Trading Sessions

This indicator has the following base features:

  • Plots the session breaks of the Tokyo, London, and New York trading hours.
  • Plots the lunch break locations of the Tokyo session.
  • Plots the previous closes at the end of the Tokyo, London, and New York sessions. The New York previous close can optionally use the settlement close value from the exchange.
  • Plots a countdown and time location of the next session open and close for the Tokyo, London, and New York sessions.

    By default, all sessions are prescribed in their local time zone. Daylight savings time is also accounted for. This makes the plots operate as expected no matter what your own local time zone setting is in Trading View.
Note di rilascio
  • Updated text formatting for session start/end points.
Note di rilascio
  • Added ability to turn off each of the Tokyo, London, New York historic labels. See the main settings tab.

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