(주식/Stocks) 삼성전자 Samsung Electronics
(선물/Futures) 나스닥 NASDAQ
(코인/Cryptocurrency) 비트코인 BTCKRW
Hello my dear traders.
My team has recently developed a technical indicator that surprises ourselves every time we observe a price action caused by this very indicator.
Relative Strength Index has been developed by a scholar named Welles Wilder. Just like me, he turned himself into a technical analyst from a mechanical engineer after realizing how powerful and beautiful technical analysis is. As most of you know, RSI is a technical indicator that measures and visualizes the strength of bulls or bears objectively, in a percentage unit. This index, which oscillates between 0~100, is useful when identifying the general trend of the market
Here is the equation that computes RSI.
RSI(%) = (Average of Upward Price Change within N /( Average of Upward Price Change within N + Average of Downward Price Change within N))*100
* N = Time period/length or the number of candlesticks that are being considered
RSI is one of the most popular indicators used by daily traders these days. However, since default setting of the RSI only considers the closed price of candles, many limitations and weak points have been spotted recently. Since current financial market (such as crypto, stocks, futures, and forex) is heavily volatile and unstable, candle’s tails are not being considered properly on RSI (and also any other indicators that are computed using closed price).
To handle this problem, our team has worked very hard to achieve applying candle’s tails on our indicators.
After numerous tries and updates, we have finally come up with a very decent one that plots RSI that reflects both the candle's wick and body. This indicator can be interpreted as a cloud of RSI just like Ichimoku.
Traders can consider this indicator as overbought/oversold only if all of the RSI lines, (or the whold cloud) enters to the zones. Moreover, plotting channels and trendline on this cloud works very well.
We have also made it to show divergence signals so that traders can refer when the relative strength of bulls/bears starts to resolve.
If you wish to obtain access to this indicator, please comment or DM to this account.
We will give you guys an update soon for a newer version!
안녕하세요 트레이더 여러분. 토미 트레이딩 팀입니다.
오늘은 요즘 많은 트레이더들이 유용하게 사용하는 RSI와 해당 지표의 한계점에 대해서 알려드리겠습니다. 또한 본 한계점을 극복하기 위해 저희 개발팀이 최근에 개발한 RSI 클라우드 지표에 대해서 소개해드리겠습니다.
RSI , Relative Strength Index (상대강도지수)는 1978년에 웰레스 월더라는, 저처럼 원래 공학자였지만 기술적분석이라는 학문에 푹 빠져 이쪽 분야로 발을 돌린 한 학자에 의해 개발됐습니다. 해당 지수는 주가의 상승/하락 압력 간의 상대적인 강도를 보여주는 보조지표로 추세의 강도세를 백분율로 표기해줍니다.
RSI를 산출하는 공식은 다음과 같습니다.
RSI (%) = (N의 상승폭 합계/(N의 상승폭 합계 + N의 하락폭 합계))*100
* N = Time period/length, 시간(캔들봉) 단위
본 공식에서 N은 RSI의 민감도를 조절하는 Parameter(설정값)로 보편적으로 Default(기본)값인 14, 조금 덜 민감한 값으로는 25가 사용됩니다. RSI의 단위는 %로 과매수 구간은 70~80%, 과매도 구간은 20~30%으로 사용됩니다. 즉 RSI가 70~80% 이상일 때 강세 혹은 과매수, 20~30%일 때 약세 혹은 과매도라고 판단할 수 있습니다.
정말로 직관적이면서도 참으로 쉽고 유용한 지표이죠.
하지만 아쉽게도 이 RSI도 크나 큰 한계점이 존재합니다. 해당 지수가 산정될 때 사용하는 소스값은 Closed, 즉 캔들의 종가로, 고가와 저가가 지수에 반영되지 않습니다. 즉 캔들의 꼬리는 해당 지수에 고려되지 않는다는 점입니다. 요즘에 누가 캔들 종가만 보고, 혹은 라인차트로만 매매하나요? 허구한날 미친 스캠무빙이 툭하면 나오는 현대 장에 종가만 가지고 매매하면 골로간다는건 다들 아실 거라 생각합니다. 요즘처럼 고변동성의, 툭하면 길고 뾰족한 꼬리들이 난무하는 현대 금융 시장에 적용시키기엔 문제가 너무 많습니다.
게다가 요즘에 너무나도 많은 개인투자자들이 RSI 지표를 사용합니다. 모두가 같은 자리, 같은 기법, 혹은 같은 지표를 쓰면 어떻게 된다고 했죠? 제가 매번 강조 드렸듯이 3~5% 개미 생종률은 불변의 법칙입니다. 모두가 롱을 외치면 숏자리를, 모두가 숏을 외치면 롱자리를 찾아야하는 금융시장. 높은 통찰력과 안목을 지닌 소수의 현명한 투자자들만 살아남는다고 제가 누누이 강조 드렸습니다.
이 문제를 해결하고자 최근 저희 팀은 캔들의 모든 가격들을 RSI지표에 반영시키기 위해, 그리고 종가를 기준이 아닌 다른 기준으로 다이버전스를 모색하는 매우 다양한 시도들을 해왔습니다.
수많은 연구, 실험 및 고찰 끝에 마침내 캔들의 모든 가격을 반영하는 RSI 지표를 만들고 말았습니다. 이름하여 RSI 클라우드! RSI를 하나의 라인이 아닌 범위로 표기를 함으로써 조금 더 보수적이고 정확하게 강도지수를 파악할 수 있게 되었습니다. 본 지표는 일목구름과 마찬가지로 RSI를 하나의 선이 아닌 구름대로 해석하시면 됩니다.
다수의 라인(라인들의 범주를 구름으로 표기함)으로 구성된 이 지표는 고려하는 모든 선들이 과매수/과매도 구역에 진입해야 과열로 간주함으로써 더 보수적으로 확실한 과열 상황들을 포착할 수 있습니다. 그리고 해당 지표에 평행 채널 및 추세선들이 기가 막히게 잘 들어맞습니다. 주가에 추세선/채널 작도하는 것처럼 활용하시면 됩니다. 이탈 방향 나올 때, 그리고 심지어 이탈 이후 리테스트도 나옵니다.
또한 다이버전스 역시 종가가 아닌 캔들의 평균값을 사용하여 시그널이 나오게끔 했습니다. 때문에 중간중간에 긴 꼬리들 혹은 말도 안되는 무빙이나 노이즈들로 발생되는 주가 <-> 지표 다이버전스의 괴리감을 최소화시켰습니다. 이 또한 자동으로 다이버전스를 잡도록 로직을 짰으니 상승/하락세의 과열이 점차 해소되기 시작할 때, 즉 변곡 잡으실 때 매우 유용하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.
물론 당연한 말이지만 이 지표 하나만 가지고 매매를 하면 안되겠죠? 본인만의 여러 기법 및 지표들의 튼튼한 조합을 구성할 때 하나의 기준으로써 참고를 해야합니다.
아래는 비트코인이 아닌 선물과 주식 차트입니다. 해당 차트들은 예전 차트도 아닌 최근 차트입니다. 이와 같이 종목/상품과 타임프레임을 불문하고 다 잘 맞습니다.
그러면 이상, 급변하는 21세기 현대 금융시장에 최적화된 기법, 지표 및 전략들을 꾸준히 연구하고 개발하는 토미 트레이딩 팀이었습니다.
Backtst CloudHappy Holidays here is a gift!
This a cleaned up Ichimoku cloud with RSI coloring.
Can be used to remove some of the the noise.
How to read chart:
Cloud support and resistance zones.
A green line is RSI > 50
A red line is RSI <= 50
Everything RSIThis indicator includes:
RSI Candles set to the default 14 length (un check Borders in the Style tab to see the candlesticks better)
I like using the wicks as an early warning for a possible trend change, which is generally in the opposite direction of the wicks.
It's also easier for me to draw trend lines using the RSI Candles vs the rsi plot line.
40 ema of the RSI Candles
2nd RSI set to the 20 length , which plots just inside the wicks of the RSI Candles. This RSI also highlights Oversold and Overbought levels.
I sometimes leave the RSI Candle Borders checked and use the 20 RSI plot with the wicks of the RSI Candles
Signals to look for Short or Long opportunities , which use the 5 sma of the RSI Candles crossing under the overbought and over the
oversold levels. If you'd like to plot the 5 sma, remove the // at the beginning of the code on line 72.
3nd RSI set to the default 14 length which can be set to a different timeframe as the current chart. Default setting is the 1h.
This RSI plots a + at the top of the indicator when it's above the 50 level and an x at the bottom of the indicator when it's below the 50 level.
For me, this is just a visual aid when I'm scalping on lower timeframes.
If the 1h RSI is above the 50 level, I focus on long scalps. If the 1h RSI is below the 50 level, I focus on short scalps.
RSI Cloud which is formed by filling in the area between the 14 ema of both the 7 RSI and 28 RSI.
I used part of @FnM_Capital 's Trend-Sniper script for my RSI Candles. Thank you! You're extremely talented and deserve all of the credit for your work.
I'd also like to thank @SeanNance for answering all of my random coding questions!!!
I've added the indicator to the example twice to show a couple of the ways I view the RSI's.
The top indicator shows the RSI Candle Borders "un checked" and without the 2nd RSI plot.
The bottom indicator shows RSI Candle Borders "checked", using 2nd RSI plot with the RSI Candle Wicks.
BRAHMA - Better Remodelled Adaptive Holistic Moving Average™𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗛𝗠𝗔 (Better Remodelled Adaptive Holistic Moving Average) is an exceptionally versatile Moving Average, that can adapt, expand and transform into a better Moving Average system that consists of BRAHMA bands and BRAHMA steps, both emanating from a singular plot based on the source price and the lookback length. The system also consists of BRAHMA cloud which is based on the source price, the lookback length, the step length and the cloud factor. In addition to using the source price directly, the indicator offers 15 different Moving Average types that can be used on the source price for BRAHMA system to adapt to, offering several possibilities to visualize and trade the price action.
™𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹
Like any other moving average system, the source price and the lookback length determines the dynamic of BRAHMA . Source price can be selected from Sᴏᴜʀᴄᴇ dropdown and the lookback length can be enetered in the Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ input box. MA ᴛʏᴘᴇ dropdown is used to choose the type of moving average for BRAHMA to adapt to. To use the source price directly, Use Source must be selected from the dropdown.
In addition to this usual requirement, Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Wɪᴅᴛʜ and Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Sᴛᴇᴘ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ are required to make BRAHMA moving average system complete, based on risk and reward expectations of the user.
BRAHMA Bands and Steps
The Bands and the Steps are integral part of the BRAHMA system. When the Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Wɪᴅᴛʜ and Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Sᴛᴇᴘ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ values are 1, the bands and steps lie dormant inside BRAHMA and they emanate from the main plot as the values are increased.
Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Wɪᴅᴛʜ impacts the Bands Mean line + expands or contracts the bands and Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Sᴛᴇᴘ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ transforms the dormant step system (on minimum value of 1) from inside the BRAHMA bands into a powerful step/block like structure that helps find support/resistance levels and displays Bull and Bear zones based on price action in relation to the BRAHMA bands and BRAHMA steps .
Dɪsᴘʟᴀʏ Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Sᴛᴇᴘs plots the steps
Dɪsᴘʟᴀʏ Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Bᴀɴᴅs plots the bands
Enabling Cᴏʟᴏᴜʀ Bᴀʀs with Bands and Steps displayed will plot the Bull and Bear Zones on price bars and this dynamic is very different from the colouring of the bars based on the cloud as a standalone plot.
The cloud is a very useful part of this system and helps see the price action with the help of volatility of Bulls/Bears based on the lookback length, step length and the cloud factor. Price above or below the cloud helps visualize the strength of the trend along with the height/thickness of the cloud. Thinning of the cloud can signal reversals and can be used with another confirmator.
Cʟᴏᴜᴅ Fᴀᴄᴛᴏʀ (1 - 10) affects the cloud dynamic and can be changed to suit personal risk strategy and trade frequency. Cloud sensitivity is also affected by the Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ . Cloud can be used on its own with really low lookback length (even length of 1 works well).
Dɪsᴘʟᴀʏ Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Cʟᴏᴜᴅ plots the cloud
Enabling Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Cᴏʟᴏᴜʀ Bᴀʀs with Cloud displayed as the only standalone component of the indicator will plot the Bull and Bear Zones and this dynamic is very different from the colouring of the bars based on the Bands and Steps on chart. When the price enters the cloud from below after or during a period of downtrend will start painting Bull colour and when the price enters the cloud from above after or during a period of uptrend will start painting Bear colour on the price bars.
BRAHMA Colour Scheme
The colours of the plots and fills can be changed based on user preference from the indicator settings.
There are three Themes to choose from Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Cᴏʟᴏᴜʀ Bᴀʀs Tʜᴇᴍᴇ (Simple, Chilli and Flame) dropdown to colour the price bars.
Enabling Bʀᴀʜᴍᴀ Cᴏʟᴏᴜʀ Bᴀʀs with Simple Theme colours the price bars based on Bull and Bear zones as explained in the sections above. Chilli and Flame themes colour the price bars with trend intensity for every bar based on the source price and lookback length.
Alerts can be created for Long and Short entries by using Once Per Bar Close as Alert Frequency. Entries are generated on Real time bars. It is recommended to wait for bar close before taking a position based on Trade Entries.
The indicator does not repaint and can be confidently used for alerts and trade entries without worrying about signals disappearing.
™TradeChartist BRAHMA can also be connected to ™TradeChartist Plug and Trade using 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗜𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗿 as Oscillatory Signal to generate entries along with Targets, Stop Loss plots etc. Target and Stop Loss alerts can be created using Plug and Trade's Alerts system.
Example Charts
1. The 15m chart below demonstrates how a Simple Moving Average can be transformed from a noisy pretty much untradeable MA plot to meaningful Moving Average Trade System using BRAHMA by adjusting the Width and the Step Length.
2. GBP-USD 1hr chart using 34 period Zero-Lag EMA with 21 width and 24 step length (24 hrs in a Daily candle - This helps choose length for HTF based levels)
3. NIFTY 1hr chart using 21 period TEMA (Triple Exponential MA) with 21 width and 24 step length.
4. XAU-USD Daily chart using 89 period TEMA with 24 width and 12 step length, enabling Chilli Theme based colour bars.
5. LINK-USDT 1hr chart using 21 period Hull MA with 24 width, 24 step length and cloud factor of 2 visualised using colour bars on cloud as standalone plot.
Best Practice: Test with different settings first using Paper Trades before trading with real money
This is not a free to use indicator. Get in touch with me (PM me directly if you would like trial access to test the indicator)
Premium Scripts - Trial access and Information
Trial access offered on all Premium scripts.
PM me directly to request trial access to the scripts or for more information.
Ichimoku with offset includedBased on the idea that some Donchian Channels in trading books have a lookback or offset of 1 in order to use it as a sort of trailing stop or so that the channels don't adjust. Ichimoku's Tenkan and Kijun lines have a very similar formula to Donchian Channels. In case anyone wants to use those lines as a sort of more fixed trailing stop, offset the Kijun, Tenkan, Span B, and/or treat it like Donchian Channels and such in the Ichimoku system, I included an offset of 1 as the default. To change this indicator to a standard regular looking Ichimoku, just change the offset value to 0.
The formula seems a bit different to what Tradingview has for their own version of Ichimoku but it's the same as many other programmers here. I made the colors as close to the traditional colors seen in books and other places and Tradingview as much as I could think of. Ichimoku has many different variations out there and to add the the confusion can have many different strategies to go with it. If you have any suggestions or tips, please let me know.
Different Donchian PeriodsHi!
This is a very simple script that I couldn't find on TradingView yet. Look at this indicator how you want (band, cloud, ma's) and create your own settings, I did not test it.
Normally, Donchian average calculates the average(middle) of the highest point of a given period and the lowest point of that same period.
Here I use two separate periods, one for highest, a different one for lowest. That's it :)
Let me know if it's useful to you, I appreciate your comments.
Predictimoku (Cloud 9) - Modified Ichimoku by Cryptorhythms [CR] Predictimoku (Cloud 9) - Modified Ichimoku by Cryptorhythms
New spin on the old standby ichimoku!
Predictimoku (Cloud 9): This indicator uses a proprietary algo to forecast the kijun tenkan & senkou spans accurately out into the future.
Unfortunately you may have seen it around twitter as part of a paid for course with indicator set. These influencers claim its "their proprietary indicator". Well the truth is that the source code was stolen from me without payment by some folks who will remain nameless... Then they published the indicator as a private script to avoid moderation/ban (cowards!)
Lesson learned... this is why you never trust anyone until the money is in your hand. And if you see the indicator in the wild as part of some "guru's" overpriced course you will know who the thieves are!
But I wouldnt let that injustice or their shady behavior stand. So that now means you all will get access to it because I am providing it free for the public! :)
📋Features and How to Use
You use this indicator in all the same ways as you would use traditional ichimoku, the underlying structure is the same. Though the default settings are using doubled lookback lengths as per "crypto standard."
The extra functionality comes in the form of accurate and non repainting forecast of up to 17 bars for the kijun, tenkan and senkou spans! This can be useful in many ways for instance it can show you ahead of time when a kumo twist will happen, or a tenkan/kijun cross, etc!
💠Here is an example of the 17 bar forecast:
💠Here is an example of the Trading Range option to show you where price would need to go to force a recalculation of the forecasts. It also provides areas of interest for PA reactions.
💠Last an example of the fibonacci spread. By default the Auto Fib's lookback length is set to 60 to match the kijun lookback. This generally produces a nice framework for near future price action.
💠Look for some more new and unique ichimoku based indicators coming soon from us! :)
About Us
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 84th script on Tradingview! Check signature for more information.
21/55 EMA Cloud w/ Optional RibbonThis indicator behaves like a traditional EMA ribbon by using the 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 bar exponential moving averages. In this particular indicator, the traditional EMA ribbon lines are turned off by default leaving only a filled in area between the 21 and 55 bar averages. The filled in area is green when the 21 bar average is greater than the 55 and red otherwise. Additionally, the 9, 100, and 200 exponential moving averages are available for reference.
Weeknights Donchian CloudDonchian Channel Trading system visualised as a cloud.
Regular/Quick inputs;
Length: 20
Entry Length: 20
Stop Length: 10
Alternate/Slower Inputs;
Length: 55
Entry Length: 55
Stop Length: 20
For a more in-depth review, look up "Turtle Trading" rules
The simplest way to use the cloud;
-When the cloud flips from above to below (support), close any shorts and open a long
-When the cloud flips from below to above (resistance), close any longs and open a short
-Cloud is flipped based on a breakout on the high / low
-Most effectively used on the daily, but can be used on any time frame
-For traditional markets, an input of 20 is most commonly used
-For 24/7 markets, an input of 28 is most commonly used
-Find an input that makes the most sense to you!
I appreciate any feedback, feel free to message me on twitter / comment!
Twitter ; @ImWeeknight
Credit to user KivancOzbilgic for helping with the script
Ichimoku Cloud - AlertsIchimoku cloud
IC is a trend - following system with an indicator similar to moving averages
It predicts price movements
Offers a unique perspective of support and resistance levels.
Conversion Line (Turning Line)
- Measures Short Term Trend
- SIgnals an area of minor support and resistance
Base Line (Confirmation Line)
Measures Medium term trend
Used as Trailing Stop Level.
Lagging Span (Lagging Line)
Used for Confirmation of signals
Can also serve as Support and Resistance Level
Kumo Cloud
Formed of two lines: Span A (Green Line) and Span B (Red Line)
Dynamic Support and Resistance .
Conversion Line
If the Market Price is above the Conversion Line = Short Term Upward Movement
If the Market Price is below the Conversion Line = Short Term Downward Movement
Increasing Conversion Line = Upward Short Term Trend
Decreasing Conversion Line = Downward Short Term Trend
Base Line
If the Market Price is above the baseline = Medium - term upward trend
If the Market price is below the baseline = Medium - Term downward Trend
Increasing Base Line = Upward Medium term trend
Decreasing Base Line = Downward Medium Term Trend
Lagging Span
The Evolution of the current price action in relation to previous price action
If the Lagging span is above the current price = Bullish Bias
If the Lagging span is below the current price = Bearish Bias
Lagging span near the current price = Trading range
Kumo Cloud
Dynamic Support and Resistance based upon price action.
The longer the price stays below/above the Kumo cloud, the STRONGER the trend is.
When the cloud is wide, the expected support or resistance is strong
When the cloud is thin, the expected support or resistance is weak
Never trade inside the KUMO CLOUD.
Baseline and conversion Line crossover (Lagging Span as a Filter)
crossover(conversion line, baseline) = Buy
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) = Sell
crossover(conversion line, baseline) and lagging span is Bullish (i.e above the price) = Buy
Crossunder(conversion line, baseline) and lagging span is Bearish (i.e below the price) = Sell
2. Baseline - Conversion line crossover (Kumo cloud Filter)
crossover(conversion line, baseline) above the Kumo Cloud = Strong Buy
crossover(conversion line, baseline) below the Kumo cloud = Weak Buy
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) below the Kumo Cloud = Strong Sell
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) above the Kumo Cloud = Weak Sell
3. Kumo Cloud Breakout
When the price enters the Kumo Cloud, and breaks its Upper wall upward = Bullish Signal
When the price enters the Kumo Cloud, and breaks its Lower wall downward = Bearish Signal
4. Kumo Cloud Crossover
When Span A cuts the Span B from below to the upside and prices are positioned above the Kumo Cloud = Strong Buy Signal
When Span A cuts the Span B from upside to the bottom and the prices are positioned below the Kumo Cloud = Strong Sell
When Span A cuts Span B from bottom to the upside and prices are positioned below the Kumo Cloud = Weak Buy Signal
When Span A cuts Span B from the upside to the bottom and the prices are positioned above the Kumo Cloud = Weak Sell Signal.
NOTE:- Some of the signals collide with each other, but they collide for the same call, so shouldn't really be a problem overall. Let me know if you have any suggestions to nullify the trading Range. Though I do plan on adding my Renko code to it for filtering out Trading Range.
MMD System (Magic Clouds)This is combined all-in-one system for Magic Clouds (MMD). It contains:
- Clouds based on pairs of EMA + SMA acting as dynamic support/resistance
- Levels marked when clouds transitioned between each other
- Diamonds level (2 Green - Red - 2 Green OR 2 Red - Green - 2 Red) which acts as levels to be retested in the future by price
Donchian Cloud - evoA cloud based on the highest high and lowest low of a given period (Donchian), same lines used in Ichimoku Cloud (Conversion line or Base line).
Short term line is based on current time frame, long term line is based on your given multiple of current time frame.
The color of the lines is based on up or down movement.
I stole a piece of code from PineCoders for the multiple time frame:
I have not used this in my trades (yet) so I don't know how good it is, just posting because it looks nice :)
Feel free to share your settings if you can find good ones.
Variable Cloud - evoA Super Trend based on the high and low of a Moving Average, to get an easy view what the current trend is and where to buy and sell.
- The 'Closing Source' option is the candle value that triggers the clouds. 'High/Low System' means that a downtrend is over when the candle LOW closes greater than the downtrend (dark cloud), an uptrend is over when the candle HIGH closes less than the uptrend (light cloud). The other options speak for themselves.
- Ideally place your stop loss outside the cloud, as you want to stay in the trend until it breaks to the opposite direction (but that's up to you of course).
- Reversal trades are low probability, you can see them as reversals or ranging before the market continues, I like to lower my risk on those set ups till it breaks the dominant trend.
Here are the scripts I used:
Everget's SuperTrend
LazyBear's VMA
Thanks LazyBear and Everget, I learn a lot from your scripts :)
Variable SuperTrend - evoPlayed around with Lazy Bear's VMA and Gunazzi's SuperTrend Cloud .
It plots an uptrend if the low of a candle gets above the recent downtrend and plots a downtrend if the high of a candle gets below the recent uptrend, you have to wait for the candle to close to confirm the actual trend change.
I use it to give me a direction for longs or shorts, not as a stop/reverse indicator.
Thanks Lazy Bear and Gunazzi :)
BEST Cloud ALL MAHello traders
Hope you're all doing well
This script is a generic cloud generator using a pre-selected set of moving averages (I probably forgot a lot but listed all the ones I used at least once).
A cloud is a visual representation of the gap between two moving averages - it shows right away how big in that gap (=how far they are from each other)
The challenge is to find a cloud such as the price often stay stuck between those 2 MA - and when it's getting finally out (up or down), it would be strong enough to signal a beginning of a trend.
This is a cool intellectual challenge for all aspiring traders
For that script, I defined a trend according to how the 2 MAs are located relative to each other (MA1 > MA2 or MA1 < MA2) and if the price gets out of the cloud.
You'll get :
- the option to color the candles based on a trend
- cool triangles entry signals
- and alerts on those triangles
All the BEST
Kurotoga CloudKurutoga Cloud is a cousin-inpired cloud of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
It removes the unnecessary fluff and just focus drawing the 50% levels on current mainframe for the typical RSI standard length (14) settings on current time-frame (Lead A) and the Higher time-frame (Lead B)
User should pay particular attention to where the cloud will draw longer straight-lines. Those ranges are 50% ranges of significance and likely to act as target zones for support/resistances in the future.
The cloud can also act a a very reliable trend indicator.
Intraday = D
D = W
W = M
M = 4M
SuperC BF 🚀Based on some code from noro and kiasaki - thank you.
A Super Trend is a trend over a long period of time. There are lots of existing scripts that generate signals based on the overall direction of an instrument. What if we combined this idea with a measure of Money Flow and added a filter to try to avoid choppy sideways action?
I started with a super trend foundation and added an MFI calculation to account for volume flowing into and out of the asset. Then added a Rate of Change function to stay out of trades when there is not much up/down movement.
Bright green background = go long
Bright red background = go short
A white background means we don't trade
A green background means we have a long condition
A red background means we have a short condition
The cloud is green when we have a long condition, red when we have a short condition.
The cloud is yellow if we should be in a long already but the current candle is not satisfying all long conditions.
The cloud is orange if we should be in a short already but the current candle is not satisfying all short conditions.
The line at the bottom is MFI - this is green when the current candle is greater than the last, red when it is less than the last.
A long condition is when MFI > MFI AND we are not in a choppy market AND when price is above the super trend.
A short condition is when MFI < MFI AND we are not in a choppy market AND when price is below the super trend.
We use a fixed Stop Loss of 2% here on the daily timeframe for XBT/USD.
If we get stopped out from a long and we still have the conditions for a long, we re-enter. Same for short.
Cloud Breakout BFBased on code by nathanhoffer
Long signal is after a close above Kumo cloud, short signal after close below it.
You can adjust stuff in the settings.
SuperTrend Cloud StrategyExperimental strategy to improve accuracy of SuperTrend Cloud. I am attempting to use STD deviation to manipulate the multiplier of the SuperTrend cloud. Greater STD Deviation = Oscillation in price action which can be applied to multiplier of SuperTrend to filter out bad trades and improve accuracy.
Ultimate Algorithm Builder (Single Trend)Hello traders
This is a fantastic tool to detect convergence between the following indicators :
Overlay - meaning if the price close above/below the SMA 50
Trend Signal - to detect if the the DOW law is broken and predict a possible reversal -
In other words, it detects if the higher highs or lower lows sequence is broken
MACD or MACD Zero Lag
MM Cross - Cross of moving averages
Ichimoku - if the price closes below/above the cloud
Supertrend - used to detect polarity zones
TSI Shadow - propieraty indicator - URL :
It's ultra flexible as you check which indicator you need in your own strategy. That's why I called it the Ultimate Algorithm Builder
S.E.X. LinesImplementation of S.E.X. Lines as described by Robert Borowski in his book "Forex Sailing".
The indicator allows to plot up to 3 studies, and display them as a Cloud or as Lines.
The indicator allows plotting S.E.X. Lines from higher time frames.