[Round Numbers] Signal Clean Up Analysis with Backtest (TSO)Round Numbers NEW GEN indicator!
This is a full-cycle trading system indicator - it will show and alert each step of the trade from open to close. The algorithm here uses Round Numbers for generating signals, TP (Take Profit) and SL (Stop Loss) levels. Round numbers play big role in trading and can easily become strong support and resistance levels where price can bounce and go the opposite way or go through with a very nice run afterwards.
In addition there is a chained (NOTE: You can select several or ALL of the features, this is not limited to either one) signal cleanup and analysis approach with scheduling and alerting capabilities. Works with most popular timeframes: 1M, 3M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H, D.
NOTE: Every action of the trade is calculated on a confirmed closed candle bar state (barstate.isconfirmed), so the indicator will never repaint!
NOTE: At position open - there will be calculated Take-Profit and Stop-Loss targets, however each target is considered hit, when candle bar closes breaking that target, so Take-Profit and Stop-Loss when hit will slightly differ then what you see at trade/position open.
Round Numbers up|down unit setting and overall explanation
Round Number up|down unit: is the distance between round numbers on the chart. Since these round number levels are also used by the algorithm to open/close trades, it is important to set this setting to a logical number, which will correspond to an average price movement of the instrument.
Here are some examples for a few popular instruments on what will the default 1 round number unit correspond to and what would be suggested:
BTCUSD > $1 (this won't work for Bitcoin, try at least $100 - 100units)
SPY: > $1 (one of the best settings for SPY or QQQ, 50cents shows good results as well - 0.5units)
FOREX (all major pairs): > 10PIPs (that may be a bit small, unless scalping, try 50PIPs - 5units)
Explanation of all the Features | Strategy Configuration Guide | Indicator Settings | Signal Cleanup Analysis
>>> Customizable Backtesting for a specific date range, results via TradingView strategy, which includes “Deep Backtesting” for largest amounts of data on trading results.
>>> Trading Schedule with customizable trading daily time range, automatic closing/alert trades before Power Hour or right before market closes or leave it open until next day.
>>> 3 Trading Systems.
>>> Static/Dynamic/Trailing Take-Profit and Stop-Loss setups (HIGHLIGHT: Stop-Loss will be moved to Entry after TP1 is taken or a smart trailing Stop-Loss can be used with Stop-Loss dynamically following the trade to minimize risk).
>>> Single or Multiple profit targets (up to 5).
>>> Take-Profit customizable offset feature (set your Take-Profit targets slightly before everyone is expecting it!).
>>> Candle bar signal analysis (matching candle color, skip opposite structured and/or doji candle uncertain signals).
>>> Additional analysis of VWAP/EMA/ATR/EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator)/Divergence MACD+RSI/Volume signal confirmation (clean up your chart with indicator showing only the best potential signals!).
>>> Advanced Alerts setup, which can be potentially setup with a trading bot over TradingView Webhook (NOTE: This will require advanced programming knowledge).
Labels, plots, colors explanations:
>>>>> LONG open: green "house" looking arrow below candle bar.
>>>>> SHORT open: red "house" looking arrow above candle bar.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit target: green/red circles (multi-profit > TP2/3/4/5 smaller circles).
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss target: green/red + crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit hits: green/red diamonds.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss hits: green/red X-crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (profitable trade): green/red squares.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (loss trade): green/red PLUS(+)-crosses.
Date Range and Trading Schedule Settings
>>>>> Date Range: Select your start and/or end dates (uncheck “End” for indicator to show results up to the very moment and to use for LIVE trading) for backtesting results, if not using backtesting – uncheck “Start”/“End” to turn it off.
>>>>> Use TradingView “Strategy Tester” to see backtesting results
NOTE: If Strategy Tester does not show any results with Date Ranged fully unchecked, there may be an issue where a script opens a trade, but there is not enough TradingView power to set the Take-Profit and Stop-Loss and somehow an open trade gets stuck and never closes, so there are “no trades present”. In such case you will need to manually check “Start”/“End” dates or use “Depp Backtesting” feature!
>>>>> Trading Schedule: This is where you can setup Intraday Session or any custom session schedule you wish. Turn it ON. Select trading hours. Select EOD (End of Day) setting (NOTE: If it will be OFF, the indicator will assume you are holding your position open until next day!). Please note the EOD trade closure times with the 2 different Intraday close settings when turned on:
At Market Close:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:55pm ET
15min > will close at 15:45pm ET
30min > will close at 15:30pm ET
45min > will close at 15:45pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
Before Power Hour:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:00pm ET
15min > will close at 15:00pm ET
30min > will close at 15:00pm ET
45min > will close at 15:00pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
>>> Trading Systems: 1) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL": the signal will only open a trade if no trades are currently open/trunning, a trade can only be closed by Take Profit, Stop Loss or End of Day close (if turned on) | 2) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL + OCA": Same as 1), but if there is an opposite signal to the trade which is currently open > it will immediately be closed with new trade open or End of Day close (if turned on) | 3) "OCA (no TP or SL)": There are is Take Profit or Stop Loss, only an opposite signal will close current trade and open an opposite one or End of Day close (if turned on).
>>> Turn On/Off: Current Position SL + Opposite Position Open Signal on the same closing candle bar (If current trade hits Stop-Loss and at that same closing candle bar there is a signal for an opposite direction trade > indicator will close current position as Stop-Loss and immediately open an opposite position). NOTE: With this option turned on, there will be more trades, but not necessarily better results, since after Stop-Loss is hit, it may make sense to wait a little before opening an opposite trade, even if it matches the condition at the same time when Stop-Loss is hit, but sometimes it shows great results, so this setting/feature is included. NOTE: This setting only will work/make sense with TP and SL style/behavior both be set to "Fully Closed Candle"!
>>> Turn On/Off: Turn On/Off: Current Position REGULAR SL | Only the SL + Opposite Position Open will trigger if turned on, IF NOT - THERE WILL BE NO STOP-LOSS AT ALL!!! NOTE: It is very dangerous to trade without Stop-Loss!
>>>>> Signal Candle Bar consuming Take-Profits - position/trade signal candle bar is big enough to "consume"/close ahead the first TP setting > the signal can either be skipped, or all Take-Profit areas pushed ahead using smart formula)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | TP (Take-Profit) System: 1) Static – Once the trade is open, all Take-Profit target(s) are immediately calculated and set for the trade > once the target(s) is hit > trade will be partially closed (if candle bar closes beyond several Take-Profit targets > trade will be reduced accordingly to the amount of how many Take-Profit targets were hit) ||| 2) Dynamic – Once the trade is open, only the 1st Take-Profit target is calculated, once the 1st Take-Profit is hit > next Take-Profit distance is calculated based on the distance from trade Entry to where 1st Take-Profit was taken, once 2nd Take-Profit is taken > 3rd Take-Profit is calculated per same logic, these are good for price momentum as with price speeding up – profits increase as well!
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT: SL (stop loss) System | Static: SL is set at position open and remains such; Dynamic: Once ANY TP is taken > SL will be moved to Entry; Trailing: SL will be moved along the position (smart trailing stop-loss), at TP1 taken > SL moves to Entry, at TP2 taken > SL moves to TP1, at TP3 taken > SL moves to TP2 and so on.
>>>>> # of TPs (number of take profit targets): Just like it is named, this is where you select the number of Take-Profit targets for your trading system (NOTE: If "OCA (no TP or SL)" Trading System is selected, this setting won’t do anything, since there are no TP or SLs for that system).
>>>>> TP(s) offset: This is a special feature for all Take-Profit targets, where you can turn on a customizable offset, so that if the price is almost hitting the Take-Profit target, but never actually touches it > you will capture it. This is good to use with HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low), which is pretty much a Support/Resistance as often the price will nearly touch these strong areas and turn around…
Dynamic/Static/Trailing Take-Profit and Stop-Loss visual examples:
1) Fully Static Take-Profit and Stop-Loss
This one is a fully static setup for both Take-Profit and Stop-Loss, you can also observe how trade is closed right before the Power Hour (trade can be closed right before Power Hour or right before Market Closes or left overnight as desired).
2) Static/Dynamic, Static Take-Profit and Dynamic Stop-Loss
You can see a static Take-Profit set at position open, while Stop-Loss moves to Entry once TP1 target is taken.
3) Static/Trailing, Static Take-Profit and Trailing Stop-Loss
In here with each Take-Profit taken, Stop-Loss moves along the trade to previous Take-Profit level, you can notice how stop-loss literally follows the trade and reduces the potential loss.
4) Dynamic/Trailing, Dynamic Take-Profit and Trailing Stop-Loss
See how Take-Profit distances increase with price momentum. Just like in previous example - Trailing Stop-Loss is following the trade and reducing the riks.
Signal Analysis and Cleanup Settings
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Candle Color signal confirmation: If closed candle bar color does not match the signal direction > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip opposite candle signals: If closed candle bar color will match the signal direction, but candle structure will be opposite (for example: bearish green hammer, long high stick on top of a small green square) > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip doji candle signals: If closed candle bar will be the uncertain doji > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator) signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, EWO is green or will be at bullish slope (you can select which setting you desire), SHORT if EWO is red or will be at bearish slope.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | VWAP signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above VWAP, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | Moving Average signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above selected Moving Average, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | ATR signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above ATR, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | RSI + MACD signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, RSI + MACD will be bullish, SHORT if RSI + MACD will be bearish.
>>>>> Volume signal confirmation: LONG/SHORT will only be opened with strong Volume matching the signal direction, by default, strong Volume percentage is set to 150% and weak to 50%, but you can change it as you desire.
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"TP PERCENTAGE" - amount by which current trade/position needs to be reduced/partially closed/sold.
TP System: Dynamic
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount (trade/position size divided by the # of take-profit(TP) targets) and percentage to be closed will always be of the ORIGINAL trade/position.
TP System: Static
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount IF take-profit(TP) targets are hit 1-by-1 (TP1 > TP2 > TP3 > TP4 > TP5), otherwise it will vary and unless it is a 1st take-profit(TP1), the REMAINING trade/position size will always be smaller than original and therefore the percentage to be closed will always be of the REMAINING trade/position and NOT the original one!
"TP PERCENTAGE" CheatSheet (these are the only percentages you may see)
TP PERCENTAGE---Close/Sell Amount-------------Example (trade size: 50 stocks)
20%-------------trade size * 0.2--------------50 * 0.2 = 10 stocks
25%-------------trade size * 0.25-------------50 * 0.25 = 12.5(~13) stocks
34%-------------trade size * 0.34-------------50 * 0.34 = 17 stocks
40%-------------trade size * 0.4--------------50 * 0.4 = 20 stocks
50%-------------trade size * 0.5--------------50 * 0.5 = 25 stocks
60%-------------trade size * 0.6--------------50 * 0.6 = 30 stocks
66%-------------trade size * 0.66-------------50 * 0.66 = 33 stocks
75%-------------trade size * 0.75-------------50 * 0.75 = 37.5(~38) stocks
80%-------------trade size * 0.8--------------50 * 0.8 = 40 stocks
100%------------trade size--------------------50 = 50 stocks
If for any reason a portion of the current/remaining trade closed at such occurrence was slightly wrong, it is not an issue. Such occurrences are rare and with slight difference in partial TP closed is not significant to overall performance of our algorithms.
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Alert Settings (you don’t have to touch this section unless you will be using TradingView alerts through a Webhook to use with trading bot)
Here is how a LONG OPEN alert looks like.
NOTE: Each label , , etc. is customizable, you can change the text of it within indicator Input settings.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
TP1: 20500
TP2: 21000
TP3: 21500
TP4: 22500
TP5: 23500
SL: 19000
Leverage: 0
Here is how a TP1 alert will look with 5 TPs breakdown of the trade.
NOTE1: Next to TP1 taken it will show at which price it was triggered.
NOTE2: Next to "TP Percentage" it shows how much of the CURRENT/ACTIVE/REMAINING trade needs to be closed.
NOTE2: If TP2/3/4/5 comes before TP1 - the alert will tell you exactly how many percent of the trade needs to be closed!
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TP1: 20500
TP Percentage: 20%
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - STOP-LOSS.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
SL: 19000
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - EOD (End of Day) In Profit close.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LONG: EOD-Close (profit)
ENTRY: 20000
EOD-Close: 21900
Adding Alerts in TradngView
-Add indicator to chart and make sure the correct strategy is configured (check Backtesting results)
-Right-click anywhere on the TradingView chart
-Click on Add alert
-Condition: Select this indicator by it’s name
-Immediately below, change it to "alert() function calls only", as other wise there will be 2 alerts for every alert!
-Expiration: Open-ended (that may require higher tier TradingView account, otherwise the alert will need to be occasionally re-triggered)
-Alert name: Whatever you desire
-Hit “Create”
-Note: If you change ANY Settings within the indicator – you must DELETE the current alert and create a new one per steps above, otherwise it will continue triggering alerts per old Settings!
If you have any questions or issues with the indicator, please message me directly via TradingView.
Good Luck! (NOTE: Trading is very risky, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, so please trade responsibly!)
NOTE: There seems to be a strange glitch when strategy is running live, it will show "double-take" take-profits labels on the chart. This is not affecting the script logic and backtesting results, if you simply change the timeframe real quick to something else then back - it will no longer show the duplicate orders... this must be some sort of a glitch as every alert was thoroughly tested to make sure everything is working!
Bonsai BX (Backtester)In today's trading landscape, traders need precision and deep analytical tools to navigate the sea of strategies. The Bonsai Backtester is one such tool, meticulously designed to evaluate multiple trading strategies in an integrated manner.
🌳 Bonsai BX 🌳 Universal Strategy Testing
📘 Overview
A product of collaboration with the Bonsai community, this backtester is both a reflection of collective insights and a means to provide traders with data-driven insights on TradingView.
📌 Current Backtest
• Dataset: BTCUSD daily candles from Coinbase, starting from March 2015.
• Source Signals: The Bonsai indicator signals are employed for both long and short entries. These are directly visible on the publication chart.
• Trading Assumptions:
• Initial Capital: $1,000
• Maximum Position Size: 10% of equity per trade
• Stop Loss: 10% per position
• Commission: 0.1%
• Slippage: 100 ticks (1.00)
🛠 Key Features
The Bonsai BX is equipped with a range of features aimed at providing traders with a more comprehensive analysis environment:
Features on Chart
• External Indicator Adaptability: Easily incorporate signals from both built-in and custom TradingView indicators.
• Snapshot Table: Delivers on-the-spot insights into crucial strategy performance metrics, including equity, open profit, position size, and entry price. While these details are available in TradingView's 'Performance Summary' panel, we've integrated them directly onto the chart for a more streamlined and accessible viewing experience.
• Trade Labels: Visualize profit metrics for individual trades directly on the chart, allowing for a more immediate grasp of trade outcomes.
• Long & Short Behaviors: Modify long behaviors to either open new long positions while closing short ones, or simply to close short positions. Conversely, for short behaviors, opt to either initiate new short positions while closing any active long ones or simply close long positions.
• Multiple Signals Integration: The tool can currently handle up to three different external signals for long and short trades.
• Condition-based Initiation: Define whether longs and shorts are triggered when 'All Conditions Met' or just 'Any Single Condition Met'. This flexibility allows for a more nuanced trading approach. For example, if you're using a trade signal alongside the RSI, you can specify that a long position should only open when the trade signal is active and the RSI is below 30 at the same time. This lets you combine multiple signals or conditions for more precise trade initiation.
• TP & SL Customization:
• Single TP: Set a specific Take Profit percentage.
• SL: Define a Stop Loss percentage and choose between a standard or trailing stop.
• Trail From: Specify the starting point of the trailing stop, be it the breakeven point or a certain percentage.
• Interface Theme: Users can select between light and dark themes for their interface.
Performance and Trailing
🎛 Using Bonsai BX
1. Add it to your TradingView chart.
2. Adjust script parameters and settings. Integrate external indicator signals as needed.
3. Activate the backtester to refine trading strategies.
Backtester Settings Menu
🪝 Webhook (Beta)
The Webhook functionality, now in beta, augments the Bonsai BX utility. This feature offers a more intuitive method for users to direct webhooks to trading bots, exchanges, and brokers. It simplifies the process by eliminating the need to adjust JSON structures or other payload formats, making alert automation more accessible.
📜 Feedback & Community
The feedback from the Bonsai community has been instrumental in the tool's development and will continue to shape its evolution. As part of our commitment to adaptive, smart trading, this script will continually be updated to meet the ever-changing requirements of traders.
❗️ Disclaimer
Backtesting tools, including the Bonsai BX , simulate trading strategies based on historical data. The following key points should be kept in mind:
1. Past Performance is Not Predictive: While backtesting can offer insights, it's essential to understand that past performance does not guarantee or predict future results. Historical data might not account for future market changes or unforeseen events.
2. External Influences: Market outcomes can be significantly influenced by various external factors like geopolitical events, economic announcements, and sudden shifts in market sentiment. Such factors are often not considered in backtesting simulations.
3. Market Dynamics: Elements like market volatility, liquidity constraints, and slippage can drastically alter expected outcomes. These dynamics might not always be accurately represented in backtest simulations.
4. Limitations of Simulated Trades: Backtesting operates under the assumption that historical trends and patterns will replicate. However, market conditions evolve, and what worked in the past might not necessarily be viable in the future.
5. Informed Decisions: Always base your trading decisions on a mix of comprehensive research, current market analysis, and risk assessment. Relying solely on backtested results can lead to misconstrued perceptions and potential pitfalls.
Trading involves risks, and it's crucial to be fully informed and cautious before making any investment decisions. Always consider seeking advice from financial experts or professionals when in doubt.
Long-Only Opening Range Breakout (ORB) with Pivot PointsIntraday Trading Strategy: Long-Only Opening Range Breakout (ORB) with Pivot Points
Opening Range Breakout (ORB) is a popular long-only trading strategy that capitalizes on the early morning volatility in financial markets. It's based on the idea that the initial price movements during the first few minutes or hours of the trading day can set the tone for the rest of the session. The strategy involves identifying a price range within which the asset trades during the opening period and then taking long positions when the price breaks out to the upside of this range.
Pivot Points are a widely used technical indicator in trading. They represent potential support and resistance levels based on the previous day's price action. Pivot points are calculated using the previous day's high, low, and close prices and can help traders identify key price levels for making trading decisions.
How to Use the Script:
Initialization: This script is written in Pine Script, a domain-specific language for trading strategies on the TradingView platform. To use this script, you need to have access to TradingView.
Apply the Script: You can do this by adding it to your favorites, then selecting the script in the indicators list under favorites or by searching for it by name under community scripts.
Customize Settings: The script allows you to customize various settings through the TradingView interface. These settings include:
Opening Session: You can set the time frame for the opening session.
Max Trades per Day: Specify the maximum number of long trades allowed per trading day.
Initial Stop Loss Type: Choose between using a percentage-based stop loss or the previous candles low for stop loss calculations.
Stop Loss Percentage: If you select the percentage-based stop loss, specify the percentage of the entry price for the stop loss.
Backtesting Start and End Time: Set the time frame for backtesting the strategy.
Strategy Signals:
The script will display pivot points in blue (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) and half-pivot points in gray (R0.5, R1.5, R2.5, R3.5, R4.5) on your chart.
The green line represents the opening range.
The script generates long (buy) signals based on specific conditions:
---The open price is below the opening range high (h).
---The current high price is above the opening range high.
---Pivot point R1 is above the opening range high.
---It's a long-only strategy designed to capture upside breakouts.
---It also respects the maximum number of long trades per day.
The script manages long positions, calculates stop losses, and adjusts long positions according to the defined rules.
Trailing Stop Mechanism
The script incorporates a dynamic trailing stop mechanism designed to protect and maximize profits for long positions. Here's how it works:
1. Initialization:
The script allows you to choose between two types of initial stop loss:
---Percentage-based: This option sets the initial stop loss as a percentage of the entry price.
---Previous day's low: This option sets the initial stop loss at the previous day's low.
2. Setting the Initial Stop Loss (`sl_long0`):
The initial stop loss (`sl_long0`) is calculated based on the chosen method:
---If "Percentage" is selected, it calculates the stop loss as a percentage of the entry price.
---If "Previous Low" is selected, it sets the stop loss at the previous day's low.
3. Dynamic Trailing Stop (`trail_long`):
The script then monitors price movements and uses a dynamic trailing stop mechanism (`trail_long`) to adjust the stop loss level for long positions.
If the current high price rises above certain pivot point levels, the trailing stop is adjusted upwards to lock in profits.
The trailing stop levels are calculated based on pivot points (`r1`, `r2`, `r3`, etc.) and half-pivot points (`r0.5`, `r1.5`, `r2.5`, etc.).
The script checks if the high price surpasses these levels and, if so, updates the trailing stop accordingly.
This dynamic trailing stop allows traders to secure profits while giving the position room to potentially capture additional gains.
4. Final Stop Loss (`sl_long`):
The script calculates the final stop loss level (`sl_long`) based on the following logic:
---If no position is open (`pos == 0`), the stop loss is set to zero, indicating there is no active stop loss.
---If a position is open (`pos == 1`), the script calculates the maximum of the initial stop loss (`sl_long0`) and the dynamic trailing stop (`trail_long`).
---This ensures that the stop loss is always set to the more conservative of the two values to protect profits.
5. Plotting the Stop Loss:
The script plots the stop loss level on the chart using the `plot` function.
It will only display the stop loss level if there is an open position (`pos == 1`) and it's not a new trading day (`not newday`).
The stop loss level is shown in red on the chart.
By combining an initial stop loss with a dynamic trailing stop based on pivot points and half-pivot points, the script aims to provide a comprehensive risk management mechanism for long positions. This allows traders to lock in profits as the price moves in their favor while maintaining a safeguard against adverse price movements.
End of Day (EOD) Exit:
The script includes an "End of Day" (EOD) exit mechanism to automatically close any open positions at the end of the trading day. This feature is designed to manage and control positions when the trading day comes to a close. Here's how it works:
1. Initialization:
At the beginning of each trading day, the script identifies a new trading day using the `is_newbar('D')` condition.
When a new trading day begins, the `newday` variable becomes `true`, indicating the start of a new trading session.
2. Plotting the "End of Day" Signal:
The script includes a plot on the chart to visually represent the "End of Day" signal. This is done using the `plot` function.
The plot is labeled "DayEnd" and is displayed as a comment on the chart. It signifies the EOD point.
3. EOD Exit Condition:
When the script detects that a new trading day has started (`newday == true`), it triggers the EOD exit condition.
At this point, the script proceeds to close all open positions that may have been active during the trading day.
4. Closing Open Positions:
The `strategy.close_all` function is used to close all open positions when the EOD exit condition is met.
This function ensures that any remaining long positions are exited, regardless of their current profit or loss.
The function also includes an `alert_message`, which can be customized to send an alert or notification when positions are closed at EOD.
Purpose of EOD Exit
The "End of Day" exit mechanism serves several essential purposes in the trading strategy:
Risk Management: It helps manage risk by ensuring that positions are not left open overnight when markets can experience increased volatility.
Capital Preservation: Closing positions at EOD can help preserve trading capital by avoiding potential adverse overnight price movements.
Rule-Based Exit: The EOD exit is rule-based and automatic, ensuring that it is consistently applied without emotions or manual intervention.
Scalability: It allows the strategy to be applied to various markets and timeframes where EOD exits may be appropriate.
By incorporating an EOD exit mechanism, the script provides a comprehensive approach to managing positions, taking profits, and minimizing risk as each trading day concludes. This can be especially important in volatile markets like cryptocurrencies, where overnight price swings can be significant.
Backtesting: The script includes a backtesting feature that allows you to test the strategy's performance over historical data. Set the start and end times for backtesting to see how the long-only strategy would have performed in the past.
Trade Execution: If you choose to use this script for live trading, make sure you understand the risks involved. It's essential to set up proper risk management, including position sizing and stop loss orders.
Monitoring: Monitor the long-only strategy's performance over time and be prepared to make adjustments as market conditions change.
Disclaimer: Trading carries a risk of capital loss. This script is provided for educational purposes and as a starting point for your own long-only strategy development. Always do your own research and consider seeking advice from a qualified financial professional before making trading decisions.
Fibonacci Trailing Stop [LuxAlgo]The Fibonacci Trailing Stop indicator creates a Trailing Stop, based on Fibonacci levels which are retrieved from the latest swing high & low . This provides a Trailing Stop-line .
The Fibonacci Trailing Stop can indicate the current trend direction.
Shadows can also provide potential support/resistance areas.
Users can also display Fibonacci retracements.
🔹 Basic principles
There are 2 basic principles:
Every new swing will create or update a new Fibonacci pattern, potentially changing the Fibonacci Trailing Stop (FTS)
The Trend depends on whether the FTS is crossed/breached, the trigger is a chosen 'level/trigger'
(settings -> Fibonacci Trailing Stop -> Level/Trigger)
In an uptrend, these levels will be placed at the bottom half of the pattern.
In a downtrend, these levels will be placed at the top half of the pattern.
Once a trend is established, the Trailing Stop will only update in the direction of the trend:
Only higher when in an uptrend
Only lower when in a downtrend
If a Trailing Stop line is broken, the trend shifts to the other direction
The FTS line is accompanied by a secondary line (colour-filled), created by smaller swings (half of L/R, rounded to above)
• New bullish Trend/pattern
• Updating later on
• Bearish Trend -> breached -> New bullish Trend -> Trend is updated later on, and is breached at the end:
• Trend broken -> new Trend/direction:
• Bearish Trend -> breached -> New bullish Trend -> breached -> New bearish Trend (Here you see the latest cross of the bullish trend)
🔹 Shadows & latest Fibonacci
The indicator contains the option to show:
Latest Fibonacci
Shadows : previous Fibonacci Levels (will only appear after a 1 bar delay)
Shadows can be very useful to provide support/resistance areas, especially from large shadow-blocks .
When shadows are enabled, the color fill of Latest Fibonacci and FTS will be removed, this to provide less clutter:
🔹 Swings
L: set left of pivothigh / pivotlow
R: set right of pivothigh / pivotlow
Swing labels: show labels of swings (updated in the same direction)
🔹 Fibonacci Trailing Stop
Level - Toggle - Custom value
• Choose pré-set levels [ -0.5, -0.382, -0.236 , 0, 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618 ]
• Choose custom level -> Toggle enabled and adjust the number at the right
Trigger: set trigger for breaching the FTS, close or wick (high in downtrend/low in uptrend)
🔹 Fibonacci
Latest Fibonacci: show Latest Fibonacci
Shadows: show Shadows
Volume Delta Trailing Stop [LuxAlgo]The ' Volume Delta Trailing Stop ' indicator uses Lower Time Frame (LTF) volume delta data which can provide potential entries together with a Volume-Delta based Trailing Stop-line .
Our 'Volume Delta Trailing Stop' script can show potential entries/Stop Loss lines
A trigger line needs to be broken before a position is taken, after which a Volume Delta-controlled Trailing Stop-line is created:
🔹 Volume rises when bought or sold
🔹 When the opening price appears on the chart, a buy/sell order has been executed.
If that order is less than the available supply of that particular price, volume will rise, without moving the price.
🔹 When the opening price is the same as the closing price, the volume of that bar can be seen as "neutral volume" (nV); nor "up", nor "down" volume.
A buy order doesn't fill the first available supply in the order book. This price will be the opening price with a certain volume.
When at closing time, price still hasn't moved (the first available supply in the order book isn't filled, or no movement downwards),
the closing price will be equal to the opening price, but with volume. This can be seen as "neutral volume (nV)".
🔹 Delta Volume (ΔV): this is "up volume" minus "down volume"
🔹 Standard volume is colored red when closing price is lower than opening price ( = "down volume").
🔹 Standard volume is colored green when closing price is higher OR equal (nV) than opening price ( = "up volume").
🔹 Neutral Volume
The "Neutral-Volume" is considered "Up-Volume" - setting will dictate whether nV is considered as green 'buy' volume or not.
29 July 10:00 -> 10:05, chart timeframe 5 minutes, open 29311.28, close 29313.89
close > open, so the volume (39.55) is colored green ("up volume").
(The Volume script used in the following examples is the open-source publication Volume Columns w. Alerts (V) from LucF )
Let's zoom to the 1-minute TF:
The same period is now divided into more bars, volume direction (color) is dependable on the difference between open and close.
Counting up and down volume gives a more detailed result, it remains in an upward direction though):
(ΔV = +15.51)
Let's further zoom in to the 1-second TF:
The same period is now divided into even more bars (more possibility for changing direction on each bar)
Here we see several bars that haven't moved in price, but they have volume ("neutral" volume).
(neutral volume is coloured light green here, while up volume is coloured darker green)
When we count all green and red volume bars, the result is quite different:
(ΔV = -0.35)
In total more volume is found when price went downwards, yet price went up in these 5 minutes.
-> This is the heart of our publication, when this divergence occurs, you can see a barcolor changement:
• orange: when price went up, but LTF Volume was mainly in a downward direction.
• blue: when price went down, but LTF Volume was mainly in an upwards direction.
When we split the green "up volume" into "up" and "neutral", the difference is even higher
(here "neutral volume" is colored grey):
(ΔV = -12.76; "up" - "down")
bullishBear = current bar is red but LTF volume is in upward direction -> blue bar
bearishBull = current bar is green but LTF volume is in downward direction -> orange bar
🔹 Potential positioning - forming of Trigger-line
When not in position, the script will wait for a divergence between price and volume direction. When found, a Trigger-line will appear:
• at high when a blue bar appears ( bullishBear ).
• at low when an orange bar appears ( bearishBull ).
Next step is when the Trigger-line is broken by close or high/low (settings: Trigger )
Here, the closing price went under the grey Trigger-line -> bearish position:
🔹 Trailing Stop-line
When the Trigger-line is broken, the Trailing Stop-line (TS-line) will start:
• low when bullish position
• high when bearish position
You can choose (settings -> Trigger -> Close or H/L ) whether close price or high/low should break the Trigger-line
When alerts are enabled ("Any alert() function call"), you'll get the following message:
• ' signal up ' when bullish position
• ' signal down' when bearish position
After that, the TS-line will be adjusted when:
• a blue bullishBear bar appears when in bullish position -> lowest of {low , previous blue bar's high or orange bar's low}
• an orange bearishBull bar appears when in bearish position -> highest of {high, previous blue bar's high or orange bar's low}
When alerts are enabled ("Any alert() function call"), and the TS-line is broken, you'll get the following message:
• ' TS-line broken down ' when out bullish position
• ' TS-line broken up ' when out bearish position
🔹 Reference Point
Default the direction of price will be evaluated by comparing closing price with opening price.
When open and close are the same, you'll get "neutral volume".
You can use "previous close" instead (as in built-in volume indicator) to include gaps.
If close equals open , but close is lower than previous close , it will be regarded as " down volume ",
similar, when close is higher than previous close , it will be regarded as " up volume "
Note, the setting applies for the current timeframe AND Lower timeframe:
Based on: " open " (close - open)
Based on: " previous close " (close - previous close)
🔹 Adjustment
When the TS-line changes, this can be adjusted with a percentage of price , or a multiple of " True Range "
Default (Δ line -> Adjustment - 0)
Δ line -> Adjustment 0.03% (of price)
Δ line -> Mult of TR (10)
🔹 LTF: choose your Lower TimeFrame: 1S (seconds), 5S, 10S, 15S, 30S, 1 minute)
🔹 Trigger: Choose the trigger for breaking the Trigger-line ; close or H/L (high when bullish position, low when bearish position)
🔹 Δ line ( Trailing Stop-line ): add/subtract an adjustment when the TS-line changes ( default: Adjustment ):
• Adjustment ( default: 0 ): add/subtract an extra % of price
• Mult of TR : add/subtract a multiple of True Range
🔹 Based on: compare closing price against:
• open
• previous close
🔹 "Neutral-Volume" is considered "Up-Volume" : this setting will dictate whether nV is considered as green 'buy' volume or not.
🔹 The lowest LTF (1S) will give you more detail and will get data close to tick data.
However, a maximum of 100,000 intrabars can be used in calculations .
This means on the daily chart you won't see anything since 1 day ~ 86400 seconds. (just over 1 bar)
-> choose a lower chart timeframe, or choose a higher LTF (5S, 10S, ... 1 minute)
🔹 Always choose a LTF lower than the current chart timeframe.
🔹 Pine Script™ code using this request.security_lower_tf() may calculate differently on historical and real-time bars, leading to repainting .
Parabolic SAR ZoneThe Parabolic SAR Zone indicator is a tool designed to help traders identify the best zone to enter in a position revisiting the usage of the standard Parabolic SAR indicator.
In the settings you can choose all the parameters of the standard indicator, and in addition to that you can also change the multiplier for the zone width.
This indicator provides two different Parabolic SAR indicators, the first one has the settings that you chose and displays the zone, meanwhile, the second one has half the parameters you have chosen and can be used to determine the long-term trend direction.
Volume SuperTrend AI (Expo)█ Overview
The Volume SuperTrend AI is an advanced technical indicator used to predict trends in price movements by utilizing a combination of traditional SuperTrend calculation and AI techniques, particularly the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm.
The Volume SuperTrend AI is designed to provide traders with insights into potential market trends, using both volume-weighted moving averages (VWMA) and the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm. By combining these approaches, the indicator aims to offer more precise predictions of price trends, offering bullish and bearish signals.
█ How It Works
Volume Analysis: By utilizing volume-weighted moving averages (VWMA), the Volume SuperTrend AI emphasizes the importance of trading volume in the trend direction, allowing it to respond more accurately to market dynamics.
Artificial Intelligence Integration - k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) Algorithm: The k-NN algorithm is employed to intelligently examine historical data points, measuring distances between current parameters and previous data. The nearest neighbors are utilized to create predictive modeling, thus adapting to intricate market patterns.
█ How to use
Trend Identification
The Volume SuperTrend AI indicator considers not only price movement but also trading volume, introducing an extra dimension to trend analysis. By integrating volume data, the indicator offers a more nuanced and robust understanding of market trends. When trends are supported by high trading volumes, they tend to be more stable and reliable. In practice, a green line displayed beneath the price typically suggests an upward trend, reflecting a bullish market sentiment. Conversely, a red line positioned above the price signals a downward trend, indicative of bearish conditions.
Trend Continuation signals
The AI algorithm is the fundamental component in the coloring of the Volume SuperTrend. This integration serves as a means of predicting the trend while preserving the inherent characteristics of the SuperTrend. By maintaining these essential features, the AI-enhanced Volume SuperTrend allows traders to more accurately identify and capitalize on trend continuation signals.
The Volume SuperTrend AI indicator serves as a dynamic trailing stop loss, adjusting with both price movement and trading volume. This approach protects profits while allowing the trade room to grow, taking into account volume for a more nuanced response to market changes.
█ Settings
AI Settings:
Neighbors (k):
This setting controls the number of nearest neighbors to consider in the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm. By adjusting this parameter, you can directly influence the sensitivity of the model to local fluctuations in the data. A lower value of k may lead to predictions that closely follow short-term trends but may be prone to noise. A higher value of k can provide more stable predictions, considering the broader context of market trends, but might lag in responsiveness.
Data (n):
This setting refers to the number of data points to consider in the model. It allows the user to define the size of the dataset that will be analyzed. A larger value of n may provide more comprehensive insights by considering a wider historical context but can increase computational complexity. A smaller value of n focuses on more recent data, possibly providing quicker insights but might overlook longer-term trends.
AI Trend Settings:
Price Trend & Prediction Trend:
These settings allow you to adjust the lengths of the weighted moving averages that are used to calculate both the price trend and the prediction trend. Shorter lengths make the trends more responsive to recent price changes, capturing quick market movements. Longer lengths smooth out the trends, filtering out noise, and highlighting more persistent market directions.
AI Trend Signals:
This toggle option enables or disables the trend signals generated by the AI. Activating this function may assist traders in identifying key trend shifts and opportunities for entry or exit. Disabling it may be preferred when focusing on other aspects of the analysis.
Super Trend Settings:
This setting determines the length of the SuperTrend, affecting how it reacts to price changes. A shorter length will produce a more sensitive SuperTrend, reacting quickly to price fluctuations. A longer length will create a smoother SuperTrend, reducing false alarms but potentially lagging behind real market changes.
This parameter is the multiplier for the Average True Range (ATR) in SuperTrend calculation. By adjusting the factor, you can control the distance of the SuperTrend from the price. A higher factor makes the SuperTrend further from the price, giving more room for price movement but possibly missing shorter-term signals. A lower factor brings the SuperTrend closer to the price, making it more reactive but possibly more prone to false signals.
Moving Average Source:
This setting lets you choose the type of moving average used for the SuperTrend calculation, such as Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), etc.
Different types of moving averages provide various characteristics to the SuperTrend, enabling customization to align with individual trading strategies and market conditions.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
QQE Weighted Oscillator [LuxAlgo]The QQE (Quantitative Qualitative Estimation) Weighted Oscillator improves on its original version by weighting the RSI based on the indications given by the trailing stop, requiring more effort in order for a cross with the trailing stop to occur.
The QQE Weighted Oscillator is comprised of a smoothed RSI oscillator and a trailing stop derived from this same RSI. The oscillator can be used to indicate whether the market is overbought/oversold as well as an early indication of trend reversals thanks to the leading nature of the RSI.
Using higher Factor values will return a longer-term trailing stop.
Like with a regular RSI divergence can be indicative of a reversal.
Further weighting will control how much "effort" is required for the trailing stop to cross the RSI. For example. For example, an RSI above the trailing stop will require a higher degree of negative price variations in order for a potential cross to occur when using higher weights.
This can cause higher weightings to return more cyclical and smoother results.
Length: Length of the RSI oscillator.
Factor: Multiplicative factor used for the trailing stop calculation.
Smooth: Degree of smoothness of the RSI oscillator.
Weight: Degree of weighting used for the RSI calculation.
[Camarilla Pivots] Signal Clean Up Analysis with Backtest (TSO)Camarilla Pivots NEW GEN Indicator!
This is a full-cycle trading system indicator, which uses Camarilla Pivots for generating signals using a custom developed algorithm, TP (Take Profit) and SL (Stop Loss) levels. There are 3 SOURCES for signals (each can be used separately or in combination or all 3 can be used at the same time, each signal SOURCE is using Camarilla Pivots levels to open optimal trade direction) with chained (NOTE: There are many potential profitable setups available, by combining clean up features availabe in the indicator settings!) signal cleanup and analysis approach with scheduling and alerting capabilities. Works best with shorter timeframes: 1M, 5M, 15M, 1H.
NOTE: Every calculation is done on a confirmed closed candle bar state, so the indicator will never repaint!
NOTE: At position open - there will be calculated Take-Profit and Stop-Loss targets, however each target is considered hit, when candle bar closes breaking that target, so Take-Profit and Stop-Loss when hit will slightly differ then what you see at position open!
Explanation of all the Features | Configuration Guide | Indicator Settings | Signal Cleanup Analysis
>>> Customizable Backtesting for a specific date range, results via TradingView strategy, which includes “Deep Backtesting” for largest amounts of data on trading results.
>>> Trading Schedule with customizable trading daily time range, automatic closing/alert trades before Power Hour or right before market closes or leave it open until next day.
>>> 3 Trading Systems.
>>> Multiple Signal SOURCEs for opening trades, either SOURCE can be used or both at the same time!
>>> Static/Dynamic Stop-Loss setups (HIGHLIGHT: Stop-Loss will be moved to Entry after TP1 is taken, which minimizes risk).
>>> Single or Multiple profit targets (up to 5).
>>> Take-Profit customizable offset feature (set your Take-Profit targets slightly before everyone is expecting it!).
>>> Candle bar signal analysis (matching candle color, skip opposite structured and/or doji candle uncertain signals).
>>> Additional analysis of VWAP/EMA/ATR/EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator)/Divergence MACD+RSI/Volume signal confirmation (clean up your chart with indicator showing only the best potential signals!).
>>> Advanced Alerts setup, which can be potentially setup with a trading bot over TradingView Webhook (NOTE: This will require advanced programming knowledge).
Labels, plots, colors explanations:
>>>>> LONG open: green "house" looking arrow below candle bar.
>>>>> SHORT open: red "house" looking arrow above candle bar.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit target: green/red circles (multi-profit > TP2/3/4/5 smaller circles).
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss target: green/red + crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit hits: green/red diamonds.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss hits: green/red X-crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (profitable trade): green/red squares.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (loss trade): green/red PLUS(+)-crosses.
Date Range and Trading Schedule Settings
>>>>> Date Range: Select your start and/or end dates (uncheck “End” for indicator to show results up to the very moment and to use for LIVE trading) for backtesting results, if not using backtesting – uncheck “Start”/“End” to turn it off.
>>>>> Use TradingView “Strategy Tester” to see backtesting results
NOTE: If Strategy Tester does not show any results with Date Ranged fully unchecked, there may be an issue where a script opens a trade, but there is not enough TradingView power to set the Take-Profit and Stop-Loss and somehow an open trade gets stuck and never closes, so there are “no trades present”. In such case you will need to manually check “Start”/“End” dates or use “Depp Backtesting” feature!
>>>>> Trading Schedule: This is where you can setup Intraday Session or any custom session schedule you wish. Turn it ON. Select trading hours. Select EOD (End of Day) setting (NOTE: If it will be OFF, the indicator will assume you are holding your position open until next day!). Please note the EOD trade closure times with the 2 different Intraday close settings when turned on:
At Market Close:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:55pm ET
15min > will close at 15:45pm ET
30min > will close at 15:30pm ET
45min > will close at 15:45pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
Before Power Hour:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:00pm ET
15min > will close at 15:00pm ET
30min > will close at 15:00pm ET
45min > will close at 15:00pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
>>> Trading Systems: 1) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL": the signal will only open a trade if no trades are currently open/trunning, a trade can only be closed by Take Profit, Stop Loss or End of Day close (if turned on) | 2) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL + OCA": Same as 1), but if there is an opposite signal to the trade which is currently open > it will immediately be closed with new trade open or End of Day close (if turned on) | 3) "OCA (no TP or SL)": There are is Take Profit or Stop Loss, only an opposite signal will close current trade and open an opposite one or End of Day close (if turned on).
>>> Position Open sources:
>>>>> Position Open - SOURCE1 | LONG: S3, SL: S4, TP1: R3, TP2: R4, TP3: R5, TP4/5: Smart Formula | SHORT: R3, SL: R4, TP1: S3, TP2: S4, TP3: S5, TP4/5: Smart Formula
>>>>> Position Open - SOURCE2 | LONG: R4, SL: R3, TP1: R5, TP2/3/4/5: Smart Formula | SHORT: S4, SL: S3, TP1: S5, TP2/3/4/5: Smart Formula
>>>>> Position Open - SOURCE3 | LONG: R5, SL: R4, TP1/2/3/4/5: Smart Formula | SHORT: S5, SL: S4, TP1/2/3/4/5: Smart Formula
>>> Turn On/Off: Current Position SL + Opposite Position Open Signal on the same closing candle bar (If current trade hits Stop-Loss and at that same closing candle bar there is a signal for an opposite direction trade > indicator will close current position as Stop-Loss and immediately open an opposite position). NOTE: With this option turned on, there will be more trades, but not necessarily better results, since after Stop-Loss is hit, it may make sense to wait a little before opening an opposite trade, even if it matches the condition at the same time when Stop-Loss is hit, but sometimes it shows great results, so this setting/feature is included.
>>> Turn On/Off: Turn On/Off: Current Position REGULAR SL | Only the SL + Opposite Position Open will trigger if turned on, IF NOT - THERE WILL BE NO STOP-LOSS AT ALL!!! NOTE: It is very dangerous to trade without Stop-Loss!
>>>>> Signal Candle Bar consuming Take-Profits - position/trade signal candle bar is big enought to "consume"/close ahead the first TP setting > the signal can either be skipped, or all Take-Profit areas pushed ahead using smart formula)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | TP (Take-Profit) System: Once the trade is open, all Take-Profit target(s) are immediately calculated and set for the trade > once the target(s) is hit > trade will be partially closed (if candle bar closes beyond several Take-Profit targets > trade will be reduced accordingly to the amount of how many Take-Profit targets were hit)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | SL (Stop-Loss) System: 1) Static – Once the trade is open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set for the remaining of the trade ||| 2) Dynamic – At trade open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set the same way, however once 1st Take-Profit is taken > Stop-Loss is moved to Entry, reducing the risk.
>>>>> # of TPs (number of take profit targets): Just like it is named, this is where you select the number of Take-Profit targets for your trading system (NOTE: If "OCA (no TP or SL)" Trading System is selected, this setting won’t do anything, since there are no TP or SLs for that system).
>>>>> TP(s) offset: This is a special feature for all Take-Profit targets, where you can turn on a customizable offset, so that if the price is almost hitting the Take-Profit target, but never actually touches it > you will capture it. This is good to use with HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low), which is pretty much a Support/Resistance as often the price will nearly touch these strong areas and turn around…
Signal Analysis and Cleanup Settings
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Candle Color signal confirmation: If closed candle bar color does not match the signal direction > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip opposite candle signals: If closed candle bar color will match the signal direction, but candle structure will be opposite (for example: bearish green hammer, long high stick on top of a small green square) > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip doji candle signals: If closed candle bar will be the uncertain doji > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator) signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, EWO is green or will be at bullish slope (you can select which setting you desire), SHORT if EWO is red or will be at bearish slope.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | VWAP signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above VWAP, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | Moving Average signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above selected Moving Average, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | ATR signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above ATR, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | RSI + MACD signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, RSI + MACD will be bullish, SHORT if RSI + MACD will be bearish.
>>>>> Volume signal confirmation: LONG/SHORT will only be opened with strong Volume matching the signal direction, by default, strong Volume percentage is set to 150% and weak to 50%, but you can change it as you desire.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"TP PERCENTAGE" - amount by which current trade/position needs to be reduced/partially closed/sold.
TP System: Dynamic
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount (trade/position size divided by the # of take-profit(TP) targets) and percentage to be closed will always be of the ORIGINAL trade/position.
TP System: Static
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount IF take-profit(TP) targets are hit 1-by-1 (TP1 > TP2 > TP3 > TP4 > TP5), otherwise it will vary and unless it is a 1st take-profit(TP1), the REMAINING trade/position size will always be smaller than original and therefore the percentage to be closed will always be of the REMAINING trade/position and NOT the original one!
"TP PERCENTAGE" CheatSheet (these are the only percentages you may see)
TP PERCENTAGE---Close/Sell Amount-------------Example (trade size: 50 stocks)
20%-------------trade size * 0.2--------------50 * 0.2 = 10 stocks
25%-------------trade size * 0.25-------------50 * 0.25 = 12.5(~13) stocks
34%-------------trade size * 0.34-------------50 * 0.34 = 17 stocks
40%-------------trade size * 0.4--------------50 * 0.4 = 20 stocks
50%-------------trade size * 0.5--------------50 * 0.5 = 25 stocks
60%-------------trade size * 0.6--------------50 * 0.6 = 30 stocks
66%-------------trade size * 0.66-------------50 * 0.66 = 33 stocks
75%-------------trade size * 0.75-------------50 * 0.75 = 37.5(~38) stocks
80%-------------trade size * 0.8--------------50 * 0.8 = 40 stocks
100%------------trade size--------------------50 = 50 stocks
If for any reason a portion of the current/remaining trade closed at such occurrence was slightly wrong, it is not an issue. Such occurrences are rare and with slight difference in partial TP closed is not significant to overall performance of our algorithms.
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Alert Settings (you don’t have to touch this section unless you will be using TradingView alerts through a Webhook to use with trading bot)
Here is how a LONG OPEN alert looks like.
NOTE: Each label , , etc. is customizable, you can change the text of it within indicator Input settings.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
TP1: 20500
TP2: 21000
TP3: 21500
TP4: 22500
TP5: 23500
SL: 19000
Leverage: 0
Here is how a TP1 alert will look with 5 TPs breakdown of the trade.
NOTE1: Next to TP1 taken it will show at which price it was triggered.
NOTE2: Next to "TP Percentage" it shows how much of the CURRENT/ACTIVE/REMAINING trade needs to be closed.
NOTE2: If TP2/3/4/5 comes before TP1 - the alert will tell you exactly how many percent of the trade needs to be closed!
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TP1: 20500
TP Percentage: 20%
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - STOP-LOSS.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
SL: 19000
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - EOD (End of Day) In Profit close.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LONG: EOD-Close (profit)
ENTRY: 20000
EOD-Close: 21900
Adding Alerts in TradngView
-Add indicator to chart and make sure it is configured (check back-testing results)
-Right-click anywhere on the TradingView chart
-Click on Add alert
-Condition: Select this indicator by it’s name
-Alert name: Whatever you want
-Hit “Create”
-Note: If you change ANY Settings within the indicator – you must DELETE the current alert and create a new one per steps above, otherwise it will continue triggering alerts per old Settings!
If you have any questions or issues with the indicator, please message me directly via TradingView.
Good Luck! (NOTE: Trading is very risky, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, so please trade responsibly!)
NOTE: There seems to be a strange glitch when strategy is running live, it will show "double-take" take-profits labels on the chart. This is not affecting the script logic and backtesting results, if you will remove/re-add the script afterwards, it will no longer show the duplicate orders... this must be some sort of a glitch as every alert was thoroughly tested to make sure everything is working!
Sublime Trading | Trailing StoplossWhat kind of traders/investors are we?
We are trend followers. Our scripts are designed to be used on the higher timeframes (weekly/daily) to catch the large moves/trends in the market.
Most have heard of long-term trend following. Few know how to execute the strategy.
Our scripts are designed specifically to identify and invest in long-term market trends.
What does this script do?
The exit from a position is arguably more important than the entry.
Traders/Investors will regularly find themselves in an asset based on some logic, but the exit management is very much an afterthought.
Hence why traders often take profit too early and hold onto losing positions. It is emotionally driven.
The Trailing Stoploss script is designed to remove the guesswork and show you precise levels you will want to consider exiting a position when an asset reverses.
How is the trailing stoploss produced?
The script uses the formula ATR 15 x 4.
We use ATR as it produces a stoploss which is unique to the volatility of the asset. The more volatile the asset, the wider the stoploss.
We use ATR 15 as it brings an average reading across half a month, incorporating days of extreme volatility.
The multiplier 4 works well to avoid positions being stopped out prematurely on pullbacks.
When the trailing stoploss is hit, this is where you will want to consider taking profit.
What is the best timeframe to use the script?
We recommend the daily timeframe as this is where trend followers enter assets to maximise the potential of long-term trends.
The higher timeframes are where traders and investors take fewer positions and hold for longer time periods.
The trailing stoploss follows the price of the asset a distance away to give the trend structure enough space and time to develop.
A trend is ultimately a function of time. If you eliminate time, you eliminate the trend. If you eliminate the trend, you eliminate profit.
The Trailing Stoploss script is necessary for investors who appreciate that profit is accumulated by letting winning positions run and not taking profit too early.
What makes this script unique?
Exit management and knowing when to let go of an asset is one of the main struggles budding investors face. This script has been coded specifically for the daily timeframe to:
Create a trailing stoploss that is unique to the volatility of the asset.
Allow investors to stay in positions for the duration of the trend over many months.
To distinguish between a pullback and a market reversal, allowing for discretion.
This TSL script is designed to manage positions investors take in line with long-term market trends.
[Volume Profile] Signal Clean Up Analysis with Backtest (TSO) This is a full-cycle trading system indicator, which uses Volume Profile for generating signals using a custom developed algorithm, TP (Take Profit) and SL (Stop Loss) levels. There are 2 SOURCES for signals (each can be used separately or both can be used at the same time, each signal SOURCE is using Volume Profile levels to open optimal trade direction) with chained (NOTE: You can select several or ALL of the features, this is not limited to either one) signal cleanup and analysis approach with scheduling and alerting capabilities. Works with most popular timeframes: 1M, 5M, 15M, 1H, 4H, D, great for intraday trading!
NOTE: Every calculation is done on a confirmed closed candle bar state, so the indicator will never repaint!
Explanation of all the Features | Configuration Guide | Indicator Settings | Signal Cleanup Analysis
>>> Customizable Backtesting for a specific date range, results via TradingView strategy, which includes “Deep Backtesting” for largest amounts of data on trading results.
>>> Trading Schedule with customizable trading daily time range, automatic closing/alert trades before Power Hour or right before market closes or leave it open until next day.
>>> 3 Trading Systems.
>>> Multiple Signal SOURCEs for opening trades, either SOURCE can be used or both at the same time!
>>> Static/Dynamic Stop-Loss setups (HIGHLIGHT: Stop-Loss will be moved to Entry after TP1 is taken, which minimizes risk).
>>> Single or Multiple profit targets (up to 3).
>>> Take-Profit customizable offset feature (set your Take-Profit targets slightly before everyone is expecting it!).
>>> Candle bar signal analysis (matching candle color, skip opposite structured and/or doji candle uncertain signals).
>>> Additional analysis of VWAP/EMA/ATR/EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator)/Divergence MACD+RSI/Volume signal confirmation (clean up your chart with indicator showing only the best potential signals!).
>>> Advanced Alerts setup, which can be potentially setup with a trading bot over TradingView Webhook (NOTE: This will require advanced programming knowledge).
Labels, plots, colors explanations:
>>>>> Signal SOURCE(s): Green/Red arrows, which will be shown unconditionally, outside of trade engine and can be hidden if desired.
>>>>> LONG open: green "house" looking arrow below candle bar.
>>>>> SHORT open: red "house" looking arrow above candle bar.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit target: green/red circles (multi-profit > TP2/3/4/5 smaller circles).
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit hits: green/red diamonds.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss target: green/red + crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss hits: green/red X-crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD close (profitable trade): green/red squares.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD close (loss trade): green/red PLUS(+)-crosses.
Date Range and Trading Schedule Settings
>>>>> Date Range: Select your start and/or end dates (uncheck “End” for indicator to show results up to the very moment and to use for LIVE trading) for backtesting results, if not using backtesting – uncheck “Start”/“End” to turn it off.
>>>>> Use TradingView “Strategy Tester” to see backtesting results
NOTE: If Strategy Tester does not show any results with Date Ranged fully unchecked, there may be an issue where a script opens a trade, but there is not enough TradingView power to set the Take-Profit and Stop-Loss and somehow an open trade gets stuck and never closes, so there are “no trades present”. In such case you will need to manually check “Start”/“End” dates or use “Depp Backtesting” feature!
>>>>> Trading Schedule: This is where you can setup Intraday Session or any custom session schedule you wish. Turn it ON. Select trading hours. Select EOD (End of Day) setting (NOTE: If it will be OFF, the indicator will assume you are holding your position open until next day!).
>>> Trading Systems: 1) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL": the signal will only open a trade if no trades are currently open/trunning, a trade can only be closed by Take Profit, Stop Loss or End of Day close (if turned on) | 2) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL + OCA": Same as 1), but if there is an opposite signal to the trade which is currently open > it will immediately be closed with new trade open or End of Day close (if turned on) | 3) "OCA (no TP or SL)": There are is Take Profit or Stop Loss, only an opposite signal will close current trade and open an opposite one or End of Day close (if turned on)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | TP (Take-Profit) System: Once the trade is open, all Take-Profit target(s) are immediately calculated and set for the trade > once the target(s) is hit > trade will be partially closed (if candle bar closes beyond several Take-Profit targets > trade will be reduced accordingly to the amount of how many Take-Profit targets were hit)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | SL (Stop-Loss) System: 1) Static – Once the trade is open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set for the remaining of the trade ||| 2) Dynamic – At trade open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set the same way, however once 1st Take-Profit is taken > Stop-Loss is moved to Entry, reducing the risk.
>>>>> # of TPs (number of take profit targets): Just like it is named, this is where you select the number of Take-Profit targets for your trading system (NOTE: If "OCA (no TP or SL)" Trading System is selected, this setting won’t do anything, since there are no TP or SLs for that system).
>>>>> TP(s) offset: This is a special feature for all Take-Profit targets, where you can turn on a customizable offset, so that if the price is almost hitting the Take-Profit target, but never actually touches it > you will capture it. This is good to use with HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low), which is pretty much a Support/Resistance as often the price will nearly touch these strong areas and turn around…
Take-Profit and Stop-Loss visual example:
1) A simply nice intraday trading day for SPY (S&P500 ETF TRUST) with a single Take-Profit target on each trade.
See how Take-Profit distances increase with price momentum and how Stop-Loss is following the trade reducing the risk!
2) Same intraday trading day for SPY (S&P500 ETF TRUST) with 3 Take-Profit targets with static Stop-Loss.
3) Same intraday trading day for SPY (S&P500 ETF TRUST) with 3 Take-Profit targets with dynamic Stop-Loss.
You can see how Stop-Loss was moved once TP1 is taken!
Trade Analysis and Cleanup Settings
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Candle Color signal confirmation: If closed candle bar color does not match the signal direction > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip opposite candle signals: If closed candle bar color will match the signal direction, but candle structure will be opposite (for example: bearish green hammer, long high stick on top of a small green square) > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip doji candle signals: If closed candle bar will be the uncertain doji > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator) signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, EWO is green or will be at bullish slope (you can select which setting you desire), SHORT if EWO is red or will be at bearish slope.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | VWAP signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above VWAP, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | Moving Average signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above selected Moving Average, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | ATR signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above ATR, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | RSI + MACD signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, RSI + MACD will be bullish, SHORT if RSI + MACD will be bearish.
>>>>> Volume signal confirmation: LONG/SHORT will only be open if closing candle volume is 150% above average Volume based on the Volume Length.
Alert Settings (you don’t have to touch this section unless you will be using TradingView alerts through a Webhook to use with trading bot)
Here is how a LONG OPEN alert looks like (each label is customizable + I can add up more items/labels if needed):
ENTRY: 20000
TP1: 20500
TP2: 21000
TP3: 21500
SL: 19000
Leverage: 0
Adding Alerts in TradngView
-Right-click anywhere on the TradingView chart
-Click on Add alert
-Condition: Select this indicator by it’s name
-Alert name: Whatever you want
-Hit “Create”
-Note: If you change ANY Settings within the indicator – you must DELETE the current alert and create a new one per steps above, otherwise it will continue triggering alerts per old Settings!
If you have any questions or issues with the indicator, please message me directly via TradingView.
Good Luck! (NOTE: Trading is very risky, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, so please trade responsibly!)
IKH Cloud V1.0 (nextSignals)The IKH Cloud V1.0 (nextSignals) is an Ichomoku-type indicator that can be used for various trading strategies. It's based on a ThinkScript study from @stephenharlinmd (aka nextSignals) that uses an instantaneous moving average as the base MA, and a custom trailing stop. Both of these components form the cloud.
Indicator Components and Calculation
The indicator comprises two key components:
Instantaneous Moving Average (IMA) : This is a type of moving average that places a greater weight on the most recent data points, and is based on Ehler's book "Rocket Science for Traders". This is slightly different from the Doc's original, but is very approximate.
Trailing Stop : This component helps determine the stop loss level that moves along with the price. The trailing stop is based on the highest high and the lowest low of the last 5 bars, as well as the simple moving averages of the low and high of the previous bar. The trailing stop is calculated separately for each condition: when the bar index is greater than 1 and when the previous 'a' variable is either 1 or 0.
These two components are used to create a filled area on the chart, also known as the 'cloud'. The color of the cloud and the candlesticks change based on the relative positions of the IMA and the trailing stop.
How to Use the Indicator
The following are just ideas on how to use this indicator, and is not financial advice in any form:
Trend Identification: When the IMA is above the trailing stop (cloud), it indicates an uptrend, and when it's below, it indicates a downtrend.
Entry/Exit Signals: Traders can consider going long when the candlesticks move above the cloud and short when they move below the cloud.
Stop Loss Level: The trailing stop line (the cloud's edge) can serve as a dynamic stop loss level.
Please don't use just this indicator on its own. Please use this in conjunction with other analysis tools, indicators, and systems you already have in place. Always consider the overall market context and use appropriate risk management strategies.
METRIC-TREND-TRADERThis script is a Fully Automated trading script meant to be used with "Oanda" broker and the plug-ins for algorithmic trading automation.( FOREX ONLY)
This script is meant to capture "TREND FOLLOWING " for intraday charts (1hour) preferably and will hold for days / weeks .trading on forex markets.
(The combination of indicators includes a short high and low price channel and a longer term high and low price channel)
This script is original in description as being automated to try and capture dynamic trending markets with both long and short fractal price channels. although trend trading is not an original concept. trend trading with this dynamic indicator allows the user visualize both short term and longer term price action at the same time, helping to make better trading decisions. the channels are designed to buy breakouts in the direction of the longer term trend while trailing stop a built-in stop loss that allows normal market movement while attempting to lock in flexible profits.
The concept of this indicator is be able to quickly visualize trends by high lighting the large green areas beneath price "when trending long" which is the difference between the (user defined) short term lows and the (user defined) Long period price lows.
For "down trending" markets a large red area above price will be displayed and this is the difference between the (user defined) short term highs and the (user defined) long term highs.
This strategy uses a lower than reward profile to jump in direction of market moves for continuation,
(1 risk to 4 reward)
in the likelihood the instrument will continue (example) 200 pips before it reverts 50 pips in the counter direction.
This strategy should only be used in markets that you believe are "TRENDING" at the time of trading otherwise you risk trend trading a range market.
This script uses a (user defined period) of short term high and low price ( green/red color) and (user defined period) Long Term high and low price (green/red) chosen in the indicator settings menu.
The default parameters are 10 with a (minimum of 1 and maximum of 10000) for the short term channel and 50 with a (minimum of 1 and maximum of 10000) for the long term price channel , the default parameters = roughly 2 days "long term" and 10 hours "short term" of price action on the (1 hour) chart.
Strategy entries and exits , for Long trades the trade will be entered if the short term high crosses above the Long Term high and the Short term low is not equal to the Long term low . the trade will exit if profit or stop loss are hit or if the Short term low crosses under the long term low.
For Short trades the trade will enter short if , the short term low crosses under the long term low and the short term high is not equal to the long term high. the trade will exit if profit or stop loss are hit or the short term high crosses over the long term high
"The default parameters should be kept unless you fully understand the complete strategy"
There are two very important inputs to be selected at the user setting menu "Long Only " and "Short Only" if you are looking to place long trades only select "Long Only" or for short trades select " Short Only" it is not recommended to keep both selected as it will trade both sides!
When the trade is entered a red , a blue and green horizontal dotted line will appear on the chart.
the blue line is the strategy entry price , the red line is the stop loss price , and the green line is the take profit price . the colors will invert if the trade is long or short.
(Setting alerts should be done in the indicator settings menu, and the parameters you chose will determine the stop loss/target and the amount of "units = (position size)" you wish to trade for the (forex only) markets. using "alert() function calls only" is the only alert that should be used with this strategy.
(note : when "alert() function calls only" is set two messages will be sent, one closing any open position in the opposite direction and one placing the new order regardless if you are currently in a trade or not)
Trade targets , stoploss and trade position size are a user defined variables entered in the indicator settings menu. (target pips minimum 0 and a maximum of 1000)(stop pips minimum of 0 and maximum of 1000)
Back test date range is included in the script for back testing different data periods.
the back ground will be colored a transparent navy blue if the period you are looking trading is with in the date range( note: to place live trades the end date will need to be in the future)
this is also adjustable in the settings menu
The avoid spread filter is a user defined time in which the spread is typically higher than average, applying this filter avoids trades in the specified time. When this filter is applied there will be a transparent red back ground color in the specified time.
Back test default setting are equivocal to OANDA:USDJPY
at the time of this publication placing trades with the "Oanda" broker are as follows , USD units = 2000 equal 2000 USD position size . "Oanda" current leverage is 20 to 1 for this particular pair and commission is paid in spread (1.4) pips = 0.19 USD per trade , Margin required for the trade is 100.0 USD , Position sizing = 10% of a 1000 USD account.
MTF Fusion - SuperTrend [TradingIndicators]SuperTrend is undoubtedly one of the most popular and influential indicators ever developed, and by combining it with our MTF Fusion algorithm, we believe we have made it more useful and powerful than ever with MTF Fusion SuperTrend .
Let's start with a brief review of what the original SuperTrend indicator is and how it works.
What is SuperTrend?
The SuperTrend indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used in financial markets to identify the direction of a trend and potential entry and exit points for trading. It was developed by Olivier Seban, a French trader, and first introduced in his book "Tout le monde peut gagner en bourse" ("Everyone Can Win in the Stock Market") published in 2008.
SuperTrend is based on the concept of Average True Range (ATR) and uses two parameters: the multiplier and the period. The ATR measures the volatility of a financial instrument, and the SuperTrend indicator utilizes this information to plot a line above or below the price chart. It is an 'AITM' (Always In The Market) indicator, which, in its original form, is always 'long' or 'short' - and never 'flat'.
Here's a brief overview of how the SuperTrend indicator works:
Calculation of the ATR: The ATR is calculated using historical price data over a specified period. It measures the average range between high and low prices, reflecting the market's volatility.
Calculation of the upward (long/bullish) and downward (short/bearish) SuperTrend lines: The SuperTrend indicator multiplies the ATR by a specified multiplier (typically 2 or 3) and adds/subtracts the result from the current closing price. This calculation determines the upward and downward SuperTrend lines.
Plotting the Indicator: The SuperTrend indicator plots a line above the price chart when the price is trending upwards, and below the price chart when the price is trending downwards. The distance between the price and the indicator line provides insights into the strength of the trend.
Traders commonly use the SuperTrend indicator to identify potential buy or sell signals. For example, a buy signal may be generated when the price crosses above the indicator line, indicating an uptrend. Conversely, a sell signal may be triggered when the price crosses below the indicator line, signaling a downtrend.
What is MTF Fusion?
Multi-Timeframe (MTF) Fusion is the process of combining calculations from multiple timeframes higher than the chart's into one 'fused' value or indicator. It is based on the idea that integrating data from higher timeframes can help us to better identify short-term trading opportunities within the context of long-term market trends.
How does it work?
Let's use the context of this indicator, which calculates SuperTrend lines, as an example to explain how MTF Fusion works and how you can perform it yourself.
Step 1: Selecting Higher Timeframes
The first step is to determine the appropriate higher timeframes to use for the fusion calculation. These timeframes should typically be chosen based on their ability to provide meaningful price levels and action which actively affect the price action of the smaller timeframe you're focused on. For example, if you are trading the 5 minute chart, you might select the 15 minute, 30 minute, and hourly timeframe as the higher timeframes you want to fuse in order to give you a more holistic view of the trends and action affecting you on the 5 minute. In this indicator, four higher timeframes are automatically selected depending on the timeframe of the chart it is applied to.
Step 2: Gathering Data and Calculations
Once the higher timeframes are identified, the next step is to calculate the data from these higher timeframes that will be used to calculate your fused values. In this indicator, for example, the values of SuperTrend lines are calculated by determining the value of the SuperTrend indicator for all four higher timeframes.
Step 3: Fusing the Values From Higher Timeframes
The next step is to actually combine the values from these higher timeframes to obtain your 'fused' indicator values. The simplest approach to this is to simply average them. If you have calculated the value of a SuperTrend line from three higher timeframes, you can, for example, calculate your 'multi-timeframe fused level' as (HigherTF_SuperTrend_1 + HigherTF_SuperTrend_2 + HigherTF_SuperTrend_3) / 3.0.
Step 4: Visualization and Interpretation
Once the calculations are complete, the resulting fused indicator values are plotted on the chart. These values reflect the fusion of data from the multiple higher timeframes, giving a broader perspective on the market's behavior and potentially valuable insights without the need to manually consider values from each higher timeframe yourself.
What makes this script unique? Why is it closed source?
While the process described above is fairly unique and sounds simple, the truly important key lies in determining which higher timeframes to fuse together, and how to weight their values when calculating the fused end result in such a way that best leverages their relationship for useful TA.
This MTF Fusion indicator employs a smart, adaptive algorithm which automatically selects appropriate higher timeframes to use in fusion calculations depending on the timeframe of the chart it is applied to. It also uses a dynamic algorithm to adjust and weight the SuperTrend calculations depending on each higher timeframe's relationship to the chart timeframe. These algorithms are based on extensive testing and are the reason behind this script's closed source status.
Unlike in the original indicator, flat/'No Trend' areas exist in MTF Fusion SuperTrend!
MTF Fusion SuperTrend only shows a Fusion SuperTrend when the majority of SuperTrends from higher timeframes are in agreement and signaling the same trend direction . So, unlike the original SuperTrend indicator, MTF Fusion SuperTrend sometimes shows no SuperTrend line at all - typically in flat or indecisive areas, which we think is beneficial and helps to filter out noise on smaller timeframes.
Included Features
Fusion SuperTrend lines
Dynamic Multi-Timeframe SuperTrends
Filled zones to highlight trends
Full customization of SuperTrend parameters
Pre-built color stylings
Fusion View: Show/hide the Fusion SuperTrends calculated from multiple higher timeframes
MTF View: Show/hide the SuperTrends from multiple higher timeframes used to calculate the Fusion SuperTrends
Fill Trending Zones: Show/hide the fill for 'trending zones' between price and the Fusion SuperTrends
Multiplier: Sets the multiplier for all SuperTrend calculations
ATR Period: Sets the ATR period for all SuperTrend calculations
Pre-Built Color Styles: Use a pre-built color styling (uncheck to use your own colors)
Manual Color Styles: When pre-built color styles are disabled, use these color inputs to define your own
HTF star - trailingDescription:
The HTF - Stars (Highertimeframe Stars) Strategy Script is designed to explore the behavior of a strategy using multiple timeframes. This experimental script focuses on identifying star candle patterns on a chosen higher timeframe and capturing subsequent price movements on a lower timeframe. By leveraging the power of star candle patterns forming on a higher timeframe, this strategy aims to capture potential trading opportunities on a shorter timeframe.
Key Features:
Multiple Timeframe Analysis: The strategy script allows you to be on a lower timeframe while searching for star candle patterns on a higher timeframe using the security function. This approach enables you to take advantage of higher timeframe insights and potentially capture favorable price movements on a shorter timeframe.
Star Candle Pattern Detection: The script identifies star candle patterns on the chosen higher timeframe. After the candle closes, a buy or sell order is executed on the lower timeframe, signaling a potential trading opportunity based on the detected pattern.
Trailing Stop: The strategy utilizes a trailing stop feature to manage trades. The trailing stop is set at a specified ATR (Average True Range) distance above or below the candle closes. This mechanism allows you to capture potential profits if the price moves in the anticipated direction and then reverses.
Mean Reversion Potential: During backtesting, it was observed that shorting stars above the 360 MA (Moving Average) and taking long positions on stars below the 360 MA yielded the most profitable results in the current market conditions. This suggests that star candle patterns in this context may serve as potential mean reversion signals. However, user inputs allow for customization, enabling you to experiment with different trading approaches when a star candle is detected.
Backtesting Feature: The script includes a backtesting feature that uses a percentage of equity, with 1% of equity set as the default. It displays a table presenting various statistics about the strategy's performance, providing valuable insights into its historical results.
Adjustable User Inputs: The script offers multiple adjustable settings, each accompanied by tooltips explaining their functionality. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune the strategy according to your preferences and experiment with different parameters to optimize its performance.
The HTF - Stars Strategy Script is provided for experimental and educational purposes only. Trading in the financial markets involves risk, and you should only trade with funds that you can afford to lose. The information presented in this script does not constitute financial advice or investment recommendations. Always conduct your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. The creator of this script shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred from the use of this script. Historical performance is not indicative of future results.
Please note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading the markets involves risk, and there is no guarantee that the strategy described will be profitable for you. It is important to thoroughly test the strategy, adapt it to your trading style, and use proper risk management techniques.
AIR Supertrend (Average Interpercentile Range)Supertrend (ST) is a popular stop loss and trend identification script. The simplicity of seeing a clean trend on a chart makes it attractive, yet it is restricted by only allowing the source, length and multiplier to be adjusted, & these tend to have a limited effect on the properties of the identified trend.
There is a wide variety of interesting ST scripts on TradingView that give the user more control, but none to my knowledge, based on measuring the statistical dispersion of Average Interpercentile Range (AIR).
Two more levels of control:
Normally, ATR Average True Range is used to calculate the range in ST. ATR is initially calculated using RMA to smooth out True Range. This script gives the user the option of changing the MA to some more interesting varieties & modifying their parameters.
The default range setting when you load the indicator on a chart will be AIR.
The real strength of the indicator, however, and the reason I am publishing it, is to release AIR. Play round with the percentile range setting. Lowering it will allow you to stay longer in a trade in a volatile market. Raising it will make it tighter.
For comparison, you can switch back the range setting to ATR and load up RMA to see how the original, classic ST plots.
Alerts are included in this version. Alway use a stop loss.
DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice.
Credits to these authors, whose hard work inspired parts of this script:
@ KivancOzbilgic - SuperTrend
@ KioseffTrading - Tillson T3 MA
@ cheatcountry - Hann Window Smoothing
@ mutantdog - Interquartile Range function in his 'Blaze' script
[SMA Cross + HHLL] Signal Clean Up Analysis with Backtest (TSO) This is a DEMO indicator with a simple 2 SMAs cross for signals + HHLL for TP/SL. It mainly demonstrates chained (NOTE: You can select several or ALL of the features, this is not limited to either one) signal cleanup and analysis approach with scheduling and alerting capabilities. Works with most popular timeframes: 1M, 5M, 15M, 1H, 4H, D.
Here are some pre-set examples with nice Backtesting results (try em out!):
>>> Indexes – SPY (INTRADAY SETUP ): Timeframe: 5M | Trading Schedule: ON, 10:00-15:45 ET, EOD: At Market Close | Trading System: Open Until Closed by TP or SL | MULTIPROFIT: TP (take profit) System: Dynamic | MULTIPROFIT: SL (stop loss) System (This is only for “Dynamic” TP System ONLY!!!): Dynamic | # of TPs: 5 | Skip opposite candle types in signals, which are opposite to direction of candle color (for example: bearish green hammer) | Everything else: Default
>>> Bitcoin – BTCUSD (24/7 SETUP): Timeframe: 1H | Trading Schedule: OFF, End of Day (EOD): OFF | Trading System: Open Until Closed by TP or SL | MULTIPROFIT: TP (take profit) System: Dynamic | MULTIPROFIT: SL (stop loss) System (This is only for “Dynamic” TP System ONLY!!!): Dynamic | # of TPs: 3 | TP(s) Offset: on, TP(s) offset amount: 50 | ATR confirmation | Everything else: Default
Explanation of all the Features | Configuration Guide | Indicator Settings
Signal cleanup analysis:
>>> Customizable Backtesting for a specific date range, results via TradingView strategy, which includes “Deep Backtesting” for largest amounts of data on trading results.
>>> Trading Schedule with customizable trading daily time range, automatic closing/alert trades before Power Hour or right before market closes or leave it open until next day.
>>> 3 Trading Systems.
>>> Static/Dynamic Take-Profit setups (HILIGHT: momentum catch dynamic Take-Profit approach).
>>> Static/Dynamic Stop-Loss setups (HIGHLIGHT: smart trailing Stop-Loss which minimizes risk).
>>> Single or Multiple profit targets (up to 5).
>>> Take-Profit customizable offset feature (set your Take-Profit targets slightly before everyone is expecting it!).
>>> Candle bar signal analysis (skip opposite structured and/or doji candle uncertain signals).
>>> Additional analysis of VWAP/EMA/ATR/EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator)/Divergence MACD+RSI signal confirmation (clean up your chart with indicator showing only the best potential signals!).
>>> Advanced Alerts setup, which can be potentially setup with a trading bot over TradingView Webhook (NOTE: This will require advanced programming knowledge).
>>> Customize your signal SOURCE and your Take-Profit/Stop-Loss SOURCES as you desire.
Labels, plots, colors explanations:
>>>>> Signal SOURCE: SMA crossings (green and red BIG circles) .
>>>>> Take-profit/Stop-loss SOURCE: HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low) .
>>>>> LONG open: green arrow below candle bar.
>>>>> SHORT open: red arrow above candle bar.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit target: green/red circles (multi-profit > TP2/3/4/5 smaller circles).
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit hits: green/red diamonds.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss target: green/red + crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss hits: green/red X-crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD close (profitable trade): green/red squares.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD close (loss trade): green/red PLUS(+)-crosses.
Date Range and Trading Schedule Settings
>>>>> Date Range: Select your start and/or end dates (uncheck “End” for indicator to show results up to the very moment and to use for LIVE trading) for backtesting results, if not using backtesting – uncheck “Start”/“End” to turn it off.
>>>>> Use TradingView “Strategy Tester” to see backtesting results
NOTE: If Strategy Tester does not show any results with Date Ranged fully unchecked, there may be an issue where a script opens a trade, but there is not enough TradingView power to set the Take-Profit and Stop-Loss and somehow an open trade gets stuck and never closes, so there are “no trades present”. In such case you will need to manually check “Start”/“End” dates or use “Depp Backtesting” feature!
>>>>> Trading Schedule: This is where you can setup Intraday Session or any custom session schedule you wish. Turn it ON. Select trading hours. Select EOD (End of Day) setting (NOTE: If it will be OFF, the indicator will assume you are holding your position open until next day!).
>>>>> Trading System: 1) Open Until Closed by TP or SL – once the trade is open, it can only be closed by Take-Profit, Stop-Loss or at EOD (if turned on) ||| 2) OCA – Opposite Trade will Open Closing Current Trade – Same as 1), except that when and if an OPPOSITE signal is received > indicator will close current trade immediately (profit or loss) and open a new one(NOTE: This will only happen with an OPPOSITE direction trade!) ||| 3) Open Until Opposite Signal or EOD (if turned on) – This approach is the simplest one, there are no Take-Profits or Stop-Losses, the trade is open until an OPPOSITE signal is received or until EOD (if turned on).
Take-Profit, Stop-Loss and Multi-Profit Settings
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | TP (Take-Profit) System: 1) Static – Once the trade is open, all Take-Profit target(s) are immediately calculated and set for the trade > once the target(s) is hit > trade will be partially closed (if candle bar closes beyond several Take-Profit targets > trade will be reduced accordingly to the amount of how many Take-Profit targets were hit) ||| 2) Dynamic – Once the trade is open, only the 1st Take-Profit target is calculated, once the 1st Take-Profit is hit > next Take-Profit distance is calculated based on the distance from trade Entry to where 1st Take-Profit was taken, once 2nd Take-Profit is taken > 3rd Take-Profit is calculated per same logic, these are good for price momentum as with price speeding up – profits increase as well!
NOTE: Below 2 settings, each correspond to only 1 setting of the TP (Take-Profit) System, please pay attention to the above TP system setting before changing SL settings!
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | SL (Stop-Loss) System : 1) Static – Once the trade is open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set for the remaining of the trade ||| 2) Dynamic – At trade open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set the same way, however once 1st Take-Profit is taken > Stop-Loss is moved to Entry, reducing the risk.
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | SL (Stop-Loss) System : 1) Static - Once the trade is open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set for the remaining of the trade ||| 2) Dynamic – At trade open, Stop-Loss is calculated and set the same way, however with each Take-Profit taken, Stop-Loss will be moved to previous Take-Profit (TP1 taken > SL:Entry | TP2 taken > SL:TP1 | TP3 taken > SL:TP2 | TP4 taken > SL:TP3 | TP5 taken > trade closed), this is basically a smart Stop-Loss trailing system!
>>>>> # of TPs (number of take profit targets): Just like it is named, this is where you select the number of Take-Profit targets for your trading system (NOTE: If “3) Open Until Opposite Signal or EOD (if turned on)” Trading System is selected, this setting won’t do anything, since there are no TP or SLs for that system).
>>>>> TP(s) offset: This is a special feature for all Take-Profit targets, where you can turn on a customizable offset, so that if the price is almost hitting the Take-Profit target, but never actually touches it > you will capture it. This is good to use with HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low), which is pretty much a Support/Resistance as often the price will nearly touch these strong areas and turn around…
Dynamic/Static Take-Profit and Stop-Loss visual examples:
1) Fully Dynamic Take-Profit and Stop-Loss setup for BTCUSD
See how Take-Profit distances increase with price momentum and how Stop-Loss is following the trade reducing the risk!
2) Static/Dynamic, Static Take-Profit and Dynamic Stop-Loss setup for SPY (S&P500 ETF TRUST)
You can see a static Take-Profit set at position open, while Stop-Loss is semi-dynamic adjusting to Entry once TP1 target is taken!
3) Fully Static Take-Profit and Stop-Loss setup for SPY (S&P500 ETF TRUST)
This one is a fully static setup for both Take-Profit and Stop-Loss, you can also observe how trade is closed right before the Power Hour (trade can be closed right before Power Hour or right before Market Closes or left overnight as you desire).
Trade Analysis and Cleanup Settings
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Candle Color signal confirmation: If closed candle bar color does not match the signal direction > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip opposite candle signals: If closed candle bar color will match the signal direction, but candle structure will be opposite (for example: bearish green hammer, long high stick on top of a small green square) > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip doji candle signals: If closed candle bar will be the uncertain doji > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator) signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, EWO is green or will be at bullish slope (you can select which setting you desire), SHORT if EWO is red or will be at bearish slope.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | VWAP signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above VWAP, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | Moving Average signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above selected Moving Average, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | ATR signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above ATR, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | RSI + MACD signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, RSI + MACD will be bullish, SHORT if RSI + MACD will be bearish.
Alert Settings (you don’t have to touch this section unless you will be using TradingView alerts through a Webhook to use with trading bot)
Here is how a LONG OPEN alert looks like (each label is customizable + I can add up more items/labels if needed):
ENTRY: 20000
TP1: 20500
TP2: 21000
TP3: 21500
SL: 19000
Leverage: 0
Trade Open Signal SOURCE + Take-Profit/Stop-Loss SOURCE
>>> Customize your signal SOURCE, Take-Profit and Stop-Loss SOURCE as desired (NOTE: These are pre-configured and should be usable on majority of markets, however feel free to play around with these settings as there is nearly an infinite amount of setups out there!
Adding Alerts in TradngView
-Right-click anywhere on the TradingView chart
-Click on Add alert
-Condition: Select this indicator by it’s name
-Alert name: Whatever you want
-Hit “Create”
-Note: If you change ANY Settings within the indicator – you must DELETE the current alert and create a new one per steps above, otherwise it will continue triggering alerts per old Settings!
If you have any questions or issues with the indicator, please message me directly via TradingView.
Good Luck! (NOTE: Trading is very risky, so please trade responsibly!)
SuperBollingerTrend (Expo)█ Overview
The SuperBollingerTrend indicator is a combination of two popular technical analysis tools, Bollinger Bands, and SuperTrend. By fusing these two indicators, SuperBollingerTrend aims to provide traders with a more comprehensive view of the market, accounting for both volatility and trend direction. By combining trend identification with volatility analysis, the SuperBollingerTrend indicator provides traders with valuable insights into potential trend changes. It recognizes that high volatility levels often accompany stronger price momentum, which can result in the formation of new trends or the continuation of existing ones.
█ How Volatility Impacts Trends
Volatility can impact trends by expanding or contracting them, triggering trend reversals, leading to breakouts, and influencing risk management decisions. Traders need to analyze and monitor volatility levels in conjunction with trend analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.
█ How to use
Trend Reversals: High volatility can result in more dramatic price fluctuations, which may lead to sharp trend reversals. For example, a sudden increase in volatility can cause a bullish trend to transition into a bearish one, or vice versa, as traders react to significant price swings.
Volatility Breakouts: Volatility can trigger breakouts in trends. Breakouts occur when the price breaks through a significant support or resistance level, indicating a potential shift in the trend. Higher volatility levels can increase the likelihood of breakouts, as they indicate stronger market momentum and increased buying or selling pressure. This indicator triggers when the volatility increases, and if the price is near a key level when the indicator alerts, it might trigger a great trend.
█ Features
Peak Signal Move
The indicator calculates the peak price move for each ZigZag and displays it under each signal. This highlights how much the market moved between the signals.
Average ZigZag Move
All price moves between two signals are stored, and the average or the median is calculated and displayed in a table. This gives traders a great idea of how much the market moves on average between two signals.
Take Profit
The Take Profit line is placed at the average or the median price move and gives traders a great idea of what they can expect in average profit from the latest signals.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
FRAMA & CPMA Strategy [CSM]The script is an advanced technical analysis tool specifically designed for trading in financial markets, with a particular focus on the BankNifty market. It utilizes two powerful indicators: the Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA) and the CPMA (Conceptive Price Moving Average), which is similar to the well-known Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) with Center of Gravity (COG) bands.
The FRAMA is a dynamic moving average that adapts to changing market conditions, providing traders with a more precise representation of price movements. The CMO is an oscillator that measures momentum in the market, helping traders identify potential entry and exit points. The COG bands are a technical indicator used to identify potential support and resistance levels in the market.
Custom functions are included in the script to calculate the FRAMA and CSM_CPMA indicators, with the FRAMA function calculating the value of the FRAMA indicator based on user-specified parameters of length and multiplier, while the CSM_CPMA function calculates the value of the CMO with COG bands indicator based on the user-specified parameters of length and various price types.
The script also includes trailing profit and stop loss functions, which while not meeting expectations, have been backtested with a success rate of over 90%, making the script a valuable tool for traders.
Overall, the script provides traders with a comprehensive technical analysis tool for analyzing cryptocurrency markets and making informed trading decisions. Traders can improve their success rate and overall profitability by using smaller targets with trailing profit and minimizing losses. Feedback is always welcome, and the script can be improved for future use. Special thanks go to Tradingview for providing inbuilt functions that are utilized in the script.
Yesterday’s High Breakout - Trend Following StrategyYesterday’s High Breakout it is a trading system based on the analysis of yesterday's highs, it works in trend-following mode therefore it opens a long position at the breakout of yesterday's highs even if they occur several times in one day.
There are several methods for exiting a trade, each with its own unique strategy. The first method involves setting Take-Profit and Stop-Loss percentages, while the second utilizes a trailing-stop with a specified offset value. The third method calls for a conditional exit when the candle closes below a reference EMA.
Additionally, operational filters can be applied based on the volatility of the currency pair, such as calculating the percentage change from the opening or incorporating a gap to the previous day's high levels. These filters help to anticipate or delay entry into the market, mitigating the risk of false breakouts.
In the specific case of NULS, a 9% Take-Profit and a 3% Stop-Loss were set, with an activated trailing-stop percentage. To postpone entry and avoid false breakouts, a 1% gap was added to the price of yesterday's highs.
Name : Yesterday's High Breakout - Trend Follower Strategy
Author : @tumiza999
Category : Trend Follower, Breakout of Yesterday's High.
Operating mode : Spot or Futures (only long).
Trade duration : Intraday.
Timeframe : 30M, 1H, 2H, 4H
Market : Crypto
Suggested usage : Short-term trading, when the market is in trend and it is showing high volatility.
Entry : When there is a breakout of Yesterday's High.
Exit : Profit target or Trailing stop, Stop loss or Crossunder EMA.
Configuration :
- Gap to anticipate or postpone the entry before or after the identified level
- Rate of Change for Entry Condition
- Take Profit, Stop Loss and Trailing Stop
- EMA length
Backtesting :
⁃ Exchange: BINANCE
⁃ Timeframe: 2H
⁃ Fee: 0.075%
⁃ Slippage: 1
- Initial Capital: 10000 USDT
- Position sizing: 10% of Equity
- Start : 2018-07-26 (Out Of Sample from 2022-12-23)
- Bar magnifier: on
Credits : LucF for Pine Coders (f_security function to avoid repainting using security)
Disclaimer : Risk Management is crucial, so adjust stop loss to your comfort level. A tight stop loss can help minimise potential losses. Use at your own risk.
How you or we can improve? Source code is open so share your ideas!
Leave a comment and smash the boost button!
Thanks for your attention, happy to support the TradingView community.
Market Structure Trailing Stop [LuxAlgo]This script returns trailing stops on the occurrence of market structure (CHoCH/BOS labeling). Trailing stops are adjusted based on trailing maximums/minimums with the option for users to be able to control how quickly a trailing stop can converge toward the price.
Pivot Lookback: Pivot length used for the detection of swing points.
Increment Factor %: Controls how fast trailing stops converge toward the price, with lower values returning slower converging trailing stops.
Reset Stop On: Determines if trailing stops are reset on CHoCH structure or all (CHoCH + BOS).
Show Structure: Determines if market structure is displayed.
Trailing stops allow traders to protect them against downside risk while also guaranteeing a potential profit in case the market goes in the expected direction of the trade.
Users making use of market structure as a primary entry condition can benefit from having trailing stops based on these to either provide an additional exit condition or to provide points of support/resistance with the price.
Trailing stops can avoid being hit more frequently by using a lower Increment Factor % setting.
Finally, users can reset the trailing stop when any market structure is detected (or only on CHoCHs). Allowing trailing stops to reset on the detection of any market structure allows the indicator to return trailing stops closer to the price. CHoCH labels are highlighted as dashed lines while BOS labels are highlighted as dotted lines.
When a new structure (or only CHoCH if specified by the user) is detected, trailing stops will initially be set based on the maximum/minimum made on the previous trend. This will also set the trailing maximum/minimum to the current price value.
If an uptrend is detected (most recent market structure is bullish) then the trailing stop will increase if the trailing maximum increase, the increment is calculated as:
trailing stop = trailing stop + Increment Factor % of (trailing maximum - previous trailing maximum)
If a downtrend is detected (most recent market structure is bearish) then the trailing stop will decrease if the trailing minimum decrease, the decrement is calculated as:
trailing stop = trailing stop + Increment Factor % of (trailing minimum - previous trailing minimum)
Three-Day Rolling PivotThe three-day rolling pivot is another pivot concept,
which may be used by intermediate positions, for several days or even weeks.
It can be utilized in many ways, such as to determine an entry point or trailing stop.
As the name suggests, this pivot is based on the last three days.
I learned this concept of the book "The logical Trader" by Mark Fisher.
Kudos go to him!
My version of the Three-Day Rolling Pivot uses actual data!
And all similar scripts I have found so far calculate future data and don't take into account the original data.
I hope this script will help some people to do some better decisions.
And I am pleased to get some advice to make this script even better!
Future data vs original data
Pine Script v5 Reference Manual:
Merge strategy for the requested data position... This merge strategy can lead to undesirable effect of getting data from "future" on calculation on history. This is unacceptable in backtesting strategies, but can be useful in indicators.
e2e4 on Stack Overflow said:
Pine v1-v2's security() function is using the lookahead parameter by default, which could be modified in v3-v5...
I haven't found a script which put this into account jet.
I leave this option available for people that wanna more speculated data. But it's disabled by default.
Long/Short Example
You can enter Long when the market cross over the upper line (default color is green) and you should put your trailing stop 1-5 ticks below the lower line (default color is red).
The opposite when Shorting, then the market has to cross down the lower line and your trailing stop should be 1-5 ticks above the upper line.
How does this script work:
First it fetches the highest high of ...
the day before yesterday,
and the day before that.
After that the script looks for the highest high of all three.
Next it does the same for previous lowest low.
Last but not least, it fetches the closing price of the last day.
After that it adds all three prices together and divide them by three.
This result in a three day pivot price.
Then it adds the highest high and lowest low of the three last days and divide it by two.
This gives us the second number we need to calculate the differential.
The differential is the gap between the three day pivot price and the second number.
Sometimes the second number is bigger than the three day pivot price so I took that into account too. Other wise the colors plotted would be on the wrong site.
Finally, the script is rounding the numbers to the nearest minimum tick of that security.
Super 8 - 30M BTCWelcome to Super 8, the ultimate automatic trading script for Pine!
This bad boy is designed to go both long and short, and it's equipped with all the tools you need to maximize your profits. Whether you're looking to take profit, set a trailing stop, or protect yourself with a stop loss, Super 8 has you covered.
But that's not all! Super 8 is also loaded with 8 powerful indicators to help you make informed decisions. We've got the EMA, ADX, SAR, MACD, VOLUME, BOLLINGER BANDS, DONCHIAN, and ATR all working together to give you the best possible trading experience.
And if you want to take it to the next level, Super 8 also has a feature that lets you use stepped entries in normal mode or incremental 1,2,3,... to improve your average price. Plus, if you're using trailing stop, you can activate the Backtest precision to use lower timeframes.
But what's in a name? Super 8 is called that because it's just that... super! It's tailored specifically for the OKX:BTCUSDT.P pair, so you know you're getting the best possible results. it's highly adjustable and can be used with any other pair. So no matter what market you're trading in, Super 8 has got you covered.
So if you want to level up your trading game, give Super 8 a try. You won't be disappointed.
Certain Risks of Live Algorithmic Trading:
Backtesting Cannot Assure Actual Results.
The relevant market might fail or behave unexpectedly.
Your broker may experience failures in its infrastructure, fail to execute your orders in a correct or timely fashion or reject your orders.
The system you use for generating trading orders, communicating those orders to your broker, and receiving queries and trading results from your broker may fail.
Time lag at various point in live trading might cause unexpected behavior.
The systems of third parties in addition to those of the provider from which we obtain various services, your broker, and the applicable securities market may fail or malfunction.