Market Delta [Makit0]MARKET DELTA INDICATOR v0.5 beta
Market Delta is suitable for daytrading on intraday timeframes, is a volume based indicator which allows to see the UP VOLUME vs the DOWN VOLUME, the DELTA (difference) and the CUMULATIVE DELTA (cumulative sum of difference) between them
This indicator is based on contracts volume (data avaiable), not in ask/bid volume (data not avaiable)
The up/down volume is calculated at each candle as follows:
- calculate the ticks of the range, top wick and bottom wick
- calculate the ticks up and ticks down to get the total ticks of the candle
- calculate the volume per tick as total volume divided by total ticks
- calculate the up and down volume as volume per tick multiplied by up ticks and down ticks
The delta is calculated as volume up minus volume down
The cumulative delta is a cumulative sum of delta and is resetted to 0 twice a day at the globex open and at the us cash open
By default the indicator plots the 'CANDLE MODE' which is useful for charting the cumulative volume to find out support and resistance zones where the volume is rejected or pass thru, as the volume moves so does the price, price always follows the volume, price goes away from where volume dries and price auctions comfortable where is plenty of volume, in a way PRICE FEEDS ON VOLUME
An indication about the plotting style in the volume, delta and cumulative delta modes: I can't use histogram as intended due a bug at autoresizing the scale in the candle mode, so the styles used are areabr and circles.
- Plot volume in one of four modes: Volume Up/Down, Delta, Cumulative Delta, Cumulative Delta as Candles
- Cumulative delta resetted twice a day (globex and cash open)
- Show a base line at 0
- Mode: select one of the four volume output modes: Volume, Delta, Cumulative Delta and Candles. Candles by default
- Show zero line: show/hide the zero base line. False by default.
BE AWARE, by default the indicator settings are configured for using the Cumulative Delta Candle Mode
- Candles Mode Settings: configured by default, mode candles and zero line off
- Volume, Delta, Cumulative Delta Mode Settings: select the mode you want and switch on/off the zero line
Bitcoin East vs WestPlots the volume weighted price difference between the top spot exchanges in the "East" (Asian markets) versus the "West" (US/UK/EU markets).
Optional: view the volume difference between the two.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & DAPD This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This indicator is similar to Bollinger Bands. It based on DAPD - Daily
Average Price Delta. DAPD is based upon a summation for each of the
highs (hod) for the 21 days prior to today minus the summation for
each of the lows (lod) for the last 21 days prior to today. The result
of this calculation would then be divided by 21.
It will be buy when high above previos DAPD high and sell if low below previos DAPD low
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Delta Volume Columns [LucF]Displays delta volume columns using intrabar volume information. Each volume column is divided into three sections: buying, selling and neutral volume. Volume for each section is determined from the volume and price movement of each intrabar at a user-selected lower resolution.
Features include:
- Choice of color themes for either dark or light chart backgrounds
- Delta volume columns
- Volume Balance displayed as the difference between the MAs of buying and selling volume
- Display of divergences between a bar’s volume balance and the bar’s price movement (example: buying volume > selling volume but close < open). Divergences can be shown in 2 different color schemes (including green/red showing a tentative direction), on volume columns and/or on chart bars
- Display of bar by bar volume balance with highlighting of above average volume
- Display of the usual total volume MA
- Choice of the lower resolution used to retrieve intrabar information
- Alerts configurable on any combination of the markers, with control over long/short direction
- Choice of 3 different markers:
1. Double bumps: two consecutive bars where buying or selling volume is in the same direction and where volume > volume MA
2. Divergence confirmations: direction of the price bar following a price/volume balance divergence
3. Volume balance shifts: zero level crossings of the volume balance MA delta
The chart shows the two main modes of display:
- Top pane : shows the stacked volume columns with divergences in orange and the flattened volume balance MAs delta at the bottom of the volume columns. This volume balance is the same shown in the bottom pane. The top pane also shows the instant volume balance strip above the volume columns. The strip’s colors show which of the buying or selling volume was greater, and colors are brighter if the total volume was above the total volume MA.
- Bottom pane : shows the volume balance MAs delta with markers 1 and 2. Given that this graphic has no price momentum component, I find quite eerie how it often looks like a momentum-based signal.
The default 5 minute intrabar resolution is used in combination with the weekly chart, which is excessive.
This script uses a special characteristic of the security() function’s behavior when it is sent to a resolution lower than the chart’s resolution. Details are given in the script’s comments. This method has the advantage of working under more circumstances than some of the other loop-based methods, but it also has its limits.
This is what you need to know:
- The method used does not work on the realtime bar—only on historical bars. Consequently, the volume column shown on the realtime bar is a normal volume column plotted in green or red, following price movement. The column will only show delta volume information after it closes and becomes a historical bar.
- The indicator only works on some chart resolutions: 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. The script’s code can be modified to run on other resolutions, but chart resolutions must be divisible by the lower resolution used for intrabars.
- Intrabar resolutions can be selected from 1, 5, 15, 30, 45 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month. The intrabar resolution must of course be smaller than the chart’s resolution.
- Contrary to my other indicators where alerts must be configured to trigger “Once Per Bar Close” in order to avoid false triggers (or repainting), all this indicator’s alerts are designed to trigger using previous bar information since the indicator’s calculations in the realtime bar are not exact. Markers are not plotted with a negative offset; they appear at the beginning of the realtime bar following confirmation of the marker’s condition on the previous bar. Alerts for this indicator should thus be configured to trigger “Once Per Bar” so they trigger at the beginning of the realtime bar. Note that the penalty is not that great, as it is simply the instant between the close of the previous realtime bar and the opening of the next. The advantage of using this technique is that the indicator does not repaint; a marker that appears at the beginning of the realtime bar will never disappear.
- The script only plots information that is reliable in the realtime bar, i.e., total volume and markers. All other plots are set to n/a to prevent misleading traders.
- When the difference between the chart’s resolution and the lower resolution is too important, volume columns will not calculate for all bars in the dataset.
On Delta Volume
Buying or selling volume are misnomers, as every unit of volume transacted is both bought and sold by 2 different traders. There is no such thing as “buy only” or “sell only” volume, but trader lingo is riddled with original fabulations.
Without access to order book information, traders work with the assumption that when price moves up during a bar, there was more buying pressure than selling pressure. The built-in volume indicator available on TradingView uses this logic to color the volume columns green or red. While this script’s numbers are more precise because it analyses a number of intrabars to calculate its information, it uses the exact same imperfect logic to calculate its buying/selling/neutral sections.
Until Pine scripts can have access to how much volume was transacted at the bid/ask prices, our so-called buying/selling volume information will always be a mere proxy.
You may wonder how there can be divergences between buying/selling volume information and price movement. This will sometimes be due to the methodology’s shortcomings we have just discussed, but divergences may also occur in instances where because of order book structure, it takes less volume to increase the price of an asset than it takes to decrease it.
As usual, divergences are points of interest because they reveal imbalances, which may or may not become turning points. I do not share the overwhelming enthusiasm traders have for divergences. To your pattern-hungry brain, the orange bars this indicator shows on chart will—as divergences on other indicators do–appear to often indicate turnarounds. My opinion is that reality is generally quite sobering, as many who have tried building automated rules based on divergences will tell you. I do not have hard numbers on the lack of performance of divergences—only many failed attempts to make them perform, which a few experienced strategy modelers I know share with me. Please don’t try to read too much into them. While they look great on past data, I find they are often difficult to use in realtime to make bets with good odds.
Thanks to:
- A guy called Kuan who commented on a Backtest Rookies presentation of an intrabar delta volume indicator using a for loop. The heart of “my” indicator is code borrowed from Kuan; I just built a hopefully useful wrapper around it.
- @theheirophant, my partner in the exploration of the sometimes weird abysses of security() ’s behavior at lower resolutions.
Delta longs-shorts. BITFINEX:BTCUSDFor any timeframe. Use for the BTC/USD pair. It is calculated by the formula: longs - shorts. Used data from Bitfinex. To smooth the values, you can use the EMA embedded in the indicator.
Monster Cumulative Delta OpenAfter a few requests, the MonsterDelta is is now available with open source.
As mentioned before, it uses an approximation of Up and Down Volume (because they are not kept by Tradingview/not accessible by Pinescript).
The approximation is:
The "up path" on the "up" candle can be approximated by (High-Low).
The "down path" on the "up" candle can be approximated by (High-Close)+(Open-Low).
(and similar for the down candle, like in the 1st post.)
Total path=up path + down path.
Up volume = Tick volume * up path/total path
Down volume = Tick volume * down path/total path
IO_EMA_Delta_OscillatorThis is a EMA Delta Oscillator: An attempt to show ranging markets based on the slope of the EMA.
Green = Bullish Market
Blue = Ranging Market
Red = Bearish Market
The EMA Slope is normalized to make it work like an oscillator with values between 0 and 1.
Bar colors show the oscillator colors, bar borders show the actual candle colors.
- Invsto
Moving Average Delta Indicator by KIVANC fr3762Description:
MAD stands for Moving Average Delta, it calculates the difference between moving average and price. The curve shows the difference in Pips.
By calculating the delta between two points we can see more small changes in the direction of the moving average curve which are normally hard to see. You can see the MAD curve as look through the microscope at a simple moving average curve. It may help predicting a trend change before it happens, the sample shows a beginning trend change from long to short.
If the MAD curve is bigger than 0, the moving average is above the price
If the MAD curve is smaller than 0, the moving average is below the price
Before a trend change, the moving average gets flatter, the MAD curve points to towards the zero
We can see what is the maximum rising/falling of the difference and predict an upcomming trend change
Drop a simple moving average to a chart and set the period in a way that it best fits the movements. There is no "magic" settings for the moving average period, you may double click the MA line to set it to a different period.
Drop the MAD indicator to the cart and give it the same period as your simple moving average .
DAPD - Daily Average Price Delta This indicator is similar to Bollinger Bands. It based on DAPD - Daily
Average Price Delta. DAPD is based upon a summation for each of the
highs (hod) for the 21 days prior to today minus the summation for
each of the lows (lod) for the last 21 days prior to today. The result
of this calculation would then be divided by 21.