Coronavirus cases jumped to 300,000 in Poland

Coronavirus cases jumped to 300,000 in Poland on Thursday after it had seen 20,156 new cases, a record the country has never seen. However, the Polish government is insisting on keeping it open. The market is projected to keep worrying about its country after the total number of infections turned out to be thrice as much as its previous record in less than a month. Although the pair’s 50-day moving average is still below its 200-day moving average, the former is arching up to the latter. This shows that the bulls are fighting to push the pair up as the world descends into risk aversion for the near-term market once again. Investors are also expected to be optimistic towards the greenback from its leap in gross domestic product announced yesterday as a result of the government injecting more than 3 trillion US dollars-worth of pandemic relief that fueled consumer spending throughout the third quarter.
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