
LUNA, a screaming buy ?

Di igord2
LUNA just crashed, even more than I expected (on same exchanges with thin volume).
Not sure if this is the bottom, but it is a screaming buy at this level with limited downside (well, there is always 0) :)
At least we should get a significant bounce from here for 1-2 weeks, even if we go lower into mid June.
There seems to be math/algorithmic error, the sell off is algorithmically induced, if it goes to $0 I am buying all of LUNA!
Trend AnalysisWave Analysis
If you are one step ahead of the crowd you are a "genius" and you make money off the crowd, if you are two steps ahead you are a lunatic and you lose money not being able to sync with the crowd, if you are three steps ahead - better find a new planet :)

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