SMTOY is a manufacture and sale of electrical wires and cables in Japan. That's not all they do, they also work in the EV and semiconductor space using Silicon Carbide, and they make magnesium silicon carbide which is super strong and extremely light. These applications can be used for making aircraft and ev cars lighter, or making more durable semiconductors. Thanks to saavy sean for finding this and posting these numbers about it, mkt cap 8 bill ev 12 bill pe 13 forward pe 11 ps 0.35 pb 0.67. Don't ask me what it means, lol I just know it means its under valued and it good. The company hit an all time high of $85 dollars. in a 34 day period. Short Squeeze? Either way other companies in this field with worse numbers like Wolfspeed are at the $75 mark.
I just broke down the bottom bounce and yes its on an extremely high timeframe. One its really low and has stayed here for some time. I wanted to see what it looked like without the noise. I measured the last consolidation period and copied the size of that box over to current consolidation. Which shows that if this was going to make a move it would make it in the next 30-60 days. It has checked off all the criteria to complete this move. The only thing left is for retail to get behind it .. if the algo is unable to absorb enough of the float it can continue to the next level of support until it frees up enough shares in order to continue going up. Which is very possible considering it hasn't spent much time below this area in a very long time.
I think currently we are sitting in the buy zone and dca if it drops mostly because I am impatient so don't do as I do. The potential for movement is back to $85 which is a $75 swing. which could have been set up from the moment it popped to $85 back in July 2014. Sounds to crazy? I think its ironic that its finishing this move at the same time the market is taking a nose dive and that this stock with great fundamentals is sitting 8 times less than its competitors....It also is compared to honda and toyota.
Manipulated long term piggy bank.
by iCantw84it