
Basically it is an indicator that is based on different vwap

You have the vwap of the day, of the week, and the vwap at overbought and oversold levels.

This will help you distribute the different buy and sell orders. think like a whale
You no longer have an excuse to make money.

You have a twap line with the volumes that are generated over the session. Every band can be used to help you to your target profits in every trade direction

Remember to put it in a "session" timeframe, as it is useful for scalping and daytrading.

Trading tips:

The vwap of the week, if it is below, acts as support. If it is above it acts as resistance, and gives you a slight idea of ​​the market trend. During the day, the candles will be attracted to the different vwap , with the vwap of the session having greater weight. The different vwaps can be considered as zones of order diversification

Let me know if was useful for you :)

Thanks for the idea -

Exponential Moving Average (EMA)Relative Strength Index (RSI)Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)

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