Retracement and Reversal

Retracement and Reversal identifier in a Trend.

3 Retracement Options:
1. No Retracement: Simple "Is Rising" and "Is Falling" Signals.

2. Single Level Retracement:
A series of Green-Gray-Green is a Uptrend and Gray is retracement in UpTrend.
A series of Red-Gray-Red is a DownTrend and Gray is a retracement in DownTrend.
A series of Green-Gray-Red is a reversal from UpTrend to DownTrend.
A series of Red-Gray-Green is a reversal from DownTrend to UpTrend.

Enables "Averaging on Gaining Side": Buy 1 lot@ 100, Buy 1 more lot 101, Buy 1 more lot 103 and so on.

3. Multi Level Retracement:
A UpTrend shows different shades of Green indicating strength of the Trend. A Darker Green indicates a Strong and Fresh Demand. A Lighter Green indicates a weak demand. A high risk trader can use this Lighter shades to identify early reversals. Lightest Green can be used by traders to identify longer retracement converting into reversals, that is early Downtrend. Not all the Lightest Green can be a sign of reversals. Similarly for the DownTrend.

A DownTrend shows different shades of Red indicating strength of the Trend. A Darker Red indicates a Strong and Fresh Supply. A Lighter Red -Pink indicates a weak supply. A high risk trader can use this Lighter shades to identify early reversals. Lightest Red - Pink can be used by traders to identify longer retracement converting into reversals, that is early Uptrend. Not all the Lightest Red can be a sign of reversals.

1. Retracement and Reversal never predicts. It indicates "Is Rising-UpTrend", "Is Falling-DownTrend", "Is Retracing", "Is Reversing".
2. Empower traders with "Average on Gaining Side".
3. Empower traders to "Protect Capital" by "No Trades" and "Increase Capital" by "Trades"
3a. No Trades: Do not Short/Sell on Green or UpTrend, Do not Long/Buy on Red or DownTrend.
3b. Trades: Short/Sell on Red or DownTrend, Long/Buy on Green or UpTrend.
4.Identifying a correct end of retracement gives traders the opportunity to enter late into a Trend.

retracementreversaltrendTrend Analysis

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