LoggerLibLibrary "LoggerLib"
Function Description:
This library aims to extend the logging functionality by overloading various logging methods.
The objective is to enable appending ".log" at the end of different types to make logging outputs easier.
Key features of this function include:
Multi Debug Levels: The readout will encompass error, warning, and info messages.
Controlled Output: Logging can be set for every bar or only the last X bars.
Automatic Logging: Essential variables such as bar_index, time, price, and # of times log has been called can be extracted.
Methods Included:
Logs variables.
Logs floats.
Logs integers.
Logs strings.
Logs booleans.
Logs arrays.
Logs matrices.
Logs maps.
This comprehensive logging function enhances logging capabilities,
providing versatility and ease of use in capturing and debugging data across different contexts.
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Logs any variable type, excluding custom UDTs, and displays to the logs or as a label on bars.
// Example
variable = close
variable.log(2, 0,true,true)
// Example Arrays
ArrayVariable = array.from()
// Examples Maps
MapVariable = map.new()
MapVariable.log( )
// Example Funky stuff
close.log(debugLevel = 1, showLast = 1, verbose = true, showLabels = true)
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
this (float) : Variable to be formatted into a logger message
debugLevel (int) : Log Level `1 = log.info | 2 = log.warning 3 = log.error`
showLast (int) : Shows last x Logs, 0 shows all.
verbose (bool) : Include additional Debug logger Data.
showLabels (bool) : Create Labels of the logs on that main chart.
Returns: void
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
this (int)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
this (string)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
this (bool)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: series color, simple color, input color, const color
this (color)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: array
this (array)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: map
this (map)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
method log(this, debugLevel, showLast, verbose, showLabels)
Namespace types: matrix
this (matrix)
debugLevel (int)
showLast (int)
verbose (bool)
showLabels (bool)
LogLibrary "Log"
- Log methods that return input value for code readbility and cleaness.
method str(input)
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
input (float)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
input (int)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
input (bool)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
input (string)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series linefill
input (linefill)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series line
input (line)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series box
input (box)
method str(input)
Namespace types: series label
input (label)
method str(input)
Namespace types: chart.point
input (chart.point)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: array
input (array)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method str(input)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: chart.point
input (chart.point) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
input (float) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
input (int) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
input (bool) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
input (string) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series linefill
input (linefill) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series line
input (line) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series box
input (box) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: series label
input (label) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'info' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method info(input, msg)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
msg (string)
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: chart.point
input (chart.point) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
input (float) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
input (int) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
input (bool) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
input (string) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series linefill
input (linefill) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series line
input (line) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series box
input (box) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: series label
input (label) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'warning' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method warn(input, msg)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
msg (string)
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: chart.point
input (chart.point) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
input (float) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
input (int) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
input (bool) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
input (string) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series linefill
input (linefill) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series line
input (line) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input value with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series box
input (box) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input value.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: series label
input (label) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input array with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input array.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Logs the input matrix with the 'error' log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
Returns: The input matrix.
method error(input, msg)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
msg (string)
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: chart.point
input (chart.point) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
input (float) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
input (int) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
input (bool) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
input (string) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series linefill
input (linefill) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series line
input (line) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input value with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series box
input (box) : The input value to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input value.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: series label
input (label) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input array with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input array to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input array.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: array
input (array) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Logs the input matrix with the specified log level.
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix) : The input matrix to log.
msg (string) : The message to log. Default is an empty string.
level (int) : The log level (1 - info, 2 - warning, 3 - error). Default is 1.
Returns: The input matrix.
method log(input, msg, level)
Namespace types: matrix
input (matrix)
msg (string)
level (int)
support_array_methodsLibrary "support_array_methods"
Contains methods for support work with arrays:
1. unic
description: delete duplicate element from array
param _array: array for delete duplicate. Support types: int,float,string,bool
return: duplicate-free array
NetLiquidityLibraryMacFLibrary "NetLiquidityLibraryMacF"
The Net Liquidity Library provides daily values for net liquidity. Net liquidity is measured as Fed Balance Sheet - Treasury General Account - Reverse Repo. Time series for each individual component included too.
Gets the Net Liquidity time series for the last 250 trading days. Dates that are not present are represented as na.
component (simple string) : The component of the Net Liquidity function to return. Possible values: 'fed', 'tga', and 'rrp'. (`Net Liquidity` is returned if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The Net Liquidity time series or a component of the Net Liquidity function.
StrategyDashboardLibrary ”StrategyDashboard”
Hey, everybody!
I haven’t done anything here for a long time, I need to get better ^^.
In my strategies, so far private, but not about that, I constantly use dashboards, which clearly show how my strategy is working out.
Of course, you can also find a number of these parameters in the standard strategy window, but I prefer to display everything on the screen, rather than digging through a bunch of boxes and dropdowns.
At the moment I am using 2 dashboards, which I would like to share with you.
1. monthly(isShow)
this is a dashboard with the breakdown of profit by month in per cent. That is, it displays how much percentage you made or lost in a particular month, as well as for the year as a whole.
isShow (bool) - determine allowance to display or not.
2. total(isShow)
The second dashboard displays more of the standard strategy information, but in a table format. Information from the series “number of consecutive losers, number of consecutive wins, amount of earnings per day, etc.”.
isShow (bool) - determine allowance to display or not.
Since I prefer the dark theme of the interface, now they are adapted to it, but in the near future for general convenience I will add the ability to adapt to light.
The same goes for the colour scheme, now it is adapted to the one I use in my strategies (because the library with more is made by cutting these dashboards from my strategies), but will also make customisable part.
If you have any wishes, feel free to write in the comments, maybe I can implement and add them in the next versions.
Debugging Made EasyMake debugging easier during development in Pinescript by displaying debug variables on the chart. No need for explanations, you devs know how to use it :)
Library "debug"
label(_output, _delete, _position)
- Debug label
_output (string) : Label output string
_delete (bool) : Delete all labels and only show the last one
_position (string)
label(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (float)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (int)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (bool)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label_last(_output, _delete, _position)
- Debug label on last bar
_output (string) : Label output string
_delete (bool) : Delete all labels and only show the last one
_position (string)
label_last(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (float)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label_last(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (int)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label_last(_output, _delete, _position)
_output (bool)
_delete (bool)
_position (string)
label_array(_items, _max, _reversed)
- Debug label on last bar.
_items (float ) : array of items.
_max (int) : Maximum items to display
_reversed (bool) : Show reversed array
label_array(_items, _max, _reversed)
_items (string )
_max (int)
_reversed (bool)
label_array(_items, _max, _reversed)
_items (int )
_max (int)
_reversed (bool)
array(_items, _max, _reversed)
- Debug label on last bar.
_items (float ) : array of items.
_max (int) : Maximum items to display
_reversed (bool) : Show reversed array
error(_message, _display)
- Debug error message.
_message (string) : Label output string
_display (bool) : Toggle to show hide the message.
error(_message, _display)
_message (float)
_display (bool)
error(_message, _display)
_message (int)
_display (bool)
warning(_message, _display)
- Debug warning message.
_message (string) : Label output string
_display (bool) : Toggle to show hide the message.
warning(_message, _display)
_message (float)
_display (bool)
warning(_message, _display)
_message (int)
_display (bool)
info(_message, _display)
- Debug info message.
_message (string) : Label output string
_display (bool) : Toggle to show hide the message.
info(_message, _display)
_message (float)
_display (bool)
info(_message, _display)
_message (int)
_display (bool)
Backtest Strategy Optimizer AdapterBacktest Strategy Optimizer Adapter
With this library, you will be able to run one or multiple backtests with different variables (combinations). For example, you can run 100 backtests of Supertrend at once with an increment factor of 0.1. This way, you can easily fetch the most profitable settings and apply them to your strategy.
To get a better understanding of the code, you can check the code below.
Single backtest results
= backtest.results(date_start, date_end, long_entry, long_exit, take_profit_percentage, stop_loss_percentage, atr_length, initial_capital, order_size, commission)
Add backtest results to a table
backtest.table(initial_capital, profit_and_loss, open_balance, winrate, entries, exits, wins, losses, backtest_table_position, backtest_table_margin, backtest_table_transparency, backtest_table_cell_color, backtest_table_title_cell_color, backtest_table_text_color)
Backtest result without chart labels
= backtest.run(date_start, date_end, long_entry, long_exit, take_profit_percentage, stop_loss_percentage, atr_length, initial_capital, order_size, commission)
Backtest result profit
profit = backtest.profit(date_start, date_end, long_entry, long_exit, take_profit_percentage, stop_loss_percentage, atr_length, initial_capital, order_size, commission)
Backtest result winrate
winrate = backtest.winrate(date_start, date_end, long_entry, long_exit, take_profit_percentage, stop_loss_percentage, atr_length, initial_capital, order_size, commission)
Start Date
You can set the start date either by using a timestamp or a number that refers to the number of bars back.
Stop Loss / Take Profit Issue
Unfortunately, I did not manage to achieve 100% accuracy for the take profit and stop loss. The original TradingView backtest can stop at the correct position within a bar using the strategy.exit stop and limit variables. However, it seems unachievable with a crossunder/crossover function in PineScript unless it is calculated on every tick (which would make the backtesting results invalid). So far, I have not found a workaround, and I would be grateful if someone could solve this issue, if it is even possible. If you have any solutions or fixes, please let me know!
Multiple Backtest Results / Optimizer
You can run multiple backtests in a single strategy or indicator, but there are certain requirements for placing the correct code in the right way. To view examples of running multiple backtests, you can refer to the links provided in the updates I posted below. In the samples I have also explained how you can auto-generate code for your backtest strategy.
TableLibrary "Table"
This library provides an easy way to convert arrays and matrixes of data into tables. There are a few different implementations of each function so you can get more or less control over the appearance of the tables. The basic rule of thumb is that all matrix rows must have the same number of columns, and if you are providing multiple arrays/matrixes to specify additional colors (background/text), they must have the same number of rows/columns as the data array. Finally, you do have the option of spanning cells across rows or columns with some special syntax in the data cell. Look at the examples to see how the arrays and matrixes need to be built before they can be used by the functions.
Helper function that converts a float array to a Cell array so it can be rendered with the fromArray function
floatArray (float ) : (array) the float array to convert to a Cell array.
Returns: array The Cell array to return.
Helper function that converts a string array to a Cell array so it can be rendered with the fromArray function
stringArray (string ) : (array) the array to convert to a Cell array.
Returns: array The Cell array to return.
Helper function that converts a float matrix to a Cell matrix so it can be rendered with the fromMatrix function
floatMatrix (matrix) : (matrix) the float matrix to convert to a string matrix.
Returns: matrix The Cell matrix to render.
Helper function that converts a string matrix to a Cell matrix so it can be rendered with the fromMatrix function
stringMatrix (matrix) : (matrix) the string matrix to convert to a Cell matrix.
Returns: matrix The Cell matrix to return.
fromMatrix(CellMatrix, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, tableNumRows, blankCellText)
Takes a CellMatrix and renders it as a table.
CellMatrix (matrix) : (matrix) The Cells to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
tableNumRows (int) : (int) Optional. The number of rows in the table. Not required, defaults to the number of rows in the provided matrix. If your matrix will have a variable number of rows, you must provide the max number of rows or the function will error when it attempts to set a cell value on a row that the table hadn't accounted for when it was defined.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
fromMatrix(dataMatrix, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, tableNumRows, blankCellText)
Renders a float matrix as a table.
dataMatrix (matrix) : (matrix_float) The data to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
tableNumRows (int) : (int) Optional. The number of rows in the table. Not required, defaults to the number of rows in the provided matrix. If your matrix will have a variable number of rows, you must provide the max number of rows or the function will error when it attempts to set a cell value on a row that the table hadn't accounted for when it was defined.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
fromMatrix(dataMatrix, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, tableNumRows, blankCellText)
Renders a string matrix as a table.
dataMatrix (matrix) : (matrix_string) The data to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
tableNumRows (int) : (int) Optional. The number of rows in the table. Not required, defaults to the number of rows in the provided matrix. If your matrix will have a variable number of rows, you must provide the max number of rows or the function will error when it attempts to set a cell value on a row that the table hadn't accounted for when it was defined.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
fromArray(dataArray, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, blankCellText)
Renders a Cell array as a table.
dataArray (Cell ) : (array) The data to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
fromArray(dataArray, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, blankCellText)
Renders a string array as a table.
dataArray (string ) : (array_string) The data to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
fromArray(dataArray, position, verticalOffset, transposeTable, textSize, borderWidth, blankCellText)
Renders a float array as a table.
dataArray (float ) : (array_float) The data to be rendered in a table
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the table. Defaults to position.top_right
verticalOffset (int) : (int) Optional. The vertical offset of the table from the top or bottom of the chart. Defaults to 0.
transposeTable (bool) : (bool) Optional. Will transpose all of the data in the matrices before rendering. Defaults to false.
textSize (string) : (string) Optional. The size of text to render in the table. Defaults to size.small.
borderWidth (int) : (int) Optional. The width of the border between table cells. Defaults to 2.
blankCellText (string) : (string) Optional. Text to use cells when adding blank rows for vertical offsetting.
debug(message, position)
Renders a debug message in a table at the desired location on screen.
message (string) : (string) The message to render.
position (string) : (string) Optional. The position of the debug message. Defaults to position.middle_right.
Type for each cell's content and appearance
content (series string)
bgColor (series color)
textColor (series color)
align (series string)
colspan (series int)
rowspan (series int)
UtilsLibrary "Utils"
A collection of convenience and helper functions for indicator and library authors on TradingView
My version of format number that doesn't have so many decimal places...
num (float) : (float) the number to be formatted
Returns: (string) The formatted number
Convenience function returns timestamp in yyyy/MM/dd format.
timestamp (int) : (int) The timestamp to stringify
Returns: (int) The date string
Convenience function returns timestamp in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm format.
timestamp (int) : (int) The timestamp to stringify
Returns: (int) The date string
Gets the number of inside bars for the current chart. Can also be passed to request.security to get the same for different timeframes.
Returns: (int) The # of inside bars on the chart right now.
getLabelStyleFromString(styleString, acceptGivenIfNoMatch)
Tradingview doesn't give you a nice way to put the label styles into a dropdown for configuration settings. So, I specify them in the following format: . This function takes care of converting those custom strings back to the ones expected by tradingview scripts.
styleString (string)
acceptGivenIfNoMatch (bool) : (bool) If no match for styleString is found and this is true, the function will return styleString, otherwise it will return tradingview's preferred default
Returns: (string) The string expected by tradingview functions
getTime(hourNumber, minuteNumber)
Given an hour number and minute number, adds them together and returns the sum. To be used by getLevelBetweenTimes when fetching specific price levels during a time window on the day.
hourNumber (int) : (int) The hour number
minuteNumber (int) : (int) The minute number
Returns: (int) The sum of all the minutes
getHighAndLowBetweenTimes(start, end)
Given a start and end time, returns the high or low price during that time window.
start (int) : The timestamp to start with (# of seconds)
end (int) : The timestamp to end with (# of seconds)
Returns: (float) The high or low value
Returns an expression that can be used by request.security to fetch the premarket high & low levels in a tuple.
Returns: (tuple)
Returns an expression that can be used by request.security to fetch the after hours high & low levels in a tuple.
Returns: (tuple)
Returns an expression that can be used by request.security to fetch the overnight high & low levels in a tuple.
Returns: (tuple)
Returns an expression that can be used by request.security to fetch the high & low levels for premarket, after hours and overnight in a tuple.
Returns: (tuple)
getLineStyleFromString(styleString, acceptGivenIfNoMatch)
Tradingview doesn't give you a nice way to put the line styles into a dropdown for configuration settings. So, I specify them in the following format: . This function takes care of converting those custom strings back to the ones expected by tradingview scripts.
styleString (string) : (string) Plain english (or TV Standard) version of the style string
acceptGivenIfNoMatch (bool) : (bool) If no match for styleString is found and this is true, the function will return styleString, otherwise it will return tradingview's preferred default
Returns: (string) The string expected by tradingview functions
Get the % the current price is away from the given price.
price (float)
Returns: (float) The % the current price is away from the given price.
Tradingview doesn't give you a nice way to put the positions into a dropdown for configuration settings. So, I specify them in the following format: . This function takes care of converting those custom strings back to the ones expected by tradingview scripts.
position (string) : (string) Plain english position string
Returns: (string) The string expected by tradingview functions
Get the timeframe of the current chart for display
Returns: (string) The string of the current chart timeframe
Helper function for drawings that use xloc.bar_time to help you know the time offset if you want to place the end of the drawing out into the future. This determines the time-size of one candle and then returns a time n candleOffsets into the future.
candleOffset (int) : (int) The number of items to find singular/plural for.
Returns: (int) The future time
getVolumeBetweenTimes(start, end)
Given a start and end time, returns the sum of all volume across bars during that time window.
start (int) : The timestamp to start with (# of seconds)
end (int) : The timestamp to end with (# of seconds)
Returns: (float) The volume
Returns true if the current bar occurs on today's date.
Returns: (bool) True if current bar is today
padLabelString(labelText, labelStyle)
Pads a label string so that it appears properly in or not in a label. When label.style_none is used, this will make sure it is left-aligned instead of center-aligned. When any other type is used, it adds a single space to the right so there is padding against the right end of the label.
labelText (string) : (string) The string to be padded
labelStyle (string) : (string) The style of the label being padded for.
Returns: (string) The padded string
plural(num, singular, plural)
Helps format a string for plural/singular. By default, if you only provide num, it will just return "s" for plural and nothing for singular (eg. plural(numberOfCats)). But you can optionally specify the full singular/plural words for more complicated nomenclature (eg. plural(numberOfBenches, 'bench', 'benches'))
num (int) : (int) The number of items to find singular/plural for.
singular (string) : (string) The string to return if num is singular. Defaults to an empty string.
plural (string) : (string) The string to return if num is plural. Defaults to 's' so you can just add 's' to the end of a word.
Returns: (string) The singular or plural provided strings depending on the num provided.
Get the # of seconds in a given timeframe. Tradingview's timeframe.in_seconds() expects a simple string, and we often need to use series string, so this is an alternative to get you the value you need.
timeframe (string)
Returns: (int) The number of secondsof that timeframe
Convert a timeframe string to a consistent standard.
tf (string) : (string) The timeframe string to convert
Returns: (string) The standard format for the string, or the unchanged value if it is unknown.
PineUnitPineUnit by Guardian667
A comprehensive testing framework for Pine Script on TradingView. Built with well-known testing paradigms like Assertions, Units and Suites. It offers the ability to log test results in TradingView's built-in Pine Protocol view, as well as displaying them in a compact table directly on your chart, ensuring your scripts are both robust and reliable.
Unit testing Pine Script indicators, libraries, and strategies becomes seamless, ensuring the precision and dependability of your TradingView scripts. Beyond standard function testing based on predefined input values, PineUnit supports series value testing. This means a test can run on every bar, taking into account its specific values. Moreover, you can specify the exact conditions under which a test should execute, allowing for series-based testing only on bars fitting a designated scenario.
Detailed Guide & Source Code
Quick Start
To get started swiftly with PineUnit, follow this minimalistic example.
import Guardian667/PineUnit/1 as PineUnit
var testSession = PineUnit.createTestSession()
var trueTest = testSession.createSimpleTest("True is always True")
After running your script, you'll notice a table on your chart displaying the test results. For a detailed log output, you can also utilize the Pine Protocol view in TradingView.
Running Default Unit
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Not executed: 0, Skipped: 0
To further illustrate, let's introduce a test that's destined to fail:
var bullTest = testSession.createSeriesTest("It's allways Bull Market")
bullTest.assertTrue(close > open, "Uhoh... it's not always bullish")
After executing, the test results will reflect this intentional discrepancy:
Running Default Unit
Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Not executed: 0, Skipped: 0 <<< FAILURE! - in
It's allways Bull Market
Uhoh... it's not always bullish ==> expected: , but was
This shows how PineUnit efficiently captures and reports discrepancies in test expectations.
It's important to recognise the difference between `createSimpleTest()` and `createSeriesTest()`. In contrast to a simple test, a series-based test is executed on each bar, making assertions on series values.
This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at mozilla.org
@ Guardian667
A Personal Note
As a software developer experienced in OO-based languages, diving into Pine Script is a unique journey. While many aspects of it are smooth and efficient, there are also notable gaps, particularly in the realm of testing. We've all been there: using `plotchar()` for debugging, trying to pinpoint those elusive issues in our scripts. I've come to appreciate the value of writing tests, which often obviates the need for such debugging. My hope is that this Testing Framework serves you well and saves you a significant amount of time, more that I invested into developing this "baby."
printerLibrary "printer"
Printer Library, designed to streamline the process of printing data directly onto charts while offering advanced features for enhanced functionality.
For full documentation, please visit faiyaz7283.github.io
TradeTrackerv2Library "TradeTrackerv2"
This library can be used to track (hypothetical) trades on the chart. Enter the Open, SL, and TP prices (or TP in R to have it calculated) and then call Trade.TrackTrade(barIndex). Keep track of your trades in an array and then simply call TradeTracker.UpdateAllTrades(close) to update all trades based on the current close price.
How to use:
1. Import the library, as always. I'm assuming the alias of "Tracker" below.
2. The Type Trade is exported, so generate a Trade object like newTrade = Tracker.Trade.new() .
3. Set the values for Open, SL, and TP. TP can be set either by price or by R, which will calculate the R based on the Open->SL range:
newTrade.priceOpen = 1.0
newTrade.priceSl = 0.5
newTrade.priceTp = 2.0
-- or in place of the third line above --
newTrade.rTp = 2
4. On each interval you want to update (whether that's per tick/close or on each bar), call trades.UpdateAllTrades(close) . This snippet assumes you have an array named trades (var trades = array.new()) .
In future updates, more customization options will be created. This is the initial prototype.
method MakeTradeLines(t, barIdx)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
barIdx (int)
method UpdateLabel(t)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
method MakeLabel(t, barIdx)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
barIdx (int)
method CloseTrade(t)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
method OpenTrade(t)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
method OpenCloseTrade(t, _close)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
_close (float)
method CalculateProfits(t, _close)
Calculates profits/losses for the Trade, given _close price
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
_close (float)
method UpdateTrade(t, _close)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
_close (float)
method SetInitialValues(t, barIdx)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
barIdx (int)
method UpdateAllTrades(trades, _close)
Namespace types: Trade
trades (Trade )
_close (float)
method TrackTrade(t, barIdx)
Namespace types: Trade
t (Trade)
barIdx (int)
id (series__integer)
isOpen (series__bool)
isClosed (series__bool)
isBuy (series__bool)
priceOpen (series__float)
priceTp (series__float)
priceSl (series__float)
rTP (series__float)
profit (series__float)
r (series__float)
resultR (series__float)
lineOpen (series__line)
lineTp (series__line)
lineSl (series__line)
labelStats (series__label)
TradeLibrary "Trade"
A Trade Tracking Library
Monitor conditions with less code by using Arrays. When your conditions are met in chronologically, a signal is returned and the scanning starts again.
Create trades automatically with Stop Loss, Take Profit and Entry. The trades will automatically track based on the market movement and update when the targets are hit.
Sample Usage
Enter a buy trade when RSI crosses below 70 then crosses above 80 before it crosses 40.
Note: If RSI crosses 40 before 80, No trade will be entered.
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 21)
buyConditions = array.new_bool()
buyConditions.push(ta.crossunder(rsi, 70))
buyConditions.push(ta.crossover(rsi, 80))
buy = Trade.signal(buyConditions, ta.crossunder(rsi, 40))
trade = Trade.new(close-(100*syminfo.mintick), close +(200*syminfo.mintick), condition=buy)
plot(trade.takeprofit, "TP", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, color=color.lime)
alertcondition(trade.tp_hit, "TP Hit")
method signal(conditions, reset)
Signal Conditions
Namespace types: bool
conditions (bool )
reset (bool)
Returns: Boolean: True when all the conditions have occured
method update(this, stoploss, takeprofit, entry)
Update Trade Parameters
Namespace types: Trade
this (Trade)
stoploss (float)
takeprofit (float)
entry (float)
Returns: nothing
method clear(this)
Clear Trade Parameters
Namespace types: Trade
this (Trade)
Returns: nothing
method track(this, _high, _low)
Track Trade Parameters
Namespace types: Trade
this (Trade)
_high (float)
_low (float)
Returns: nothing
new(stoploss, takeprofit, entry, _high, _low, condition, update)
New Trade with tracking
stoploss (float)
takeprofit (float)
entry (float)
_high (float)
_low (float)
condition (bool)
update (bool)
Returns: a Trade with targets and updates if stoploss or takeprofit is hit
New Empty Trade
Returns: an empty trade
stoploss (series__float)
takeprofit (series__float)
entry (series__float)
sl_hit (series__bool)
tp_hit (series__bool)
open (series__integer)
debugLibrary "debug"
Show Array or Matrix Elements In Table
Use anytime you want to see the elements in an array or a matrix displayed.
Effective debugger, particularly for strategies and complex logic structures.
Look in code to find instructions. Reach out if you need assistance.
Functionality includes:
Viewing the contents of an array or matrix on screen.
Track variables and variable updates using debug()
Track if and when local scopes fire using debugs()
Types Allowed:
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
Debug Variables in Matrix
_col (int) : (int) Assign Column
_row (int) : (int) Assign Row
_name (matrix) : (simple matrix) Matrix Name
_value (string) : (string) Assign variable as a string (str.tostring())
_msg (string)
_ip (int) : (int) (default 1) 1 for continuous updates. 2 for barstate.isnew updates. 3 for barstate.isconfirmed updates. -1 to only add once
Returns: Returns Variable _value output and _msg formatted as '_msg: variableOutput' in designated column and row
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (float)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (int)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debug(_col, _row, _name, _value, _msg, _ip)
_col (int)
_row (int)
_name (matrix)
_value (bool)
_msg (string)
_ip (int)
debugs(_col, _row, _name, _msg)
Debug Scope in Matrix - Identify When Scope Is Accessed
_col (int) : (int) Column Number
_row (int) : (int) Row Number
_name (matrix) : (simple matrix) Matrix Name
_msg (string) : (string) Message
Returns: Message appears in debug panel using _col/_row as the identifier
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
Array Element Display (Supports float , int , string , and bool )
_arrayName (float ) : ID of Array to be Displayed
_pos (string) : Position for Table
_txtSize (string) : Size of Table Cell Text
_tRows (int) : Number of Rows to Display Data In (columns will be calculated accordingly)
s_index (bool) : (Optional. Default True.) Show/Hide Index Numbers
s_border (bool) : (Optional. Default False.) Show/Hide Border
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color) : = (Optional. Default Black.) Frame/Border Color.
_fillCond (bool) : (Optional) Conditional statement. Function displays array only when true. For instances where size is not immediately known or indices are na. Default = true, indicating array size is set at bar_index 0.
_offset (int) : (Optional) Use to view historical array states. Default = 0, displaying realtime bar.
Returns: A Display of Array Values in a Table
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (int )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (string )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows, s_index, s_border, _rowCol, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_arrayName (bool )
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
_tRows (int)
s_index (bool)
s_border (bool)
_rowCol (string)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
Matrix Element Display (Supports , , , and )
_matrixName (matrix) : ID of Matrix to be Displayed
_pos (string) : Position for Table
_txtSize (string) : Size of Table Cell Text
s_index (bool) : (Optional. Default True.) Show/Hide Index Numbers
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool) : (Optional. Default False.) Show/Hide Border
bCol (color) : = (Optional. Default Black.) Frame/Border Color.
_fillCond (bool) : (Optional) Conditional statement. Function displays matrix only when true. For instances where size is not immediately known or indices are na. Default = true, indicating matrix size is set at bar_index 0.
_offset (int) : (Optional) Use to view historical matrix states. Default = 0, displaying realtime bar.
Returns: A Display of Matrix Values in a Table
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize, s_index, _resetIdx, s_border, bCol, _fillCond, _offset)
_matrixName (matrix)
_pos (string)
_txtSize (string)
s_index (bool)
_resetIdx (bool)
s_border (bool)
bCol (color)
_fillCond (bool)
_offset (int)
lib_unitLibrary "lib_unit"
functions for assertions and unit testing
method init(this)
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
method is_true(this, expression, message)
assert that expression is true, if it's false a runtime error will be thrown
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (bool) : The value to be true
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method is_false(this, expression, message)
assert that expression is false, if it's true a runtime error will be thrown
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (bool) : The value to be false
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (string) : The value to test
expected (string) : The expected value
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (int) : The value to test
expected (int) : The expected value
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (float) : The value to test
expected (float) : The expected value
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown. This version is testing length, order and values
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (string ) : The array to test
expected (string ) : The expected array
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown. This version is testing length, order and values
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (int ) : The array to test
expected (int ) : The expected array
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method equals(this, expression, expected, message)
assert if expression and expected are equal, if they don't match a runtime error will be thrown. This version is testing length, order and values
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (float ) : The array to test
expected (float ) : The expected array
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (string) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (int) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (float) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (string ) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (int ) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method not_na(this, expression, message)
assert if expression is not na, if it is a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression (float ) : The value to test
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method gt(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 > expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (int) : The value that should be greater
expression2 (int) : The value that should be lesser
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method gt(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 > expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (float) : The value that should be greater
expression2 (int) : The value that should be lesser
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method gte(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 >= expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (int) : The value that should be greater or equal
expression2 (int) : The value that should be lesser or equal
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method gte(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 >= expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (float) : The value that should be greater or equal
expression2 (int) : The value that should be lesser or equal
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method lt(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 < expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (int) : The value that should be lesser
expression2 (int) : The value that should be greater
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method lt(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 < expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (float) : The value that should be lesser
expression2 (int) : The value that should be greater
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method lte(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 <= expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (int) : The value that should be lesser or equal
expression2 (int) : The value that should be greater or equal
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
method lte(this, expression1, expression2, message)
assert that expression1 <= expression2, if it is not, a runtime error will be thrown.
Namespace types: Test
this (Test)
expression1 (float) : The value that should be lesser or equal
expression2 (int) : The value that should be greater or equal
message (string) : The message to print in the runtime error
strict (series__bool)
verbose (series__bool)
logger (|robbatt/lib_log/2;Logger|#OBJ)
lib_logLibrary "lib_log"
library for logging and debugging pine scripts
method init(this)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger)
method debug(this, message, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger to add the entry to
message (string) : The Message to add
condition (bool) : optional flag to enable disable logging of this entry dynamically (default: true)
method info(this, message, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger to add the entry to
message (string) : The Message to add
condition (bool) : optional flag to enable disable logging of this entry dynamically (default: true)
method success(this, message, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger to add the entry to
message (string) : The Message to add
condition (bool) : optional flag to enable disable logging of this entry dynamically (default: true)
method warning(this, message, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger to add the entry to
message (string) : The Message to add
condition (bool) : optional flag to enable disable logging of this entry dynamically (default: true)
method error(this, message, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger to add the entry to
message (string) : The Message to add
condition (bool) : optional flag to enable disable logging of this entry dynamically (default: true)
method debug_bar(this, message, bar, y, y_offset, last_only, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger object to check global min level condition
message (string) : The string to print
bar (int) : The bar to print the label at (default: bar_index)
y (float) : The price value to print at (default: high)
y_offset (float) : A price offset from y if you want to print multiple labels at the same spot
last_only (bool)
condition (bool)
method info_bar(this, message, bar, y, y_offset, last_only, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger object to check global min level condition
message (string) : The string to print
bar (int) : The bar to print the label at (default: bar_index)
y (float) : The price value to print at (default: high)
y_offset (float) : A price offset from y if you want to print multiple labels at the same spot
last_only (bool)
condition (bool)
method success_bar(this, message, bar, y, y_offset, last_only, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger object to check global min level condition
message (string) : The string to print
bar (int) : The bar to print the label at (default: bar_index)
y (float) : The price value to print at (default: high)
y_offset (float) : A price offset from y if you want to print multiple labels at the same spot
last_only (bool)
condition (bool)
method warning_bar(this, message, bar, y, y_offset, last_only, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger object to check global min level condition
message (string) : The string to print
bar (int) : The bar to print the label at (default: bar_index)
y (float) : The price value to print at (default: high)
y_offset (float) : A price offset from y if you want to print multiple labels at the same spot
last_only (bool)
condition (bool)
method error_bar(this, message, bar, y, y_offset, last_only, condition)
Namespace types: Logger
this (Logger) : Logger object to check global min level condition
message (string) : The string to print
bar (int) : The bar to print the label at (default: bar_index)
y (float) : The price value to print at (default: high)
y_offset (float) : A price offset from y if you want to print multiple labels at the same spot
last_only (bool)
condition (bool)
timestamp (series__integer)
bar (series__integer)
level (series__integer)
message (series__string)
min_level (series__integer)
color_logs (series__bool)
max_lines (series__integer)
line_idx (series__integer)
table_pos (series__string)
display (series__table)
log (array__|LogEntry|#OBJ)
DerivativeAlertPlaceHoldersLibrary "DerivativeAlertPlaceHolders"
TODO: Creation of Placeholders for Alerts, for using in FNO segment.
CustomMessage (string) : TODO: Requires Custom Input of Message
Returns: TODO: String with PH
CustomPlaceHoldersFNO(CustomInputMessage, InputPrice)
CustomInputMessage (string) : TODO: Requires Custom Input of Message
InputPrice (float)
Returns: TODO: Alert String with PH used in major FNO alert Segments
DebugLibrary "Debug"
Some debugging functions.
label_on_each_bar(txt, y_position, label_size, label_color, txt_color)
Prints a label on every bar to show text. By default, only the last 50 labels will be shown on the chart. You can increase this amount up to a maximum of 500 by using the max_labels_count parameter in your script’s indicator() or strategy() declaration statement.
txt (string) : New label text.
y_position (float) : New price of the label position.
label_size (string) : Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Optional. Default value is `size.small`.
label_color (color) : New label border and arrow color. Optional. Default value is `color.blue`.
txt_color (color) : New text color. Optional. Default value is `color.white`.
Returns: void
label_on_last_bar(txt, y_position, label_size, label_color, txt_color, txt_align)
Prints one label at last bar to show text.
txt (string) : New label text.
y_position (float) : New price of the label position.
label_size (string) : Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Optional. Default value is `size.large`.
label_color (color) : New label border and arrow color. Optional. Default value is `color.blue`.
txt_color (color) : New text color. Optional. Default value is `color.white`.
txt_align (string) : Label text alignment. Optional. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right. Default value is `text.align_center`.
Returns: void
table_symbol_informations(table_position, table_color, text_color)
Prints a table to show all the Symbol information, including its function names.
table_position (string) : Position of the table. Optional. Possible values are: position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right. Default value is `position.middle_right`.
table_color (color) : The background color of the table. Optional. The default is `color.yellow`.
text_color (color) : The color of the text. Optional. The default is `color.black`.
Returns: void
table_array_float(array_float, table_columns, table_rows, table_position, table_color, txt_color, txt_size)
Prints a table to show float values of an array.
array_float (float ) : The array that will be showed.
table_columns (int)
table_rows (int) : The number of rows to show the values.
table_position (string) : Position of the table. Optional. Possible values are: position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right. Default value is `position.bottom_center`.
table_color (color) : The background color of the table. Optional. By default there is no color.
txt_color (color)
txt_size (string) : Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Optional. Default value is `size.normal`.
Returns: void
table_array_int(array_float, table_columns, table_rows, table_position, table_color, txt_color, txt_size)
Prints a table to show int values of an array.
array_float (int ) : The array that will be showed.
table_columns (int)
table_rows (int) : The number of rows to show the values.
table_position (string) : Position of the table. Optional. Possible values are: position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right. Default value is `position.bottom_center`.
table_color (color) : The background color of the table. Optional. By default there is no color.
txt_color (color)
txt_size (string) : Possible values: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Optional. Default value is `size.normal`.
Returns: void
You don't need to initialize anything..
After you import the library you can use .print() as easy as that..!
Hope this helps
* use a unique ID for each .print() call
let me know if you run into any bugs
by trying to make it as user friendly as possible i had to do
some not ideal things so there's a chance it could present some bugs with
a lot of labels present on the chart
and if you use label.all to parse and manipulate the labels on the chart..
most likely it will cause an issue but not a lot of people use this so
I don't think that will be a problem.
FFriZz | frizlabz
Library "print"
Single function to print any type to console
method str(inp)
`method` convert all types to string
*.str(any inp) => string
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
inp (string) : `any` - desc | Required
Returns: `string` formatted string
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
inp (int)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
inp (float)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
inp (bool)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series linefill
inp (linefill)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series line
inp (line)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series box
inp (box)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: series label
inp (label)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: matrix
inp (matrix)
method str(inp)
Namespace types: linefill
inp (linefill )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: line
inp (line )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: box
inp (box )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: label
inp (label )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: string
inp (string )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: int
inp (int )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: float
inp (float )
method str(inp)
Namespace types: bool
inp (bool )
method arrayShorten(str)
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
str (string) : `string` - the string to shorten | Required
Returns: `string` - a shortened version of the input string if it is an array with more than 7 elements, otherwise the original string
method matrixShorten(str)
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
str (string) : `string` - the string to shorten | Required
Returns: `string` - the shortened matrix string if the input is a matrix, otherwise returns the input string as is
method print(x, ID)
print all types to theh same console with just this `method/function`
*.print(any x, string ID, bool shorten=true?) => console
"param 'shorten' - only for arrays and matrixs" | true
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
x (string) : - `any` input to convert
ID (string) : - `string` unique id for label on console `MUST BE UNIQUE`
Returns: adds the `ID` and the `inp` to the console on the chart
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
x (float)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
x (int)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series box
x (box)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series bool, simple bool, input bool, const bool
x (bool)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series label
x (label)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series line
x (line)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID)
Namespace types: series linefill
x (linefill)
ID (string)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: string
x (string )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: float
x (float )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: int
x (int )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: box
x (box )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: bool
x (bool )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: label
x (label )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: line
x (line )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: linefill
x (linefill )
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
method print(x, ID, shorten)
Namespace types: matrix
x (matrix)
ID (string)
shorten (bool)
arraybrowser█ ARRAY BROWSER
Add you arrays to the array browser window and scroll them away left and right.
Flexible formatting options (see below).
Many thanks to @kaigouthro for his beautiful matrixautotable library. (import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/14)
How to use
Copy the "ARRAY BROWSER" commented code section below to your script and uncomment.
See DEMO section in the library for usage examples.
Basically: add() your arrays and draw() on barstate.islast.
If your script adds the arrays every calculation do not forget to clear() before adding.
Otherwise, since the arrays are added by reference, no need to add them on every bar, every time you draw() the actual values are retrieved.
Up to 10 arrays of each type (float/string/line/label/box) are supported (total 50 arrays).
Change offset in the input settings to scroll left/right.
Usage example:
import moebius1977/arraybrowser/1 as arraybrowser // this alias is used in the copied section, so better keep it
arbr.clear() // clears all rows and deletes the table
arbr.add(arrayFloat, format = "0.00") // adds an array with title
arbr.add(arrayInt) // adds an array without title
arbr.add(arrayTimes, "array of times 1", "date time") // format date and time so as to fit in the cell.
arbr.add(arrayTimes, "array of times 2", "{0, time, HH:mm}") // format date and time so as to fit in the cell.
arbr.add(arrayString) //
arbr.add(arrayLine, "arrayLines", "(x1, y1) (x2,y2)") // use your own format combining "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"
arbr.add(arrayLabel, "arrayLabel", "txt") // only print label text, no coordinates
arbr.add(arrayBox, showIds = true) // show ID's for this array if input setting is "individually"
arbr.draw() // shows the table with arrays, use on barstate.islast
Formatting options
For float/int you can always use format string like "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}" or "{0.00}".
Additional options are
- --- Number formats ---
- "number"
- "0"
- "0.0"
- "0.00"
- "0.000"
- "0.0000"
- "0.00000"
- "0.000000"
- "0.0000000"
- --- Date formats ---
- "date"
- "date : time"
- "dd.MM"
- "dd"
- --- Time formats ---
- "time"
- "HH:mm"
- "mm:ss"
- "date time"
- "date, time"
- "date,time"
- "date\time"
For line and box : Empty `format` returns coordinates as "(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)". Otherwise "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(line, "x1, x2") will only return x1 and x2 separated by comma).
For label : Empty `format` returns coordinates and text as "(x, y): text = text". Otherwise "x1", "y1", "txt" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(label, "txt") will only return text of the label)
JavaScript-style Debug ConsoleThis library provides a JavaScript-style debug console to Pine Coders. It supports the most commonly used utilities from the WHATWG Console Standard including the following:
• console.log
• console.debug
• console.info
• console.warn
• console.error
• console.assert
• console.count
• console.countReset
• console.group
• console.groupEnd
• console.clear
In addition to the WHATWG standard, this library also supports the following methods:
• console.show
• console.hide
• Follows the WHATWG Console Standard, which is widely adopted by all major JavaScript runtimes including browsers and Node.js.
• Provides an out-of-box UI with pre-configured theming, ensuring a clean and professional-looking console.
• Allows for easy UI customizations to fit your personal preferences.
• Has extremely simple import and initialization, making it easy to integrate with your existing codebase.
1. Import this library:
import algotraderdev/Console/1
2. Initialize the console object:
var console = Console.new()
// You can also specify optional params to customize the look & feel.
var console = Console.new(
position = position.bottom_right,
max_rows = 50,
width = 0,
text_size = size.normal,
background_color = #000000CC,
timestamp_color = #AAAAAA,
info_message_color = #DDDDDD,
debug_message_color = #AAAAAA,
warn_message_color = #FFEB3B,
error_message_color = #ff3c00)
3. Use the console object to debug your code. Here are some examples:
// Basic logging
console.log('hello world!') // prints 'hello world'
console.warn('warn') // prints 'warn' in yellow
console.error('error') // prints 'error' in red
console.clear() // clears the console
// Assertion
console.assert(a.isEmpty(), 'array should be empty') // prints 'assertion failed: array should be empty' if the array is not empty
// Counter
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 1'
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 2'
console.countReset('fooFunction') // resets the counter
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 1'
// Group
// prints
// A
// B
// C
// D
// E
// F
// Hide and show
loggerLibrary "logger"
◼ Overview
A dual logging library for developers. Tradingview lacks logging capability. This library provides logging while developing your scripts and is to be used by developers when developing and debugging their scripts.
Using this library would potentially slow down you scripts. Hence, use this for debugging only. Once your code is as you would like it to be, remove the logging code.
◼︎ Usage (Console):
Console = A sleek single cell logging with a limit of 4096 characters. When you dont need a large logging capability.
indicator("demo.Console", overlay=true)
import GETpacman/logger/1 as logger
var console = logger.log.new()
console.init() // init() should be called as first line after variable declaration
console.log(' ')
console.log(' ')
console.log('Hello World')
console.log(' ')
console.log(' ')
console.FrameColor:=color.blue //settings can be changed anytime before show method is called. Even twice. The last call will set the final value
console.ShowHeader:=false //this wont throw error but is not used for console
console.show(position=position.bottom_right) //this should be the last line of your code, after all methods and settings have been dealt with.
◼︎ Usage (Logx):
Logx = Multiple columns logging with a limit of 4096 characters each message. When you need to log large number of messages.
indicator("demo.Logx", overlay=true)
import GETpacman/logger/1 as logger
var logx = logger.log.new()
logx.init() // init() should be called as first line after variable declaration
logx.log(' ')
logx.log(' ')
logx.log('Hello World')
logx.log(' ')
logx.log(' ')
logx.FrameColor:=color.olive //settings can be changed anytime before show method is called. Even twice. The last call will set the final value
logx.show(position=position.top_right) //this should be the last line of your code, after all methods and settings have been dealt with.
◼︎ Fields (with default settings)
▶︎ IsConsole = True Log will act as Console if true, otherwise it will act as Logx
▶︎ ShowHeader = True (Log only) Will show a header at top or bottom of logx.
▶︎ HeaderAtTop = True (Log only) Will show the header at the top, or bottom if false, if ShowHeader is true.
▶︎ ShowStatusBar = True Will show a status bar at the bottom
▶︎ StatusBarAtBottom = True Will show the status bar at the bottom, or top if false, if ShowHeader is true.
▶︎ ShowMetaStatus = True Will show the meta info within status bar (Current Bar, characters left in console, Paging On Every Bar, Console dumped data etc)
▶︎ ShowBarIndex = True Logx will show column for Bar Index when the message was logged. Console will add Bar index at the front of logged messages
▶︎ ShowDateTime = True Logx will show column for Date/Time passed with the logged message logged. Console will add Date/Time at the front of logged messages
▶︎ ShowLogLevels = True Logx will show column for Log levels corresponding to error codes. Console will log levels in the status bar
▶︎ ReplaceWithErrorCodes = True (Log only) Logx will show error codes instead of log levels, if ShowLogLevels is switched on
▶︎ RestrictLevelsToKey7 = True Log levels will be restricted to Ley 7 codes - TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL
▶︎ ShowQ1 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q1
▶︎ ShowQ2 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q2
▶︎ ShowQ3 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q3
▶︎ ShowQ4 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q4
▶︎ ShowQ5 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q5
▶︎ ShowQ6 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q6
▶︎ ColorText = True Log/Console will color text as per error codes
▶︎ HighlightText = True Log/Console will highlight text (like denoting) as per error codes
▶︎ AutoMerge = True (Log only) Merge the queues towards the right if there is no data in those queues.
▶︎ PageOnEveryBar = True Clear data from previous bars on each new bar, in conjuction with PageHistory setting.
▶︎ MoveLogUp = True Move log in up direction. Setting to false will push logs down.
▶︎ MarkNewBar = True On each change of bar, add a marker to show the bar has changed
▶︎ PrefixLogLevel = True (Console only) Prefix all messages with the log level corresponding to error code.
▶︎ MinWidth = 40 Set the minimum width needed to be seen. Prevents logx/console shrinking below these number of characters.
▶︎ TabSizeQ1 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q1 or Console messages will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ2 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ3 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ4 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ5 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ6 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ PageHistory = 0 Used with PageOnEveryBar. Determines how many historial pages to keep.
▶︎ HeaderQbarIndex = 'Bar#' (Logx only) The header to show for Bar Index
▶︎ HeaderQdateTime = 'Date' (Logx only) The header to show for Date/Time
▶︎ HeaderQerrorCode = 'eCode' (Logx only) The header to show for Error Codes
▶︎ HeaderQlogLevel = 'State' (Logx only) The header to show for Log Level
▶︎ HeaderQ1 = 'h.Q1' (Logx only) The header to show for Q1
▶︎ HeaderQ2 = 'h.Q2' (Logx only) The header to show for Q2
▶︎ HeaderQ3 = 'h.Q3' (Logx only) The header to show for Q3
▶︎ HeaderQ4 = 'h.Q4' (Logx only) The header to show for Q4
▶︎ HeaderQ5 = 'h.Q5' (Logx only) The header to show for Q5
▶︎ HeaderQ6 = 'h.Q6' (Logx only) The header to show for Q6
▶︎ Status = '' Set the status to this text.
▶︎ HeaderColor Set the color for the header
▶︎ HeaderColorBG Set the background color for the header
▶︎ StatusColor Set the color for the status bar
▶︎ StatusColorBG Set the background color for the status bar
▶︎ TextColor Set the color for the text used without error code or code 0.
▶︎ TextColorBG Set the background color for the text used without error code or code 0.
▶︎ FrameColor Set the color for the frame around Logx/Console
▶︎ FrameSize = 1 Set the size of the frame around Logx/Console
▶︎ CellBorderSize = 0 Set the size of the border around cells.
▶︎ CellBorderColor Set the color for the border around cells within Logx/Console
▶︎ SeparatorColor = gray Set the color of separate in between Console/Logx Attachment
◼︎ Methods (summary)
● init ▶︎ Initialise the log
● log ▶︎ Log the messages. Use method show to display the messages
● page ▶︎ Clear messages from previous bar while logging messages on this bar.
● show ▶︎ Shows a table displaying the logged messages
● clear ▶︎ Clears the log of all messages
● resize ▶︎ Resizes the log. If size is for reduction then oldest messages are lost first.
● turnPage ▶︎ When called, all messages marked with previous page, or from start are cleared
● dateTimeFormat ▶︎ Sets the date time format to be used when displaying date/time info.
● resetTextColor ▶︎ Reset Text Color to library default
● resetTextBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Text BG Color to library default
● resetHeaderColor ▶︎ Reset Header Color to library default
● resetHeaderBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Header BG Color to library default
● resetStatusColor ▶︎ Reset Status Color to library default
● resetStatusBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Status BG Color to library default
● setColors ▶︎ Sets the colors to be used for corresponding error codes
● setColorsBG ▶︎ Sets the background colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If not match of error code, then text color used.
● setColorsHC ▶︎ Sets the highlight colors to be used for corresponding error codes.If not match of error code, then text bg color used.
● resetColors ▶︎ Reset the colors to library default (Total 36, not including error code 0)
● resetColorsBG ▶︎ Reset the background colors to library default
● resetColorsHC ▶︎ Reset the highlight colors to library default
● setLevelNames ▶︎ Set the log level names to be used for corresponding error codes. If not match of error code, then empty string used.
● resetLevelNames ▶︎ Reset the log level names to library default. (Total 36) 1=TRACE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=CRITICAL, 7=FATAL
● attach ▶︎ Attaches a console to an existing Logx, allowing to have dual logging system independent of each other
● detach ▶︎ Detaches an already attached console from Logx
method clear(this)
Clears all the queue, including bar_index and time queues, of existing messages
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resize(this, rows)
Resizes the message queues. If size is decreased then removes the oldest messages
Namespace types: log
this (log)
rows (int) : The new size needed for the queues. Default value is 40.
method dateTimeFormat(this, format)
Re/set the date time format used for displaying date and time. Default resets to dd.MMM.yy HH:mm
Namespace types: log
this (log)
format (string)
method resetTextColor(this)
Resets the text color of the log to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetTextColorBG(this)
Resets the background color of the log to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetHeaderColor(this)
Resets the color used for Headers, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetHeaderColorBG(this)
Resets the background color used for Headers, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetStatusColor(this)
Resets the text color of the status row, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetStatusColorBG(this)
Resets the background color of the status row, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetFrameColor(this)
Resets the color used for the frame around the log table, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColorsHC(this)
Resets the color used for the highlighting when Highlight Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColorsBG(this)
Resets the background color used for setting the background color, when the Color Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColors(this)
Resets the color used for respective error codes, when the Color Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method setColors(this, c)
Sets the colors corresponding to error codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color is used
method setColorsHC(this, c)
Sets the highlight colors corresponding to error codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of highlight colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color BG is used
method setColorsBG(this, c)
Sets the highlight colors corresponding to debug codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of background colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color BG is used
method resetLevelNames(this, prefix, suffix)
Resets the log level names used for corresponding error codes
With prefix/suffix, the default Level name will be like => prefix + Code + suffix
Namespace types: log
this (log)
prefix (string) : Prefix to use when resetting level names
suffix (string) : Suffix to use when resetting level names
method setLevelNames(this, names)
Resets the log level names used for corresponding error codes
Index 0 of input array names is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array names is name used for error code 1.
Index 2 of input array names is name used for error code 2.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
names (string ) : Array of log level names be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then an empty string is used
method init(this, rows, isConsole)
Sets up data for logging. It consists of 6 separate message queues, and 3 additional queues for bar index, time and log level/error code. Do not directly alter the contents, as library could break.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
rows (int) : Log size, excluding the header/status. Default value is 50.
isConsole (bool) : Whether to init the log as console or logx. True= as console, False = as Logx. Default is true, hence init as console.
method log(this, ec, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, tv, log)
Logs messages to the queues , including, time/date, bar_index, and error code
Namespace types: log
this (log)
ec (int) : Error/Code to be assigned.
m1 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q1, or for console.
m2 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q2. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m3 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q3. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m4 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q4. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m5 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q5. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m6 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q6. Not used/ignored when in console mode
tv (int) : Time to be used. Default value is time, which logs the start time of bar.
log (bool) : Whether to log the message or not. Default is true.
method page(this, ec, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, tv, page)
Logs messages to the queues , including, time/date, bar_index, and error code. All messages from previous bars are cleared
Namespace types: log
this (log)
ec (int) : Error/Code to be assigned.
m1 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q1, or for console.
m2 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q2. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m3 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q3. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m4 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q4. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m5 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q5. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m6 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q6. Not used/ignored when in console mode
tv (int) : Time to be used. Default value is time, which logs the start time of bar.
page (bool) : Whether to log the message or not. Default is true.
method turnPage(this, turn)
Set the messages to be on a new page, clearing messages from previous page.
This is not dependent on PageHisotry option, as this method simply just clears all the messages, like turning old pages to a new page.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
turn (bool)
method show(this, position, hhalign, hvalign, hsize, thalign, tvalign, tsize, show, attach)
Display Message Q, Index Q, Time Q, and Log Levels
All options for postion/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, size.auto etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
position (string) : Position of the table used for displaying the messages. Default is Bottom Right.
hhalign (string) : Horizontal alignment of Header columns
hvalign (string) : Vertical alignment of Header columns
hsize (string) : Size of Header text Options
thalign (string) : Horizontal alignment of all messages
tvalign (string) : Vertical alignment of all messages
tsize (string) : Size of text across the table
show (bool) : Whether to display the logs or not. Default is true.
attach (log) : Console that has been attached via attach method. If na then console will not be shown
method attach(this, attach, position)
Attaches a console to Logx, or moves already attached console around Logx
All options for position/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, size.auto etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
attach (log) : Console object that has been previously attached.
position (string) : Position of Console in relation to Logx. Can be Top, Right, Bottom, Left. Default is Bottom. If unknown specified then defaults to bottom.
method detach(this, attach)
Detaches the attached console from Logx.
All options for position/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, size.auto etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
attach (log) : Console object that has been previously attached.
libhs_td5Library "libhs_td5"
td5 Test Data Library for Logx Testing
fill(dbus, fillData)
dbus (matrix)
fillData (bool)