
Crypto logic. To the moon! \(°0°)/

Time for celebration for me! After 2 dead months in the Forex market (I could have made progress but I did not know it well enough), the USD finally broke out of consolidation (no fakeout please), and activity is finally going to be back. I have no reason to trade crypto now. I only traded crypto this summer because I had a hard time finding setups.
Now, let me put crypto back where it belongs: a low profitability dead market.

BUT, there is one point to crypto, and that is to amuse us :)

The crypto cult is one of the dumbest the planet has ever seen, they are worse than flat earthers, and since we cannot help them anyway, might as well use them for our enjoyment right?

Hence, to celebrate, let me start an idea about idiotic crypto 'logic'. Here I will regularly post idiotic ideas from the crypto fans.

Even thought the 1rst one truly is the ripple one posted here, let me inaugurate this post with this:

"This 18 year old bought a few Bitcoins when he was 13 years old.
Let's go to a conference so he can explain to us what finance is."

19 now, he must be much more experienced.

This mastermind flies jets apparently, and with part of his 3 millions, he built an ... octopus ... suit...
You can't make that shit up. Oh my, his "fortune" is going to disappear so fast, and it's going to be so funny when we see him working at macdonalds.
"Crypto is about bringing Wall Street down".

Can you elaborate?
Is the plan to stop free citizens from buying shares of companies and currencies?
Is the plan to stop people from doing this professionally?
Is the plan to outlaw finance is Wall street? You can do it anywhere you want, but not in this darn street!
Should anyone that is not utterly retarded and manages to profit from market cycles to be gunned down, and only idiots are allowed to buy, but never sell? Someone explain to them you cannot buy if no one is selling, I think they skipped 1rst grade...

They somehow think Wall Street have a monopoly somehow, and they are willing to share it with any random dude that wants to work in that area?
They have some kind of super power yet 99% of them only shadow markets.
Mkay then.

If there is a monopoly, the only one there is the CME Group monopoly with futures...
"Fiat money is a scam that has no value. All it has going for it is being backed by governments.
Crypto is much better as it is being backed by 'investors' greed and the desire to get rich quick."
"Our shared online database is worth 100 billion"
"Well you can never store more than 21 million numbers in it"

My shits are scarce, anyone up to buy? 100$ for a handful of my dumps.
Buy them while they are cheap!
Economists uses clear arguments to show crypto flaws, and why what we have now is much much better.

Idiotic crypto believers totally disregard his argument, they either don't even look at the content, or are too dumb to understand it.
"This economists that knows nothing about networks, communication, information, and computers, was wrong about the internet! He is clearly a pessimistic person and wrong about crypto too".

Doctors say you should breathe air to live. They were wrong about random crap like idk dieteray things. Hence they are wrong about air. Stop breathing. Now.

I could find so many examples of mathematicians, architects etc that were wrong about something outside of their field.
Better stop using cars, stop going on bridges, etc.

What an idiotic logic. It really is unbelievable.
Imagine these things reproduce, and in 150 years researchers instead of reviewed papers and judging them on their content, just go
"Oh this guy was wrong about that WWE movie and now he is explaining to us that using a nuclear explosion to go to mars in 1 day won't work and just kill everyone in a 10 km radius? Stupid non believer, this convinces me to make a bigger bomb!"
I used to think people of lesser intellect could come to the same conclusions than smart people, it would take them longer.

I now know I was wrong, and idiots will NEVER be able to produce as much as smart people, even in a million years.

So please totally disregard anything I said, I was wrong about the vast stupidity of the herd, I greatly underestimated it.
Hence I must be wrong about everything else even if I use bullet proof cystal clear arguments.
I am dying XD
Any cryptoer market cycle analysis is so incredibly bad.
The market cycle logic is crazy.
This example:


Left this comment on that guy post:
"I wonder why posts this bad are the most popular on trading view?
Could it be because.... of all the delusional bulls in complacency are looking for hopium?
No this can't be it, in his totally legit post about market cycles he clearly showed we are in depression now.

The previous depression phase lasted 3 years, then all the bull phases were spread over 6 months, complacency that is very drawn out on any chart, lasted here 1 day.
Pretty legit, great work."

You know I HAD to. I see something like this, this trollish, that people actually like, idk I just can't let it pass XD.
" First they waited for 3-4k,
then they waited for volume,
then they waited for log trendline break,
and then the early entry was gone."
"They waited for a cheap entry and now TRON is up 300% and they missed it, it is gone forever"
- Every single crypto fan on twitter/reddit/biz/youtube a few months ago.

6 months later, crypto down 90% as a whole "Like I care. I'm in for the long term".
"Bitcoin Climbs 3.5% to $6,300, Defying Analysts' Bearish Calls"

Remember that a 30%/3000$ move is just noise :)
This PM, typical example of your average crypto fool "logical" mindset:

"First, the facts.

'Blockchain still is almost not used anywhere at all except to sell drugs and pedoporn on the internet'

Wow, you are a ******* idiot. Do you know what the definition of a fact is?

It's ******** like you that troll the Internet, and make up data based on personal sentiment. If you worked for my company and you posted this, I would FIRE you. Because you either lack integrity or are so ego-centrically driven that you can decipher the difference between what is actual and what is real.

You are a pathetic asshole ... please tell me what company you work for so I can have them fire you because you don't even know fact from fiction."

Yeah, I am the emotional one :D

"You have no real facts" proceeds to make a long speech with 0 fact, 0 proof, 0 links to anything.

I cannot link literally pedoporn here, but you can find it easilly...
On my twitter I linked pictures of topless 15 yo with Bitcoin icons on their nipples and "we love Bitcoin" banners, this is barely legal. This twitter got banned.
I would not do it here.

When I went to the darkweb, they have wikis with list of children sites, ordered by categories "little boys" "first times" "child suffering" etc
I was not able to a single one that accepted anything other than crypto currencies.

I spit on anyone defending crypto because they are greedy and too stupid to make money without cheating and supporting criminals. They don't deserve to live.
"We want to make a currency (which needs a relatively stable price) but fully decentralized with no rules no consensus on anything, just the wild west.
Let's destroy the fiat system they are evil and print money out of thin air".
Price gets 30% swings daily, no one can accept it as a form of payment.

"Ok nevermind it is a store of value."
But no matter how you look at it there is no value.

"Ok ok no problem, let's slowly and painfully recreate the fractional reserve system!"

And this is what cryptoers are doing, slowly going to recreate what we have already and they were complaining about, but with more flaws (so next challenge will be to correct the flaws).

And in the end we will have a digital currency just like "true believers" wanted.

Well, unless a government releases their own cryptocurrency and does in 6 months what crypto clowns alredy spent 10 years on and would require another 25.

"If you want to do something you should do the opposite"
"If something seems painful and you do not want to do it you SHOULD DO IT EVEN MORE"

Hearing this every day from wannabees in crypto.
I do really not want to hit my head on a wall, and the herd thinks its a stupid idea, hence I should hit my head against a wall right?
Pomp @APompliano

"Bitcoin is a hedge against the whole world falling apart” - PeterThiel

And @Tr0llyTr0llFace answer:

Bitcoin is a hedge agaist the whole world falling apart yet somehow keeping all its Internet infrastructure, electricity supply and the rule of law.
Imagine the sheltered version of an apocalypse basically - the worst scenario a spoiled hedge fund manager could imagine.
"McAfee’s ‘Unhackable’ Crypto Wallet Hacked"


WOW! Did not expect that to happen :)
Proof of work
Complex mathematical problems
Very sophisticated
Very revolutionary
So useful to humanity
Saving the world
Backed by math
Bank the unbanked
Don’t worry about not being able to sell Bitcoin, when it succeds, you won’t have to
You just don’t understand how it works

"I will buy imaginary currencies to become rich so I can stop working drive fast cars not care about anything and spend all my time doing nothing on my boat"

And when things don't go as planned...

"You really have too much idle time if you spend 5 minutes a day criticizing my greedcoin. Get a life."
Financial expert Romeo Hypeson of Crypto Hype knows the ins and outs of trading but he is begging for money via patreon in exchange for which he will share his secrets with you. Nothing new here.
31 idiots, I means wise investors, if I am correct, give him money regularly. I don't know or care to learn how to check how much he gets monthly, but the minimum is 30$ so he at least makes 900$ each month.

Now I know you have been waiting for the punchline, so here it is: Financial expert and strong crypto believer Romeo Hypeson of Crypto Hype does not accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment/donation. He explains in a sentence that makes total sense that because of the volatility he would not be honest with his followers somehting like that if he accepted crypto's.


Oh I see in the article I read he had 126 Patreons, and now only 31.
I wonder why? COuld this be because his service is total garbage and he is a scammer?
"How can we be wrong? There are more and more people understanding and getting into crypto everyday! Bears, your numbers dwindle and your days are counted!"

Yes, and there are more and more dimwits making idiotic experiments everyday to prove the earth is flat. Great argument.
"Invest when there is blood in the street"
"Hold on for as long as possible, simply never sell. Anyone can become rich with patience. Warren Buffet is the best investor in the world and he said so, I think he knows what he is talking about".
etc more quotes

Buffet says anything negative about crypto

"Why should I listen to an 80 yo fraud that cannot understand progress? He was wrong about the dot com bubble nearly 1% of IPO's recovered!"
Crypto Twitter shills in 2017: "The banks & Wall Street are afraid of Crypto"
Crypto Twitter shills early 2018: "Oh gosh I hope banks & Wall Street will save crypto" "Big money would never let crypto die, it is too profitable".
Crypto Twitter shills mid 2018: "I am taking a break because of all the negativity ..."
Crypto Twitter shills second half of 2018: ""
Fools in 1999 "We are experiencing the biggest economic growth ever. Yet we are not going down, if anything it is accelerating"
"We cannot look at the previous economic assumptions, as laws are beeing rewritten"
"Foolish economists are calling this a bubble, but it is accelerating and their old rules do not apply anymore".

And then this happened :)

Fools in 2017 "This time it's different bla bla bla" No point me writting it you know what idiocies the shills keep saying.


Crypto is going more slowly than Nasdaq lol. Nice faster better future. zzzzz

People compare crypto to dot com, but it is best compared to gold, which is "more worthless", companies produce something, gold does not, and it gets people greedy, hence it is more similar to crypto.

And oh look, gold looks more like crypto, and it took a super long time for it to go down!


People incapable of zooming out due to heavy brain damage, but if you do you would have seen this:

Guess what happened next? :)



"If there is no limit to increase in productivity then there is not stopping the (www) stock market"
BWAHAHAHAHA that sounds as bad as the crypto revolution calls.

"Infinite productivity" how dumb can one be? Can't even comprehend basic maths?

Yeah today anyone would agree this is nonsense, but back then there is more than 1 "investor" that got excited and thought he would gain infinite wealth.
A video about the crypto - my bad I meant the CYBER-millionaires of the 90's.
During the first 3 minutes of this trash television news recording, there is a sucker that is telling "if you are ressentful of lucky millionaires and do not buy now you take the risk of missing out on this incredible opportunity".


This all reminds me of something....
1999 "You must be perverse to say the market is going to crash, it can correct, it can have a major correction, but with low inflation low unemployment low interest rates strong corporate earnings I would be a certifiable loonatic if I said the market was going to crash"

Oooooh that did not age well :)

Lmao sucker, I hope he lost all his money.

And in 2017-2018 people are saying the same, but with dumb arguments, at least back then they had something.

Because I say crypto is a scam and will crash severely I am a weirdo with issues and clearly butthurt about losing money.

hehehe let's see how this all ages.
The IPO company to have the biggest day 1 growth. 606% up in 1 day.

All that is left now of it are sec fillings :)


Even TRON pales in comparison

LMAO that video "immense wealth is being created"
"The young rich" "cyber millionaires"

This cannot be real, crypto is a copy paste right? News just picked their old scripts and replaced "wealth created" by "wealth transfer" "crypto" by "cyber" and that is it?
"Evil financial people we will beat them!"

In 1996 Alan Greenspan, chairman of the private bank that runs the USA aka Federal reserve (old evil guy "the enemy") told every one he thought tech investors were subject to irrational exhuberance.

Can you spell "Tooooold you so".

Doesn't that sound similar to late 2010's crypto hmmm....


TFW the "bad guys" JP Morgan Chase FED etc are literally telling people when to buy and when to sell and warning them of bubbles. It is insane XD
How do people lose money? XD
It is reassuring that even thought the vast majority is ultra-dumb, the people that run the economy are not complete morons.
It is really a shame we have nothing about the radio television and other innovation financial frenzies, and even about the dot com we have so little.

I want to see all the morons swearing the "gazoontite.com" will change the world! You'll see!

"Bitcoin won't go down because we true bagH0DLers will never sell"

Lol do not worry miners don't need your approval to sell.
And also, when you start starving because you threw all your money in the fire, what then? :D
"EOS coins are like company shares, but give no rights or claims.
Tether is like a pegged currency, but can’t be exchanged into dollars.
Bitcoin is like a store of value, but without any other use or cashflow.
Crypto is like finance, but for idiots."
- @Tr0llyTr0llFace
The fiat system is designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few, and turn the rest of the world into slaves.

Fight the power. Buy crypto.

Show your support for a different system, designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few *who bought coins before 2013*.

From @Tr0llyTr0llFace :D
"From now on there is going to be little platic bits on shoe laces! Finished are the days where your laces would just split and be impossible to put in holes!
Never again, little plastic bits on shoe laces change everything, and it truly is huge: every one on the planet will have those. It is a complete revolution and the world will never be the same!
This market is worth TRILLIONS!
Money is going to pour in from Wall Street and those that do not invest now will regret it for the rest of their lives!"

Wow this does not sound stupid at all :)
"Satoshi is not a fat neckbeard but an absolute genius!"
"Vitalik is not an annorexic pedo loser that made money robbing people but a mastermind he is like Einstein"
"Maccoffee is a visionary"

Same concept as "Hitler had only 1 testicle"

There are always all kind of negative rumor-'facts' about those people do not like, and elogious 'facts' about those people like or agree with.
No one would say mother Theresa or Ghandi were sick perverts.

Back in the days catholic priests were seen as exemples and near perfect champions of morality.

Well, if you thought priests were saints, boy do I have news for you...
"I signed up for Bitmex!" - 1 week ago
"Liquidated. Lost everything." - 23 hours ago
"Exposing Bitmex for being a complete scam, tricking its losers into losing everything" - 4 minutes ago

"Crypto is the future of humanity"
"Fiat is money printed out of thin air and Crypto will end this scam"
"I invested in Tron"
"We need crypto to give it to the man (that is trying to protect us morons)"
"I put my lifesavings in crypto and will H0DL no matter what"
"The laws of economics do not matter, this is crypto, your old economic laws do not work here." 1500000000 Likes.
"I invested in TESLA because they will save the world and I will get immensly rich in the process"
"Gender is non binary it is a wide spectrum"
"My culture is not for you to appropriate"
"You are having success trading from behind your computer from home? You are so obviously a priviledged white man. Check your priviledge"
"This man visually harassed me"
"This evil dude taught his dog to make a nazi salute this is very very offensive and he should be gunned down"
"You are not allowed to use the N-word"
"You can be healthy at every size"
"I am a feminist"
"I voted for Trump because he cares about us simple people and he will make America great again"
"This is FAKE NEWS! You know, I have one of the highest IQ's"
"I will build a great, beautiful wall" (still waiting)
"Every one is equal. We HAVE to FORCE women to work at jobs full of men and FORCE recruiters to hire random incompetent women for jobs, just because they are women"
"I identify as a dragon"
"Every one should just be allowed to be whatever he wants"
“Patriarchy oppresses women!”
"If we removed all borders in the world we would all live peacefully and love each other, borders represent separation and distrust"
"Immigration is a good thing" (how why when in what circonstances?)
"I hate white people" rap song "Here is a medal sir, what courage you have!" "I hate black people" song "YOU MONSTER WE SHOULD HANG YOU STRAIGHT AWAY"

And now, for the punch line:

"IQ scores are falling and have been for decades"
5 days of bullish climb wiped out in 60 minutes, 2 weeks of bull action and shilling destroyed in 15 hours.

"We are about to make a new ath. Anyone that does not buy Bitcoin now is foolish".
- Your usual crypto 'enthusiasts' on twitter mainly.

"I repeat, Bitcoin will end the year at 50.000$" (based on what?)

"Do you guys think if enough of us lose enough of our investment we can band together and get some kind of bailout? Like say we thought it was part of a game and didn't know it was real. I'm starting to get worried ,but I'm always remembering the power of a large group making demands"

Brightened up my day ^^
“The US government has no jurisdiction outside of the US!”
SEC shuts down 1Broker, an exchange in the Marshall Islands.

“Bitcoin can’t be censored!”
1Broker users get their Bitcoins frozen.

“Bitcoin isn’t manipulated!”
BTC/USD doesn’t react to the news.
According to famous idiot "CRYPTO COBAIN" the basics of investing are as such:
50% of you capital should be placed in something very low risk, such as long term holding Bitcoin.
30% of your capital should be allocated to medium risk (BTC ETH LTC).
15% should go into good alts.
5% should go into the riskiest shitcoins.


Amazing. Hope he can teach me how to place my money in safe non volatile assets that drop 70% in 3 months.
baghodlerscripplecryptocryptocurrenciescryptoquotesdumbdumbquotesTechnical IndicatorsjokesTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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