20 ott 2014 14:16

TimWest Long Short Filters 

Apple Inc.NASDAQ


TimWest Long Short Filters

Indicator Has 3 Separate Filters that Create Green(Bullish) or Red(Bearish) BackGround Highlights

If Price is Above or Below a certain LookBack Period - Tim Defaults to 63 on Daily Chart to Quickly View if Price is Above or Below it’s Price 1 Quarter Ago.

A Simple Moving Average Filter - Tim Defaults to 50 SMA and 200 SMA also known as the “Golden Cross”.

A Exponential Moving Average Filter - For Those Who Want To View Shorter Term Market Swings. Defaults to 50 EMA and 100 EMA used By Chuck Hughes, 7 Time World Trading Champion. Chuck Claims the 50/100 EMA's Show the Earliest Change in Market Direction the Equal - Sustainable Moves

Inputs Tab has Checkboxes to Turn On/Off any of the 3 Filters Above.

Reference Chart Post
Chris and Tim, thanks! This is cool! What number has to be turn it off and how?
fcha...I can give you a hard time since your the first person I spoke to on TradingView a LONG time ago....

Just go to the Inputs Tab. I specifically say only use 1 checkbox BELOW This Line... Instructions are me back if your having problems
Oh.... from the input tab, I thought that from the code, sorry!
Since I can give you a hard time...No Excuse FCHA for a 19 month Veteran...

You should be teaching on TradingView by now
I cannot teach people now. I m still learning and I joint on TV from zero and never trade, from loosing money to winner now. I mean not 100% but much better since I joint TV.
That is a great story fcha. Following smart and generous folks like ChrisMoody, Tim West and many many others; I too hope to have a story similar to yours.
Thanks! I feel bless joint with TV and I wish to become millionaire one day, specially since Chris is here. I will not forget all from TV. Tim West is very good as well, I see all his great work on his chart but I dont really understand that. I m learning now and try to understand Tim's work. I love Adrian as well, I made profit with his chart.
You will niroola! I decided to learn my self because Broker just make you broke. I just wonder that all TV member become a millionaire one day.
fcha,'s an Honor to have you as part of the TradingView community. Your recent success story is precisely what the TradingView community was created for. I'm sure the owners will be Smiling from Ear To Ear when they read how TradingView has helped you improve. Although the reality is people signed up on TradingView the same day you did....and many aren't here any more. Yes... TradingView is growing exponentially. Fortunately, TradingView is attracting many high quality people like yourself...BUT KNOW THIS...YOU deserve the credit for your success b/c your "Inner Drive" and passion for Trading is 100% the reason you have started to become profitable. GREAT JOB!!!

Let's touch base soon.