Scalp - 50/200 EMAWorks on any timeframe but was built originally for scalping. Uses 50EMA and 200EMA to define the trend and touch backs on to the 50 EMA for entry.
200 EMA - White Line
50 EMA - Yellow Line
ATR: Length 14 Smoothing RMA
1. Wait for 50ema to crossover 200 ema – Then wait for candle to touch 50 ema after the cross.
2. Entry: Green candle that closes above 50 ema without getting more than 3 candles closing below(BUY) or above (SELL) 50ema.
3. Stop loss: 2x ATR value below entry candle.
4. Take profit: 1.5x the risk.
Settings allow for # of Entries allowed per trend as well as EMA periods.
Opposite for Sell Entries (Stop Loss: 2x ATR value above entry candle)
Medie mobili
BTC Volatility Band StrategyThis script/strategy is a pullback system designed for securities with high volatility so naturally Bitcoin is an excellent choice for trading this. This could be used both on a daily chart or on lower timeframes (I found good results on 3hr timeframe but haven't tested it on anything under 1hr).
A volatility band is created by comparing the candle close price of the previous 2 candles and and it uses this change in price to create a moving average. A band is wrapped around the moving average with a standard deviation of 1 for the inner band and 2 for the outer band. If the price is above a pre-set MA (moving average filter) then it is determined we are in an uptrend so the strategy will issue a buy signal when we are in an uptrend and there is a pullback which causes the lower inner deviation band to be spiked, but if the price continues and falls through the outer deviation band then a buy signal will not issue as this detriments that the volatility spike is to great. You can see a spike "buy" event occur on the indicator where the background is coloured green. For a short/sell then there will be a spike on the upper inner band and we are below the pre-set MA filter, for this it shows with red background on the indicator.
The user can change the date range they wish to test, the moving average period for the volatility tracking and the inner and outer band deviations. On BTC I left the inner deviation and outer deviation bands on standard settings but found the 3 period volatility tracking to be good for trading 1 day chart and the 5 period volatility tracking good for the 3hr chart. Since this is not a buy and hold strategy then for trading you would probably want to stick with the most liquid coins so you can get in and out very fast on any exchange. If you wanted to tray this on less volatile markets then changing the inner deviation band to ~0.75 would work okay in various futures markets likely stocks as well. The take profit and stop loss levels are based on a multiple of the trading range looking back the past 7 candles.
Attached result is trading 1 BTCUSDT contract on Binance.
A different approach to Gerald Appel's classical Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
Appel originaly set MACD with exponential moving averages.
In this version users can apply 11 different types of moving averages which they can benefit from their smoothness and vice versa sharpnesses...
Built in Moving Average type defaultly set as VAR but users can choose from 11 different Moving Average types like:
SMA : Simple Moving Average
EMA : Exponential Moving Average
WMA : Weighted Moving Average
DEMA : Double Exponential Moving Average
TMA : Triangular Moving Average
VAR : Variable Index Dynamic Moving Average a.k.a. VIDYA
WWMA : Welles Wilder's Moving Average
ZLEMA : Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average
TSF : True Strength Force
HULL : Hull Moving Average
TILL : Tillson T3 Moving Average
In shorter time frames backtest results shows us TILL, WWMA, VIDYA (VAR) could be used to overcome whipsaws because they have less numbers of signals.
In longer time frames like daily charts WMA, Volume Weighted MACD V2, and MACDAS and SMA are more accurate according to backtest results.
My interpretation of Buff Dormeier's Volume Weighted MACD V2:
Thomas Aspray's MACD: (MACDAS)
HYE Mean Reversion VWAP [Strategy]An RSI filtered version of PJ Sutherland's Jaws Mean Reversion algorithm using volume weighted average price (VWAP) instead of simple moving average (SMA).
"Long" on the close when;
1-) 2 period VWAP closes 3% or more below the 5 period VWAP ,
2-) 5 period exponential average of the 2 period RSI is below 30.
"Exit Long" on the close when;
1-) 2 period VWAP closes above the 5 period VWAP.
"Short" on the close when;
1-) 2 period VWAP closes 3% or more above the 5 period VWAP ,
2-) 5 period exponential average of the 2 period RSI is above 70.
"Exit Short" on the close when;
1-) 2 period VWAP closes below the 5 period VWAP.
*** You can change the needed percentage for long and short trades, periods of VWAPs and RSI levels.
*** You can select the trend direction: "Long Only" , "Short Only" or "Both". Default is "Long Only".
I used the "VWAP with period" indicator code of @neolao. Special thanks to @neolao.
Indicator Link:
HYE Mean Reversion SMA [Strategy]An RSI filtered version of PJ Sutherland's Jaws Mean Reversion algorithm.
"Long" on the close when;
1-) 2 period simple moving average closes 3% or more below the 5 period simple moving average,
2-) 5 period exponential average of the 2 period RSI is below 30.
"Exit Long" on the close when;
1-) 2 period simple moving average closes above the 5 period moving average.
"Short" on the close when;
1-) 2 period simple moving average closes 3% or more above the 5 period simple moving average,
2-) 5 period exponential average of the 2 period RSI is above 70.
"Exit Short" on the close when;
1-) 2 period simple moving average closes below the 5 period moving average.
*** You can change the needed percentage for long and short trades, periods of simple moving averages and RSI levels.
*** You can select the trend direction: "Long Only" , "Short Only" or "Both". Default is "Long Only".
Traders Trend StrategyTrader's Trend
This indicator basicly using 4 different calculations average.
And you can see this average as line on this script.
This line has 2 functions
1. Buy and Sell Strategy
-İf the line colored BLUE this means you can BUY (Long)
-İf the line colored RED this means you can SELL (Short)
As you can see the picture you can buy-sell and long-short with this line
2. Support and Resistance Function
You can use the line as resistance and support.
You can see when you can LONG and when you can SHORT with this strategy.
FXFUNDINGMATE TREND INDICATORA simple trend continuation strategy based on Ichimoku, moving average, Stochastic and MACD
VWMA with kNN Machine Learning: MFI/ADXThis is an experimental strategy that uses a Volume-weighted MA (VWMA) crossing together with Machine Learning kNN filter that uses ADX and MFI to predict, whether the signal is useful. k-nearest neighbours (kNN) is one of the simplest Machine Learning classification algorithms: it puts input parameters in a multidimensional space, and then when a new set of parameters are given, it makes a prediction based on plurality vote of its k neighbours.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is an oscillator similar to RSI, but with volume taken into account. Average Directional Index (ADX) is an indicator of trend strength. By putting them together on two-dimensional space and checking, whether nearby values have indicated a strong uptrend or downtrend, we hope to filter out bad signals from the MA crossing strategy.
This is an experiment, so any feedback would be appreciated. It was tested on BTC/USDT pair on 5 minute timeframe. I am planning to expand this strategy in the future to include more moving averages and filters.
TopTenAlgo 10. SQZMOM Algorithmic Strategy with Alerts & SignalsEN: This Algorithm is a derivative of John Carter's "TTM Squeeze" volatility indicator. Many strategists have taken the indicator on Tradingview with simple moving averages and have looked at the biggest mistake only by dealing with squeeze and exit processes to squeeze. But I used the algorithm to determine where the markets would actually explode. For example, instead of using SMAs , I tested them on the Linear Regression Curve using Volume Weighted Moving Averages and Hull MAs. This gave me the opportunity to develop a more responsive algorithm and identify where the actual explosion would occur. The Gray Circles in the midline show that the market is entering a new jam (in the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel). This means low volatility , the market prepares itself for an explosive move (up or down). White Circles mean that it is about to get out of the jam. The Blue Circles, which no one can calculate, now inform that the exit is no longer jammed and that the explosion has taken place.
Mr. Carter recommends that you wait until the first gray after a gray cross and take a position in the momentum direction (for example, if the momentum value is above zero, relax). Exit position when the momentum changes (increase or decrease, this is indicated by a color change). In this algorithm, I tried to achieve good entry points using an additional indicator such as ADX and WaveTrend. To draw the histogram, I used a different method based on Linear Regression . Mr.Carter uses a simple momentum indicator. Strategy, alarms and signals have been added to the indicator so that you can optimize in algorithmic trading.
In summary, this algorithm is a strict algorithm in which additional 4-5 indicators are blended. Conveniences for Everyone ...
TR: Bu Algoritma John Carter'ın "TTM Squeeze" volatilite göstergesinin bir türevidir. Bir çok stratejist Tradingview' de gösterge' yi basit hareketli ortalamalarla ele almış ve en büyük hatayı sadece sıkışma ve sıkışmadan çıkış süreçlerini ele alarak bakmışlardır. Fakat ben algoritmayı piyasaların asıl patlama yapacağı yeri tespit etmek için kullandım. Örneğin SMA' ları kullanmak yerine Hacim Ağırlıklı Hareketli Ortalamaları ve Hull MA' ları kullanarak onları Linerar Regresyon Eğrisinde stress testine tabi tuttum. Buda bana daha duyarlı bir algoritma geliştirmem ve asıl patlamanın olacağı yerleri tespit etmem için fırsat verdi. Orta hattaki Gri Daireler, piyasanın yeni bir sıkışmaya girdiğini gösteriyor ( Bollinger Bantları ve Keltner Kanalı'nda). Bu, düşük volatilite anlamına gelir, piyasa kendisini patlayıcı bir harekete hazırlar (yukarı veya aşağı). Beyaz Daireler ise sıkışmadan çıkmak üzere olduğu anlamına gelir. Hiç kimsenin hesap edemediği Mavi Daireler ise artık sıkışmadan çıkıldığını ve patlamanın gerçekleştiğini haber verir.
Mr.Carter, gri bir çarpı işaretinden sonra ilk griye kadar beklemenizi ve momentum yönünde bir pozisyon almanızı önerir (örneğin, momentum değeri sıfırın üstünde ise, rahat olun). Momentum değiştiğinde pozisyondan çıkın (artırma veya azaltma, bunu o bir renk değişikliği ile belirtilir). Bu algoritmada ben, ADX ve WaveTrend gibi ek bir gösterge kullanarak iyi giriş noktalarıelde etmeye çalıştım. Histogramı çizmek için ise Linear Regresyon tabanlı farklı bir yöntem kullandım. Mr.Carter basit bir momentum göstergesi kullanır. Göstergeye algoritmik işlemlerde optimizasyon yapabilmeniz için strateji, alrmlar ve sinyaller eklenmiştir.
Özetle bu algoritma ek 4-5 göstergenin harmanlandığı sıkı bir algoritmadır. Herkese Kolaylıklar dilerim...
5MA_X_LThis is a 5 day moving average crossing long strategy in 10 min. chart, used in short term momentum trading strategy.
Momentum trading Strategy: When S&P 500 index is at up trend (or above 60 sma ), buy 10+ stocks in top 20% stock RS ranking at equal weight using this MA5X_L strategy. Change stocks when any stock exited by algorithm.
Back test start since 2020/7/1, each long entry for condition 1 is $30000, condition 2 is $20000, with max of 2 long positions.
Setup: 10 minutes chart
Buy condition 1) 3 wma cross up 195 wma (5day) 2) 3wma > 78wma > 195wma UP Trend Arrangement (UTA)
Exit condition 1) 3 wma cross under 195 wma 2) position profit > 20% and 3 wma cross under 6 ATRs line (green)
RSI Strategy w/ Trailing SL / TP Optimized for Crypto [Strategy]This strategy is designed to use the RSI and EMA filters. A 200 period EMA is used for short / long filters, and the 50 period EMA is used to determine the direction of the short term trend.
In addition, the script uses "rate of change" for the fast EMA (trend), volume , RSI (momentum), and price (volatility) and only takes trades when all are in optimal conditions.
I.E., the EMA is in an uptrend, the volume is increasing, price is in an uptrend, and the RSI is in an uptrend, so we will place a Long trade.
This strategy uses EMAs as a trailing stop loss and take profit. As this is a trend following strategy, the idea is to maximize profits when correct and minimize losses when
It was designed specifically using crypto pairs, and was optimized for the 10 minute chart.
My goal was to get the best use out of the RSI indicator. I was originally an MACD fanboy, but have recently converted.
Want to help me improve this code or strategy? Have suggestions for improvement? Leave them in the comments below.
Thanks for using my script! I hope it works well for you and good luck in the markets.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I'll do my best to respond.
This script does not repaint as it only relies on close data to make a decision to enter a trade.
How to use this strategy:
Enable Long Entries? - Used to enable or disable the strategy from executing long entries.
Enable Short Entries? - Used to enable or disable the strategy from executing short entries.
How Many Bars To Look Back for Hi/Lo: - This is used for the Stop Loss and Take Profit targets. An integer of bars is used to look back and calculate the values.
RSI Length (Rec: 8) - The length of the RSI
Source - The RSI Source
Use Slow EMA? - If checked, a 200 period EMA will be used to filter entries long or short (only take shorts when the price is below, long when above). In addition, the script will close any trades that cross the 200 period EMA. By default this is disabled.
EMA Slow - the period of the Slow EMA (200 by default)
EMA Slow Src - what to use to calculate the Slow EMA (high by default)
EMA Fast - The Fast EMA (50 period) is used to calculate the direction of the short term trend. This also factored into the Rates of Change.
EMA Fast Src - what to use to calculate the Fast EMA
ATR Length - If used, the ATR length is used to calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit targets.
SL Multiplier - The distance away from the initial value to multiply the Stop Loss
TP Multiplier - The distance away from the initial value to multiply the Take Profit.
Use EMA as SL / TP? - If true (default) a 3 period EMA is used to calculate Stop Loss and Take Profit targets. Else, an ATR is used to calculate these values.
Stop Loss / Take Profit Offset - Default: 3 - this is used to shift the EMA / ATR Stop Loss and Take Profit lines to the right X bars. This is to ensure that they are hit properly and not exceeded.
Short Len Vol - Use to calculate the volume of the short length, used in rate of change calculations
Long Len - Use to calculate the volume of the long length, used in rate of change calculations
RSI Long Entry Val - Minimum RSI crossover value to enter a trade Long. If the RSI is below this value, trade entries are not valid.
RSI Long Cutoff Threshold - Long entry RSI value cutoff to no longer enter trades. If the RSI is above this value, trades entries are not valid.
RSI Short Entry Val - Minimum RSI crossover value to enter a trade Short. If the RSI is above this value, trade entries are not valid.
RSI Short Cutoff Threshold - Short entry RSI value cutoff to no longer enter trades. If the RSI is below this value, trades entries are not valid.
ROC Fast EMA - Calculates the rate of change between the Fast Ema now and 'X' bars ago. For a long entry, a positive value is needed, and for a short entry, a negative value is needed.
ROC Price - Calculates the rate of change between the most recent price close and 'X' bars ago. For a long entry, a positive value is needed, and for a short entry, a negative value is needed.
ROC RSI - Calculates the rate of change between the RSI now and 'X' bars ago. For a long entry, a positive value is needed, and for a short entry, a negative value is needed.
Use Close for SL - Default = Off - If checked, when a candle hits the stop loss, the trade will close on the next candle. If unchecked, the trade will remain open until the candle closes at or beyond the stop loss lines.
Custom Message Boxes - Primarily used for bots, but can be used to also insert your own messages for your trading alerts.
PMax on Rsi w/T3 *Strategy*Profit Maximizer Indicator on RSI with Tillson T3 Moving Average:
PMax uses ATR calculation inside, for this reason users couldn't manage to use PMax on RSI because RSI indicator doesn't have High and Low values in bars, but ATR needs that values. So I personally calculate RSI in a different way to have High and Low values of RSI wrt price bars.
Because of the sudden movements and divergences on RSI , this indicator must firstly optimized for the charts before using. Optimization can be held by users for the meaningful parameters for each chart.
3 parameters are critical when optimizing:
First: Multiplier
Second: Tillson T3 Length
Third: T3 Volume Factor
Says, Kıvanç Özbilgiç. Here's the strategy version for you to backtest & optimize properly.
Swing High Low Price Channel V.1You should buy/sell small order at small plot zone or after small plot. And, Buy/sell big order at big plot zone or after big plot.
Recommended, You should use this with Fibonacci Retracement, Price Action or Graph Pattern.
Newton theory (Bollinger Band Breakout)Initial capital 1000 USD
Order size 10%
Commission 0.3% with slippage
Timeframe 4h
This is Simple Bollinger Band Trend find out strategy.
I'm using the usual trailing offset as an exit for this strategy.
using 1x leverage to go long short within 3years backtest result more then 200% for all usd pair.
in next version i will try to find out more optimize sma,std,sl,tp parameter by using freqtrade hyperparameter optimization.
Happy Trading :)
Scalper Helper System===========================================================================
Scalper Helper System combines a series of trade strategies which have been learned and honed in the Jim of All Trades channel.
Paixy has contributed candlestick combination rules, Jonas has shared his deep understanding of Stochastic.
Jim himself has taught clearly on the merits of RSI.
This system attempts to formulate all the notes and rules I have made over the past months.
The system searches for 10 - 15 rules which are divided into bullets and bombs. Bombs relate to momentum, so these signals may not be pinpoint accurate, but they are more often leading to bigger moves.
This initial version is released mainly only to the JOAT community to help continue the development of the idea and to help find
continued improvements.
Special thanks to FiendishFeather for his strategy work, (check out his work to learn how to apply any trading strategy to his back testing harness), and the date filtering snippet and the tip to show this option at the top.
The strategy decisions are based on the following general rules:
BULLETs are hint to the idea of firing a small sized position into the market, BOMBs are hints to go all in - however this does not mean proper risk management should be forgotten.
Without risk management this and any strategy will lead to failure.
Without risk management this and any strategy will lead to failure.
Without risk management this and any strategy will lead to failure.
Without risk management this and any strategy will lead to failure.
Bullet1 uses the value of the stochastic and checks for buy/sell cross over on 5m, 8m and 13m chart.
These values should be calculated on a ratio basis ideally.
Bullet2 measures divergence between the printed Stochastic signals.
Bullet3 has been decommissioned.
Bullet4 is an RSI divergence and value indicator.
Bullet5 has been decommissioned.
Bullet6 uses the history of the stochastic buy and sell signals
Bullet7 uses the Scalper Helper Trends for entries by attempting to see how the overall trend is changing. More refinement is needed here.
Bullet8 uses the Scalper Helper Trends on multiple timeframes for entries.
Bullet9 strict buy/sell signals from Stochastic RSI
Bomb1 relies on the Fast, Medium and Slow MA's being correctly lined up as well as the Stochastic, this hints at a more imminent move and so the strategy suggests a quicker entry.
Bomb2 relies on the Fast, Medium and Slow MA's NOT being correctly lined up as well as the Stochastic, and therefore has the luxury of suggesting Limit orders near the local high/low.
Bomb3 looks for two or more Stochastics signals in the same direction and then performs a divergence calculation.
Bomb4 looks a change in the Stochastics signals direction and then performs a divergence calculation.
Configuration settings:
Users can chose to show mainly buy and/or sell signals and can select a level of strictness. Enabling strict rules will force a multi timeframe comparison of Stochastic analysis.
Users can try different levels for long and short targets for profit and stop loss. This is important because the market does not behave the same going up as it does going down.
The RSI conditional check makes the strategy more selective. This discernment can be applied to bullets or bombs in order to validate entry and exits.
During the bull run and perhaps even in ranging markets, the RSI overbought levels is usually 70-80, but in the bear market we are seeing in Crypto now, a value of 60 is more useful. Try for yourself to see what works for you and feedback in the comments.
An additional indicator, Scalper Helper Trends is recommended to get a quick view on the trend condition (rally, base, down) by viewing the MACD from multiple time frames. Further research is required to know which larger timeframes work best here.
For the 15min chart, 15m, 30m, 45m, 60m, 120m, 240m, 360m, 960m would work well. Note it is not possible to go higher than 1000 at this time.
Whether you use the Scalper Helper trends or not for your own visual confirmation, it is possible to allow this indicator to attempt to read it for you. More research is required to best model the reading of this. For now, it will simply measure the gradient of the number of up versus down colors.
The system can also find entries off the Scalper Helper Trends - but really this, by design is not the best use of Scalper Helper Trends. Although you may prove me wrong so the option is given for you to find buy/sells with your own testing.
Users can chose to use some engulfing candle arrangements to trigger exits and define the length of the 200MA and decide if this should play a part in the filtering of the signals. Similarly, a check can be made to ensure that the first two candles after a signal are behaving as we would expect with the "Wait for 2 closing in the direction of the signal" option. This has a lot of value on the 1min chart.
When Revenge trade is set to true you may re-enter a trade in the same direction as the last one when the last one was stopped out, otherwise you would only be looking for trades in the other direction. We all should not revenge trade, and indeed I have only seen a few cases when it has increased the profitability, however this option remains for now.
The flip opens a new trade in the reverse direction when a signal is given to close a trade, but does not apply to scenarios where stop losses or take profit closed the trade.
3 EMA + Stochastic RSI + ATR 3ESRA
Coded by Vaida Bogdan
3ESRA consists of a 3 EMA cross + a close above (for longs) the quickest EMA
or below (for shorts). Note that I've deactivated the RSI Cross Over/Under
(you can modify the code and activate it). The strategy also uses a stop loss
that's at 1 ATR distance from the entry price and a take profit that's at
4 times the ATR distance from the entry price.
Chandelier + BB + EMASIn this strategy I am using the Emas and bollinger bands' width to determine the entry conditions:
Objetive of emas: Determine the current market trend
BB: Avoid low volatility market periods
Chandelier: Exit trades
Long Condition:
Once the fast moving average turns above the slow ma is first signal
Entry into the trade if the width crosses above the threshold set up by the user
Short condition: Exact opposite to long condition
Current idea is using an suppose capital of 1000 USD and paying commissions of 0.2%.
Educational purposes only at the time.
PMA Strategy IdeaThis strategy idea uses three EMAs on HLC/3 data, know as PMA(Pivot Moving Average). This strategy is very useful in trending instruments on 1W and 1D timeframes. This is the implementation used in QuantCT app. The study version of this idea is published in public library as ACD PMA .
You can set operation mode to be Long/Short or long-only.
You also can set a fixed stop-loss or ignore it so that the strategy act solely based on entry and exit signals.
Trade Idea
When all EMAs are rising, market is considered rising (bullish) and the plotted indicator becomes green.
When all EMAs are falling, market is considered falling (bearish) and the plotted indicator becomes red.
Otherwise, market is considered ranging and the plotted indicator becomes orange.
Entry/Exit rules
Enter LONG if all EMAs are rising (i.e. when the plotted indicator becomes green).
Enter SHORT if all EMAs are falling (i.e. when the plotted indicator becomes red).
EXIT market if none of the above (i.e. when the plotted indicator becomes orange).
It's just a bare trading idea - a profitable one. However, you can enhance this idea and turn it into a full trading strategy with enhanced risk/money management and optimizing it, and you ABSOLUTELY should do this!
DON'T insist on using Long/Short mode on all instruments! This strategy performs much better in Long-Only mode on many (NOT All) trending instruments (Like BTC , ETH, etc.).
MACd+200EMAIndicator used:
MACD default values.
EMA 200
How the script works:
When MACD line Crosses the signal line below the 0 histogram value while candles are above 200EMA a buy signal generated .
When signal line Crosses the MACD line below above 0 histogram value while candles are below 200EMA a buy signal generated .
Default SL and TP:
By default I have set TP =20 pips and SL=20pips
How to manage the trades:
You can manage the trades according to your own rules.
This script shows only the BUY and SELL signal generation and EXIT points when the trade reach 20 pips profit or loss
Lawyers Trend Pro StrategyThis indicator basilcy has 1 line
This indicator basicly using 2 different calculations average.
And you can see this average as line on this script.
This line has 2 functions
1. Buy and Sell Strategy
-İf the line colored BLUE this means you can BUY (Long)
-İf the line colored RED this means you can SELL (Short)
As you can see the picture you can buy-sell and long-short with this line
2. Support and Resistance Function
You can use the line as resistance and support.
You can see when you can LONG and when you can SHORT with this strategy.
Stochastic Optimized Trend Tracker *Strategy*Stochastic OTT is Anıl Özekşi's latest derived version of Optimized Trend Tracker on Stochastic Oscillator.
He tried to solve the fake signals of Stochastic Oscillator by adopting OTT on the indicator.
He advised users to set the stochastic smoothing parameters to 500 and 200 on his latest video about SOTT.
He personally uses 1 min charts on stock market so the parameters of the indicator might have to be optimized for other time frames nad markets.
He exaggerated the Stochastic to 1000's to have better signals of percent values of OTT .
Also hes used VIDYA in both calculations of OTT and Stochastic smoothing.
Said, Kıvanç Özbilgiç.
I just made a Strategy version of the script so that we lads can backtest it. The codes for that are yet again from Kıvanç Özbilgiç :) I just copy-pasted a few and did some adjustments. Hope you enjoy!
Rainbow Strategy BacktestingRainbow Strategy Backtesting base on "Rainbow Moving Average" Strategy as below:
1.Rainbow Moving Average setup
- Source: source of 1st MA
- Type: SMA/EMA
- Period: period of 1st MA
- Displacement: period of 2nd MA to 7th MA with source is previous MA
2.Trend Define
- Up Trend: Main MA moving at the top of Rainbow
- Down Trend: Main MA moving at the bottom of Rainbow
- Sideway: Main MA moving between the top and the bottom of Rainbow
- Buy Signal: When Rainbow change to Up Trend.
- Sell Signal: When Rainbow change to Down Trend.
- Exit: When Rainbow change to Sideway.
4.RSI Filter
- "Enable": Only signals have 1st RSI moving between Overbought and Oversold and 2nd RSI moving outside Middle Channel are accepted.
- The filter may help trader avoid bull trap, bear trap and choppy market.
5.Backtesting Infomation
- Ticker: BTCUSDT
- Timeframe: H1
- Rainbow parameter:
+ Source: hlc3
+ Type: SMA
+ Period: 12
+ Displacement: 3
- RSI Filter parameter:
+ Enable
+ 1st RSI filter: period 12, overbought 65, oversold 35
+ 2nd RSI filter: period 9, upper middle 56, lower middle 44
Know Sure Thing and EMA Strategy by JLXThis is a simple strategy based in Know Sure Thing indicator and an Exponential moving average,
Rules are as follow:
- You can go long when the KST cross signal bellow 0 and price closes above the target EMA
- You can go short when the KST cross signal above 0 and price closes bellow the target EMA
I include a trailing stop loss, default its 0.5%
Hope you enjoy it