a good example of when2 short term scalp "time to take profits"

if you look at the mess of indicators on the bottom screen, youll notice ETH.Dominincae the darker green line, falls of with some significant DeFi market cap movement somewhat correlated with ETH.d .. this i believe is the first surge of ALT n ETH etc profits. many people dont know how to get out of deep wood decentralized DEXs or exchanges or and cross chain like on SOL or BSC etc. and or the gas fees or transfer fees make the smaller positions pointless to move that far or the other scenario esp with newer to crypto that still see lambos and moon emojies after every pump dont want to take profits in this FoMo mentality so they stake their profits in DeFi projects while the now more imitated pull theirs out to FINALY take some stable coin profits.

another trend clue an oldie but goodie is watching BTC dominance, that burnt orange line and how she reacts compared to the BTC n ETH ALT whatever market cap charts. BTC.D rising is typically i sign the market is liquidating ie taking profits. Now ETH Dominance seems to be the first and main clue but things change all the time in this wild west crypto land so learn the choke points ie what trend lines make sense to you. leearn to read the alien tides in whatever capacity that melds with your own style.

happy hunting and scalping all _HGM0Ut

PS Always long... even when im short.. im long.../ smilez
where that GREEN ARROW BEGINS down below, would be the ideal spot to sell and when ETH.D or ETH Dominance diverges from the rest of the trend lines, dragging DeFi market cap and dominance with her.
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisTrend Analysis

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