test - Classification

Tensor-Based Classification Experiment
This innovative script represents an experimental foray into classification techniques, specifically designed to analyze returns within a compact time frame. By leveraging tensor-based analytics, it generates a comprehensive table that visually illustrates the distribution of counts across both current and historical bars, providing valuable insights into market patterns.
The script's primary objective is to classify returns over a small window, using this information to inform trading decisions. The output table showcases a normal distribution of count values for each bar in the lookback period, allowing traders to gain a deeper understanding of market behavior and identify potential opportunities.
Key Features:
  • Experimental classification approach utilizing tensor-based analytics
  • Compact time frame analysis (small window)
  • Comprehensive table displaying return counts across current and historical bars
  • Normal distribution visualization for better insight into market patterns
  • By exploring this script, traders can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics driving market movements and develop more effective trading strategies.

Script open-source

In pieno spirito TradingView, l'autore di questo script lo ha pubblicato open-source, in modo che i trader possano comprenderlo e verificarlo. Un saluto all'autore! È possibile utilizzarlo gratuitamente, ma il riutilizzo di questo codice in una pubblicazione è regolato dal nostro Regolamento. Per aggiungerlo al grafico, mettilo tra i preferiti.

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