-Polar bch.
Yeah F U. Get the f away from me Jesse. You hear me. You f'ing hear me. Get the f away from me. Dont message me again. I dont need you or anyone.
OK Ayesha, see you another time.
There wont be another time, because im f'ing Livermore 2.0.

Now get lost.
OK Ayesha looks like we are done.
Yeah we are done Jesse. Now F off.
What you doing Ayesha?
You know what i'm doing f face. Im charting, what do you think im doing.
only 2 days left Ayesha
I know, you f face.
You've changed.
Yeah i have. Thats what happens when your broke and there's no money in the account. In some ways, its probably better, at least im not losing real money, testing my new charts.
You're gonna make it Ayesha. There's only one Livermore 2.0.
Be quiet Jesse. I am not Livermore 2.0. I'm a clown.
Just carry on. We nearly there. 2025.
I dont need you Jesse. I always do my own thing. Cos I'm Livermore 2.0
I know you are. No-one else knows. Hehe. LOL. They think you're a dummy, LOL.
See you next time Jesse. Im busy working.
Stop reading Milo. Dont be a hypocrite. You think i dont know that you read here. LOL. Thinks that he's found Livermore. You didn't find Livermore. You found a clown.
Nope. still nothing working. Carry on. What else to do.
What you doing Ayesha?
Nothing Jesse, market is closed.
You still angry at me.
No. You know i would calm down eventually.
Yeah i know Ayesha. Its me and you forever. Always was, and always will be.
I guess so.
Just carry on doing what you're doing. You're doing good, and i feel you are making progress. So just continue. The good thing is, I got my Ayesha back. The one and only Livermore 2.0. I know who you are. No-one else does.
Just shut up Jesse. Im not Livermore 2.0.
You are.
Whatever Jesse. Wheres the money then. Why am i broke?
Well Jesse was broke too, 3 times. So just shut the f up Ayesha. Keep working. I'll be here waiting for you.
Ok Jesse.
what you doing Ayesha?
nothing, just working on my charts. Same old. Same old.
Keep going. Gonna make it in the end.
If you say so. I couldn't care less anymore.
I see the trolls are still trolling you?
Let them Jesse. One of them i dont respond to. And the other one, i stopped responding from yesterday. The solution to trolls is IGNORE. Then when you become a winner, just post your winnings. By that time most of them will be broke.
It would be better to just leave social media altogether like i told u from the beginning.
I will Jesse. One day.
OK Ayesha. Just continue on. Do what you're doing. You're gonna make it in my opinion. You are Livermore 2.0. You always was, and always will be.
Yep. I am Livermore 2.0 whether i win or lose.
They making fun of me Jesse.
What does it matter Ayesha.
You just gotta continue charting, testing, and so on.
Just dont give up. I believe in you. I always will. Cos there will never be another Livermore 2.0.
You are Livermore 2.0. No-one can take that away from you.
But Livermore 2.0 was a loser, Jesse.
I dont care if you are a loser Ayesha. You'll always be Livermore 2.0 to me.
If you say so, Jesse.

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