FANGMANT Performance Table

This is a simple performance table for QQQ, SPY and the main FANGMANT stocks shown left to right by current order of weighting.

Importantly, the performance is intraday from session open time.
It is NOT a daily change - credit to ShadowTrader for this distinction.

Credit also to PineCoders for their string manipluation instructions for Pine Script.

Each of the 12 symbols in the table can be set by the user.

For publication purposes I have included QQQ, SPY, VXN and TNX as these are all relevant to Nasdaq performance too

The table can be placed Top or Bottom, Left or Right

The user will need to set the cell width and height and transparency and bulilsh/bearish colors to best suit their own displays.

There are two color gradients built in to help illustrate which symbols are leading or lagging

I will also publish one for the SPY sectors that will otherwise be very similar to this

Note di rilascio
Moved all to one horizontal row
Note di rilascio
Updating both sector and FANGMANT performance table indicators to be 12 symbols.
The FANGMANT will indlude the risk symbols UVXY and VXX
Note di rilascio
Corrected overlay and reordered symbols so start with FANGMANT and end with indices ETFs
Note di rilascio
Chart image updated
Correct weighting order as at 30 June 2022
Four indices ETFs shown at right extreme of table
NB this is an accompaniment to the Sector Performance Table indicator
Note di rilascio
Added the ability to choose percentages independently for max and min gradient shading
Note di rilascio
This has the same updates that were just placed on the Sector Performance Tables indicator
- ie wider choice of when to start gradients and min and max gradient colors for both up and down moves and text size choice
Breadth Indicators

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