When doing i.e the 3 minute timeframe turn on the closest timeframe available for you or the candles and wicks will be fucked up.

So if you're doing the 5 hour timeframe candles turn on the 4hr chart on your main chart.

To View the candles in full screen double click the windows with the candlesticks

If you don't have TradingView premium and want to look at custom timeframes you can use this.

For the ticker/coin/pair you want to show enter it like this:

For stocks, only the ticker i.e: MSFT, APPL

For Crypto, "Exchange:ticker" i.e: BITFINEX:BTCUSD, BINANCE:AGIBTC, BITMEX:ADAM19

When setting up the timeframe write i.e:

For minutes/hourly: 5, 240 (4 hour), 360 (6 hour)

For daily/weekly/monthly: 1D, 2W, 3M

When doing i.e the 3 minute timeframe turn on the closest timeframe available for you or the candles and wicks will be fucked up.

So if you're doing the 5 hour timeframe candles turn on the 4hr chart on your main chart.
Breadth IndicatorsCandlestick AnalysiscustomFREEpremiumtimeframe

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In pieno spirito TradingView, l'autore di questo script lo ha pubblicato open-source, in modo che i trader possano comprenderlo e verificarlo. Un saluto all'autore! È possibile utilizzarlo gratuitamente, ma il riutilizzo di questo codice in una pubblicazione è regolato dal nostro Regolamento. Per aggiungerlo al grafico, mettilo tra i preferiti.

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