[AIO] Time Separators

We can choose which time separators we want to display. The indicator has five options: Anchor Time/Day/Week/Month/Quarter.
We can choose to show one or all five of them. The color of each one can be changed.

With Anchor Time, we can choose which time we want to draw a vertical line for better timing analysis. This can show up to two Anchor Timelines.
The default values are 00:00 (New York Midnight Opening) and 08:30 (New York Session Opening).
We also have the option to show past lines or not.

Regarding Day Separator, since TradingView has supported Session Breaks in Setting, but if you don’t like to use it or it distracts you when enabled, you can use mine.
My favorite trading days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

The advantage of my Daily Separator over “TradingView Session breaks” is the TimeZone setting; you can set it to whatever time zone you like, and the session will change accordingly.
For Daily Separator, the indicator has two options to show. You can choose to show one or both of them:
  • Daily Separator by Time Zone with the text from Mon, Tue,… Sunday
  • Daily Separator Vertical Line. You can choose to show separator lines using market time like TradingView Session breaks or using timezone.


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