Euro / Dollaro

Wolfe Waves Example!

Di AliSignals
This is not a forecast or a signal! it's just an example of an occasion which a pattern like Wolfe Waves worked well !

This chart has almost followed the rules of Wolfe waves , unless the first point is not exactly on the right place!

1st point: Start of the wave
2nd: First top of the channel
3rd: First low of the channel
4th: Second high of the channel regarding thee pivots!
the next 2 pivots are useless since they are not a place to be considered as a Wolfe waves' points!
5th point: as it should be broke to channel!

Open Trade: OT is breaking back to channel!

Stop Loss: SL is just below the 5th point in long option and reverse of it, in short trades!

I personally distinguish the pattern so late! but the Wolfe waves is a great way to find very profitable trades which is not so trending in these days
Trend Analysiswolfepatternwolfe-wavewolfewaveexampleWolfe Wave

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