MAX SAHAM ADX with DI Max Saham's ADX line with D+ & D-
ADX is used to quantify trend strength.
When the D+ (+DMI) is dominant and rising, price direction is up.
When the D- (-DMI) is dominant and rising, price direction is down. But the strength of price must also be considered.
Uses Wilder's MA to get a more accurate ADX reading as compared to SMA.
Also added the green background to indicate the trend and also dots to indicate bull and bear crossing of the DMI's
Average Directional Index (ADX)
ADX of VortexHow to Trade
> Rising ADX of Vortex from 10 to 15 is trend building area to be noticed.
> If ADX of Vortex is falling but above 10 and below 15 avoid trade in such case because even if signal is generated by cross over of Vi-Plus and VI-Minus it may not give good profit.
> Once the position is taken and Price is steady but ADX of Vortex is falling then keep eye on cross over of Vi-Plus and VI-Minus to exit from trade.
> ADX rising above 15 is strong trending signal.
MrBS:Directional Movement Index [Trend Friend Strategy]This goes with my MrBS:DMI+ indicator. I originally combined them into one, but then you cannot set alerts based on what the ADX and DMI is doing, only strategy alerts, so separate ones have more flexibility and uses.
Indicator Version is found under "MrBS:Directional Movement Index " ()
The majority of profits made in the market come from trending markets. Of course there are strategies that would say otherwise but for the majority of people, THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND (until the end). The idea is to follow the trend, entering once it has established its self and exiting positions when the trend weakens. This strategy gives a rough idea of the returns produced from following purely the ADX signals. At first Heikin Ashi values were used for the calculation but the results show it's not that effective. The functionality to switch between calculation types has been left in, so we can uses HA candle data to generate signals from while looking at an OHLC chart, if we want to experiment. Due to the way strategies work, we are unable to get reliable results when running the strategy on the HA chart even if we are calculating the signals from the real OHLC values. It is best to always run strategies on standard charts.
When using this strategy, I look for confirmation of the signal based on stochastic (14:3:6) direction, reversal level of stochastic, and divergance, to add confidence and adjust position size accordingly. I am going to try and code some version of that in future updates, if anyone can help or has suggestions please drop me a message.
- The default settings are for optimized Daily charts, for 4 hour I would suggest a smoothing of 2.
- The default values used for calculation are the Real OHLC, we can change this to Heikin Ashi in the menu.
- The strategy enters a position when ADX crosses the threshold level, and closes the position when ADX starts to fall.
- There is a signal filter in the form of a 377 period Hull Moving Average, which the price must be above or bellow for long and short positions respectively.
- The strategy closes the position when a cross-under of the ADX and its 4 period EMA. This is an attempt to stay into positions longer as sometimes the ADX will fall for 1 bar and then keep rising, while the overall trend is strong. The downside to this is that we exit trades later and this affects our max drawdown.
MrBS:Directional Movement Index [Trend Friend]I started this project with the goal of making a DMI/ADX that was easy to read at a glance. Its since become a little more then just colouring the slopes. The majority of the time, the best returns come from trending markets (THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND... until the end) and I hope this helps people become good friends with the trends.
----- Features
- A function to change the values used for calculation from real OHLC and Heikin Ashi. This allows us to look at different chart types but see the specific ADX we choose. Originally HA values were used for calculation since it is easier to see trend on HA charts. However when testing it was not as effective as the ADX calculated from the real values on normal charts. So the default function was flipped and real OHLC values are used as default.
- Two ADX plots so we can see two different smoothness's. With a smoothing of 2, a slight slow down in PA can cause a negative slope but the smoother ADX will stay trending unless its a major change. 2nd ADX is slightly transparent.
- There is an EMA of the main ADX that can be used as a exit signal filter. If the ADX starts going down but has not crossed the EMA we would stay in a trade.
- Plots (excluding EMA) are coloured based on positive or negative slopes.
- Fibonacci numbers have been used to create different trend levels, instead of the standard 25, 50, 100.
- Alerts for every useful situation to help save time and not have to manually enter levels or crosses each time.
- In the code there are 8 EMAs and 3 ADXs but it was too much so they have been slashed out, but are fully functional if you choose to activate and use them. To reactivate the 3rd ADX delete slashes on lines 50, 65, 78, 92-95, 165. The slashed out EMAs are much more obvious and easy to reactivate.
ADX going up = Green
ADX going down = Red
DMI+ going up = Bright Aqua
DMI+ going down = Turquoise / Dark Aqua
DMI- going up = Bright Purple
DMI- going down = Dark Purple
EMA = White (50% transparent)
If there is anything that would be useful, let me know and I will add it in. I've already got some improvements/changes planned and some of my notes can be found in the code.
There is also a strategy to go with this indicator that will be uploaded very soon.
SALEH MACD Donchian + EMA & MACD + ADXI gathered all the signals coming from the MACD & Donchian channels indicators and filtered them with EMA 200 or ADX > 25 indicators (which both of them show the trend),
and put them on the chart to show me the buy and sell signals;
the signals rules are as following:
when we have an uptrend ( the price is above the EMA 200 or ADX > 25 ) & the macd line cross up the signal line while they are both under the 0 level of histogram it generates buy signals.
when we have a downtrend ( the price is below the EMA 200 or ADX > 25) & the macd line cross below the signal line while they are both above the 0 level of histogram it generates sell signals.
Donchian channel works as a confirmation for the macd signal.
this signals work best at London session, you can also filter them by chandelier exit indicator.
Excellent ADXThe Average Directional movement indeX (ADX) is an indicator that helps you determine the trend direction, pivot points, and much more else! But it looks not so easy as other famous indicators. It seems strange or even terrible, but don't be afraid. Let's understand how it works and get its power into your analysis tactics.
In the beginning, imagine a drunk man goes through a ladder: step by step. Up, up, down, up, down, down, up...
How can we understand which direction he goes? Exactly! We can count the number of steps in each direction. In the above example, in the upward – 4, in the downward – 3. So, it looks like he goes in an upward direction.
The ADX indicator counts the same steps, but for price. The size of each step equals 1 ATR for "DI Length" candles. On the indicator chart, we have the green and red lines. The green line represents a number of steps upward. The red line shows one downward. When the red line upper green, then the price goes below, then the trend is directed down. Later the green line comes above the red one, and then the trend changes the direction to upward. Wow? After that, you can easy detect the trend direction on the market!
But it is still not the end. On the chart, we also have the fat blue line. This is the ADX line, and it represents the power of the trend. It is calculated from a distance between the green and red curves. The ADX line value grows if the distance is increased. If the movement is really powerful, then a number of steps into a direction much more prominent than one in an opposed direction. Then the blue line grows faster. But if the growth has stopped and the blue line turns back or already had changed self-direction, then it is a signal that the trend has ended too. It's an excellent sign to close the position (but not always). Easy? Not quite. Thresholds help you there. The indicator has two additional parameters: upper and lower thresholds to evaluate the trend-over signal strength. An u-turn of the ADX line above the upper threshold sends a strong signal. If one occurs between both thresholds, it is a bit weak signal. But if the blue line goes below the lower threshold, it looks like there is no trend, and the price goes side. We can also say that the price goes side when the ADX value gradually falls down.
The Excellent ADX indicator helps you catch pivot/pullback signals based on green, red, and blue lines. Each such signal is highlighted as a green (buy) or red (sell) dot on the plot. The size of the dot represents the strength of the signal. You can also check the position of green and red lines from each other to determine the trend direction and the place where it has been changed. The Excellent ADX indicator helps you there too. It highlights the trend direction by the background-color, so you'll never miss it! The Excellent ADX good compliance with the Price Channel indicator built for the same length. You can use them together to be on a trend wave always!
Simple Moving Average + ADX + DMI + Time Range Test
Use long and short moving average to look for a potential price in/out. (default as 14 and 7, bases on the history experience)
ADX and DMI to prevent the small volatility and tangling MA.
This script allows you to set the beginning & end time to test the bullish & bearish market.
If you want an indicator version, here is it.
Use long and short moving average to look for a potential price in/out. (default as 14 and 7, bases on the history experience)
ADX and DMI to prevent the small volatility and tangling MA.
From 12/1/2017- 11/1/2020 (Mixed Bull/Bear market)
Overall Profit: 560.89%
From 1/1/2018 - 1/1/2019 (Bear market)
Overall Profit: -2.19%
From 4/1/2020 - 11/1/2020 (Bull Market)
Overall Profit: 274.74%
Any suggestion is welcome to discuss.
ADX Histogram with DI linesInspired by the user scarf from Tradingview. In contrast with that other indicator, this one instead of a simple moving average (SMA) for the ADX calculations, uses a running moving average (RMA) or also known as Wilder's Average. I like having a histogram for the DI lines over just having lines alone because it makes it easier to see. In addition I made it so that values less than 5 for the DI lines are colored lightly to note that the movement was less significant(might not matter but some might care about it, atleast I do). The ADX has a color fainting effect too, and when it goes above the threshold then it becomes black to note that it is trending, as the indicator suggests.
The advantages with these additions and changes are that it shows a more traditional moving average like the original author Wellers Wilder suggested and you can see the crossings and directional movement changes easier from seeing the colors on the histogram easier than you would by looking at the DI lines alone. The disadvantages are you won't be able to tell when the ADX line is above both DI lines and when the ADX then makes a decrease from there(which can sometimes show a reversal), but personally it doesn't matter too much to me and perhaps to those who care more about seeing the direction than having to focus on all those 3 lines crossing all over the place.
ADX with Color like MACD HistogramThis is a usual ADX Indicator but the colors change when the next bar falls or grows from the previous bar.
I think that the use of ADX can be maximized by seeing whether the movement is lower or higher than the previous like MACD Histogram.
The ADX indicator is very powerful for driving long-term trends and is effectively used for 4-hour or 1-hour Time Frames.
When ADX is above level 20, the color of the Bar will be blue or light blue. The blue bar means that the bar is higher than the previous bar. The light blue bar means the bar is lower than the previous one.
When ADX is below level 20, the color of the bar will be dark gray or light gray. The dark gray bar means that the bar is lower than the previous bar. The light gray bar means the bar is higher than the previous bar.
When the bar turns blue that's when we can add shares to our winning position.
When the price is above level 40, the background of the bars will be red, indicating that the price is in a very strong trend and will run out of its thrust soon. That's when we get ready to take profit, which is when the ADX Bar which is blue turns light blue.
FYI, I use ADX just for adding the shares to my winning position and exiting the market. I don't wait for ADX turns blue to enter the market.
Ruckard TradingLatinoThis strategy tries to mimic TradingLatino strategy.
The current implementation is beta.
Si hablas castellano o espanyol por favor consulta MENSAJE EN CASTELLANO más abajo.
It's aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
max_bars_back=5000 : This is a random number of bars so that the strategy test lasts for one or two years
calc_on_order_fills=false : To wait for the 4h closing is too much. Try to check if it's worth entering a position after closing one. I finally decided not to recheck if it's worth entering after an order is closed. So it is false.
pyramiding=0 : We only want one entry allowed in the same direction. And we don't want the order to scale by error.
initial_capital=1000 : These are 1000 USDT. By using 1% maximum loss per trade and 7% as a default stop loss by using 1000 USDT at 12000 USDT per BTC price you would entry with around 142 USDT which are converted into: 0.010 BTC . The maximum number of decimal for contracts on this BTCUSDT market is 3 decimals. E.g. the minimum might be: 0.001 BTC . So, this minimal 1000 amount ensures us not to entry with less than 0.001 entries which might have happened when using 100 USDT as an initial capital.
slippage=1 : Binance BTCUSDT mintick is: 0.01. Binance slippage: 0.1 % (Let's assume). TV has an integer slippage. It does not have a percentage based slippage. If we assume a 1000 initial capital, the recommended equity is 142 which at 11996 USDT per BTC price means: 0.011 BTC. The 0.1% slippage of: 0.011 BTC would be: 0.000011 . This is way smaller than the mintick. So our slippage is going to be 1. E.g. 1 (slippage) * 0.01 (mintick)
commission_type=strategy.commission.percent and commission_value=0.1 : According to: binance . com / en / fee / schedule in VIP 0 level both maker and taker fees are: 0.1 %.
Jaime Merino is a well known Youtuber focused on crypto trading
His channel TradingLatino
features monday to friday videos where he explains his strategy.
Jaime Merino stance on bots (taken from memory out of a 2020 June video from him):
You know. They can program you a bot and it might work.
But, there are some special situations that the bot would not be able to handle.
And, I, as a human, I would handle it. And the bot wouldn't do it.
My long term target with this strategy script is add as many
special situations as I can to the script
so that it can match Jaime Merino behaviour even in non normal circumstances.
My alternate target is learn Pine script
and enjoy programming with it.
This script might be bigger than other TradingView scripts.
However, please, do not be confused because the current status is beta.
This script has not been tested with real money.
This is NOT an official strategy from Jaime Merino.
This is NOT an official strategy from TradingLatino . net .
It basically uses ADX slope and LazyBear's Squeeze Momentum Indicator
to make its buy and sell decisions.
Fast paced EMA being bigger than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going long.
Fast paced EMA being smaller than slow paced EMA
(on higher timeframe) advices going short.
It finally add many substrats that TradingLatino uses.
__ SETTINGS - Basics
____ SETTINGS - Basics - ADX
(ADX) Smoothing {14}
(ADX) DI Length {14}
(ADX) key level {23}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - LazyBear Squeeze Momentum
(SQZMOM) BB Length {20}
(SQZMOM) BB MultFactor {2.0}
(SQZMOM) KC Length {20}
(SQZMOM) KC MultFactor {1.5}
(SQZMOM) Use TrueRange (KC) {True}
____ SETTINGS - Basics - EMAs
(EMAS) EMA10 - Length {10}
(EMAS) EMA10 - Source {close}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Length {55}
(EMAS) EMA55 - Source {close}
____ SETTINGS - Volume Profile
Lowest and highest VPoC from last three days
is used to know if an entry has a support
VPVR of last 100 4h bars
is also taken into account
(VP) Use number of bars (not VP timeframe): Uses 'Number of bars {100}' setting instead of 'Volume Profile timeframe' setting for calculating session VPoC
(VP) Show tick difference from current price {False}: BETA . Might be useful for actions some day.
(VP) Number of bars {100}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned on this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Volume Profile timeframe {1 day}: If 'Use number of bars (not VP timeframe)' is turned off this setting is used to calculate session VPoC.
(VP) Row width multiplier {0.6}: Adjust how the extra Volume Profile bars are shown in the chart.
(VP) Resistances prices number of decimal digits : Round Volume Profile bars label numbers so that they don't have so many decimals.
(VP) Number of bars for bottom VPOC {18}: 18 bars equals 3 days in suggested timeframe of 4 hours. It's used to calculate lowest session VPoC from previous three days. It's also used as a top VPOC for sells.
(VP) Ignore VPOC bottom advice on long {False}: If turned on it ignores bottom VPOC (or top VPOC on sells) when evaluating if a buy entry is worth it.
(VP) Number of bars for VPVR VPOC {100}: Number of bars to calculate the VPVR VPoC. We use 100 as Jaime once used. When the price bounces back to the EMA55 it might just bounce to this VPVR VPoC if its price it's lower than the EMA55 (Sells have inverse algorithm).
____ SETTINGS - ADX Slope
ADX Slope
help us to understand if ADX
has a positive slope, negative slope
or it is rather still.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX cut {23}: If ADX value is greater than this cut (23) then ADX has strength
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness entry {45}: ADX slope needs to be 45 degrees to be considered as a positive one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX minimum steepness exit {45}: ADX slope needs to be -45 degrees to be considered as a negative one.
(ADXSLOPE) ADX steepness periods {3}: In order to avoid false detection the slope is calculated along 3 periods.
____ SETTINGS - Next to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) EMA10 to EMA55 bounce back percentage {80}: EMA10 might bounce back to EMA55 or maybe to 80% of its complete way to EMA55
(NEXTEMA55) Next to EMA55 percentage {15}: How much next to the EMA55 you need to be to consider it's going to bounce back upwards again.
____ SETTINGS - Stop Loss and Take Profit
You can set a default stop loss or a default take profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss % {7.0}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit % {2.0}
____ SETTINGS - Trailing Take Profit
You can customize the default trailing take profit values
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit (%) {1.0}: Trailing take profit offset in percentage
(TRAILING) Trailing Take Profit Trigger (%) {2.0}: When 2.0% of benefit is reached then activate the trailing take profit.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas {false}.
(EMAS) Ignore advice based on emas (On closing long signal) {False}: Ignore advice based on emas but only when deciding to close a buy entry.
(SQZMOM) Ignore advice based on SQZMOM {false}: Ignores advice based on SQZMOM indicator.
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX positive slope {false}
(ADXSLOPE) Ignore advice based on ADX cut (23) {true}
(STOPTAKE) Take Profit? {false}: Enables simple Take Profit.
(STOPTAKE) Stop Loss? {True}: Enables simple Stop Loss.
(TRAILING) Enable Trailing Take Profit (%) {True}: Enables Trailing Take Profit.
____ SETTINGS - Strategy mode
(STRAT) Type Strategy: 'Long and Short', 'Long Only' or 'Short Only'. Default: 'Long and Short'.
____ SETTINGS - Risk Management
(RISKM) Risk Management Type: 'Safe', 'Somewhat safe compound' or 'Unsafe compound'. ' Safe ': Calculations are always done with the initial capital (1000) in mind. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Somewhat safe compound ': Calculations are done with initial capital (1000) or a higher capital if it increases. The maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are taken into account. ' Unsafe compound ': In each order all the current capital is gambled and only the default stop loss per order is taken into account. That means that the maximum losses per trade/day/week/month are not taken into account. Default : 'Somewhat safe compound'.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per trade % {1.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per day % {6.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per week % {8.0}.
(RISKM) Maximum loss per month % {10.0}.
____ SETTINGS - Decimals
(DECIMAL) Maximum number of decimal for contracts {3}: How small (3 decimals means 0.001) an entry position might be in your exchange.
(PRANGE) Print price is in range {False}: Enable a bottom label that indicates if the price is in range or not.
(PRANGE) Price range periods {5}: How many previous periods are used to calculate the medians
(PRANGE) Price range maximum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Maximum positive desviation for range detection
(PRANGE) Price range minimum desviation (%) {0.6} ( > 0 ): Mininum negative desviation for range detection
EXTRA 2 - SQUEEZE MOMENTUM Desviation indicator
(SQZDIVER) Show degrees {False}: Show degrees of each Squeeze Momentum Divergence lines to the x-axis.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation labels {False}: Whether to show or not desviation labels for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
(SQZDIVER) Show desviation lines {False}: Whether to show or not desviation lines for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
WARNING: This indicator works not on current bar but on previous bar. So in the worst case it might be VP from 4 hours ago. Don't worry, inside the strategy calculus the correct values are used. It's just that I cannot show the most recent one in the chart.
(VP) Print recent profile {False}: Show Volume Profile indicator
(VP) Avoid label price overlaps {False}: Avoid label prices to overlap on the chart.
(ZIG) Zignaly Alert Type {Email}: 'Email', 'Webhook'. ' Email ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected email content format. ' Webhook ': Prepare alert_message variable content to be compatible with zignaly expected json content format.
(DEBUG) Enable debug on order comments {False}: If set to true it prepares the order message to match the alert_message variable. It makes easier to debug what would have been sent by email or webhook on each of the times an order is triggered.
BOT MODE: This is the default setting.
PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING: Click on this strategy settings. Properties tab. Make sure Recalculate 'each time the order was run' is turned off.
NEWBIE USER: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) You might want to turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting. Alternatively you can use my alternate realtime study: 'Resistances and supports based on simplified Volume Profile' but, be aware, it might consume one indicator.
ADVANCED USER 1: Turn on the 'Print price is in range {False}' setting and help us to debug this subindicator. Also help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 2: Turn on the all the (SQZDIVER) settings and help us to figure out how to include this value in the strategy.
ADVANCED USER 3: (Check PROPER VOLUME PROFILE VIEWING above!) Turn on the 'Print recent profile {False}' setting and report any problem with it.
JAIME MERINO: Just use the indicator as it comes by default. It should only show BUY signals, SELL signals and their associated closing signals. From time to time you might want to check 'ADVANCED USER 2' instructions to check that there's actually a divergence. Check also 'ADVANCED USER 1' instructions for your amusement.
It's advised that you use this strategy in addition to these two other indicators:
* Squeeze Momentum Indicator
so that your chart matches as close as possible to TradingLatino chart.
This strategy supports Zignaly email integration by default. It also supports Zignaly Webhook integration.
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Email integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
ZIGNALY INTEGRATION - Webhook integration example
What you would write in your alert message:
{ {{strategy.order.alert_message}} , "key" : "MYSECRETKEY" }
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Directional Movement Index + ADX & Keylevel Support' study
which it's from TradingView console user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'3ema' study
which it's from TradingView hunganhnguyen1193 user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Squeeze Momentum Indicator ' study
which it's from TradingView LazyBear user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Strategy Tester EMA-SMA-RSI-MACD' study
which it's from TradingView fikira user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Support Resistance MTF' study
which it's from TradingView LonesomeTheBlue user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'TF Segmented Linear Regression' study
which it's from TradingView alexgrover user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
"Poor man's volume profile" study
which it's from TradingView IldarAkhmetgaleev user.
Please check the strategy source code for more detailed information
where, among others, I explain all of the substrats
and if they are implemented or not.
Q1. Did I understand wrong any of the Jaime substrats (which I have implemented)?
Q2. The strategy yields quite profit when we should long (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is higher than EMA55 from 1d timeframe.
Why the strategy yields much less profit when we should short (EMA10 from 1d timeframe is lower than EMA55 from 1d timeframe)?
Any idea if you need to do something else rather than just reverse what Jaime does when longing?
FAQ1. Why are you giving this strategy for free?
TradingLatino and his fellow enthusiasts taught me this strategy. Now I'm giving back to them.
FAQ2. Seriously! Why are you giving this strategy for free?
I'm confident his strategy might be improved a lot. By keeping it to myself I would avoid other people contributions to improve it.
Now that everyone can contribute this is a win-win.
FAQ3. How can I connect this strategy to my Exchange account?
It seems that you can attach alerts to strategies.
You might want to combine it with a paying account which enable Webhook URLs to work.
I don't know how all of this works right now so I cannot give you advice on it.
You will have to do your own research on this subject. But, be careful. Automating trades, if not done properly,
might end on you automating losses.
FAQ4. I have just found that this strategy by default gives more than 3.97% of 'maximum series of losses'. That's unacceptable according to my risk management policy.
You might want to reduce default stop loss setting from 7% to something like 5% till you are ok with the 'maximum series of losses'.
FAQ5. Where can I learn more about your work on this strategy?
Check the source code. You might find unused strategies. Either because there's not a substantial increases on earnings. Or maybe because they have not been implemented yet.
FAQ6. How much leverage is applied in this strategy?
No leverage.
FAQ7. Any difference with original Jaime Merino strategy?
Most of the times Jaime defines an stop loss at the price entry. That's not the case here. The default stop loss is 7% (but, don't be confused it only means losing 1% of your investment thanks to risk management). There's also a trailing take profit that triggers at 2% profit with a 1% trailing.
FAQ8. Why this strategy return is so small?
The strategy should be improved a lot. And, well, backtesting in this platform is not guaranteed to return theoric results comparable to real-life returns. That's why I'm personally forward testing this strategy to verify it.
En primer lugar se agradece feedback para mejorar la estrategia.
Si eres un usuario avanzado y quieres colaborar en mejorar el script no dudes en comentar abajo.
Ten en cuenta que aunque toda esta descripción tenga que estar en inglés no es obligatorio que el comentario esté en inglés.
¡Pero Jaime!
¡Tu da mun!
LB Squeeze Momentum DivergencesThis study tries to highlight LazyBear Squeeze Momentum divergences
as they are defined by
TradingLatino TradingView user
Squeeze momentum green peaks are connected by a line
Associated prices to these green peaks are also connected
If both lines have a different slope orientation
then there is a divergence.
It only shows two last divergence lines and angles.
The original chart screenshot shows some divergence lines
on the top or main chart
these were drawn manually
because you cannot write to two different charts
from the same pine script study (Well, not in August 2020 anyways)
It's aimed at BTCUSDT pair and 4h timeframe.
Simple geometric mathematics are used
to calculate the two lines degrees
Then both degrees are compared
to show if both lines agree ( // or \\ )
or if they disagree ( /\ or \/ )
(SQZDiver) Show degrees : Show degrees of each Squeeze Momentum Divergence
lines to the x-axis.
(SQZDiver) Show desviation labels : Whether to show
or not desviation labels for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
(SQZDiver) Show desviation lines : Whether to show
or not desviation lines for the Squeeze Momentum Divergences.
(ADX) Smoothing
(ADX) DI Length
(ADX) key level
(ADX) Print : Whether to show
or not scaled ADX line
(SQZMOM) BB Length
(SQZMOM) BB MultFactor
(SQZMOM) KC Length
(SQZMOM) KC MultFactor
(SQZMOM) Use TrueRange (KC)
(SQZMOM) Print : Whether to show
or not Squeeze Momentum indicator.
Some securities and timeframes might output degrees
too next to zero.
The code might need to be tweaked to meet your needs.
One strategy is to sell when you are in a long entry
when you find out that the price slope is upwards ( / )
while the lb smilb slope is downwards: ( \ )
E.g. You will see:
on the indicator.
Because it might signal you that the price is
going to correct downwards soon.
Please let me know if there is any
other strategy based on the red side of
LB Squeeze Momentum
so that I might add support for it in the future.
Calculating degrees in a chart
with a different x-axis scale
is a nightmare
that's why I did not a range settings
so that values next to zero are
converted into zero
and thus showing an horizontal line.
Feedback is welcome on this matter.
If you turn off showing the divergence lines
and if you turn off showing the divergence labels
you almost get what TradingLatino user uses
as its default momentum indicator.
Optionally this indicator can show you
a rescaled ADX (it only works properly on 2020 Bitcoin charts)
TradingLatino user has both dark green and light green
inverted compared to this LB SQZMOM chart.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Squeeze Momentum Indicator' study
which it's from TradingView LazyBear user.
I have reused and adapted some code from
'Directional Movement Index + ADX & Keylevel Support' study
which it's from TradingView console user.
RDX ScoreModified TradingView script for @bankniftydoctor's RDX strategy. Original script idea credits to @TheProfessorDev
- I have modified the code to reflect core RDX strategy score, instead of the simplified one
- Every bar (including ones in RSI 45-55) will display its RDX score.
p.s .For the uninitiated, these number generated by this script are used for the RDX strategy devised by @bankniftydoctor. There's an anchored note at the upper right corner, which briefly summarises the RDX score & the positions to be taken accordingly.
OBV - ADX and DI+/-This is the ADX and DI+/- indicator applied to OBV!
This really clearly shows up and down, but using VOLUME! Don't ignore it, there is too much information captured in the OBV.
If you just love the ADX/DI format, it is included in a checkbox.
Want some excellent background highlighting, turn in on in a checkbox.
Shout out to some inspirations
[WJ] - ADX v2 [DMI, Alerts, Histogram, Customizable]A handy all-in-one package for DMI and ADX
Color-coordinated line for DMI with an EMA and histogram to gauge momentum, mark potential reversals, and quickly gather all the information you need to make your decisions.
Quick take-aways:
- Color of the ADX line indicates the current trend
- An ADX below the EMA indicates a potentially falling/reversing trend
- Customizable line w/ alerts for ADX crossovers
- Histogram to help catch potential reversals faster, and to gauge the momentum
Please let me know what you think, and in any features you think would increase the effectiveness of this amazing tool.
ADX | DMI Trend StrategyThis strategy takes the ADX Indicator I wrote and applies it to a strategy for back testing purposes.
I've also applied a date filter so you can back test specific date ranges and a moving average filter so you can choose whether to filter your longs/shorts based on a moving average.
MTF ADX & DI - Monitoring PanelMonitoring panel showing the ADX (Average Directional Index) & DMI (Directional Movement Index) as color code for 6 different timeframes.
This gives a very easy overview on the current state of the market and if it is trending.
- ADX basically describes the strength of a Trend
- DMI give indication on the direction of the trend, usually shown as +DI and -DI
Meanings of the Colors:
ADX is below Low Threshold (no trend) : Black
ADX is above Low Threshold and DI is positive (weak bullish trend) : Light Green
ADX is above High Threshold and DI is positive (strong bullish trend) : Dark Green
ADX is above Low Threshold and DI is negative (weak bearish trend) : Light Red
ADX is above High Threshold and DI is negative (strong bearish trend) : Dark Red
- Low Threshold (default = 20) and High Threshold (default = 50) can be changed in the settings
- Timeframes can be changed, but the description labels are currently hardcoded - if you want to change it, just copy the script and change them
- Currently there are two additional timeframes commented in the code - if you want to use them, just copy the script and uncomment them
Have fun and as always I am open for constructive feedback.
ADX TriggerThis script fires off a buy alert when the ADX is rising and above a user-defined value (default 25). It fires off a sell signal when ADX starts sloping downward. The lookback period to determine if it is sloping up/down (in bars) is also configurable by the user. The plot highlights green when there is a "go" signal. Thanks to @9e52f12edd034d28bdd5544e7ff92e for the idea.
DMA: ADX L30A modified version of the ADX indicator
Indicator average directional movement ( ADX ) helps traders determine the strength of the trend, not its actual direction. It can be used to determine whether changes in the market or starts a new trend. It refers to the average directional movement Index (DMI), and, in fact, included DMI ADX line . The oscillator ranges from 0 to 100, where high values noted a strong trend and low readings indicate a weak trend. It is often combined with directional indicators. The indicator was developed by Welles Wilder, who has created several leading trading indicators.
Disconnected the lines DI and set the horizontal level 30
Модифицированная версия индикатора ADX .
Индикатор среднего направленного движения ( ADX ) помогает трейдерам определить силу тренда, а не его фактическое направление. Его можно использовать, чтобы выяснить, меняется ли рынок, или начинается новый тренд. Он относится к Индексу направленного движения (DMI) и, фактически, в DMI включена линия ADX . Осциллятор колеблется от 0 до 100, где высокие показания отмечают сильный тренд, а низкие показания указывают на слабый тренд. Он часто комбинируется с направленными индикаторами. Индикатор был разработан Уэллсом Уайлдером, который создал несколько ведущих торговых индикаторов.
Отключены линии DI и установлен горизонтальный уровень на значении 30
ADX and DI For Cryptocustomized version to add my favourite settings for crypto
Best time frame is daily followed by 4H
ADX Near 20 or less means trend is choppy and weak
ADX Cross over 30 means trend is starting to gain momentum
ADX Near 75 means momentum is near maximum, trend needs to rest for a while ( The area between 70~90 )