USD - Rejection

Di m44kka
The dollar is approaching a multi year line of resistance and also some overbought levels as can be seen on the RSI. The last time the dollar approached this target was 2020 and had a huge rejection. I suspect the same line will again act as level of resistance.

“It’s going to be the biggest crash in world history. We have never had this much debt pumped up. Debt is the biggest problem of all…the debt to GDP ratio is out of sync. So when it comes down, and it’s going to bring everything down with it, that’s when I’m going to be buying more gold, silver, and Bitcoin,” Kiyosaki said.
He noted that the possible crash will result from decisions made by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. Kiyosaki opines that decisions made by the institutions do not mirror the current state of the economy (Author of Rich dad Poor Dad).
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