TradingView's Technical Analysis

All indicators used on the Technical Analysis Summary from TradingView, composed with oscillators and moving averages. Sell and strong sell will represent more indicators showing sell signals. Buy and strong buy will represent more indicators showing buy signals. A white bar will show neutral signal (don't trade). This can be good for binary options or scalping on small time frames, but also very good on higher times for forex. The signal will appear on the candle before, so wait for the new candle to appear to see what direction the signal will indicate.
Note di rilascio
• Added the option to show as entry/exit points. Good for Forex
• Show/hide neutral bar colour
• Removed the offset on the signals. Now they will appear on the bar that you will operate
Note di rilascio
Added alerts on enter and exit points
Note di rilascio
• Color change
• ADX, Stochastic, AO, and CCI calculations changed
• Added alert condition
• Added option for the check level (higher number, less noise)
analysisbinaryoptionsCentered OscillatorsforexsignalsMoving AveragesOscillatorsscalpingsignalsTechnical Analysis

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