UKX is looking up, Breath!

It seems FTSE might want to stay above Dashed Black. Solid Red looks like a Brexit drain. The Jag has Solid green support . it could go sideways along that. It would be better than sliding down Solid Red. More action will precipitate other curves. Orange parabolas are tends.

there is another parabolic channel between Dashed Red AND Solid Blue. Notice how the current channel between Solid Green and Solid ed intersect . four curves . The curves Rooted in Oct 26 '18 are coming into play now.

Dashed green is the downward trend any gloomy chap could sulk about. From "parabolic support" its more hopeful than gloomy. The goos news is that FTSE Jag has escaped the ugly Solid Orange parabolic channel .

The middle of the road outcome is sliding east along Concave Solid green. notice that Solid and dashed green lean on the same two lows 15 and 26 Oct. How ever these curves are rooted in different moments. Which one will prevail. ( who was involved? ) ( how strong are their wills )

Its clear that the FTSE Jag is in suspense. I almost prefer neutral . Lets be hopeful. anything can happen.
interesting. The Jag heard the call of Solid Green, and fell. That precipitates another 'abola. Rooted 11 Jan '19 and 17 Jan'19 looking for contact 28 Jan . that would be the descent path for UKX
that local bottom would need to be accounted for, supported by a yet undiscovered parabolic line. It is worrisome that it feels and looks like a continuation of the Dashed Red trend. UKX has the chance to continue sideways along Solid green. The Jag is of a split knowing. ( how currently Brexity of her )

A miracle of a moment. The jag heard both the solid Red and Solid Green Curves it has now revisited. Yet, a new precipitated 'abola should be traced rooted at 11 Jan '19 local high and passing through the local lows at 17 Jan '19 and 28 Jan '19. This is the Parabolic trend reinforced by the Jag behavior since this 'idea' was posted.

Remarked SHORT.
The4 Jag felt Solid green and heard red, looked up . Its still ambiguous . parabolas and all. . . Remarkable. Is Parabolic Support IS 'receiving' the social climate of Brexit?
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTrend Analysis

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