BE - Volume Scalping ProDear Traders,
Here with presenting the new Indicator (Strategy) for scalping which is primarily built based on the the Volume Analysis.
Idea behind this Indicator: I am sure every trader would agree that Volume is one of the Leading indicator along with Price, and hence thought to use the same for scalping the trades. There is a direct co-relation between the price and volume and thereby used this as a base for arriving at strength of the volume pumped in. Indicator is working on the Logic of "What is the ROC in price for the volume dumped in and does ROC quantify the same which is happened in the recent past of x candles." In order to be successful in scalping trade, Accuracy, Risk to reward and Money Management is very much crucial and hence thought so much on this to make it happen.
Note: Accuracy here being profitable in the trade and not hitting the bulls eye all the time.
What this indicator is providing:
Based on the volume, ROC & Candle Thresholds and using the inputs provided for RISK and Money Management options, Indicator continuously scans for trading opportunities and provides alerts for possible trades.
Alerts & Notifications:
There are basically 3 types of Alerts provided one with General Notification and Other with Dhan HQ notifications to support Algo Trades and AlgoJi for supporting Algo trades too.
Self Declaration:
I have been testing the performance in 30 seconds and 1 min chart and I haven't faced any issues yet. I strongly recommend users to use the same in timeframe less than 10 Min only.
DISCLAIMER: No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. I am not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.
Happy to receive suggestions and feedback in order to improve the performance of the indicator better.
Cerca negli script per "algo"
Ratings AlgoThe ratings algo is my discount version of the many paid-for algorithms put out by numerous different companies. A technical "rating" (by default between -10 and 10) is produced for each candle, telling the user when to buy, sell, or hold. I took 11 of my personal favorite indicators to develop a rating system. They are:
50/200 SMA crossover
10/20 SMA crossover
10/20 LSMA crossover
10/20 EMA crossover
"Arnold" a rate-of-change analysis of a smoothed LSMA
PVT and OBV momentum
Fisher Transform
The ratings system is very basic (a more complex, detailed version will be coming in the future!) where each indicator returns -1, 0, or 1, and the MAs and Oscillators are stratified with a user-defined weighting. The total calculation is based on the function:
maweight * (average of MA ratings) + oscillator weight * (average of osc ratings)
If the total value > user-defined threshold, the bar is teal, and if > 2.5 * threshold, is green, and vice versa for orange/red respectively. Purple is given if the total value is close to zero.
"Strong" signals are printed if the bar changes to either green or red and exits are printed if the bars change from green/red to any other color.
A table is also produced showing what each indicator is indicating, either "Buy" "Sell" or "Hold.
Reversal Bands are printed, intended to be used as areas where a trade might be exited if the market is sideways. If a Strong Buy signal is produced, it may be a good idea to enter the trade, and hold until the price enters the reversal bands, then hold until a candle closes outside the band for the first time.
This indicator truly shines in trending markets (like most indicators), but with very fast-acting exit signals and reversal zones, will facilitate minimal losses and possibly even profits in sideways markets.
Bot go_up DD_long/shortHello!
This strategy is based on the double bottom pattern - for entering a long position / double top-short
A double bottom pattern is formed when two price bottoms are relatively at the same level and the top acts as resistance. This pattern appears at the end of a downtrend and signals a reversal.
A double top is a bearish reversal pattern that signals the end of an uptrend. It is formed by two price highs forming at the same level and a notch line that acts as local support.
As history and practice show, the double bottom pattern works better. Moreover, in a bull market.
You can include only long or only short. BUT while there is a long, a short position will not be opened, in fact, with a long as well.
You can use reverse trade, one coin at a time.
Period for short and long positions-to search for double bottom as well as double top. the more, the less false.
Change liong and short-channel width for pattern search separately for long and short.
General shift-the overall width of the channel, which changes equally at once for long and short
By default, quiet settings for tf 5 minutes are applied!
You can choose the settings you like.
In the first column, indicate the amount, in the second, how many percent the next order will be more than the previous one.
Closing a trade by RSI when it reaches the level specified in the settings (but in the negative, the trade will never be closed, even if the condition is triggered)
Using a percentage to exit a trade + stop loss. (Put a stop order 1000+ on the market can be anything, especially if you use spot trading)
PS: in order to use the RSI output at a certain level, put a checkmark on the desired one, and also check the percentage box and indicate a take on the percentage 10-20 +)
If there is a check mark, then the grid is used.
Use all signals?
If yes, then there will be no limit on inputs from logic
If the checkbox is not checked, then you can limit the entries from the strategy logic by the specified percentage.
Grid, the next order, when decreasing by a certain percentage, an order when decreasing by the percentage that will be specified (after entering from the logic, when the next signal appears, the grid will be counted from the beginning)
PS: orders are not automatically placed, if the conditions are triggered, then the entry is only at the next bar (within the TV, it is not possible to add orders immediately, but most often, in case of straits, for the better)
The filter consists of a series of popular, averaged oscillators
You can see the results for the selected period
The number of orders is the number of entries (you must always have the same number of orders in the arguments and in the properties !!)
- in the aruments for understanding, in the properties - it does not matter how much it will cost there, so many inputs will be!)
-leverage is created to calculate the margin
When you change these parameters, you will understand how much money is required in general and what maximum drawdown can be allowed
Green line-take, lower-stop-order.
To use algo trading, in fact, you need to use a script, in the service through which you will transmit a signal through webhooks, you need to select the amount.
Период для шорт и лонг позиций, сдвиг для шорта лонга, также общий
По умолчанию применены спокойные настройки для тф. 5 минут.
Вы можете самостоятельно подбирать настройки, основываясь на прошлые результаты
В первой графе указываете сумму , во второй -на сколько процентов следующий ордер будет больше предыдущего.
Закрытие сделки по RSI, когда достигнет уровня, указанного в настройках ( но в минус сделка не будет закрыта никогда, даже если условие сработало)
Использование процента для выхода из сделки+ стоп приказ.( Ставьте стоп-приказ 1000+ на рынке может быть всякое, тем более, если используете спотовую торговлю)
ПС: для того, чтобы использовать выход по RSI по определенному уровню, поставьте галочку на нужный , а также поставьте галочку по проценту и укажите тейк по проценту 10-20+)
Если стоит галочка-то сетка используется.
Использовать все сигналы?
Если да, то лимита по входам от логики не будет
Если не стоит галочка, то можно ограничить входы от логики стратегии, на указанный процент.
Сетка, следующий ордер, при снижении на определенный процент-след ордер при снижении на тот процент, который будет указан ( после входа от логики , при появлении следующего сигнала сетка будет считаться с начала)
ПС: ордера автоматически не ставятся, если сработали условия, то вход, только на следующем баре ( в рамках ТВ, нет возможности добавить сразу ордера, но чаще всего, при проливах-к лучшему)
Фильтр состоит из серии популярных, усредненных осцилляторов.
Можете посмотреть результаты за выбранный промежуток
ПИРАМИДИНГ (исключительно для расчета)
Количество ордеров-это количество входов ( у вас всегда должно быть одинаковое количество ордеров в агрументах и в свойствах!!)
-в аргументах для понимания, в свойствах -важно, сколько там будет стоить-столько входов и будет!)
-плечо создано для расчета маржи
При изменение данных параметров Вы будете понимать сколько потребуется средств в общем и какую максимальную просадку можно допустить
Зеленая линия-тейк, нижняя-стоп-приказ.
Для использования алго-трейдинга, собственно так и нужно использовать скрипт, в сервисе, через который Вы будете передавать сигнал через веб-хуки , Вам нужно выбрать количество.
Удачных трейдов, друзья!
NVME Blackfire XNVME Blackfire X Indicator is a trend-confirmation indicator that includes Buy and Sell signals on the chart, Support & Resistance lines, Automatic Trendlines, Session Highs and Lows, Previous MTF Candle's Highs and Lows, Strategy Mode with Working Win/Loss Calculator, Built-In Position Size Calculator, Institutional Zones, Re-Entry Points and Filters, Customisable Market Dashboard and Alerts for Many Features.
The 2 main settings for the algorithm are 'Sensitivity' and 'Agility'. When you place Blackfire X onto your charts, you should be met automatically with the best settings we've found so far and don't worry if you are struggling to find settings because our system has an onboard system that provides you with an automatic "Best Settings" for the current pair that you are on. You can choose to enable this feature on the algorithm settings or simply see what is ideal on the dashboard too.
The 'Sensitivity' controls how quickly the algorithm responds to the market's trend changes. The higher the sensitivity, the less trades on the chart. The lower the sensitivity, the more trades you'll find on the chart.
The 'Agility' controls where the signals are placed within the trend change, a lower agility will give you signals closer to its reversal points and a higher agility will give you slower signals.
We also have the option to change the indicator to your trading style, there are four modes that heavily impacts the algorithm's calculations.
These are "default", "swing mode", "scalp mode", "strategy mode".
"Default" is our normal algorithm module that utilises the user's input to provide signals using a basic filtration system.
"Swing Mode" is our algorithm that has been modified to give signals that are more delayed for swing traders.
"Scalp Mode" is our algorithm that has been modified to give signals that are quick and fast for scalps.
"Strategy Mode" utilises our default mode but instead places the user in a mode where trades will only appear if a stop loss or a take profit area has been met by the price after the signal call.
Our third key option is our bar colour switches, there are multiple options such as "Cloud-Based", "Pivot Based", "S/R Based", "Change-Based" and "Two Colour Modes". NVME Blackfire X colours the candles in the direction of the trend and a green colour shows an uptrend, a purple colour shows an unconfirmed trend or often a ranging area and a red colour shows a downtrend.
We must let traders know that the signals should be used carefully and with a trader's strategy rather than following signals for the sake of it being printed there!
Since we want this algorithm to have necessary features and respond fast too, we have chosen only trend-following and analysis features that will be quick to use and easy to understand. We want this to be different from our Vanquisher X algorithm as that is a massive multi-tool full of features for traders to enjoy.
The first main feature is our 'Trend Cloud' system, it utilises two moving average plots that creates a cloud filling and with our algorithm you can customise both of the moving averages to any currently existing moving average in the PineScript Library.
The second feature is our 'Institutional Zones' system, which plots area of the market where the institutions have placed orders and these can be used as an extra support and resistance zone for trades. There is an input option that allows the user to get more or less zones and it is called "The Detection Strength", increasing this will show more zones whilst decreasing it will show less.
The third feature is our 'Automatic Trendlines' system, which utilises two input methods ('Trendline Period' and 'Trendline Detection Ratio'), the period controls how many bars of data to lookback to for the trend-lines and the detection ratio controls how many trend-lines are plotted onto the chart.
The fourth feature is our 'Session High and Lows' system, which plots the highest high and the lowest low of each session in the trading hours, these plots can be useful for breakout traders.
The fifth feature is our 'MTF Candle Info' system, which plots the candle's high and low or the candle's open and close for a timeframe and the previous candle of choice. This can also be used for breakout traders such as having a lower timeframe breakout for a higher timeframe plot.
The sixth feature is our 'Adaptive S/R Zones', which plots support and resistance zones into any market pair that are accurate points at which the market could react and reject from.
* Informative Market Dashboard *
Our simple panel on your chart displays the most relevant data from all of our features and calculations in real-time.
The confirmation simply tells the user what the previous signal was and this can be useful if the user may decide to have their signals turned off on the charts.
Market State
The market state informs the user the direction of the trend whether it be ranging, in an uptrend or downtrend, you'll see the emoji that corresponds to that.
Recommended Sensitivity
This feature will show the user what the recommended sensitivity is for the current pair that the user is on and the user may find this helpful if they don't know what settings to use.
Recommended Agility
This feature will show the user what the recommended agility is for the current pair that the user is on and the user may find this helpful if they don't know what settings to use.
Trend Control
The trend control feature calculates data using the user set bars back input and it determines all the factors within the trend to give you an informative response, an uptrend will have "Bulls by: " + percentage of control and a downtrend will have "Bears by" + percentage of control.
Pair Strength
The pair strength is measures the control of bulls or bears in the form of the market strength and it will give the same response as the trend control but the percentage will be based on the buying or selling pressure.
Pair's Change
The pairs change measures the change in price from point A to point B, if the change is greater than 0%, the dashboard will inform you that Bulls are in control, and if not the dashboard will inform you that Bears are in control.
Market Money
The market money measures the amount of volume and money that is going into the current asset and if the net change is greater than 0%, bulls will be in control, if not then bears are giving the market their money.
NVME Oscillator X
This is our very own oscillator that has been integrated into our dashboard, allowing the user to see the trend of our other indicator without having to fill their charts up with more noise. If the oscillator is in a downtrend then the dashboard will state that its in a downtrend and if it is in an uptrend then it will show an uptrend text.
This feature measures the amount of volatility in any pair and provides user with the percentage value so they can see whether or not the market is extremely volatile at the current time.
Current Session
This feature will tell the user what session they are currently on such as London, Europe, New York, Asia, Australia.
MechaAlgoWhat is MechaAlgo?
MechaAlgo was created to assist any type of trader on a day to day basis. Our intelligent and accurate algorithms turn complex charts into profitable plays, minimizing losses and maximizing profits. We hope that you will find use in the tools and resources we provide, and we will continue to improve on our products in order to take your trading to new heights!
Any Time, Any Market
Our indicators work with real time data on any market. This means that any kind of trader will find our tools useful, regardless of what you are trading.
Feature List
Multiple Signal Modes
Numerous Candle Coloring Modes
Reversal Cloud Overlay
Auto Support & Resistance
Auto Trendlines
Auto Profit Targets
Real Time Informational Dashboard
Multi-Timeframe Trend Panel
Future Trend Projection
Many More Features to Come!
By using this script you acknowledge that MechaAlgo cannot guarantee you profit, and that this product was only created in attempt to benefit traders. You also acknowledge that past performance is not indicative of future results, and that the experience of other users or what you see online may not always be your experience.
SignalCAVE Strategy BuilderYou can create strategies without writing single line of Pine Script code!
Do backtesting, set alerts and explore algorithmic trading with using SignalCAVE Strategy Builder on TradingView.
SignalCAVE Strategy Builder for TradingView
SignalCAVE is a tool that help you to create strategies in TradingView. SignalCAVE offers flexible strategy builder panel enabling users to backtest and set alerts with custom conditions (selected indicators and parameters).
You can define rules and conditions for “Long” and “Short” signals.
“Stop Loss” or “Take Profit” functions can be activated with providing percentage values.
“Only Long”, “Only Short” or both “Long and Short” signals can be used at the same time.
Available Indicators
EMA, SMA, WMA, HMA, RSI, MACD, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands, SuperTrend, Parabolic SAR, DMI, ATR, CCI, CMF, ROC, Ichimoku, OHLC Prices
How to Set Strategy Rules?
On SignalCAVE strategy settings screen, there are four types of input groups. You can populate these input boxes based on your strategy.
A: First indicator’s parameter and index value selection area
First Input: First indicator selection.
Second Input: First indicator’s parameter selection. If you want to use default parameters, select “Default Parameters”. If you want to use custom parameters, select “Custom Parameters”. If your selection was custom, then you need to fill “P:A” input boxes to assign your custom parameter.
Third Input: First indicator’s index selection. Default parameter is “0”, If you want to get previous value of indicator/price, you can type positive numbers.
?: Condition and Interval selection area.
You can select “Upper (>), Lower (<), Upper or Equal (>=), Lower or Equal (<=), CrossOver (⬆), CrossUnder (⬇)” conditions and time frame interval for calculation both first (A:) and second (B:) indicator.
B: Second indicator’s parameter and index value selection area
First Input: Second indicator selection.
Second Input: Second indicator’s parameter selection. You may use either default parameters, or custom parameters. If your selection was custom, then you need to fill “P:B” input boxes to assign your custom parameter.
Third Input: Second indicator’s index selection. Default parameter is “0”, If you want to get previous values of indicator/price, you can type positive numbers.
P:A First indicator’s custom parameter settings. If selected indicator has less then four parameters, you can fill unnecessary fields with “0” value.
P:B Second indicator’s custom parameter settings. If selected indicator has less then four parameters, you can fill unnecessary fields with “0” value.
After you build the strategy with SignalCAVE, you can see rules and conditions on dashboard with chart view screen.
Hint: By adding multiple times of SignalCAVE strategy on your chart screen, you can build more then one strategy.
You can see strategy backtest results from “Strategy Tester” panel.
By changing parameters or strategy rules (strategy optimization), you may get better results. These results does not guarantee a success for future trades.
If you want to get notify about your strategy outputs (Long Entry, Long Exit, Short Entry, Short Exit, Stop, Take Profit) you can set an “Alert”.
You can click “Alert” button to create a new alert. Make sure on “Conditions” selection must be “SignalCAVE” strategy.
Paste to “Message” field exactly the text below.
Hint: By setting a single alarm, you can get notifications for all outputs.
Do your alerts modifies when you change the strategy conditions or parameters?
While the strategy got updated, its alerts still use the strategy’s state from the time when we made the alert (TradingView Wiki, 2018b).
This has the advantage that, once we made a script alert, we can change the script’s input options, change chart settings, or remove the script from to the chart. All of that won’t affect our existing alert. That gives a lot of flexibility to keep interacting with the chart and script.
But there’s also a disadvantage: if we do want our script’s alerts to change, we first need to remove the existing alerts. Then we have to create and configure new alerts based on the indicator’s updated code or settings.
Jaws Mean Reversion [Strategy]This very simple strategy is an implementation of PJ Sutherlands' Jaws Mean reversion algorithm. It simply buys when a small moving average period (e.g. 2) is below
a longer moving average period (e.g. 5) by a certain percentage and closes when the small period average crosses over the longer moving average.
If you are going to use this, you may wish to apply this to a range of investment assets using a screener for setups, as the amount signals are low. Alternatively, you may wish to tweak the settings to provide more signals.
Context can be found here:
High Low Reversal This bot makes use of an algorithm which detects new highs and lows. When doing long trades, the bot will trigger a buy order on a newly made low. When making shorts, the bot will trigger a short trade on new highs.
Currently, the bot is optimized for cryptocurrencies on the M15 time frame. With the right amount of leverage and portfolio optimization this bot can obtain very strong results.
Feel free to optimize it to your own liking on different assets and/or time frames.
This bot performs exceptionally well in trending markets. Currently, it's only making long trades, but you can make it do short trades in the control panel.
The settings of the back test as follows:
starting capital = 100k
leverage = 1
commission = 0.2%
Equity per trade = 50%. Since the bot only makes one trade at a time you can allow it to use a bigger portion of your balance per trade.
I've also made a study-script for easy implementation on the exchange. You get that script once you get access to this bot.
MM DonBased on the nnfx trading style this algorithms has many different calculations to provide the best signal and confirmations
1. The SuperSmooth Forecast Moving Average
2. TrendLine Moving Average
3. Smoothed Heiken Ashi Moving Average
4. Baseline that can change between 15 different moving averages
Buy/Sell Alarms for all the moving averages
Exit buy/sell Alarms
3 TP
ATR x1.5 Stop Loss auto generated per signal.
Also be able to set tp alarms for both buy/sell entries. so you place your trade and be alerted when your take profits have been hit.
works on all timeframes for scalpers, intraday, or even swing.
effective on binary as well.
Directions are simple
combine simple Market Structure & as long as everything matches (Buy Signal & everything is blue + baseline is white) (Sell Signal & everything is Red + Baseline is Red) you can enter the signal generated, exit the trade when told to exit and Manage your trade.
this was made to make trading easy and create confidence with in the trader.
Link below or PM us for access to this indicator Happy Trading
Zeus Trend DetectorAn exclusive trend detecting algorithm.
Contains the following addons, which can be activated or deactivated in the settings:
-- Zeus Cloud (Further Trend Analysis)
-- Market State Panel
-- Grey Indecision Zones
This is a premium script, that can be rented on a monthly basis.
PM if you are interested.
Optional Cloud Mode:
Primus V1 - BybitHey everyone,
The current version its a scalping strategy for Bybit but for those that prefers swing trading algo I can do a different version as well for different exchanges.
This is the first version on my algo Primus, expect updates on the months to come.
Relativity BULLS FUTURES 10X 1D AlgorithmHi,
This system is prepared only for leveraged markets and for Futures and CFD markets.
Leveraged processing apply to cryptocurrency contracts that are also subject to.
System parameters:
Timeframe = 1D (1 Day)
Leverage = 10x
Position Size = %1 (0.01) Each Trade
System features :
- It targets the Risk /Reward Ratio of 1/3 and above. (Risk/Reward Ratio >= 3 )
- If a Take Profit Point has come in a successful trade but the parameter conformity has not deteriorated, system continues the trade.
- In this way, you can catch strong long trends several times a year.
But it is strict as stop-loss and avoids large declines,whipsaws whenever possible.
- The system tries to avoid unnecessary processes as much as possible.
This means less commission and less sideways market.
- Since it takes advantage of the reverse market, it is suitable not only for long and short but only for long position, ie "bulls".
But this neutralizes unnecessary processes. (Short market direction, the system for bears will be published separately.)
- Stop-Loss points and Snow-take points are shown in red and green.
-However, if there is a small amount of follow-up available at the computer, it is recommended to put stop-loss only.
Because the system revises both stop-loss and take profit points according to the conditions formed.
Doing this in the right major long trend here allows you to be in trades.
-The system takes into account the risk and only opens transactions where the value corresponding to 10 leverage ratios is greater than the risk.
This provides as much protection from risk as possible.
-Alerts added.
About Backtest :
Since this system uses leveraged market, backtest results are not healthy.
But since it targets the 1/3 Risk Reward Rate (3.00),
we must look Ratio Avg Win/Loss and it must be over 0.5 because :
This ratio means: When we reach 33% of our correct trades in all our trades, we are at breakeven.
This is 100 - 33 = 66
33/66 = 0.5
So whenever this rate is over 0.5, we make a profit.
*** The fact that this ratio is over 0.70-1.00 in terms of securing ourselves because there is a maturity in the future indicates that we are doing
successful snowball trades.(Because future contracts have loss of maturity and end dates)
And we achieve success cumulatively.
Important Note : This system is prepared only for these parameters.
These parameters are designed for Futures and CFDs.
It doesn't work in spot markets.
The system has been prepared as a strategy to present success in a transparent manner.
Please check "Ratio Avg. Win / Loss" rates in backtests.
Important Note 2 -
Although the system revises the stop and take profit points in the required parameters, the most accurate place is when the signal comes.
It should be entered when the signal comes as much as possible and if this did not happen,
trade must be opened in the nearest bars after the signal comes.
Best regards.
[GM PRO] VolatilityA highly customizable yet simple to use volatility indicator designed for algorithmic traders in mind.
Trend traders seek volume when entering a trade. Price action without volume is like a rocket without fuel -- it won't go very far.
In the Forex world, the actual volume is unknown, however with a good volatility indicator, we can more or less predict high/low volume periods relative to recent price action with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
This indicator uses standard deviations and moving averages to calculate when there is a strong price action, or weak/sideways price action.
(JS) Multi-Time Frame Pivot Point Detector 2.0So here's an updated version of my automatic Pivot Point detector.
If you don't like having a bunch of Pivots on your chart at once, or having to cycle through various resolutions to see different ones, this is for you!
What does this indicator do? It automatically detects the nearest daily, weekly, and monthly pivot points both above and below the current price and automatically plots them for you. It's really just as simple as that.
You select how far back you want it to plot with the "Pivot Point Look Back Period" option.
I also have transparency options for each type of pivot so its easy to find the opacity you prefer and save it as a default setting.
With "Turn Off Each Pivot Point On All Time Frames" turned on, as an example, if you were to uncheck "S1/R1" then it turns S1/R1 plots off across all 3 pivot resolutions. By default however, I have it set where you can pick and choose each one individually.
I also added the default "VWAP Periodic" script from TradingView in there with it (not in prior version). This works identical to the built in indicator (because it is identical).
Trading algorithms like to target pivot points and liquidity, so I figured they would pair together nicely for active trading.
Super AlgorithmIf you make a loss, I am not responsible for it. Please use this with caution that includes proper risk and money management.
When I see a sell signal, I may short &/or close my long.
When I see a buy signal, I may long &/or close my short.
The signal is most relevant for the exact time it comes on the chart. When the bar closes, it does not repaint.
The signal can show up and disappear on a running bar. It DOES NOT repaint once the bar is closed.
Do realize that on bar close, the price may have moved significantly, and the signal may not be relevant anymore. So, it needs to be used with caution whether one uses this as soon as a signal appears or on bar close. This is not suitable for the highly large timeframe (ake over 1day). I use it on 1 day and monthly on the lower timeframe.
My primary motivation for building this was three -
1) To ensure I am not addicted and not looking at the chart 24/7
2) To ensure I do not spend a lot of time & resources on multiple indicators
3) I have a consistent profit that can help me in my poor living expenses.
4) Recently, during the huge drawdown, I noticed that my other indicator () was unable to act as quickly as needed as the volatility happened in the lower timeframe. It made me realize that I need to do something to protect my capital in the future. Hence, the idea for this indicator.
5) I use this indicator alongside my other indicators that are showing the chart as well.
In the chart above, I am using
* And this indicator
You do not need to use all of these indicators. I have them always on my chart as I showed above.
The buy and sell shown with a blue background is the one coming from this indicator. The only thing that one can customize is colour.
This indicator differs significantly from my other indicators. This indicator prints less signal as careful work went in to reduce noise as much as possible and is to be used for 1 day or less tf.
I use it alongside other indicators for confirmation bias. The other indicators I use are the ones that come from me as well as shown on the chart.
This can possibly be used for other instruments. As I only use it for trading BTCUSD, I have crudely tested for BTCUSD after the dump and has been doing ok so far.
The code is written in Version 4 of pine script. If there are bugs, please let me know.
For info on gaining access see the ⬇ link below ⬇ in our signature field & direct message me. I have a busy schedule at my own workplace. Trading is my hobby. Hence, please be kind to me if I am late in replying
[GM ELITE] Dynamic - Setup AssistantAdditional Tool for Customers of Dynamic. Over 20 indicators built in. Separate Indicator windows to help setup GM Dynamic Algorithm. Toggle which indicator you want to view.
Combination of Price Breakout with Volume
Bar Color
Yellow = Breakout with Volume and Trend Change
Lime = Breakout with Volume
Blue = Breakout without Volume
Black Line = Trailing Stop Line
Sell when price break the Stop Loss Line.
Try to entry on Yellow and Lime Candle.
Can consider to exit when Blue Candle occur. Sign of weakness on uptrend.
Shows only when bar color condition meet
Calculate risk level based on the current price and trailing stop loss line (Black Line).
52W High
By default is off.
Background Color
To Indicate Bullish or Bearish zone.
Green = Bullish zone
Red = Bearish zone
MA strategyTrading strategy on moving averages. Based on Mean reversion. These algorithmic strategies are based on a concept that assumes a regular return of the price to a certain average level, provided that a sufficiently long time distance is considered. The main objective of such strategies is to determine the expected level of price return. Interconnected with Envelopes.
HatiKO EnvelopesPublished source code is subject to the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
This script describes and provides backtesting functionality to internal strategy of algorithmic crypto trading software "HatiKO bot".
Suitable for backtesting any Cryptocurrency Pair on any Exchange/Platform, any Timeframe.
Core Mechanics of this strategy are based on theory of price always returning to Moving Average + Envelopes indicator (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Developement of this script and trading software is inspired by:
"Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" by Leigh Stevens (published on 12th of April 2002)
"Moving Average Envelopes" by ChartSchool, StockCharts platform (published on 13th of April 2015 or earlier)
"Коля Колеснік" from Crypto Times channel ("Метод сетка", published on 19th of August 2018)
"3 ways to use Moving Average Envelopes" by Rich Fitton, published on Trader's Nest (published on 28st of November 2018 or earlier)
noro's "Robot WhiteBox ShiftMA" strategy v1 script, published on TradingView platform (published on 29th of August 2018)
"Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool" Investopedia article (published 25th of June 2019)
and KROOL1980's blogpost on Argolabs ("Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс", published on 27th of February 2015)
Core Features:
1) Up to 4 Envelopes in each direction (Long/Short)
2) Use any of 6 different basis MAs, optionally use different MAs for Opening and Closure
3) Use different Timeframes for MA calculation, without any repainting and lookahead bias.
4) Fixed order size, not Martingale strategy
5) Close open position earlier by using Deviation parameter
6) PineScript v4 code
Options description:
Lot - % from your initial balance to use for order size calculation
Timeframe Short - Timeframe to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Short - Type of MA to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short - Source of Price for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Short - Offset for MA value used for Short Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Timeframe Long - Timeframe to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Long - Type of MA to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long - Source of Price for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Long - Offset for MA value used for Long Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Short - Enable different MA for Short position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Short Close - Timeframe to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Short - Type of MA to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short Close - Source of Price for Short Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Short Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Short Close - Offset for MA value used for Short Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Long - Enable different MA for Long position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Long Close - Timeframe to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Long - Type of MA to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long Close - Source of Price for Long Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Long Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Long Close - Offset for MA value used for Long Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Short Shift 1..4 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Shorts numbers should be positive, the higher is number, the higher should be Shift position, example: "Shift 1 = 1, shift 2 = 2, etc."
Long Shift 1..4 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Longs numbers should be negative, the lower is number, the lower should be Shift position, example: "Shift 1 = -1, shift 2 = -2, etc."
From Year 20XX - Backtesting Starting Year number, only 20xx supported as script is cryptocurrency-oriented.
To Year 20XX - Backtesting Final Year number, only 20xx supported as script is cryptocurrency-oriented.
From Month - Years starting Month, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
To Month - Years ending Month, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
From day - Months starting day, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
To day - Months ending day, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
Graph notes:
Green lines - Long Envelopes.
Red lines - Short Envelopes.
Orange line - MA for closing of Short positions.
Lime line - MA for closing of Long positions.
Опубликованный исходный код регулируется Условиями Стандартной Общественной Лицензии GNU Affero v3.0
Этот скрипт описывает и предоставляет функции бектеста для внутренней стратегии алгоритмического программного обеспечения "HatiKO bot".
Подходит для тестирования любой криптовалютной пары на любой бирже/платформе, на любом таймфрейме.
Кор-механика этой стратегии основана на теории всегда возвращающейся к значению МА цены с использованием индикатора Envelopes (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Разработка этого скрипта и программного обеспечения для торговли вдохновлена следующими источниками:
Книга "Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" Ли Стивенса (опубликовано 12 апреля 2002 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes» от ChartSchool, платформа StockCharts (опубликовано 13 апреля 2015 года или раньше)
«Коля Колеснік» с канала Crypto Times («Метод сетка», опубликовано 19 августа 2018 года)
«3 ways to use Moving Average Envelopes» Рича Фиттона, опубликованные в «Trader's Nest» (опубликовано 28 ноября 2018 года или раньше)
Скрипт стратегии noro "Robot WhiteBox ShiftMA" v1, опубликованный на платформе TradingView(опубликовано 29 августа 2018 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool», статья Investopedia (опубликовано 25 июня 2019 года)
Блог KROOL1980 из Argolabs («Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс», опубликовано 27 февраля 2015 года)
Основные особенности:
1) До 4-х Ордеров в каждом из направлении (Лонг / Шорт)
2) Выбор из 6-ти разных базовых МА, опционально используйте разные МА для открытия и закрытия.
3) Используйте разные таймфреймы для расчета MA, без перерисовки и "эффекта стеклянного шара".
4) Фиксированный размер ордера, а не стратегия Мартингейла
5) Возможность закрытия открытой позиции заблаговременно, используя параметр Deviation
6) Код реализован на PineScript v4
Описание параметров:
Lot - % от вашего первоначального баланса, используется при расчете размера Ордера
Timeframe Short - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Short - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Short - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Шорт Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Timeframe Long - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Long - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Long - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Лонг Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Short - Включает отдельное MA для закрытия Шорт позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Short Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Short - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Шорт позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Short Deviation - % отклонения от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Short Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Шорт позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Long - Включает разные MA для закрытия Лонг позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Long Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Long - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Лонг позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Long Deviation -% для перехода от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Long Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Лонг позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Short Shift 1..4 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Шорт Ордеров должен быть положительным, чем выше номер, тем выше должна располагаться позиция Shift, например: «Shift 1 = 1, Shift 2 = 2 и т.д. "
Long Shift 1..4 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Лонг Ордеров должно быть отрицательным, чем ниже число, тем ниже должна располагаться позиция Shift, например: «Shift 1 = -1, Shift 2 = -2, и т.д."
From Year 20XX - Год начала тестирования, из-за ориентированности на криптовалюты поддерживаются только значения формата 20хх.
To Year 20XX - Год окончания тестирования, из-за ориентированности на криптовалюты поддерживаются только значения формата 20хх.
From Month - Начальный месяц, опционально, менять не рекомендуется
To Month - Конечный месяц, опционально, менять не рекомендуется
From day - Начальный день месяца, опционально, менять не рекомендуется
To day - Конечный день месяца, опционально, менять не рекомендуется
Пояснения к графику:
Зеленые линии - Лонг Ордера.
Красные линии - Шорт Ордера.
Оранжевая линия - MA Закрытия Шорт позиций.
Лаймовая линия - MA Закрытия Лонг позиций.
BEST Algorithm Builder FOREXHello traders 👋
1. Every trial request access has to be done through my website.
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here: Daveatt
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on our website > guides section and also on Discord + Youtube
4. You may also contact me directly for more information regarding the trading method included in the indicator or how to access it
II. Forewords
This indicator is for the Intraday FOREX traders looking for fixed entries based on our proprietary trading method.
We've been working on it for months and releasing now for our subscribers.
We designed this framework for FOREX major/minor/exotic pairs.
III. Optimized system for lowering risk/capturing most of the opportunities
We worked hard on reducing the risk as much as we could.
The built-in hard-exit (also called invalidation) system does a huge job in exiting a position way before a Stop Loss will get hit
IV. Trade Manager and compatible with dynamic alerts
It includes :
- our proprietary method with fixed entries
- a hard exit system (built-in stop-loss)
- multiple options for user-defined stop-loss/take-profit settings (price value, distance in pips, percentage, trailing, ...)
- 🔔 Compatible with dynamic alerts 🔔
Dynamic alerts are bringing automated trading to a whole new level. The third-party solutions capturing TradingView alerts are able to use them.
- Algorithmic Supports and Resistances used as safeguards and take profit zones
Final words
We made it as simple as we could (to be honest it's a very simple system for the end-user) - even with several hundreds of calculations in the indicator.
Please hit me up for any questions/feedbacks/comments
Become the BEST trader you deserve to be
Relativity Adaptive Stop-LossRelativity Adaptive Stop-Loss is a stop-loss technique that uses the Relativity Autonomous Distribution Blocks algorithm.
For detailed info about Relativity Autonomous Distribution Blocks :
*** Features
This structure is different from standard stop-losses.
The base frame is based on "Market Adaptive Stop-Loss" script.
For detailed information about Market Adaptive Stop-Loss:
This script uses the Relativity Autonomous Distribution Blocks as cross method.
Tradeable / Non Tradeable Region Detector :
This script separates tradeable and non-tradeable regions with a coloring method.
Plotting Rules :
* Maroon : Uncorfirmed Short Positions
* Teal : Unconfirmed Long Positions
* Green : Confirmed Long Positions
* Red : Confirmed Short Positions
This script can be used in only 1W time frame. (TF = 1W )
Does not repaint on 1W and larger time frames. ( Source = close )
*** Settings :
The only option here is the ATR multiplier.
The default use value of this ATR multiplier, which is of the standard of stop-loss, is 2.You can set it from the menu.
No alert is set.
Because the positive and negative regions are the same as Relativity Autonomous Distribution Blocks.
Since the traders can trade according to the support and resistance outside the definite regions, the unnecessary signal was confused and the alerts were removed.
The Stop-Loss indicator can slide on the chart.
So you have to make sure you put it in right place.
Using this script in a new pane below will radically solve slip problems.
Stop-Loss values do not slip definitely.The values can select from the alignment.
Some structures (Market Adaptive Stop-Loss) and design in this script are inspired by everget's Chandelier Exit script :
Best regards.
Autonomous LSTM Stop-LossStructure
Autonomous LSTM Stop-Loss is a stop-loss technique that uses the Autonomous LSTM algorithm.
For detailed info about Autonomous LSTM :
*** Features
This structure is different from standard stop-losses.
The base frame is based on "Market Adaptive Stop-Loss" script.
For detailed information about Market Adaptive Stop-Loss:
This script uses the Autonomous LSTM as cross method.
Tradeable / Non Tradeable Region Detector :
This script separates tradeable and non-tradeable regions with a coloring method.
Plotting Rules :
* Maroon : Uncorfirmed Short Positions
* Teal : Unconfirmed Long Positions
* Green : Confirmed Long Positions
* Red : Confirmed Short Positions
This script can be used in all time frames.
Does not repaint. ( Source = close )
*** Settings :
The only option here is the ATR multiplier.
The default use value of this ATR multiplier, which is of the standard of stop-loss, is 2.You can set it from the menu.
No alert is set.
Because the positive and negative regions are the same as Autonomous LSTM.
Since the traders can trade according to the support and resistance outside the definite regions, the unnecessary signal was confused and the alerts were removed.
*** Usage
The Stop-Loss indicator can slide on the chart.
So you have to make sure you put it in place.
Since this is a region scan from the OHLC levels, indicator contains small blue dots to the ohlc levels and made it serve as a guide.
However, since we cannot know the OHLC values precisely, it is best to use them as follows:
Because it is often forgotten to put it in place:
(OHLC : Average of Open, High, Low, and Closing prices for each period)
Using this script in a new pane below will radically solve slip problems.
Stop-Loss values do not slip definitely.The values are selected from the alignment.
Some structures (Market Adaptive Stop-Loss) and design in this script are inspired by everget's Chandelier Exit script :
Best regards.
Any MA bands (TMA bands V2)Hi everyone
Website will be opening very shortly :) Sorting out the last details and we're so excited to finally roll-out our different Algorithm Builders for you guys
This present script is an evolution of the TMA bands . I would never have expected that script to become so popular to be honest
This is not only a study or idea but a really proven method and I'm glad that many of you are using it already. But please, whenever you see a new script out there, even if it looks cool and promising, please test it on a demo account for a week or on a LIVE account but with tiny amounts every time.
Many times, what you see on the chart is not what will happen in reality. I know that most of you will agree and I know exactly why we see this behavior... I'll give more details in a later post
I have plenty of methods like that one and I'll detail them on my website (and a bit on TradingView) starting next month
TMA bands on steroids
Someone asked me privately to make a generic version of the TMA bands and make it compatible with other standards Moving Average types. That's it for the specifications really as I didn't do much than re-using some piece of my own code
Suggested (but not mandatory) methodology
1) The Take Profit 1 is the middle line, Take Profit 2 is the opposite band.
2) Once the TP1 is hit, set your Stop Loss to breakeven
3) Once the TP2 is hit, if you still want to stay in the trade, set your Stop Loss to the TP1
It will be a powerful tool in your arsenal for some scalp/intraday trades
Wishing you all of you a great and profitable day
It's strictly forbidden to republish this script without my explicit approval. All my posts are copyrighted from now on
Obviously you can use but not republish and get the credit or even worse... some money from your own clients
Be sure to hit the thumbs up. Building those indicators take a lot of time and likes are always rewarding for me :) (tips are accepted too)
- If you want to suggest some indicators that I can develop and share with the community, please use my personal TRELLO board
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
Trading involves a high level of financial risk, and may not be appropriate because you may experience losses greater than your deposit. Leverage can be against you.
Do not trade with capital that you can not afford to lose. You must be aware and have a complete understanding of all the risks associated with the market and trading. We can not be held responsible for any loss you incur.
Trading also involves risks of gambling addiction.
Please notice I do not provide financial advice - my indicators, strategies, educational ideas are intended to provide only some source code for anyone interested in improving their trading
The proprietary indicators and strategies developed by Best Trading Indicator, the object of intellectual property rights are and remain the exclusive property of Best Trading Indicator, at the exclusion of images and videos and texts free of rights or provided by the Company or external legal or physical person.
No assignment of intellectual property rights is carried out through these Terms and Conditions.
Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these properties for any reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express written authorization of the Company.