SetSessionTimesIndiaLibrary "SetSessionTimesIndia"
This library might be useful to code an indicator or strategy that requires to call Indian trading sessions at NSE and MCX.
Time OffsetCompare ticker with time offset.
I couldn't find anything like this. I was hoping to use it to find a ticker that might act like a leading indicator for another one! Who knows?
In the settings you can choose any ticker to compare, input the the number of bars you want it to be offset (positive or negative), and select plot source.
Pocket Pivot with extrapolated Volume and Moving AveragesThe script shows historical pocket pivots, much as other scripts with a green diamond shape on the volume pane.
When the market is open, the current bar, however, is extrapolated to the end of the day using a sixth-order polynomial.
Thus real-time pocket pivots are shown. To work properly, the user must input a time-zone offset parameter; the default is west coast USA.
Time-zone offset is -12 hours to +12 hours compared to the NYSE exchange time zone (USA west coast: -3.)
The volume extrapolation polynomial is based on a historical NASDAQ intraday volume model developed locally by a team.
Only ten-day lookback pocket pivots are computed as defined initially by Dr. Chris Kacher. (The default lookback can be changed by the user.)
Only pocket pivots are shown where the low of the daily bar is within user-defined proximity to the 50-day moving average or 10-day moving average (for continuation pocket pivots.)
timing marketIntraday time cycle . it is valid for nifty and banknifty .just add this on daily basis . ignore previous day data
AllTimeHighLowLibrary "AllTimeHighLow"
Provides functions calculating the all-time high/low of values.
Calculates the all-time high of a series.
val : Series to use (`high` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time high for the series.
Calculates the all-time low of a series.
val : Series to use (`low` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time low for the series.
Intraday Background Time RangesThis simple script was written for studying recurring intraday behaviours of financial instruments. With it, you can highlight up to 13 customizable time ranges on your chart, filling the corresponding background space with colors you prefer. You can then write a note for each range and it will be shown in the optional related table.
The experience shows that every financial instrument has its own personality. With this in mind, the script can be useful to study intraday charts with the purpose of discovering recurring behaviours of specific instruments over a certain time range and under specific circumstances (normal days, earnings days, days with catalysts, etc.) This can help the trader to deeply understand the instrument personality, and therefore also to decide whether to enter or exit the market if its behaviour meets or not his expectations.
Please note that this script only works on minute/hourly charts.
Time Sessions - S/RThis scripts shows you some time sessions such as NY open, NY mid, London Open and Daily Close for UTC - 0
It also plots resistance and support based on the last 15 candles but you can change it in settings.
Library "DateNow"
TODO: Provide today's date based on UNIX time
Use pinescript v4 functions such as year(), month() and dayofmonth().
Use pinescript v5 function such as switch.
Export as string variables.
Not using any match function such as math.floor.
Date for Day display incorrectly by shortage 1 value especially Year equal to or before 1984
Timezone issue. Example : I using GMT+8 for my timezone, try using other GMT will not work. Al least, GMT+2 to GMT+13 is working. GMT-0 to GMT+1 is not working, although already attempt using UTC-10 to UTC-1.
: DateNow
: : _timezone
Returns: : YYYY, YY, M, MM, MMM, DD
Timed AlertTradingView doesn't offer a way easily set timed alerts. This script solves that problem and also allows you to set variables in the script similar to other alerts.
The variables can be found here .
Hotch SessionSimple Session timer with separate session for Asia, Europe, and the Americas plus an extra custom session timer. each can be turned on and off separately.
The indicator also plots the highs and lows of each session.
This code was modified from the Session timer code found in the original "The Arty" by PheonixBinary but expanded to better include all trading sessions.
The code was written in a manner to be as compact as possible. I had looked at many other Session timers and found entire input sections that were longer than the entirety of this indicator.
Please feel free to use this code in any manner you choose permission not required.
Time Anchored Intraday High/Low TrendlineOftentimes, intraday trendlines that are started at specific times, e.g. 8:00am or market open 9:30am, are well respected throughout the trading day.
This indicator draws up tp 3 intraday trendlines that are anchored at user defined times, respectively at the corresponding candle's high and low points.
From there, the line*s xy2 are connected in a way that all following candles are enclosed.
HarmonicCalculation█ OVERVIEW
This library is complementary for XABCD Harmonic Pattern Custom Range Interactive
: Price Difference
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceDiff
: Time Difference
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeDiff
: Return Index Of 3 Arrays
: : id1, id2, id3, _int
Returns: : ReturnIndexOf3Arrays
: Price Difference
: : price, y, point
Returns: : AbsoluteRange
: To calculate average of 2 prices
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceAverage
: To calculate average of 2 times
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeAverage
: To show ratio in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _bool, _text
Returns: : StringBool
: To show Price in percent format
: : _price, PriceRef, str_dir
Returns: : PricePercent
: To show syminfo.currency
: : _bool
Returns: : BoolCurrency
: To show RatioText in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _text
Returns: : RatioText
: To display RangeText in Harmonic Range Format
: : _id1, _id2, _int, _text
Returns: : RangeText
: To show Currency in Price Format
: : _bool, _value
Returns: : PriceCurrency
PriceTimeInteractive█ OVERVIEW
This library was intended to Get price of given time.input
Credits to TradingView for CAGR Custom Range.
: Get OHLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : OHLC
: Get HLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HLC
: Get HL price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HL
Simple_PyramidingA simple Pyramiding / DCA Strategy. Everyday at a specified time a position is opened. The individual position is closed when a take profit is triggered. Optionally a stop loss can be activated, or the option to close the position at the and of the time frame. You can specify the max amount of open positions. The equity will be divided through the max amount of open positions.
This strategy is a result of an exploration into working with time sessions, pyramiding, for loops and possibilities to trigger individual take profits (profit) and stop loss levels (stop). This strategy is by no means a worked out and reliable strategy. Please feel free to experiment with the code in your indicators and strategies.
Rangebar timeThis indicator determines the time (in minutes) for which a bar of the Range Bar type was formed.
In order to avoid errors in the calculations, a weekend check is immediately carried out (one day if it is a holiday or two days if it is a weekend).
If there are more days off, then the information on the first bar after the weekend may be incorrect.
Индикатор определяет время (в минутах), за которое образовался бар типа RangeBar.
Cразу идет проверка на выходные дни (один день, если праздник или два дня, если выходные).
Если выходных больше, то информация на 1-ом баре, после выходных может быть некорректна.
Highlight Trading Window (Simple Hours / Time of Day Filter)As the name says this is a straightforward way to highlight the times of day that you are interested in studying.
Like to trade just a market open, or highlight a full session?
Could also be used negatively to "block out" a window of time each day.
Just set your preferred time zone and then your time window (start and end).
Hope you find it useful! 😁
Percent Off All-time High (% Off High)Percent Off All-time High tracks the percentage difference between the previous day’s closing price and the All-Time high price of the security’s entire price history.
This metric tells you how far the price has deviated from/converged on the all-time high price.
Heikin Multi Time Frame// How it Works \\
This script calculates the open and close prices of Heikin Ashi candles across multiple timeframes,
If the candle formed on that timeframe is green it will display in the table a green square, If the candle is red, the square will display red.
// Settings \\
You can change the colours of the plots
You can also Change any of the timeframes which the Heikin Ashi candles are being calculated on
// Use Case \\
Heikin Ashi candles are often used to give a smoother trend direction and help cancel out some of the noice/consolidation.
It can also be use as trend detection for multiple timeframes at once
/ / Suggestions \\
Happy for anyone to make any suggestions on changes which could improve the script,
// Terms \\
Feel free to use the script, If you do use the scrip please just tag me as I am interested to see how people are using it. Good Luck!
Fed and ECB Calendar by KziHello traders,
Here is a script that i've done for testing the timestamp and the input.time fonction.
You can see verticals lines blue and yellow.
The blue are the ECB meeting date (7 dates)
The yellow are the FED meeting date. (10 Dates)
// In the parameter you can enter the next rolling month date for ECB and FED
// I don't figure out how to add label / Txt on the lines
// And be carreful i don't put the real hours of the meeting.
Futures Exchange SessionsIn the 24-hour trading of the futures market, this indicator provides the user with full customization concerning the most important factor: time. This indicator is centered around three main visualizations: labels, backgrounds, and lines that minimalistically allows the user to keep track of the many time intervals that occur during a futures market 24-hour trading cycle. It also artfully displays the previous days highs and lows. And everything can be individually toggled and configured so the user can get exactly what they want.
There are three main futures market sessions in a 24-hour period: the London, New York, and Asian Sessions. Each session is given an independent label for the open and close times. The six labels (LO, LC, NYO, NYC, AO, AC) can be individually toggled on or off, the label background color changed, the text switched between black or white, and the height can be lowered or raised. These customizations are intended to give the user full control of the session they are interested in at the moment.
Backgrounds are the heart of this indicator. There are different colored transparent backgrounds for each of the futures sessions. So the user can clearly see the session they want to highlight without cluttering their chart and getting in the way of analyzing the candles.
If you are familiar with the London and New York killzones, these backgrounds are each individually configured.
If you are familiar with the Inner Circle Trader’s (ICT) NY Morning and Afternoon sessions, these are available. Also, most times weird price action occurs during the lunch hour of these sessions. The London and New York have a background for their respective lunch hours so the user is never caught of guard during these periods.
The markets are constantly looking for liquidity. To help the user see runs on liquidity, this indicator projects the previous days highs and lows on to the current day with a line and a price label. The line make it very easy to see where price may be headed. See the image below for the perfect example of this phenomenon. Each of the lines can be independently controlled by color, style, and width. And even the labels can be toggled on or off if the user would prefer just to see the lines. Lastly, there is a line that marks the midnight open price in EST.
Special Notes
This indicator is specifically designed for futures tickers.
All of the backgrounds are not designed to be turned on a once (there are many that overlap). They are designed to give the user ultimate control over exactly what timeframe backgrounds to display on their charts.
The labels only appear when timeframe is 1 hour or less.
Timed_exit_alert_for_webhookLibrary "Timed_exit_alert_for_webhook"
TODO: add library description here
fun(x) TODO: add function description here
x : TODO: add parameter x description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
for exiting FCM like Tradovate and AMP using API and python MT5 and Webhooks
the writer take no responsibility for trades made using this script its written for informational purposes only
[TTI] All-time-high (ATH), (ATL), 52 week high and low Dots––––History & Credit
I wanted to show our community the idea that stocks that make All Time High are likely to continue making ATHs for some time. It goes contrary to the idea "buy cheap sell high". Actually, in the real market leaders the stocks that make 100+% return are just getting started on returns to few THOUSAND percent. I have used code from QuantNovad scrip in this one too. So thanks to him as well, since it speeded writing it from scratch!
–––––What it does
The script paints dots and shows stats.
The dots are 4 types:
🟢 = Every time a new ATH is achieved, a green dot paints above the bar
🟣 = Every time a new 52week High is achieved, a purple dot paints above the bar
🟡 = Every time a new ATL is achieved, a yellow dot paints below the bar
🟠 = Every time a new 52week Low is achieved, a orange dot paints below the bar
Stats =
Show in a box in the bottom right corner of the screen. How many times has this stock achieved:
👉 ATHs
👉 52WK High
👉 ATLs
👉 52WK LOW
–––––How to use it
This is really an illustrative script to get the idea of the methodology "buy high sell higher', that we teach as momentum traders.
Some notable examples to check are:
See the stock dynamics and understand that bottom fishing doesn't result in stocks making massive moves.