Gecko Ultimate Margin Trading Script (V1-STD)I am Gecko, and I can change myself flexibly to fit all types of terrain.
Contact me for a trial period.
Omni Trader | RMI EMA RSI VOL | Margin Focused Indicator Version 1.0
I'm happy to release my latest and most complex indicator, 'Omni Trader', this was programmed for but absolutely not limited to margin trading (BTC & ETH) and over the course of the indicator testing has yielded great results. Furthermore, the word omni translated to 'all' or 'of all things' which is exactly what this indicator is about, it can be used for swing trading, scalp trading, margin trading all done manually or via automated methods eg. Autoview.
Regarding the testing, it was primarily done on 5M candles on BTCUSD and ETHUSD and are where the default settings will fit most appropriately on first inspection, however, this tool has been programmed to have copious amounts of customisation for you to tweak and adjust to your trading style, please see the features outlined below for details:
UI: Perfectly clear UI configured so the user can easily identify where signals are triggering along the chart and where areas of conditional logic is taking place with a colour scheme that is easy on the eye.
Logic: 3 levels of base logic (toggleable) to display entries and exits ranging from 'All Trades' to more conservative levels, restricting signals.
UI: Restrict Signal Repeats is a toggleable option to restrict subsequent signals triggering straight after each other, this optional is of main use in automated trading (Autoview)
Logic: Volume is an toggleable parameter will fully customisable settings that allows you to influence the signal logic by including it in conditional logic
Logic: RMI is one of the main indicators to form your signals based on momentum, fully customisable as always, the advantage of this indicator is that because its momentum based it give you signals around the clock regardless of time frame (in contrast to eg. RSI which will often not have one half of the signals for prolonged periods of time due to market conditions/direction)
Logic: EMA is also one of the main set of tools used to form the signals and is heavily influenced by the 3 levels of base logic mentioned earlier that are toggleable but also you can customise each EMA length to suit to your strategy, the defaults are ideal for faster time-frames.
Logic: A new programmed feature called signal limited that I have developed, this is an RSI based trigger that you can set a custom time-frame for, it will restrict your signals based on OS/OB conditions too, eg. you wont create longs if the ticker is very overbought on the 1D time frame - extremely useful for optimising trades.
As with all my indicators, I have a series of updates and versions planned to improve this indicator further. Early adopters get the benefit of a cheaper access price and also having their say in how they want the indicator to be tailored and improved. Omni Trader is already a complete indicator that can be used to make profit, but the future updates will be focused on quality of life and further conditional logic additions to optimise it further.
Trial access to this indicator is done via my discord server and community listed below, you can request access on there. Those who do not use discord, contact me directly on TV.
Discord Link:
Bitfinex Long vs Short (TickerID)Uses the active ticker to show long/short values on all Bitfinex pairs that have that data available on Tradingview.
Aesthetic Margin Long/Short Changes v2 [MrBit]This is a rewrite of the original:
I really like the above script (Thank you Pastafarian!) but it was annoying that
it always took so long to load, so I made some edits so it would run faster.
Basically I replaced all the custom code (the sum loop and the calculations)
with pinescript builtins since they are faster and I commented out price since it
runs slowly (and I always have it on the chart anyway), but feel free to uncomment if you want it,
it is still a speed up.
Bitfinex BTCUSD margin longs vs shortsNon overlay indicator for BTCUSDLONGS and BTCUSDSHORTS + delta
MP Rollercoaster Strat
This TMA strategy is called rollercoaster for the rounded ways it follows the moving average. Tried pinpointing entry/exit points as well as I could. Included alertconditions as well as syntax at the bottom for use with Autoview in a margin or spot trading environment. There is also the Study side for syntax and alertconditions use :) (autoview users and more!)
As usual, free to use, change it to suit your needs, please don't resell for profit.
For carpel tunnel surgery!
btc addy- 1Dsg49Zt2FQ9BnUHrmXQwvhL5dd3teqa7g
ltc addy- LYUpgsHSHnKeYdNaj9bu9prK4QsnJXEQtP
pinkcoin addy- 2PoeXyAk3rF9FmMC8azme2mGzMYsEiZ5eS
MP Rollercoaster Study
This TMA study is called rollercoaster for the rounded ways it follows the moving average. Tried pinpointing entry/exit points as well as I could. Included alertconditions as well as syntax at the bottom for use with Autoview in a margin or spot trading environment. There is also the Strategy side chart use :)
As usual, free to use, change it to suit your needs, please don't resell for profit.
For carpel tunnel surgery!
btc addy- 1Dsg49Zt2FQ9BnUHrmXQwvhL5dd3teqa7g
ltc addy- LYUpgsHSHnKeYdNaj9bu9prK4QsnJXEQtP
pinkcoin addy- 2PoeXyAk3rF9FmMC8azme2mGzMYsEiZ5eS
BitMEX Premium Index (.XBTUSDPI) [R1984]Basic indicator showing raw values of the BitMEX Premium Index (.XBTUSDPI) used in calculating the funding rate.
Funding rate indicator available here .
Bitfinex Sentiment VolumeThis indicator takes the current symbol (ex. BITFINEX:NEOUSD), looks for long and short positions in Bitfinex and displays the total volume of margin positions.
When you hover the indicator you can see the total volume in blue, the volume of long positions in green and the volume of short positions in red.
This indicator is meant to be combined with the Bitfinex Sentiment Oscillator indicator in order to get the full picture of margin positions.
Bitfinex Sentiment OscillatorThis indicator takes the current symbol (ex. BITFINEX:NEOUSD), looks for long and short positions in Bitfinex and displays an oscillator between -100 and +100.
The oscillator represents the dominance between long and short positions where -100 means 100% short dominance, 0 means that the number of positions is even (50%/50% dominance) and +100 means 100% long dominance.
In this example, during November's NEO Flash Crash, the oscillator displayed 98.1022 % of long dominance, which basically means that everyone who had a leveraged position was stacked in a domino which eventually resulted in massive liquidations and the dreaded flash crash.
This indicator is meant to be combined with the Bitfinex Sentiment Volume indicator in order to get the full picture of margin positions.
BitMEX Funding [R1984]This indicator attempts to emulate the BitMEX predicted funding rate for the XBTUSD perpetual swaps contract.
Indicator Key
Green/Red Area plot: Raw values of the calculated funding rate based on the XBTUSD Premium Index (.XBTUSDPI)
White Line plot: Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) of the calculated funding rate
Lime/Fuchsia Line plot: Predicted funding rate
BITFINEX Long to Short RatioShows the ratio of longs to shorts. Above 1.0 means more longs. Below 1.0 means more shorts. A value of 1.0 means equilibrium.
CryptoM173's Gimme Money v1.1I like money, you like money, this set up has the potential to make a LOT of it. That being said, I do NOT make any warranties of this making you money, nor do I guarantee you will NOT lose money. In the end, you're the one configuring it and interpreting the results. Providing that you DO set it up correctly and it makes you obscene amounts of money, donations are always welcome (addresses below).
Before you start, it's probably you read EVERYTHING below.
You'll have to do some tweaking of the MA's to find a strat that best suits your needs. It is an indicator you're welcome to use to assist in your trading decisions. I made this script for renko charts and trading bitcoin because the standard strat wasn't working out. if you find you're getting a lot of consecutive colored bars or crosses on Renko, you may need to switch from ATR 14 to something like Traditional 50. You will need to adjust the "box value" for traditional renko to fit the asset you're working with, on the time frame you're trading on. Smaller values (i.e. on bitcoin I use a box value of 50 on 4hr and 1D with absurd success) but you need to make sure they're not too small, otherwise small moves may appear larger than they are, resulting in a bunch of break-even trades. If you're going to be trading cryptocurrency, it's easiest to switch back to ATR14 to get an idea of the Average Trading range to have a reference point to start from trading btc (i.e .000034 rather than 50).
It's a great tool if you're looking to carry both swap and futs positions and keep an eye on the short term swap opportunities while monitoring the status of your futs position and help decide whether or not to close a long at a correction or not and while this strategy has been most effective for me with Renko bars, it's been very useful for monitoring futs positions on traditional charts.
For access, feel free to DM me on twitter, @CryptoM173
If you're the generous type, feel free to donate Bitcoin to: 3BMEXWz6Es7iLdi9zAyMWWHHZPNbMKPqrV
CryptoM173's Gimme MoneyI like money, you like money. You'll have to do a considerable amount of configuration. As of right now, I'm using just the last two sets (confirming and Big Picture) on the input page and the last 4 color bars that correspond to those two sets on the style page.
[PW] BITFINEX Shorts ChangeA very simple indicator to show the change of longs between the previous period and the current period on bitfinex, this works for any margin pair on Bitfinex but can also be locked to BITFINEX:BTCUSD, works hand in hand with my "Longs Change" indicator
[PW] BITFINEX Longs ChangeA very simple indicator to show the change of longs between the previous period and the current period on bitfinex, this works for any margin pair on Bitfinex but can also be locked to BITFINEX:BTCUSD, works hand in hand with my "Shorts Change" indicator
MACD Strategy V2.0 DASH/BTC 3H
MACD STRATEGY Calculate for DASH/BTC 3H with 100 Dollar and FEE? s (0.2%)
Autoview qualified Study Script
For Margin Trading (Poloniex)
MACD Created by user ChrisMoody
With Stopp Loss and Trailing Stopp and Backtest
6 Mon = 600%
[PW] BITFINEX Longs & Shorts (all pairs)This is the same as my previous BITFINEX Longs & Shorts script but with an update by @slylandro to work with other pairs on BFX
Green area = Longs
Red area = Shorts
Lighter area = Longs - Shorts (good for spotting sentiment)
[RS]Function Account Margin Call Functions V0some simple functions to handle account margin call / trailling stop for account.