TRADERSAI - A.I. Powered Model Trades for MON 07/08 - OUTCOMES

Results of our models' trading plans for Friday, 07/05/2019 - published in the morning - are now available. Anyone can verify/cross-check the triggering of these trades from any source that provides charts.

In an unusual day of trading, our medium-frequency models opened and closed a total of 23 trades with a gross result of a break-even, and carried the 24th trade as an open long into the next session, while our aggressive intraday models' trading plans lead to zero trades! This is potentially indicative of an imminent change in the market regime, but it is too soon to tell.  


Medium-Frequency Models: An unusually excessive number of trades - twenty four of them - were triggered by these models today, all around the 2975 pivot point indicated, and lead to a gross break-even. An open long - opened at 2975 - is being carried into the next session, with a 10-point trailing stop anchored at the 2968.50 level as the end of the regular session.   

Aggressive, Intraday Models: No trades triggered today (unusual when contrasted with the excessive choppy trading by the medium-frequency models).


For the trade-by-trade details with time stamps, please check out our site.

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