Directional Volatility Index (DVI) - Soldi

Directional Volatility Oscillator

What the DVI does is it measure 9 different volatility models based on their directional correlation and then scores that. While it calculated the volatility it also measures and scores 5 different indicators to find the likeliness of a retail position. That way the Oscillated value being plotted is that of an accurate modelled nature. This indicator aims to measure and score the directional volatility across the 9 different volatility models and then plots it as an oscillator. Included in that calculation is a measure of the likeliness of a retail traders position.

This can be used to gauge liquidity sweeps in a strategy like Smart Money Concepts. As, all the retail money is long - expect a sweep of the lows or equal highs. etc. more so you can also use this as a market meter like RSI , if the market is Over bought or Over sold, the DVI value will be over 100 or under -100 - or this tool can be used to gauge the underlaying trend!


Here is an example on BTCUSD - 1d
- as you can see there is significant trend when the DVI is crossed

Here is that same example on BTCUSD - 1d zoomed into 4h
- as you can see there is significant trend when the DVI is crossed
buy-and-sell-signaldvidynaproOscillatorsscalpingsolditrendTrend AnalysisvolalilityVolatility

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