Aggressive CounterTrend Trade
- short impulse
+ volumed transition extremum / T1
+ support level
+ volumed manipulation
- no trading signal (last M5 of the day)
Calculated affordable stop limit
Take profit $205.59
Hourly context:
"- short impulse
- unvolumed transitory extremum / T1
+ support level
+ volumed manipulation"
Daily context:
"+ long impulse
- biggest volume on top
+ T2 level
+ support level
+ volumed manipulation
- 1/2 correction?"
Monthly context:
" + long impulse
+ SOS level
+ 1/2 correction
+ support level
+ weak approach
+ volumed manipulation"
OCO 4A: Sell Shares of TM Limit at $205.99 (Good 'til Canceled)
OCO 4B: Sell Shares of TM Stop at $201.58 Limit at $201.70 (Good 'til Canceled)