This is a variation on my other Breakout Trend Follower script. In the other script, you can use a moving average to act as a filter for your trades (i.e. if the price is below the moving average, it won't go long). After making the tool that detects trends on higher timeframes, I wanted to see if that might be a better filter than a moving average.
So this script lets you look at higher time frame trends (i.e. are there higher highs and higher lows? If so, this is an uptrend). You only take trades when you are with the trend. You have the ability to select up to two trends to act as a filter. Each trend direction is shown on a table on the chart for easy reference. The current pivot highs and lows are plotted on the chart so you can see when you might be breaking both the current timeframe's trend and higher level trends.
What I found was that in general this does not perform as well as the other strategy, but it does seem to be a lot more picky with trades. Showing higher win rates and a better profit factor. It just takes a lot less trades and the net profit isn't as good.