ICT KillzonesThis Script plots the ICT Killzones in the Chart using a new Panel.
It's based on the Major Forex Sessions and this is usually where Key Swing Points occur.
It has a lookback of 20 days for Performance reasons.
- Time can be modified
- Lines width can be modified
- Lines colours can be modified
By default the Killzones will be based on NY Time using the following order
- London Open: 02:00 to 05:00
- New York Open: 07:00 to 10:00
- London Close: 10:00 to 12:00
AMD-ImbalanceThis script looks at three consecutive candles and if there is an area between the wicks of the first and third candle, it will paint a box to mark the area.
The marked area is considered an imbalance or inefficiency in the market. Price usually finds its way back to that area of imbalance to clear it.
As price clears part of the area of imbalance, the box turns from a solid border to a dashed border.
AsianRange and KillZonesAsia Range Shadow Box and ICT Killzones
If you watch ICT on youtube you will know what to do with this :-)
I had found a lot of great ideas but none of them completely had what I was personally looking for so I put all of the great ideas I had found and added my own twist to it.
I wanted a easily customizable indicator that did the following
- Showed the Asia Range (customizable time)
- Allowed Asia range high and low to be extended
- Fill the asia range or just have it outlined
- The ability to have 4 customizable zones (default to ICT kill zones) but you can make them whatever you want
- Ability to turn off various zones if you want (Maybe you just want a New York Session and thats it)
I also place a "Max timeframe to display" - Personally I don't want this showing on anything over a 60min chart so you can adjust that parameter (in minutes) to your liking.
This was also fully converted to pine v4
I hope in a future revision to take use of the new "box" feature to get a cleaner box around Asia session.
ICT Time RangesICT Time Ranges is a concept around the fact that price likes to show volatility spikes in certain times of the day.
Although there are many other scripts such as that revolve around this concept, the difference between this one and some of the others out there is the fact that this code specifically focuses on the ranges like New York, London, Asia, and ICTs concept behind having a "True Day Range". Also, prior scripts draw horizontal lines to delineate the High and Low of the Day. Although this is useful in some cases, I find it to clutter up the chart too much for my liking, so this script negates any of that and simply prints a box in the parameters given within the settings pop-up. This also allows you the fact of having a shape and letter(s) marker for when a new day starts at 0:00.
With this script, you can enable / disable times of the day for:
- London Session
- New York Session
- London Close Session
- Asia Session
- "IPDA" True Day
You can also change the times that these sessions will update to, along with the opacity and color that they print to mark out these times / ranges. The same can be said with the "Day of Week" markers, which can be color coded and show different shapes / formats to your liking.
I find that putting the Session boxes opacity to 7-8% and the day of week markers to 20% is best as this makes them visible enough to see while also keeping it easy on your eyes to analyze your charts.
Overall, this script was based around specific concepts I liked from other individuals' scripts such as @BryceWH and @AvniPiro , but that are tweaked to what I personally find as most beneficial. To see others scripts like this one, you can search for "ICT Killzones" in the public script library!
Ict LookbackLookback
This indicator shows us on a daily timeframe:
Range high and range low from the last 20 days
Range high and range low from the last 40 days
Range high and range low from the last 20 days
Show quadrants (Shows additional lines: the last 20 days range quadrants)
Color of the lines
Additional information:
The 40 & 60 day trading range will only be visible on a daily timeframe
The 20 day trading range will be shown on a hourly timeframe to
The name ‘ict’ in the title of this indicator refers to ‘The Inner Circle Trader’. The Inner Circle Trader is my trading mentor and this indicator is based upon his ideas. I am proud to be one of his students. I hope this indicator can help more students!
Ict Time IndicatorIct Time Indicator
Forex Market or DXY:
This indicator plots a blue zone every day at midnight NY time. Which is used as a start of a trading day.
This indicator shows the days of the week.
The dark blue background is the first day of the week.
The light blue background are the start of the days in the week except for Monday
The first gray zone from the start of the day highlights the London Session from 2am to 5am
The second gray zone from the start of the day highlights the NY Session from 7am to 9am
The third gray zone from the start of the day highlights the London Close from 11am to 12am
Bond Market (symbol: ZB, ZN, ZF)
Start of the day (blue zone): 8am EST
First zone: 1am to 4am (London Session)
Second zone: 7am to 11am (NY am session)
Third zone: 11am to 2pm (NY pm session)
Index Futures (symbol: ES, NQ, YM)
Start of the day (blue zone): 5am
First zone: 1am to 4am (London Session)
Second zone: 8:30am to 11am (NY am session)
Third zone: noon to 3pm (NY pm session)
Currency Futures (symbol: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6E, 6J, 6N, 6S)
Start of the day (blue zone): 5am
First zone: 1am to 4am (London Session)
Second zone: 6am to 9am (NY Session)
Third zone: 10am to 11am (London Close)
Time is dependent on the trade session of the IBM symbol.
Properties available:
- Show Killzones (Show the gray zones: London session - NY session - London Close as described above)
- Show Days Of Week (Show the blue zones + days of the week)
- All colors are available to change
The indicator checks the timeframe you are in to visualize the zones to keep everything clean.
The name ‘ict’ in the title of this indicator refers to ‘The Inner Circle Trader’. The Inner Circle Trader is my trading mentor and this indicator is based upon his ideas. I am proud to be one of his students. I hope this indicator can help more students!
ICT - Time Theory (Kill Zones & Midnight NY & GMT)This script helps you to mark the following automatically instead of doing it every day:
Midnight GMT;
Midnight NY;
Asia Session;
London Open Kill Zone;
New York Open Kill Zone;
London Close Kill Zone;
This helps if you trade intra-day with this ICT concepts.
It draws a horizontal lines instead of painting the background. (There is a limitation of around 50 vertical lines per script)
ICT - Midnight (NY & GMT)This script helps you to mark midnight GMT & NY time automatically instead of doing it every day.
This helps if you trade intra-day using ICT concepts that refer to this times.
It draws a vertical line instead of painting the background. (There is a limitation of around 50 vertical lines per script)
ICT Sessions [Killzones]This indicator was initially Created by @BryceWH.
Modification by @leonsholo
The indicator uses New York Time
I modified it to match my own criteria which includes:
- I adjusted the time zones.
- Added tags to the settings to make it easy to know which kill zones you are toggling on or off.
- Added the Asia session
- Added the London Close session
How The Indicator Works
Plots the Asia, London, New York and London Close Kill zone as overlay boxes using current daily high / lows.
Marked ranges will move as days range / high and low widens.
Middle fills can be turned on and off.
Colours can be changed to match your preference.
Created this indicator because I didn't like highlighting the whole chart background as seen in other ICT Kill zone indicators on trading view and wanted something visually clearer.
Boxes height can be changed. Positive number puts the box outside current days high and low, negative number puts box inside current days high and low.
" Adapted from Chris Moody's original indicator HLOC" - BryceWH
Williams Fractals One// It is same as William fractal default one. I have just modified to provide the fractal UP or DOWN considering one handle on each side other than default two.
// It will help in ICT methods to find the Market structure.
PIPS4LIFES LINE SEPARATOR indicator to separate in days with names. Easy use and good interface. I hope you like it. regards
Session P4L MTFCorrected indicator for better support of smaller time frames. version 3.0 with better interface. thank you
ote 3d v0This was supposed to be an automatic ICT OTE (Optimal Trade Entry) Fib level placement on a 3-day scale, but this did not turn out anywhere near close to how I envisioned it working.
Probably with some more development and applied math for the fib levels, I can get this to work even with breached 3D levels, but currently it's an exercise in frustration.
BullTrading Average Daily Rage %BullTrading ADR % is an esencial indicator for serious day traders and precision traders.
ADR is plotted in red color, the selected ADR % is plotted in yellow color
Previous 2Days High/LowTesting simple range of highs/lows of previous 2 days, for reference, working on every timeframe.
5 Day ADR ICT Intraday TrackerPretty self explanatory, this indicator tracks todays current range as a % of the 5 Day ADR.
This is most useful for finding entries and looking for exits intraday, ie: how much hypothetical room is there for a trade to run? looking for entries in yellow and orange zones, exiting in blue once the ADR is reached etc.
Reset variable should be used for the end of day close. For forex on Oanda its 1700. Probably a way to do this programatically, if its obvious let me know and i can update it.
Can be set to clip output above 110% once the daily ADR has been fulfilled - this can be turned on or off.
Experimental mode for finding consolidations, based on the ADR for each day not been fulfilled and contracting. can be good for finding pending range expansion.
Code is pretty ugly, feel free to tweak.
current known issues: Indicator doesnt work for many non forex pairs, due to coding laziness. Indicator does not work on 1 minute timeframe.
ICT Killzone Boxes
Plots London Open Killzone and New York Open Killzone as overlay boxes using current daily high / lows. Boxes verticle location will move as days range / high and low widens.
Middle fills can be turned on and off. Created this indicator because i didnt like highlighting the whole chart background as seen in other ICT Killzone indicators on tradingview and wanted something visually clearer.
If you want additional killzones such as london close / new york close, add the indicator to the chart twice.
Boxes height can be changed. Positive number puts the box outside current days high and low, negative number puts box inside current days high and low.
Adapted from Chris Moody's original indicator HLOC
Sorry for my ugly code. Presented as is - feel free to tweak / modify and change.