Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine, Sinc FIR Filter is a Discrete-Time, FIR Digital Filter that uses Power-of-Cosine Family of FIR filters. This is an N-order algorithm that allows up to 50 values for alpha, orders, of depth. This one differs from previous Power-of-Cosine filters I've published in that it this uses Windowed-Sinc filtering. I've also included a...
STD/C-Filtered, N-Order Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter is a Discrete-Time, FIR Digital Filter that uses Power-of-Cosine Family of FIR filters. This is an N-order algorithm that turns the following indicator from a static max 16 orders to a N orders, but limited to 50 in code. You can change the top end value if you with to higher orders than 50, but the signal is...
STD/C-Filtered, Power-of-Cosine FIR Filter is a Discrete-Time, FIR Digital Filter that uses Power-of-Cosine Family of FIR filters. This indicator also includes a clutter and standard deviation filter. Amplitudes What are FIR Filters? In discrete-time signal processing, windowing is a preliminary signal shaping technique, usually applied to improve...
STD/Clutter-Filtered, Kaiser Window FIR Digital Filter is an is FIR digital filter using Kaiser Windowing. I've also included a clutter filter to reduce signal noise. What is a Kaiser Window? The Kaiser window, also known as the Kaiser–Bessel window, was developed by James Kaiser at Bell Laboratories. It is a one-parameter family of window functions used in...
STD- and Clutter-Filtered, Non-Lag Moving Average is a Weighted Moving Average with a minimal lag using a damping cosine wave as the line of weight coefficients. The indicator has two filters. They are static (in points) and dynamic (expressed as a decimal). They allow cutting the price noise giving a stepped shape to the Moving Average. Moreover, there is the...
Clutter-Filtered, D-Lag Reducer, Spec. Ops FIR Filter is a FIR filter moving average with extreme lag reduction and noise elimination technology. This is a special instance of a static weight FIR filter designed specifically for Forex trading. This is not only a useful indictor, but also a demonstration of how one would create their own moving average using FIR...
Clutter Fitler is a simple indicator to demonstrate a clutter filter. The purpose of this technique is to filter useless noise. What is a Clutter Filter? For our purposes here, this is a filter that compares the slope of the trading filter output to a threshold to determine whether to shift trends. If the slope is up but the slope doesn't exceed the...