Swing/Daytrading strategy with reversal option
Hello, today I bring a swing reversal strategy that work on all financial markets.
It uses timeframes starting from 1h, the bigger the better.
Its very dangerous because it has no stop loss, neither a take profit. Our exit condition is based on the reversal on the entry .
For entry we have 2 types : normal and reversal
Lets say we want to go long , for that we check the last CLOSE of a candle with the previos HIGH. If its higher than that, and at the same time CLOSE is bigger than the moving average, we have a long entry.
For short we have CLOSE with the previous LOW. If its lower than that and at the same time is lower than moving average, we have a short entry.
For moving average we use T3 MA
For reversal what I do, is , I take the short condition and I apply it to long, and for long I apply the short condition.
On many cases I found out it work amazingly.
I forgot to add: it also has a time entry system, so we use the best hours/sessions for entries .
Exit a trade: lets say we enter short, when we find a long condition, we close short and enter into long. Viceversa for long.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Enjoy it :)
Long only strategy VWAP with BB and Golden Cross EMA50/200
This is strategy, mainly designed for stock markets
It makes uses of the EMA 50/ 200 ( Golden cross) and VWAP and Bollinger bands.
It only takes long positions. It can be adapted to all time frames, but preferably to be used with longer timeframes 1h +
The rules for entry are the next ones :
1. EMA50 > EMA 200
2. if current close > vwap session value
3. check if price dipped BB lower band for any of last 10 candles
1. price closes above BB upper
1. As configured --- default is set to 1%
Stock Market Strategy : VWAP, MACD, EMA, Breakout, BBHello there,
Today I bring you a stock market strategy, specialized in NASDAQ stocks.
Its a daytrading strategy, that can only do a max of 1 trade per day. In this case it only trades the first 2 opening hours of the market.
The rules are simple :
We follow the trend based on a big EMA, in this case 200, after that, we check for VWAP direction , then, we check histogram from MACD. This is the simple logic of the strategy.
Inside there is another strategy, that not just do the above, but also uses Bollinger bands, and checks for breakout of bottom or top line. Also it uses Average directional Index, for even a bigger criteria .
So for example a long condition it would be : candle is above the ema, and candle is above vwap, and histogram is positive, and candle break the top bb level and ADI < 40 -> long signal . The opposite works for short(ADI > 20).
In this case all this criterias are between the first 2 hours of market. So we enter between the first hour, and exit in the next hour. For this we need to use very short time frames.
Hope you enjoy it.
Let me know if you have any questions
Ichimoku with MACD/ CMF/ TSI This is a strategy made from ichimoku cloud , together with MACD, Chaiking Money FLOW and True Strenght Index.
It can be adapted to any timeframe and any type of financial markets.
The idea behind its very simple,
We combine the long / short strategy from ichimoku, like cross between lines and below/above cloud together with histogram from MACD for positive/negative level. We use the same criteria for TSI and CMF, to check if its above or below 0 level.
Based on that we have a long or a short entry. The exit happens when the next options triggers, like for example we had long signal, we exit when we receive the short signal and viceversa.
It can be adapted with a risk management to apply a tp/sl level.
For any suggestion or details , let me know.
ETF / Stocks / Crypto - DCA Strategy v1Simple "benchmark" strategy for ETFs, Stocks and Crypto! Super-easy to implement for beginners, a DCA (dollar-cost-averaging) strategy means that you buy a fixed amount of an ETF / Stock / Crypto every several months. For instance, to DCA the S&P 500 (SPY), you could purchase $10,000 USD every 12 months, irrespective of the market price. Assuming the macro-economic conditions of the underlying country remain favourable, DCA strategies will result in capital gains over a period of many years, e.g. 10 years. DCA is the safest strategy that beginners can employ to make money in the markets, and all other types of strategies should be "benchmarked" against DCA; if your strategy cannot outperform DCA, then your strategy is useless.
Recommended Chart Settings:
Asset Class: ETF / Stocks / Crypto
Time Frame: H1 (Hourly) / D1 (Daily) / W1 (Weekly) / M1 (Monthly)
Necessary ETF Macro Conditions:
1. Country must have healthy demographics, good ratio of young > old
2. Country population must be increasing
3. Country must be experiencing price-inflation
Necessary Stock Conditions:
1. Growing revenue
2. Growing net income
3. Consistent net margins
4. Higher gross/net profit margin compared to its peers in the industry
5. Growing share holders equity
6. Current ratios > 1
7. Debt to equity ratio (compare to peers)
8. Debt servicing ratio < 30%
9. Wide economic moat
10. Products and services used daily, and will stay relevant for at least 1 decade
Necessary Crypto Conditions:
1. Honest founders
2. Competent technical co-founders
3. Fair or non-existent pre-mine
4. Solid marketing and PR
5. Legitimate use-cases / adoption
Default Robot Settings:
Contribution (USD): $10,000
Frequency (Months): 12
*Robot buys $10,000 worth of ETF, Stock, Crypto, regardless of the market price, every 12 months since its founding time.*
*Equity curve can be seen from the bottom panel*
Risk Warning:
This strategy is low-risk, however it assumes you have a long time horizon of at least 5 to 10 years. The longer your holding-period, the better your returns. The only thing the user has to keep-in-mind are the macro-economic conditions as stated above. If unsure, please stick to ETFs rather than buying individual stocks or cryptocurrencies.
Custom Screener with Alerts [QuantNomad]Some time ago I published an example of simple custom screener in PineScript:
The only thing this screener did is created a dynamic label with screener output.
Recently TradingView announced alerts from the strategy with the possibility to add custom messages to alerts.
So using it I was able to create a bit more advanced screener which sends results as alert messages. With tools like Alertatron, you can easily redirect them to Telegram if you want.
It works for 40 symbols (limitation of the number of security calls).
To create your own screener you need to change only screenerFunc. The logic of this function is very simple, it outputs value you want to display in screener and condition based on which your screener should filter your stocks.
To create alerts for this screener create an alert from strategy and use {{strategy.order.alert_message}} as alert message.
Do you know now how to make this screener better? Let me know.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
[LunaOwl] 樂活投資:價格通道 (LOHAS Investor - PriceChannel)- Introduction -
Price channel is an ancient strategy, which is very convenient for office workers. since most people no time do it.
so they are suitable for simple strategies. There are several conditions to become a "LOHAS Investor" -
1) set moderate ROI expectations.
- 設定溫和的投資報酬率期望。
2) use appropriate stock selection methods to build portfolios and reduce single error rates.
- 使用適當的選股方式建立投資組合,減少單一股票失誤率。
3) simple trade strategy, executed regularly.
- 使用簡單的策略規律執行。
4) wealth accumulates over time and learns every day.
- 財富依靠時間積累,每天勤學新知。
Volatile Stocks - Simple Strategy w/Profit and StopThis strategy is based off of a script I wrote for another highly volatile asset, cryptocurrencies. It prints BUY and SELL signals based off of inputs that you can specify. I used this script as a time saver. If there is no signal on the chart, I'm less interested in analyzing it.
Bullish EMA Cross
Positive MACD Cross
Single-candle gains
Profit %
Stop Loss %
Naturally, I don't trade based off of the BUY and SELL signals alone, but it does help me identify the most important charts to look at.
UVTrader StratejiIf you see "AL", you can buy.
If you see "SAT", you can sell.
You can use all charts, but 4H and 1D charts are very well.
Gandalf Project Research SystemThis is an adapted version of The Gandalf Project Research System strategy that was discussed by Domenico D’Errico and Giovanni Trombetta in “System Development Using Artificial Intelligence.” The code was converted from NinjaTrader 8 to TradingView with two additional options: 1) to change the quantity to a fixed number and 2) relax the exit condition if Use Alt Exit is set to true. Article: technical.traders.com