Algorithm Builder - Multiple TrendsHello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Multiple Trends
2.1 Forewords
This indicator is available only to our PREMIUM users. Our PREMIUM indicators offer more trading analysis capabilities and opportunities.
A few words of caution: the Algorithm Builders - Multiple Trends are more advanced and as such, would require slightly more time to be mastered.
They're not that much difficult, but we understand that designing a trading system with 2 trends might be slightly more complicated - however, there is nothing to be scared of :).
The time spent to learn how to use our PREMIUM tools might be rewarded handsomely.
2.2 Concept
The Algorithm Builder - Multiple Trends is made to detect the convergence of many unrelated indicators and give a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators are converging in the same direction.
This is an upgrade of the PRO package giving access to the Algorithm Builder - Single Trend - designed to show 1 unique entry per trend - whereas the Multiple Trends offers re-entries in the same direction of the trend if the indicator detects good convergences to accumulate more positions.
III. Multiple Trends versus Single Trend
3.1 Multiple Trends benefits
A friend asked us recently Why using the Multiple Trends if we can use the Single Trend in a smaller timeframe, and get more entries that way?
We thought this was an excellent question, but the answer is obvious.
Using a Single Trend on a smaller timeframe to solely getting more entries will reduce the security of the given trades.
We designed the Algorithm Builders to take a trade in an identified trend but reducing the timeframe too much will mostly increase your risk - and might lead to capital loss.
By the way, this is a universal rule valid also for a big majority of indicators.
We're absolutely not saying that the Single Trend won't work on small timeframes because actually it really does. But, if you find out a great configuration for your Single Trend, and want to get more signals without increasing your risk - then the Multiple Trends would be a very viable option.
3.2 Main signal versus secondary signals
For the main and secondary trends, the color green symbolizes any identified "BUY" trend. And the color red symbolizes any identified "SELL" trend.
-The MAIN trend symbol is unique and symbolized by a triangle.
- The SECONDARY (could also be called re-entries) trends are multiple and symbolized by a diamond.
In the Algorithm Builder indicator settings, they're identified with the Additional keyword.
3.3 How the convergences are calculated
Extremely important: The diamonds (or re-entries) are displayed, as long as a triangle (or main/primary signal) is displayed.
For a trend change (buy to sell or sell to buy), the system waits for ALL selected re-entries sub-indicators , to give a convergence/confluence in the opposite direction.
For example, let's assume a BUY/green convergence based on 3 indicators. One or Two of them going turning red, won't be enough for a trend change.
But, if all of them turn red, then we'll see a red triangle - signaling the beginning of a new downtrend.
3.4 Why multiple entries?
Here are a few use cases :
1. The main use case why we made those Multiple Trends indicators: A trader got invalidated or stopped out on a trade, but wants a system to let hin/her jump back in with a minimum of security. (security depending on the configuration of the Algorithm Builder as a whole).
This is very frustrating to get in a trade, being stopped out, and finally, see the trade going in the expected direction.
Even more frustrating to jump back in at the end of a trend, and get stopped out again - we all agree on this.
2. You want to add more positions on your main trade as your Algo Builder identified a solid trend - this is a nice way to possibly maximize your gains.
Once again, we don't/won't guarantee any performance result (not because we don't believe in our tools, but for legal reason), all depends on the time spent reading our documentation and playing with the Algo Builder - as explained on our Tutorials.
More info available on our website. URL available in this script signature and on my profile status.
IV. Why the Algorithm Builder Multiple Trends may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
4.1 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
4.2 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
4.6 Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
4.7 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL MAIN triangles signals
- BUY/SELL SECONDARY diamond signals
- Hard Exits
V. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
VI. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
VII. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
VII. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VIII. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Cerca negli script per "algo"
Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (MTF)Hello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (MTF)
2.1 Concept
MTF means Multi Timeframes - we all agree that saying MTF is nicer and easier than multi-timeframe.
That script is an upgrade of the Single Trend:
The Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ (Multiple Timeframes/MTF) is made to detect the convergence of many unrelated indicators, and give a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators - each may be using a different timeframe - are converging in the same direction.
Now sit tight because what's going to be announced will be awesome. Are you ready for it?... :)
The MTF version allows to detect the convergence for indicators in different timeframes. Each indicator has its own timeframe - expanding, even more, your trading analysis capabilities.
In other words, you could, for instance, detects the convergence of an H1 MACD with an H2 Supertrend, and why not also adding an m30 Moving Averages cross in the mix.
The Single Trend+ MTF gives one single entry per identified trend - unlike the Multiple Trends editions (also available on my scripts page) which may give more than 1 entry per trend.
The traders select the sub-indicators they want, and see in real-time the BUY and SELL triangles being updated.
2.2 Why the Algorithm Builder Single Trend may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
2.3 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
2.3.1 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
2.3.2 Choose your favorite risk management algorithm
1/ Pre-defined Algo S/R method using:
- a supertrend of the stop-loss
- the nearest algorithmic resistances for the take profit levels.
2/ Define your own Stop-loss and Take-profits level in real-time
Stop-Loss Management
For what's following, let's assume that 2 is the stop-loss value you inserted in the indicator, and the Algorithm Builder gives a BUY signal.
This is NOT a recommendation at all, only an example to explain how this feature works.
- %Trailing: The Stop-Loss starts 2% away from the entry price - and will move up (because we're on a BUY trade as per our example) every time your trade will gain 2% profit
- Percentage: The Stop-Loss stays static 2% away from the entry price. There is no trailing here
- TP Trailing: This is a very awesome feature. The stop-loss is set 2% away when the trades start.
When the TP1 is hit, the stop-loss will be moved to the Entry price (also called breakeven).
When the TP2 is hit, the SL is moved to the previous TP1 position
- Fixed: Set the Stop-Loss at a fixed position (value should be in currency/units)
Take Profits Management
You can manage up to 2 take profit levels defined as a percentage or price value.
The expected input is in percentage value (for instance, setting the % target of TP1 to 2% will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry price
2.3.3 Built-in Trade Manager
This is very likely the most loved utility script that we shared on TradingView.
It's included in your Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+, and will certainly help you immensely to analyze your charts and your trades.
We made sure that all the graphical elements on the chart will be updated in real-time whenever our user change anything on the indicator configuration.
You'll also be able to change the Trade Manager labels positions as you wish :)
2.3.4 Built-in Risk-to-Reward Panel
The good stuff doesn't stop here.
You'll notice that this sometimes green (when in a LONG), sometimes red (when in a SHORT) panel at the right of your chart.
It displays for the selected trading algorithmic (see 2.3.2 above), a ton of useful real-time analytics.
- Entry Price: the price when the Algorithm Builder will give a signal.
- The Trade PnL in percentage.
- Entry Stop Loss: Distance (in currency/units) between the selected stop-loss algorithm (percent, trailing, TP trailing, etc.) and the entry price.
- Entry TP1: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the first take profit
- Entry TP2: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the second take profit
- Risk/Reward TP1: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 1 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
- Risk/Reward TP2: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 2 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
For more details, please check the guides section of my website. Links are in my signature and profile status.
2.3.5 Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
2.3.6 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL triangles signals
- Trade Manager (SL, TP1, TP2)
- Hard Exits
III. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
III. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
IV. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
V. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VI. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+Hello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+
2.1 Concept
That script is an upgrade of the Single Trend:
The Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+ was made to detect the convergence (also called confluence) of many unrelated indicators, giving a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators are converging in the same direction.
The Single Trend gives one single entry per identified trend - unlike the Multiple Trends editions (also available on my scripts page) which may give more than 1 entry per trend.
The traders select the sub-indicators they want, and see in real-time the BUY and SELL triangles being updated.
2.2 Why the Algorithm Builder Single Trend may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
2.3 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
2.3.1 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
2.3.2 Choose your favorite risk management algorithm
1/ Pre-defined Algo S/R method using:
- a supertrend of the stop-loss
- the nearest algorithmic resistances for the take profit levels.
2/ Define your own Stop-loss and Take-profits level in real-time
Stop-Loss Management
For what's following, let's assume that 2 is the stop-loss value you inserted in the indicator, and the Algorithm Builder gives a BUY signal.
This is NOT a recommendation at all, only an example to explain how this feature works.
- %Trailing: The Stop-Loss starts 2% away from the entry price - and will move up (because we're on a BUY trade as per our example) every time your trade will gain 2% profit
- Percentage: The Stop-Loss stays static 2% away from the entry price. There is no trailing here
- TP Trailing: This is a very awesome feature. The stop-loss is set 2% away when the trades start.
When the TP1 is hit, the stop-loss will be moved to the Entry price (also called breakeven).
When the TP2 is hit, the SL is moved to the previous TP1 position
- Fixed: Set the Stop-Loss at a fixed position (value should be in currency/units)
Take Profits Management
You can manage up to 2 take profit levels defined as a percentage or price value.
The expected input is in percentage value (for instance, setting the % target of TP1 to 2% will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry price
2.3.3 Built-in Trade Manager
This is very likely the most loved utility script that we shared on TradingView.
It's included in your Algorithm Builder - Single Trend+, and will certainly help you immensely to analyze your charts and your trades.
We made sure that all the graphical elements on the chart will be updated in real-time whenever our user change anything on the indicator configuration.
You'll also be able to change the Trade Manager labels positions as you wish :)
2.3.5 Built-in Risk-to-Reward Panel
The good stuff doesn't stop here.
You'll notice that this sometimes green (when in a LONG), sometimes red (when in a SHORT) panel at the right of your chart.
It displays for the selected trading algorithmic (see 2.3.2 above), a ton of useful real-time analytics.
- Entry Price: the price when the Algorithm Builder will give a signal.
- The Trade PnL in percentage.
- Entry Stop Loss: Distance (in currency/units) between the selected stop-loss algorithm (percent, trailing, TP trailing, etc.) and the entry price.
- Entry TP1: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the first take profit
- Entry TP2: Distance (in currency/units) between the entry price and the second take profit
- Risk/Reward TP1: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 1 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
- Risk/Reward TP2: Using the Stop-loss distance at entry, and Take Profit 2 at entry to compute the risk-to-reward ratio.
For more details, please check the guides section of my website. Links are in my signature and profile status.
2.3.6 Hard Exits
Our trading method is known for the hard exits, also called invalidation.
The Single Trend+ includes a hard exit based on a MACD - settings are flexible and you may update them.
Having a stop-loss protecting your trade is a best practice - Protecting your stop-loss also from getting hit is incredible.
We prefer invalidate a few positions, even if sometimes we don't want to. Rather than the market hard exiting on us, and leaving with our hard-working money.
2.3.7 Alerts
Alerts are enabled for:
- BUY/SELL triangles signals
- Trade Manager (SL, TP1, TP2)
- Hard Exits
III. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
IV. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
V. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to find a system that makes sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
VI. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VII. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Algorithmic Trading on ETH/USDT 1H Backtesting Strategy How it works
%VARonMeanLongOnly is a long-only strategy that uses the average and price movement to find buying opportunities. The script takes into account the simple average over a longer timeframe than the observed timeframe. It then calculates the distance between point "X" (average) and point "Y" (market price). The algorithm will buy every time the price is lower than the average and has a percentage variation greater than the set one. So every time the price moves away from the average by XY% a long position will be opened. The position is closed only when a specific percentage distance of the price above the average is reached, without the use of stop losses and take profits.
This strategy is inspired by the classic academic mean and standard deviation approach , according to which the market tends to move around average values, which may deviate from the average for short periods. In this strategy the trader tries to find a statistical advantage over the distances between average and price.
%VARonMeanLongOnly is a very lightweight script created with Pine v5. We developed a user interface that can adjust the analysis period from a few days to several years. We chose the Moving Average Multi Time Frame and a simple mathematical expression to calculate the percentage distance from price to average and vice versa.
What can you do with %VARonMeanLongOnly ?
With %VARonMeanLongOnly you can implement a statistical arbitrage strategy that allows you to understand if buying above the average and selling the asset above the average can be profitable for a given market. Using the interface you can adjust the periods and variations and analyse if there is a possibility to use this strategy on that market. Understand if this approach has produced positive results on the market under analysis in the past.
The initial capital set is €1,000 (You can change this from the "Properties" section of the user interface).
Each individual trade uses 100% of the set capital, in this case €1,000.
The default commission per trade is 0.03% (You can change this in the "Properties" section of the user interface).
User Interface
1) General backtest time settings: Set the history period to be analysed
StartDate: backtest start date
StartMonth: backtest start month
StartYear: backtest start year
EndDate: backtest end day
EndMonth: backtest end month
EndYear: backtest end year
2) Mean Setting
Length: Periods to be observed when calculating the average
Source: Open, Close, High, Low
TimeFrame: Time frame of the average (usually larger than the time frame under observation)
3) Entry Long Trades:
EntryOnPercentVar: % distance from average to current price
4) Exit Long Trades:
ExitOnPercentVar: % distance from the current price to the average
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or information.
Be careful, the past is not a guarantee of future performance, so remember to use the script as a pure analysis tool. The developer takes no responsibility for any use other than research and analysis and can in no way be held liable for damages resulting from wrong use of this code.
Algorithm Builder CRYPTO (m5)Hello traders 👋
1. Every 3 weeks trial request access has to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on your website > guides section.
4. You may also contact me directly for more information regarding the trading method included in the indicator or how to access it
2.1 Forewords
This indicator is for the Intraday CRYPTO traders looking for fixed entries based on a trading method designed by 2 experienced traders.
It's a variation of our Algorithm Builder with a custom method for 5-minutes chart trading - can be coupled with the UNIVERSAL Algo Builder also,
We designed this framework for CRYPTO/USD and CRYPTO/CRYPTO pairing (ex: LTC/BTC, XRP/ETH, ...).
Made for crypto with enough trading volume (big and mid-caps)
The tool works in m5 timeframe but won't work with any other timeframe . Even if applied on a 5-minutes chart; we included higher timeframe indicators to enter more securely.
It includes :
- our proprietary method with fixed entries
- a hard exit system (built-in stop-loss)
- 🔔 Compatible with dynamic alerts 🔔
Dynamic alerts are bringing automated trading to a whole new level. The third-party solutions capturing TradingView alerts are able to use them.
- (optional) we let the users decide to use or not our built-in Trade Manager.
Regardless of the Trade Manager is used or not, one must mandatory exit, once a vertical hard exit bar appears.
- the Algorithmic Supports and Resistances used as safeguards and take profit zones.
Final words
We made it as simple as we could (to be honest it's a very simple system for the end-user) - even with several hundreds of calculations in the indicator.
Please hit me up for any question/feedback/comment
Become the BEST trader that you deserve to be
Algorithm Builder - Single TrendHello traders
1. For the trial request access, they have to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
Due to the new scripts publishing house rules, I won't mention the URL here directly. As I value my partnership with TradingView very much, I prefer showing you the way for finding them :)
3. You may also contact me directly for more information
II. Algorithm Builder - Single Trend
2.1 Concept
The Algorithm Builder - Single Trend was made to detect the convergence (also called confluence) of many unrelated indicators, giving a BUY or SELL signal whenever all the selected sub-indicators are converging in the same direction.
The Single Trend gives one single entry per identified trend - unlike the Multiple Trends editions (also available on my scripts page) which may give more than 1 entry per trend.
The traders select the sub-indicators they want, and see in real-time the BUY and SELL triangles being updated.
2.2 Why the Algorithm Builder Single Trend may help you
I worked with many traders during my career, and their feedback about trading is often pretty similar.
They all tried a lot of complicated indicators, losing their capital, and finally getting back to the basics (even to the basic indicators if I might say)
The art is finding a good combination of indicators and setting strict money/risk management rules.
Easy in concept, but more than 90+% of traders lose money on the markets... which teach us that trading is not only about drawing trendlines, or using cool indicators but finding ways to ease our psychology while trading.
2.3 The Algorithm Builder trading framework
The sub-indicators (full list on our website) weren't chosen randomly. They're based on a trading method we've developed over the last 6 years - while working with traders and other trading quants.
The Algo Builders are made to detect a convergence - and as such, will give a signal once a trend has been identified.
They're not made to detect reversal but have been designed to give a signal when all sub-indicators are either ALL bullish (green) or ALL bearish (red).
We provide a framework based on indicators we selected because they:
1. make sense to be used altogether
2. work on asset classes like INDEX, CRYPTO, STOCK OPTIONS, FOREX, COMMODITIES
3. it may expand your knowledge about what detecting a convergence with pre-selected indicator really means
2.3.1 Supports and Resistances
The indicator displays the main algorithmic supports and resistances according to our trading method.
I think they're relevant for all asset classes, but you're absolutely free to use any different supports/resistances logic if you want to.
I'm not against it because I know that pivots, Fibonacci levels, etc. may work very well also.
2.3.2 Alerts
Alerts are enabled obviously :)
III. Pain points that we're trying to solve with our Algorithm Builders
Issue #1 There are many informations / indicators / strategies / backtests / noise. Finding the right ones is not a simple task.
Solution #1 A reliable system that removes the external noise is much needed in trading to stay "in the game".
Issue #2 Trading could be quite stressful - The majority doesn't lose in trading because technical analysis is hard, but because managing our psychology is one of the hardest things a human can do.
Solution #2 Some ways to reduce the "trading stress" could be: getting better quality signals and trading like a "machine". Forgetting about Twitter and trusting the system you designed.
Issue #3 Trading without strict rules and only based on what we feel, or what we think the market should do is the fastest way to kiss our money goodbye.
Only 1 indicator generally is not enough. Traders generally use a combination of several indicators but they're monitoring them individually.
It's normal then to feel exhausted at the end of the day ^^ (to say the least)... and exhaustion leads to mistakes which leads to..... (I'm sure you got it) ... capital loss.
Solution #3 As a trader, I needed a trading framework and a method. I offer our trading method but they're plenty others out there. We cannot claim obviously it's the best ever ....but let's say we're using those exact same
scripts ourselves for our trading. And this what we've been recommending our clients to trade with for the past years. Also, having a tool detecting the convergence of several indicators and giving 1 unique signal
for BUY/SELL position will save you a lot of time/energy, and perhaps might help you out getting better trading performance.
IV. Resolving a complex puzzle and having fun in the process
Trading has to stay a passion and not (only be) a source of intense stress.
The most successful traders I know are "trading geeks" - literally always looking for optimizing, searching for the best possible entries, setups, indicators, tools, etc.
For them, it's not even about the money anymore, but only about beating their previous performance.
Why are they doing this? Because it's fun
Might appears as a bold statement, but I guarantee that looking for setups is fun.
One of our users even told us, that it's like playing with "Legos" and we couldn't possibly agree more.
V. Designing a system that "makes sense"
Another bold statement now. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen
The Algorithm Builders allow to design trading systems quickly. What could takes days/weeks/months to find out... might be now within your reach in less than a few hours.
With a bit of practice, less than an hour might be enough per asset/timeframe to fine a system that make sense to you and adapted to your trading capital and psychology.
Assuming our users read our guides and are fully committed to learning a new way of trading - then we do guarantee you'll be able to design kick-ass trading systems that make sense.
"Making sense" doesn't mean at all it's guaranteed to win, it means you're the one defining the convergence of indicators, using your Algorithm Builder, and observe that most of the time - whenever there is a BUY signal, the candlesticks are going upwards - whenever there is a SELL signal, it's going downwards.
This is a necessary step to make real progress from a trading analyst perspective - and hopefully could lead to profits.
VI. Algorithm Builder versus the main trader enemy(=psychology)
This indicator has the goal to help solving one of the MAIN issues encountered by traders.
Most of traders realize, they can't perform with only 1 indicator (or 1 price pattern or 1 price action) and need a combination of multiple indicators before getting in a trade.
Far from being a magic pill, if it could at least reduce the stress you have while trading, then we'll consider we made a great job - it's a technical "useless noise remover", and needs to be followed strictly.
Such trust in a trading system can only be built by testing your Algorithm Builder configuration on either:
1. a demo account
2. or a live account with small bids. And then, increasing progressively the bids if your capital increases progressively.
Though, you should still use your common sense. (for instance: if we get a BUY signal right on a big timeframe resistance we're hitting for the first time).
I'm aware this is a new way of trading but for many, and while we cannot foresee the future, neither predict performance, we believe it might save you a lot of time to find good signals.
My maximum level of happiness will be reached the day when our users will contact me and showing me setups being mine.
I'm sure that even I can learn from my users and, we can all learn from each other Algorithm Builder configuration
VII. What is a wrong or bad configuration?
Simply put. If you see that most of your signals react such as described below:
1. a buy triangle predicts, most of the time an upwards move
2. a sell triangle predicts, most of the time a downwards move
3. you estimated yourself the stop-loss needed to give enough room for your trades.
4. take profits based on algorithmic support and resistances or your own take profit method.
So what's a good Algorithm Builder configuration? A configuration you're happy with and makes sense.
A better Algorithm Builder setup is one used in demo or a live account w/ small bids for a few weeks, and you're consistent in your trading performance.
If you have any doubt or question, please hit me up directly or ask in the comments section of this script.
I'll never claim I have the best trading methodology or the best indicators. You only will be the judge, and I'll appreciate all the questions and feedback you're sending my way.
They help me a ton to develop indicators based on all the requests I received.
Kind regards,
Algo Targets [Premium]The Algo Targets indicator includes a suite of tools that attempt to identify market maker liquidity targets in advance.
These levels can be used by traders to determine:
1. future support/resistance
2. entries/exits
3. directional bias
4. potential reversal levels
5. pullback targets
The script uses a proprietary prediction model based on specific candle sequences, historical moves and volatility projections.
These tools have been live tested across a variety of instruments and timeframes, but should be backtested against your preferred ticker for best performance.
Primary Features:
1. Anchors
Anchors are derived from a simple, but powerful, three-candle breakout pattern. We have found that this pattern, when combined with the relative position to previous Anchor patterns on the chart, gives us clues to predicting future price structure.
Common use case: The simplest way to trade Anchors is to know that price *almost always* makes a return visit. This can be a useful tool for reversal traders. Additionally, Anchors often occur just before strong directional momentum. This can be useful for trend traders looking for entry signals.
Power User feature: Projected Ranges can be enabled in Settings. Each Anchor provides a Retracement leg (measured as the midpoint between the last two Anchors) and an Expansion leg (measured as twice the size of the Retracement leg, projected in the opposite direction). If Projected Ranges are enabled, the directional bias is also highlighted within the range, making it easy to spot at a glance.
Caveats: Expansion legs require patience and solid risk management. Additionally, the Expansion leg contains an additional Trigger level which price MUST cross before we consider the Expansion leg to be "in play" as a valid price target. This Trigger is marked on each Expansion legs as a dotted line.
Please note, Anchors require a 3 candle lookback before they are printed to the chart.
2. Target Zones
Target Zones are an advanced feature, and can be enabled in the Settings panel.
Each Target Zone consists of three levels:
Trigger — This the level closest to the current price. We expect it to act as a support/resistance level until price breaks through.
Target — This is the level farthest from the price. This is how far price is likely to move AFTER crossing the Trigger.
Midpoint — This is the level between the Trigger and Target. If price enters a Target Zone and wicks off of the Midpoint line, it’s usually a reversal signal. In this case we would cut our trade, consider the Target “filled” and potentially enter a reversal trade.
Common use case: When prices crosses a Trigger into a Target Zone, we consider that Target level to be “unlocked.” Our expectation is that price will gravitate toward the Target.
Power User feature: There are many strategies that a trader can build around Target Zones. One of our favorites is to use Targets strictly as reversal entries. On ranging days, price will often wick off of a Target level, before making a quick move in the opposite direction.
Caveats: After a Target is unlocked, it may be reached within the next few bars, or it may be saved by the market algorithms for later. Keep an eye on the Midpoint for potential reversals, and as always, proper risk management is key.
IMPORTANT: The presence of a Target Zone on the chart is neither bullish not bearish by itself. We consider the Target to be in play if, AND ONLY IF, price has crossed the Trigger level.
3. Pullback Levels
Pullback Levels are algorithmically detected return levels. They usually act as a strong draw on price, and often appear just before a pullback in price.
Common use case: The simplest way to use Pullbacks is to look for ones that have not been filled, either from a previous day or in after-hours/pre-market. We use them for confirmation bias along with Anchors and unlocked Targets.
Power User feature: For day trading, we set Alerts on our favorite tickers for any detected Pullbacks on the 5 min chart. This usually gives us plenty of time to review the chart for a possible day trade entry.
All features are customizable, including color, line length and visibility. This lets you keep your chart as clean as you like, while only displaying additional data when it is needed.
Alerts can be set for all features, with the ability to set bearish and bullish alerts separately, depending on your trading preference. It is recommended to use "Once Per Bar Close" when you create an alert.
[Fedra Algotrading Strategy Trailing Stop]Algotrading strategy optimized for cryptocurrencies. Originally conceived to trade automatically through bots (that's how I use it), it also works to get signals and trade manually in any exchange.
It works in spot.
Buy the dip:
Attempts to buy on the dip, finding entries when the price makes abrupt dips that break deviation of the linear regression of the last periods.
Trend Detection:
Determines whether the market is in an uptrend or downtrend by crossing 2 SMAs + super trend in different temporalities. This affects the performance of the strategy. It works as a filter to avoid making entries in a downtrend. It also includes other advanced filters to find the best selling price on losses.
Break Even:
If the market enters a downtrend with an open trade, the Break Even sell is triggered, (configurable, default 1.5%). The intention is to close the trade as soon as possible, but without losses. The value of 1.5% is intended to cover commission costs and a possible spread.
Conditional SL Level: Determines a tolerance level in %, from which it is allowed to sell at a loss, while the price is above this level, the scrip will only sell at a profit.
% Trailing Stop Loss. The Stop Loss is placed a % below the price and accompanies it in the rises to make the most of an uptrend.
It allows you to easily configure the backtest period to optimize the parameters for consistent results.
The strategy calculates by default a commission of 0.1% on each trade to make the backtest more "pessimistic".
Includes advanced features for compatibility with different bots platforms in the market.
Risk management by % of equity or by maximum series of losses.
Estrategia de Algotrading optimizada para criptomonedas. Originalmente concebida para operar de manera automática mediante bots (así la utilizo yo), funciona también para obtener señales y operar manualmente en cualquier exchange.
Funciona en spot.
Buy the dip:
Intenta comprar en el dip, encontrando entradas cuando el precio hace bajadas abruptas que rompen la desviación de la regresión lineal de los últimos periodos
Detección de Trend:
Determina si el mercado tiene una tendencia alcista o bajista mediante el cruce de 2 SMAs + super trend en distintas temporalidades. Esto afecta el funcionamiento de la estrategia. Funciona como filtro para evitar realizar entradas en una tendencia bajista. Incluye también otros filtros avanzados para encontrar el mejor precio de venta en pérdidas.
Break Even:
Si el mercado entra en tendencia bajista con una operación abierta, se activa la venta en Break Even, (configurable, por defecto 1.5%). La intención es cerrar la operación lo antes posible, pero sin pérdidas. El valor de 1.5% está pensado para cubrir los costos de comisiones y un posible spread.
Nivel de SL Condicional: Determina un nivel de tolerancia en %, a partir del cual se permite la venta en pérdidas, mientras el precio esté sobre este nivel, el scripto sólo venderá en ganancias
% Trailing Stop Loss. El Stop Loss se ubica un % debajo del precio y lo acompaña en las subidas para aprovechar al máximo un uptrend.
Permite configurar de manera muy fácil el periodo de backtest para optimizar los parámetros para resultados consistentes.
La estrategia calcula por defecto una comisión de 0.1% en cada operación para que el backtest sea más "pesimista".
Incluye funciones avanzadas para compatibilidad con diferentes plataforma de bots del mercado.
Administración de risego por % del capital o por máxima serie de pérdidas
Algo Trading Strategy (Nifty & BankNifty)What is Algo Trading Strategy ( Nifty & Bank Nifty )?
There are many 9 to 5 working professionals who have some spare money to invest each month but they can not do active trading because they are busy with their full time job.
So they wish to have an automated system which could take and close trades for them with a proven back-tested strategy, proper money management, ability to trade within particular timings, pre-defined maximum loss they can bear and so on.
To cater needs of such type of traders, we created from scratch; and published an 'AutoTrading Algo (Nifty & Bank Nifty) in Sep 2021. (The link is given below, please read on).
Many people who want to try this AutoTrading Algo want us to share stats of this algo with them.
In order to fulfil this demand, we have converted that "Algo Trading" Study into a Strategy whose description you are reading right now.
For all other queries related to how our "Algo Trading (Nifty & Bank Nifty)" works, what are its limitations, benefits and other features, please read the description of our main 'Algo Trading (Bank Nifty & Nifty )' study which is available at following link:
1. in order to test this strategy on longer time period, you must have a Premium TradingView account.
2. If you have premium TradingView account, the stats you generate will exactly match with our stats which we keep sharing in our channel.
3. To Enable Auto-Trading, You will need to connect this Algo with your broker's trading platform through 3rd party platforms. We will guide you on how to do this, when you contact us.
Algo Trading (Nifty & BankNifty)What is Algo Trading ( Nifty & Bank Nifty ) Indicator?
There are many 9 to 5 working professionals who have some spare money to invest each month but they can not do active trading because they are busy with their full time job.
So they wish to have an automated system which could take and close trades for them with a proven back-tested strategy, proper money management, ability to trade within particular timings, pre-defined maximum loss they can bear and so on.
This indicator facilities all such needs of working professionals.
How this indicator generates signals?
This indicator generates signals in 3 ways:
(a) Pricing action validated by Jump in Volume
(b) Moving Average Crossovers
(c) Zeta Force Signals as generated by our proprietary formula for Bank Nifty & Nifty
Once a threshold value is crossed, the Buy/Sell signal (LE & SE) appears on the chart and algo keeps track of the current state. Then this state is remembered for the loss or profit the trade is generating and position is closed either when loss crosses the set limit or when profitable trade starts receding.
What are the various features of this indicator?
(a) You can define your session timing i.e. the time period when you want your trades to be taken. For example: between 1000 hrs to 1330 hrs or so on.
(b) You can choose to close all positions by EOD . ( EOD is defined by the user. For example, if you set the session timing between 9:30 to 11:00 am, then indicator will not take any trades outside
this range).
(c) You can define the total loss you can bear during a particular day. For example, if total loss is 5% for the day, the algo stops taking further trades.
(d) You can set up either manual alerts for each event, for example Buy, Sell, Buy Close, Sell Close where you can customize the message you want to display or you can select the 'Any Alert()
function call' option which will generate pop up messages in TradeTron or Algoji friendly format. These signals can be routed to 3rd party platforms for execution. If you have TradeTron or
Algoji Account, you can enter your API key in algo settings, and after that the messages generated will contain your API Key by default.
What are the limitations of this indicator?
You can not make money with any indicator or algo if market is narrow range bound.
For you to make money, there must be a trend or mini-trend. Sometimes, price starts trending for a while and then reverses back. In such cases, multiple Stop Loss Hits might occur.
Can I use this for Option Trading also?
Deep in the money options behave like Futures only. So yes, you can use this algo for Options Trading by buying Deep in the money options.
Can I use this for trading in stocks or any other instrument?
No. The code has been hard-wired for Bank Nifty & Nifty (Indian Indices) only. A different, generic version of this algo is in the pipeline which can be used for Forex or Commodity and Stocks.
Algorithm Builder (Signal version)Gentlemen traders
As promised, here's the Algorithm Builder (Signal Version) that is an alternative version of that previous indicator : Strategy-Builder-Crypto-Single-Trend-Plots/
This one was quite successful and already 11 person bought for me which is unbelievable. Thank you so much guys for your appreciation of my work
The script of this present post is still invite-only because it required years in the making (it's the fruit of all my errors and trials while trading for the past 7 years and when developing trading bots for traders professionally)
What's the Algorithm Builder?
Simply put, the indicator will detect the confluence/convergence of multiple unrelated indicators and alert you when the ones YOU selected will be in the same direction. (if you didn't understand this it's because I'm french)
For example, let's say you select a MM cross and MACD, whenever the MM cross will be green/bullish AND MACD green/bullish also, you'll get a nice .... wait for it..... green/bullish /diamond. Starting to see what I meant before now :)
Not sure if I should go as far as introducing the other example but let's go for it. Still, in the same spirit, a confluence of red/bearish MM cross and red/bearish MACD will give .... (finish the sentence and you'll get my appreciation. hint: the color of the diamond will be red)
So what's cool about it now ... or I should say even cooler... even more awesome (Barney Stinson, please hive five me for this tool...) is that it can be plugged in a single click to a complete Backtest engine
I inspired myself greatly from the Pinescripters Backtesting-Trading-Engine-PineCoders/ but had to make changes to adapt it to my tool.
It took me a few days of work and I'll share it also tomorrow so please stay tuned and give me a follow so that you'll be updated
In the Backtester itself, I added some features like :
- Stop-loss based on supertrend
- Hard Exit based on indicators used by the Algorithm Builder
I just made it more relevant for my indicator
Performance sir?
The period selected for the screenshot below is the last 3 months
Here's a preview of what you should expect tomorrow as well
There isn't a BEST configuration for the tool. I made one that matches my psychology and capital. You'll have to find yours by playing with it or asking me for a bit of help if you're lost
Will require a bit of work but could be very worth it in the end :)
What's next sir?
I'm perfectly aware that the indicator doesn't give a lot of signals and that's because it's an entry-level version of all the Algorithm Builders I'm selling now and will be available on my website by end of August (along with the website itself)
More advanced versions already made allow to :
- get more entries
that one is the best addition, in my opinion, it multiplies the gains (and losses :P) as it allows some orders pyramiding and to reinforce a position if the trend is very strong. You won't have to do anything, just to wait for the alerts by email/sms from TradingView
- multiple take profit levels
- connected to systems like Autoview/ProfitView to automatize even more your trading and send those signals to your broker directly (I will strongly advise starting with a demo account for 1 week or 2 here, I don't want you to burn your capital if any unexpected bad event will happen)
- screener
If you're interested please message me. I can develop your custom indicator/strategy/backtest/automatic system or if you're ready the take the leap of faith and try this indicator or the more advanced versions
And before I get asked, yes this is the tool I use for my own trading as initially, I made it for me. Now sharing a bit of my work (and too much of my life) with the community
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- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
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- BTC TipJar: 3MKDve7stWTe1io99oFxeQXvP8XB4zCQ8m
- LTC TipJar: MC5oeBAhw9BLqyi65TR3J1Lid8io9uHADw
Algo Market Structure (Nephew_Sam_)This indicator takes a different approach into reading market structure.
The key difference between this logic compared to the pivot logic is; we read highs and lows based on bullish and bearish candles. Ie:
Pivot method - highest/lowest point in previous and next X candles
Algo method - Bullish candle(s) followed by a bearish candle and vice versa
More explanation in each of the key feature below.
Here are all of the concepts and features included in the indicator:
- You can select the timeframe of the indicator (has to be higher or equal to the chart timeframe)
- Min option is the minimum timeframe to show the indicator. If you show daily structure on 1m chart, you can run into a timeout error so keep it close to the chart timeframe.
- Recommended timeframe for no bugs is the current chart timeframe.
The structure is calculated using a combination of candle patterns (ie. pivot top = Bullish x3-Bearish-Bullish) and marks out circle labels after a new HH or LL
Structure high = 1 or more consecutive bull candles followed by a bear candle
Structure low = 1 or more consecutive bear candles followed by a bull candle
Structure direction change = when the second previous H/L is taken out (TLQ)
ILQ - Inducement Liquidity concept
In a bearish example this is the most recent structure high.
In a bearish example this is the second most recent structure high.
This is also what helps define our structure direction. If broken, the structure changes (bullish / bearish) and plots a bos line.
EPA - Efficient price action
When price returns back to previous structure point after bos. Similar to an ICT breaker.
Note: It might be a little, just a little buggy if you have set your indicator timeframe to higher than the chart timeframe.
Extremes Zones
The final zone to find a trade entry before a structural shift. These are wick of the TLQ candle. This is select the wick of the current timeframe candle even if indicator is set to higher timeframe.
Tiny arrow labels at the bottom of your chart. Plots the arrows when price is between an ILQ and TLQ
Valid trading range. This is when we get some sort of a structure pattern. Plots a box when price induces previous structure point and then breaks structure in the opposite direction. Here are the patterns:
Bull Strict VTA - LL-HH-LL-HH
Bear Strict VTA - HH-LL-HH-LL
Bar colors
Changes the bar color based on the structure to all green/red.
Note: for this to work, you will have to right click on the indicator, then under visual order select 'bring to front'
This table plots the structure stats/data
1. If structure is bullish / bearish
2. If price is efficient or not
3. If there is an MSU
4. If price is inside a VTA
Disclaimer: This indicator is fully written from scratch by me, the idea behind the concepts come from AlgoHub material on Youtube. Do NOT use this code for reselling purposes and if anything is created using any part of this code, the source code should be public.
Swing Algo V1.4◆ Introduction
The latest version of the Swing Algo features a complementary system consisting of two internal swing trading logics: an enhanced Swing Algo V1.3 and a secondary control engine to stabilize the overall strategy behaviour in times of increased market chop. Both algorithms feature different averaging lines as well as oscillators, leading to a higher strategy diversification for swing trading as well as a reduced maximum drawdown in comparison to each stand-alone strategy.
While the Swing Algo V1.x series so far featured a single trend-following swing algorithm for each release, where one just switches between Long and Short trades based on one general logic, here two strategies, which act independently of each other, are applied. Due to this, we introduce a third position a trader can be in: the Hedge. The overall logic is as follows:
When both sub-logics are Long, the overall strategy is Long.
When both sub-logics are Short, the overall strategy is Short.
When one sub-logic is Long and the other is Short, the overall strategy is in a Hedge position. It doesn't matter which component is Short and which is Long.
As PineScript doesn't currently offer a real steady hedging-function for two competing swing trading sub-logics (in the sense of a continuously applied Hedge state after hedging conditions are met at least once for an entry), a workaround via position closes was created for this release. For each new internal sub-signal, the overall strategy changes its state (Long/Short/Hedge) visibly on the chart, and the trader can adjust their position accordingly.
For detailed differences to previous Swing Algo V1.x releases, see further below.
◆ Purpose of this Script
This indicator will give Long, Short and Hedge signals on the chart that can be used for e.g. swing trading. Each of the aforementioned sub-logics uses a combination of several (custom) functions and rules to find good entry points for trend trading. After many iterations and tests I came up with this particular setup, which is highly optimized for the ETH/USD trading pair on the daily (D) timeframe.
Attention was also paid to stability, as all parameters are set onto plateaus, so that smaller changes in the characteristic price action should not affect the efficiancy too much, done as an attempt to reduce overfitting as much as possible. Additionally this dual algorithm system is specifically designed to have a safety net: should for the unlikely scenario one swing trading algorithm not trigger at a certain mid-term reversal point, the probability is high that the other will trigger, resulting in an overall hedged position (so that no money is lost in the meantime) until the first algorithm can rejoin at the next mid-term trend change.
For other assets and/or timeframes it is in principle possible to change algorithmic parameters within the indicator settings to tune the swing algorithms, though it is strongly recommended to use the standard asset and timeframe mentioned above.
◆ Viability
For the here presented backtest data, we omitted the biggest portion of the cryptocurrency bullrun in 2017 (starting only at 1st July 2017) so that the results become more realistic for long-term swing traders (investing at least 2-4 years into trading) if such large runs do not happen again. As cryptocurrencies like Ethereum are still to this date capable of doing comparatively smaller runs of about 2-3x in a few weeks/months during accumulation phases (as witnessed e.g. in 2020 and more recently in 2023) and bigger runs during bullmarkets (as witnessed in 2021), the quality of the shown results is still realistic for long-term trend trading efforts over several years, Note that very conservative trading parameters as mentioned below in "Forwardtesting and Backtesting" are used here.
Generally do not expect results in a matter of days or weeks, and of course as with any trading strategy past performances are not indicative of future results.
◆ Forwardtesting and Backtesting
The individual components have been back- and partially forwardtested: The first sub-logic is an advancement of Swing Algo V1.3, with which we have extensive experience running back to October 2020 for its release, while the secondary control strategy, which was privately published for DeanTrader members as a stand-alone script on TradingView in June 2022 and was running in the background since then, is showing good & expected behaviour so far.
While this does not mean that fowardtesting was performed specifically for the combined Swing Algo V1.4 system we have now (which cannot be done realistically considering the timeframes used, i.e. months and especially years), we can at least look at some considerable experience with the individual components. Then again, as I have implemented an exact hedging-function so that both sub-algorithms run independently from each other, it is not likely to see any unexpected behaviour resulting purely from the combination into one script.
For strategy backtesting you can choose the backtest time interval to test the performance of this algorithm for different time windows and different trading pairs. Here various backtesting parameters (e.g. trading fees) can be customized. Default settings for the shown backtest are a starting balance of $1000, a slippage of 20 ticks (= $0.20) and a trading fee of 0.05 % (which is the worst taker fee on the Kraken Pro futures exchange) to have realistic settings. However as we do not conduct many trades with this strategy, fees should not impact our performance too much. As long-term swing traders, we at DeanTrader generally devote one initial portion of our portfolio to swing trading and from then on always use 100% of this portion for the next trade to get the compounding starting. This is in difference to other trading styles which use various, often very small, percentage values for their short- or mid-term trades. Please note that for the here presented backtest only 10% of compounded equity is used for each successive trade to show an estimation for a lower risk & lower reward approach . Keep this in mind when evaluating the backtest data. You can set appropriate values for each backtest parameter in the "Properties" setting menu of the strategy, including the order size percentage of equity value for your trades. Also note that due to the small number of trades the statistical significance is low. It is not possible to gather an abundance of long-term trend signals in the order of hundreds or thousands trades, as much more time would have to pass for this in the case of rather new assets like Ethereum.
Additionally to the TradingView Strategy Tester you can also plot your equity directly on the chart to get a sense for the performance. For this you can also scale the equity graph to e.g. match the starting point of your equity with some price point on the chart to get a direct comparison to 'Buy & Hold' strategies over time.
This indicator (and all other content I provide) is no financial advice. If you use this indicator you agree to my Terms and Conditions which can be found on my website linked on my TradingView profile or in my signature.
◆ Visual Representation on the Chart
Shown below is a screenshot of how the chart looks like when the strategy is applied. Here we can see two different averaging lines, where each line belongs to one of the two sub-logics respectively. Note that this is not a MA-crossover strategy, and the crossing of the lines is not accounted for in the code at all and therefore has no effect on the strategy's signal output. Also note that the price scale is set on logarithmic.
The space between the lines is filled with a faint background color as a rough visual indicator. Magenta-colored fills indicate zones where only Short or Hedge signals can appear, while green-colored fills indicate zones where only Long or Hedge signals can appear. Gray-colored fills mark zones where only Hedge signals can appear, which also means that Hedge signals can appear in any zone. So treat those background fills more as a visual aid to roughly know what can happen next, but pay most attention to the actual signals (with arrows) that appear on the chart.
◆ Differences to Other Versions
Consists now of two competing sub-algorithms instead of just one algorithm. The new system outputs Long, Short and Hedge signals instead of just Long and Short signals.
The first sub-logic is the spiritual successor of the original Swing Algo V1.3 release, with a modified oscillator part.
The second sub-logic serves as a control algorithm (while still having equal rights in terms of strategy impact), newly introduced to the Swing Algo series, but already forwardtested for roughly a year at time of release.
Lowers risk significantly by diversifying swing trading strategies, so that for the rare scenario of a missed trend on one sub-algorithm, losses are prevented as the overall strategy is hedged during that time.
Lowers risk further as the maximum drawdown of the combined strategy is reduced by roughly 1/3 in comparison to each stand-alone strategy while almost retaining the same net profit over a 6-year backtest compared to the first, leading sub-logic.
No guesswork anymore when to use which short leverage (1x corresponding to a Hedge, or 2x corresponding to a Short with an asset-value-change-to-gain-proportionality of -1) as it is clearly defined within the trading system via the displayed signals. In earlier Swing Algo versions, the short leverage for any particular Short signal had to be chosen by hand dependent on market sentiment, which required further market analysis, or was fixed at 2x, leading to less flexibility.
◆ Access
For access please contact me via DM on TradingView or via other channels (linked on my TradingView profile and in my signature).
Unicorn X-AlgoUnicorn X-Algo is a multifunctional trading indicator. It is designed to help traders make real-time decisions using quantitative models.
Its core is a trend trading strategy based on our enhanced Trailing Stop-Loss algorithm. This strategy provides the user with position entry and exit signals. It is customizable and has a built-in instant backtesting feature.
For those who have difficulty with finding the good settings the indicator has the Automatic Mode. In this mode, there is no need for the user to adjust any settings. The indicator calculates optimized trading signals automatically.
In addition, the indicator provides a number of useful tools that aim to provide additional confirmation to the trading signals. They include: support and resistance levels forecast, price range prediction and institutional activity detection.
The script can send real-time alerts to the user’s Email and to the cell phone via notifications in the TradingView app.
The indicator can be used for various types of trend and swing trading, including positional trading, day trading and scalping.
Unicorn X-Algo allows users to:
forecast direction of trends with BUY and SELL signals;
determine the right time to close a position;
detect institutional activity in the market;
forecast key support and resistance levels;
predict the future price range for any market;
customize any settings and do a backtest with one click;
see historical trades on the chart;
use the fully Automatic Mode where the algorithm optimizes all its settings itself.
When using this script, keep in mind that past results do not necessarily reflect future results and that many factors influence trading results.
Trading signals
The feature calculates trend or swing entry and exit signals. The underlying strategy does not use fixed Take-Profit levels. It trails the price with a Trailing Stop-Loss to get as many pips as possible from price movements.
The feature is based on our custom Volatility Stop algorithm. It uses linear regressions instead of averaging. As our practice shows, this helps to reduce signal lag while keeping the number of false signals low.
Trading signals are customizable with Sensitivity and Trade Length parameters which determine the trading signals frequency and width of the Trailing-Stop levels, respectively.
Automatic Mode
The Trading Signals function has an automatic mode. When it is turned on, you do not need to adjust the trading signals settings. The algorithm tries to calculate the best settings automatically using an optimization algorithm.
In this mode, Buy and Sell signals are displayed as green and red triangles respectively. There are two types of exit signals displayed as circles and crosses. A circle signal means that a price reversal is expected and you can partially close the position. A cross signal means that a trading signal in the opposite direction is expected soon and you can partially or completely close your position.
Support and Resistance Levels
Support/Resistance levels forecasting model. The forecasted levels are non-repainting. Once calculated for a specified period in the future (day, week, month, etc.), they don't change during this period.
The feature allows the trader to plan trades and use the forecasted levels as entry levels and targets for opening and closing positions. Both intraday and higher timeframes are supported.
The forecasting model analyses the distribution of the price time series to find clusters in the data. These clusters are then used to make the key price levels forecast.
Big Money Activity detection
The Big Money Activity tool identifies areas on the price chart associated with instructional traders' activity in the market.
Institutional activity in a trending market can be a leading signal for upcoming reversal. Institutions could be fixing their profit, causing the price to move against the current trend.
Institutional activity in a sideways market can be due to positions accumulation and signal a new trend formation.
The algorithm uses tick volume, volume, and volatility data to forecast activity of institutional investors. The method develops the idea described in the Daigler & Wiley (2015) and Shalen (1993) works. It says that when institutional traders actively open or close their positions in the market, a divergence between volume and volatility time-series arises. It can be due to their use of position-splitting algorithms that reduce the impact of their positions on the market.
Trading Range Forecast
Trading Range Forecast feature predicts the price range of an asset for a selected period of time in the future, called Forecast Horizon. It can be the next day or 12-hour trading session. This function works if your chart timeframe is intraday (i.e. the timeframe below "D"). It shows the upper and lower bounds between which the price is going to stay in the upcoming Forecast Horizon period.
Instant Backtesting
After changing any settings, you can immediately see the performance of the strategy on the Instant Backtesting panel. Two metrics are displayed there - the percentage of profitable trades and the total return. This information, as well as the historical trades shown on the chart, will help you quickly and easily evaluate any settings you make.
Trade Length - defines the length of the trades the algorithm tries to make. Recommended values are from 1.0 to 6.0.
Sensitivity - controls the sensitivity of the trading signals algorithm. The sensitivity determines the density of trading signals and how close the trailing-stop levels follow the price. The higher the value of this parameter is, the less sensitive the algorithm is. High values of the Sensitivity parameters (100-500) can help to withstand large price swings to stay in longer price moves. Lower values (10-100) work well for short- and medium-term trades.
Big Money Activity - turns on and off the identification of the areas associated with institutional traders activity.
Show Support And Resistance Levels - turns on and off support and resistance levels calculation.
Show Trading Range Forecast - turns on/off trading range forecasting
Forecast Horizon - sets the period for which the trading range forecast is made
Forecasting Method - allows to choose a forecasting algorithm for the trading range forecast.
Use Starting Date - turns on/off the starting date for the strategy and backtests. When off, all available historical data is used.
Starting Date - sets the starting date for the strategy and backtests.
Show Instant Backtesting Dashboard - turns on/off a dashboard that shows the current strategy performance: the percentage of profitable trades and total return.
Leverage - sets the leverage that the strategy uses.
Swing Algo V1.2The next upgrade in the 'Swing Algo V1.x' series, and the go-to algorithm for trading ETH (until further notice). For differences to other versions, see below.
This indicator can be used for e.g. swing algorithmic trading. It will give Buy/Long and Sell/Short signals on the chart. This algorithm uses a combination of several (custom) functions and rules to find good entry points for trend trading. After many iterations and tests I came up with this particular setup, which is highly optimized for the ETH/USD trading pair on the daily (D) timeframe. Attention was also paid to stability, as all parameters are set onto plateaus, so that smaller changes in the characteristic price action should not affect the efficiancy too much. For other assets and/or timeframes it is however possible to change algorithmic parameters within the indicator settings to tune this swing algorithm. You don't need any programming skills or similar abilities to navigate this indicator.
For the here presented backtest data, we omitted the biggest portion of the cryptocurrency bullrun in 2017 (starting only at 1st July 2017) so that the results become more realistic for long-term swing traders (investing at least 2-3 years into trading) if such large runs do not happen again. As cryptocurrencies like Ethereum are still to this date capable of doing comparatively smaller runs of about 2-3x in a few weeks/months (as witnessed in 2020), the order of magnitude of the shown results is still realistic for long-term trend trading efforts. Do not expect these results in a matter of days or weeks, and of course as with any trading strategy past performances are not indicative of future results.
Within this indicator you can choose the backtest time interval to test the perfomance of this algorithm for different time windows and different trading pairs. Here various backtesting parameters (e.g. trading fees) can be customized. Default settings for the shown backtest are a starting balance of $1000, a slippage of 2 ticks (= $0.02) and a trading fee of 0.26 % (which is the worst taker fee on the Kraken exchange) to have realistic settings. However as we do not conduct many trades with this strategy, fees should not impact our performance too much. As long-term swing traders, we devote one initial portion of our portfolio to swing trading and from then on always use 100% of this portion for the next trade to get the compounding starting. This is in difference to other trading styles which use various, often very small, percentage values for their short- or mid-term trades. Keep this in mind when evaluating the backtest data. Also note that due to the small number of trades the statistical significance is low. It is not possible to gather an abundance of long-term trend signals in the order of hundreds or thousands trades, as much more time would have to pass for this in the case of rather new assets like Ethereum.
Additionally to the TradingView Strategy Tester you can also plot your equity directly on the chart to get a sense for the performance. For this you can also scale the equity graph to e.g. match the starting point of your equity with some price point on the chart to get a direct comparison to 'Buy & Hold' strategies over time.
This indicator (and all other content I provide) is no financial advice. If you use this indicator you agree to my Terms and Conditions which can be found on my Twitter profile linked on my TradingView profile or in my signature.
Differences to other versions:
- Changed from a dual (V1, V1.1) to a single smoothing function system (V1.2, V1.3), which can react better to more sudden price movements that got prevalent during the current end-phase of the stock bullmarket due to correlations, while still handling 'normal' price action well
- Changed the oscillator part of the algorithm with a better suited one (at least) for the ETH/USD trading pair, handling chop better.
- Improved net profits by potentially +100% in comparison to V1 for ETH/USD on daily timeframe
- However for other assets (e.g. BTC and smaller coins like XTZ and ALGO) and timeframes V1 might perform better than V1.2 due to somewhat different characteristic price action. I leave you with all options to play so that you can find the best solution for a given trading pair.
- There's also an upgrade called Swing Algo V1.3, which works similar to V1.2, but reduces losses due to chop even further. Because V1.2 is a bit more flexible, it is, however, considered the go-to algo for the time being.
For access please contact me via DM on TradingView or on Twitter (linked on my TradingView profile and my signature). People who purchased access to any 'Swing Algo 1.x' get access to all other 'Swing Algo V1.x' indicators automatically ('Swing Algo V1' counts as 'Swing Algo V1.0').
Swing Algo V1.3An upgrade of Swing Algo V1.2 to reduce chop heavily, used for trading ETH. For differences to other versions, see below.
This indicator can be used for e.g. swing algorithmic trading. It will give Buy/Long and Sell/Short signals on the chart. This algorithm uses a combination of several (custom) functions and rules to find good entry points for trend trading. After many iterations and tests I came up with this particular setup, which is highly optimized for the ETH/USD trading pair on the daily (D) timeframe. Attention was also paid to stability, as all parameters are set onto plateaus, so that smaller changes in the characteristic price action should not affect the efficiancy too much. For other assets and/or timeframes it is however possible to change algorithmic parameters within the indicator settings to tune this swing algorithm. You don't need any programming skills or similar abilities to navigate this indicator.
For the here presented backtest data, we omitted the biggest portion of the cryptocurrency bullrun in 2017 (starting only at 1st July 2017) so that the results become more realistic for long-term swing traders (investing at least 2-3 years into trading) if such large runs do not happen again. As cryptocurrencies like Ethereum are still to this date capable of doing comparatively smaller runs of about 2-3x in a few weeks/months (as witnessed in 2020), the order of magnitude of the shown results is still realistic for long-term trend trading efforts. Do not expect these results in a matter of days or weeks, and of course as with any trading strategy past performances are not indicative of future results.
Within this indicator you can choose the backtest time interval to test the perfomance of this algorithm for different time windows and different trading pairs. Here various backtesting parameters (e.g. trading fees) can be customized. Default settings for the shown backtest are a starting balance of $1000, a slippage of 2 ticks (= $0.02) and a trading fee of 0.26 % (which is the worst taker fee on the Kraken exchange) to have realistic settings. However as we do not conduct many trades with this strategy, fees should not impact our performance too much. As long-term swing traders, we devote one initial portion of our portfolio to swing trading and from then on always use 100% of this portion for the next trade to get the compounding starting. This is in difference to other trading styles which use various, often very small, percentage values for their short- or mid-term trades. Keep this in mind when evaluating the backtest data. Also note that due to the small number of trades the statistical significance is low. It is not possible to gather an abundance of long-term trend signals in the order of hundreds or thousands trades, as much more time would have to pass for this in the case of rather new assets like Ethereum.
Additionally to the TradingView Strategy Tester you can also plot your equity directly on the chart to get a sense for the performance. For this you can also scale the equity graph to e.g. match the starting point of your equity with some price point on the chart to get a direct comparison to 'Buy & Hold' strategies over time.
This indicator (and all other content I provide) is no financial advice. If you use this indicator you agree to my Terms and Conditions which can be found on my Twitter profile linked on my TradingView profile or in my signature.
Differences to other versions:
- Changed from a dual (V1, V1.1) to a single smoothing function system (V1.2, V1.3), which can react better to more sudden price movements that got prevalent during the current end-phase of the stock bullmarket due to correlations, while still handling 'normal' price action well
- Changed the oscillator part of the algorithm again with one that handles chop for the ETH/USD trading pair extremely well.
- Improved net profits by potentially +100% in comparison to V1 for ETH/USD on daily timeframe
- However for other assets (e.g. BTC and smaller coins like XTZ and ALGO) and timeframes V1 might perform better than V1.3 due to somewhat different characteristic price action. I leave you with all options to play so that you can find the best solution for a given trading pair.
- There's also a previous version called Swing Algo V1.2 considered the go-to algo at the moment, which works similar to V1.3, but operates a bit less tight, leading to more flexibility while suppressing chop not as much as V1.3.
For access please contact me via DM on TradingView or on Twitter (linked on my TradingView profile and my signature). People who purchased access to any 'Swing Algo 1.x' get access to all other 'Swing Algo V1.x' indicators automatically ('Swing Algo V1' counts as 'Swing Algo V1.0').
Gorb AlgoIntroduction:
Gorb Algo is an all-in-one trading indicator made up of classic technical analysis components such as moving averages, relative strength index, stochastic oscillator, and pivot points blended together to create a synergistic algorithm. Focused on providing useful signals & trading tool overlays to meet all trader's technical analysis needs. Each feature included can be changed to meet each traders strategy or market condition.
The Gorb Market Trend isn't a simple trend-following tool; it's a sophisticated blend of traditional and innovative methods, providing comprehensive market analysis.
Its unique combination of EMA analysis, volume weighting, RSI, and stochastic indicators, along with proprietary algorithms, providing nuanced views in trend detection and trading confluences.
The indicator is designed for traders at all levels, offering a balance of depth for experienced traders and simplicity for beginners.
Centerpieces: Gorb Market Trend & Volume Strength
These use a color-coded system to indicate market direction/strength. The color: white is used to signal upward/bullish trend, while the color: purple is used to signal downward/bearish trend. It is designed for ease of use, simplifying complex market data into an easy visually understandable format.
How the Gorb Market Trend Works:
Moving averages are used to find convergence or divergence on multiple EMA's to help determine the overall market direction. Relative Strength Index is used to assess the speed and change of price movements to add another layer to the Market Trend lines identification of the markets analysis. It then plots a line using just two colors to provide traders with a visual representation of the trend. This can help traders quickly grasp the current market trend with simple color cues.
How the Volume Strength Works:
A stochastic oscillator is used to measure the current price level relative to its price over a specific range period to capture sentiment and potential reversals for the Trend Strength feature. And the final part is the use of VWAP and volume analysis to ensure that identified trends are not only based on price movements but are also supported by trading volume, adding a layer of reliability to the trend signals. These are then plotted at the bottom of the chart following the same color scheme as Gorb Market Trend. Only difference is, when volume strength begins to decline, the color will be more transparent, and when it is strong, the color will be bright.
Custom Algorithmic Elements:
The Gorb Market Trend isn't just a combination of standard indicators. It includes proprietary algorithmic elements tailored to enhance signal accuracy and timing. These unique components are what set the Gorb Market Trend apart from conventional trend-detection methods.
We recommend exploring every feature to pick & choose what best suits your needs and style of trading, and use that to combine with the Market trend line.
All skill-level friendly presets, easy to enable features with one-click
Trading Signals: Plotted signals to help traders identify changes in trend on the Gorb Market Trend Line (not to be followed blindly)
Match Volume Color: allows the user to enable signals to appear only if they match the trend strength's color
Enable MA Filter: allows the user to use 2 EMA's to create a custom trend filter in order to limit contrarian signals with the current trend
Chop Filter: allows the user to have a specific candle range of their choice to limit signals during sideways price movement
4 EMA's: allows the user to plot up to 4 EMA's on the chart and change to the users specific trading strategy with the Market Trend line
VWAP: allows users to plot VWAP on their chart to visually see where price is relatively
EMA Clouds: allows users to fill the gap between EMA's plotted on the chart to help them visualize zones for entries or stop-losses
Pivot Points: allows users to have pivots on their chart to use in tandem with market trend line to find areas of support and resistance to help find confluence in their trading
All colors are changeable for the user to customize the scheme to their liking or style
Basic Signals, Market Trend & Volume Strength Demonstration
In the image below, we can see a basic example of how these 3 core features function.
As explained above, the trade ideas are only generated if the user enables them. They will plot as small triangles in real time and are directly correlated to the market trend line coloring in order to quickly see the change in market conditions.
The volume strength on the bottom helps identify the strength and momentum of the market condition. This can also be used to identify possible fake-outs or small pullbacks before price continues on. The brighter the volume strength the stronger it is, when it is dimmer, that means volume is decreasing in that direction. This can help traders identify signals they may not want to trust as much.
Trading Tool Overlays with Signals
In the image below, we have enabled the EMA's and VWAP overlays from the settings. By using these tools, users can add more confluence to create their trading strategies
The EMA's are not only used for the market trends, trend filter. But also used as an additional confluence for general trend following purposes alongside the trade idea signals. These can be extremely useful for traders who like to have different length moving averages depending on their timeframe for analyzing the market.
In this next image, we can see that price dips down and then bounces up. With EMA clouds enabled, the user can now have visual zones to look for trade entries in.
When paired with the market trend line and trade idea signals, this adds a whole other level of easy visual trading confluence for traders. You can see that market trend changes color and a trade signal is plotted when price enters these zones. This can be helpful to a trader looking to find confluence in their entries.
The image below shows specific pivot levels being plotted when the user enabled pivots in the settings of the indicator.
The pivot levels proved an excellent area of support/resistance for traders that are generated fresh every day. These are particularly useful for areas that line up with previous tools above and trade signals. This overlay gives traders a clear level that can be used to confirm entries and create targets to exit trades at. These levels when combined with the other tools in this indicator provide traders an all-in-one visual confluences. Some traders may just use this overlay to have an idea on the range for the trading session.
There are 3 different trade signal filters integrated into this indicator
1. Match Volume Color: When enabled, signals can only be valid and plotted if the volume strength color matches the market trend line signal. Otherwise the signal will not appear, this limits possible fake-outs without having volume agree.
2. MA Filter: When enabled, this removes an contrarian signals to the current market trend per the settings of the filter. The EMA settings for this filter can be changed by the user for them to customize this to their trading strategies. There are two settings, short ema and long ema to define the trend.
3. Chop Filter: When enabled, this disables signals that would normally appear in sideways price action. This setting is also customizable by the user; there are two settings: candle period and threshold. The candle period is how many candles back does this filter want to look to define its range. The threshold, is the amount of price deviation is allowed from this range in order to disable a signal.
We believe in providing an all inclusive trading tool to help simplify trading for all traders. The goal is to provide a user-friendly, efficient tool that provides insights into market trends. For it to stand out for its simplicity and effectiveness, as a support tool for decision making.
How to get access:
You can see the Author's instructions to get access to this indicator
All content, tools, scripts & education provided by Monstanzer or Gorb Algo LLC are for informational & educational purposes only. Trading is risk and most lose their money, past performance does not guarantee future results.
Angel Algo PremiumAngel Algo provides a set of tools, combined into one solution. Each tool complements each other and is made to uniquely support your trading decisions for your daily trading tasks. You can immerse yourself into our customizable tools to create your own strategies using them.
With Angel Algo you can:
* Find trend direction using three different algorithms designed for trend following, swing and intraday traders.
* Determine market sentiment, overall trends and volume with our full custom dashboard.
* Get real-time support and resistance levels plotted automatically
* Get trend confirmation using one of the two custom candle coloring algorithms
Trading signals
We have 3 different algorithms for entry signals you can choose from
Regular Buy And Sell Signals
Our regular Buy And Sell Signals are finding optimal times to enter for any security. This algorithm uses our original trend filter based on market volatility that adapts to different assets and market conditions.
We give traders the ability to adjust the sensitivity and aggression of these signals to market price changes, as well as the option to make them less sensitive to ranging markets so you can adjust to any market.
We added Auto Best Settings toggle to automatically optimize the settings for you if you'd like.
By adjusting the sensitivity and aggression parameters you can adopt the signal algorithm to different trading styles. For trend following which tries to capitalize on longer trends you should make the signals to be less frequent by adjusting this parameters. The settings that lead to more frequent signals suit to swing trading style.
Strong Signals Algorithm
The Strong Signals use an algorithm based on trend filtering coupled with confirmation signal based on higher time frame trend direction. It finds "Strong" buy or sells that are a tad different from the regular buy & sell signals you will see, a lot of the time they land on top of each other which can be used as an extra confirmation tool. Traders can also use this as a stand alone on higher timeframes.
Angel Intraday algorithm
We constantly try to push Pine script to its limits developing new features. Angel Intraday is our machine learning algorithm in beta that scans for intraday contrarian signals.
To find entry points it forecasts price range for a trading session using linear regression analysis and Kalman filtering.
If an asset is trading 24 hours a day it works with 12 hour sessions, for stocks it forecasts a price range for 7 hour trading sessions which represent the full trading day.
You can use this algorithm to get intraday trading signals for any asset. One of the advantages of this algorithm is that it gives identical signals for all intraday timeframes. The optimal time frames to view the signals and to enter positions are any.
What is the information in our Dashboard?
We offer real-time dashboard showing useful information to analyze market conditions:
- Angel Algo Trend Detection
- Directional Movement
- Angel Cloud for moving average detection
- Relative Volume
- Overall Market Sentiment
All of this information is aimed to help traders understand when the market regime is changing. The first three features help you to judge about trend strength. Relative volume shows current activity of market participants. Overall market sentiment reflects the actual bias for market direction.
Trend weakness, low market activity and neutral sentiment are the signs that can help you in early detecting of ranging market and avoid false trend signals or switch to contrarian mode.
The tools provided by Angel Algo are designed to help you perform rational actions based on the market data in a systematic way and to reduce emotional factor in your trading.
Using this script, please, keep in mind that that past performance does not necessarily represent future results and that there are trading.
Swing Algo V1.1Here I present an upgrade to 'Swing Algo V1'. For differences to V1, see below.
This indicator can be used for e.g. swing algorithmic trading. It will give Buy/Long and Sell/Short signals on the chart. This algorithm uses a combination of several (custom) functions and rules to find good entry points for trend trading. After many iterations and tests I came up with this particular setup, which is highly optimized for the $ETH/$USD trading pair on the daily (D) timeframe. It is however possible to change algorithmic parameters within the indicator settings to tune this swing algorithm for other assets and timeframes. You don't need any programming skills or similar abilities to navigate this indicator.
Also you can choose the backtest time interval to test the perfomance of this algorithm for different time windows and different trading pairs. Here various backtesting parameters (e.g. trading fees) can be customized. Additionally to the TradingView Strategy Tester you can also plot your equity directly on the chart to get a sense for the performance. For this you can also scale the equity graph to e.g. match the starting point of your equity with some price point on the chart to get a direct comparison to 'Buy & Hold' strategies over time.
Note: In general it seems that cryptocurrencies are rather swing-algorithm-friendly, while I cannot recommend trading classical assets like stock or indices (e.g. S&P 500) with this indicator (although you can of course try to find good setups).
This indicator (and all other content I provide) is no financial advice. If you use this indicator you agree to my Terms and Conditions which can be found on my Twitter profile linked on my TradingView profile or in my signature.
Differences to Swing Algo V1:
- Changed the oscillator part of the algorithm with a better suited one (at least) for the ETH/USD trading pair.
- Improved net profits by roughly 20% in comparison to V1 for ETH/USD on daily timeframe
- Reduced Max. Drawdown by roughly 1/4 in comparison to V1 for ETH/USD on daily timeframe
- However for other assets and timeframes V1 might perform better than V1.1. I leave you with both options to play so that you can find the best solution for a given trading pair.
For access please contact me via DM on TradingView or on Twitter (linked on my TradingView profile and my signature). People who purchased access to any 'Swing Algo 1.x' get access to all other 'Swing Algo V1.x' indicators automatically ('Swing Algo V1' counts as 'Swing Algo V1.0').
Statistical Correlation Algorithm - The Quant ScienceStatistical Correlation Algorithm - The Quant Science™ is a quantitative trading algorithm.
This algorithm analyses the correlation ratios between two assets. The main asset (on the chart), and the secondary asset (set by the user). Then apply the long or short trading strategy.
The algorithm divides trading work into three parts:
1. Correlation analysis
2. Long or short entry
3. Closing trades
Inside the strategy: the algorithm analyses the percentage change yields from a previous session, of the secondary asset. If the variation meets the set condition then it will open a long or short position, on the primary asset. The open position is closed after 'x' number of sessions. Stop loss and take profit can be added to the trade exit parameters.
Logic: analyses the correlation between two assets and looks for a statistical advantage within the correlation.
The algorithm includes a quantitative indicator. This indicator is used for correlation analysis and offers a quick reading of the quantitative data. The blue area shows the correlation ratio values. The yellow histograms show the percentage change in the yields of the main asset. Purple histograms show the percentage change in secondary asset yields.
Multi time-frame: the user can set any time-frame for the secondary asset.
Multi asset: the user analyses the conditions on a second asset.
Multi-strategy: the algorithm can apply either the long strategy or the short strategy.
Built-in alerts: the algorithm contains alerts that can be customized from the user interface.
Integrated indicator: the quantity indicator is included.
Backtesting included: automatic backtesting of the strategy is generated based on the values set.
Auto-trading compliant: functions for auto trading are included.
Through the intuitive user interface, you can manage all the parameters of this algorithm without any programming experience. The user interface is extremely descriptive and contains all the information needed to understand the logic of the algorithm and to configure it correctly.
1. Date range: through this function you can adjust the analysis and working period of the algorithm.
2. Asset: through this function you can adjust the secondary asset and its time-frame. You can enter any type of asset, even indices and economic indicators.
3. Asset details: this function is used to adjust the percentage change to be analyzed on the secondary asset. The analysis and input conditions are also chosen.
4. Active long or short strategy: this function is used to set the type of strategy to be used, long or short.
5. Setting algo trading alert: with this function, users can manage alerts for their web-hook.
6. Exit&Money management: with this function the user can adjust the exit periods of each trade and activate or deactivate any stop losses and take profits.
7. Data Value Analysis: this function is used to adjust the parameters for the quantity indicator.
OnePunch Algo Momentum Indicator V1This is another Plugin from One Punch Algo Team. We call it OnePunch Algo Momentum Indicator V1.
Basic Use:
One Punch Algo Momentum Indicator plugin is used for momentum stocks and high volatility crypto. It provide signals based on Simple Moving Average, Volume, Support & Resistance Lines.
Buy Signal: Purple Color uptrend icon gives you a signal of an up-trending movement or we call it momentum movement. This signal basically happen when a stock land in a high volatility zone. We use in-build systems such as SMA, Support and Resistance and Trends to come up with the Buy Signal.
Sell Signal: Gray Color downtrend icon gives you a signal of a downtrend movement.
Other Lines Shown in the Diagram:
Red Line is the 200 Day Simple Moving Average (SMA)
Green Line is the 50 Day Simple Moving Average (SMA)
Strategy Tester
Always make sure to use the strategy tester to test how historically our Algo has performed in different time frames. One Punch Algo Momentum Indicator provide the ability to backtest based on certain time periods. This allows you to backtest our Algo vs some other Algo to find which performed well for the given time period, you if you want to see buy and hold performance better than the use of an Algo. This is a strong tool to use for your analysis of a stock or crypto.
What are the timeframes where it is most effective?
Different Stocks or Crypto perform differently with One Punch Algo Momentum Indicator. Please make sure to backtest a stock or crypto before you use the strategy.
Short Term/Day Trading Setup
For Short Term or Day Trade: 1min, 5min, 15min & 30min candlesticks works really well.
Also 3min, 5min, 7min and 15min works as well
Mid Term Trading Setup
For Mid-term traders: 30min, 1hr,2hr, and 4hr setup works really well.
For Long Term Trading Setup
For long term traders: 4hr, 1D, 1Week and 1Month Setup works well.
Best used with Heikin Ashi or Candlestick charts.
DISCLAIMER: Stocks and options trading involves substantial RISK of LOSS and is NOT suitable for every investor. The valuation of stocks and options may fluctuate, and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. If the market moves against you, you may sustain a total loss greater than the amount you deposited into your account. You are responsible for all the risks and financial resources you use and for the chosen trading system. You should not engage in trading unless you fully understand the nature of the transactions you are entering into and the extent of your exposure to loss. If you do not fully understand these risks, you must seek independent advice from your financial advisor.
All trading strategies are used at your own risk. And OnePunch ALGO Developer, Youtuber or the channel does NOT take any responsibility for your losses using any of the advice or suggestions or strategies are shown/said in any of OnePunch ALGO Youtuber or the channel videos.
Swing Algo V1This indicator can be used for e.g. swing algorithmic trading. It will give Buy/Long and Sell/Short signals on the chart. This algorithm uses a combination of several (custom) functions and rules to find good entry points for trend trading. After many iterations and tests I came up with this particular setup, which is highly optimized for the $ETH/$USD trading pair on the daily (D) timeframe. It is however possible to change algorithmic parameters within the indicator settings to tune this swing algorithm for other assets and timeframes. You don't need any programming skills or similar abilities to navigate this indicator.
Also you can choose the backtest time interval to test the perfomance of this algorithm for different time windows and different trading pairs. Here various backtesting parameters (e.g. trading fees) can be customized. Additionally to the TradingView Strategy Tester you can also plot your equity directly on the chart to get a sense for the performance. For this you can also scale the equity graph to e.g. match the starting point of your equity with some price point on the chart to get a direct comparison to 'Buy & Hold' strategies over time.
Note: In general it seems that cryptocurrencies are rather swing-algorithm-friendly, while I cannot recommend trading classical assets like stock or indices (e.g. S&P 500) with this indicator (although you can of course try to find good setups).
This indicator (and all other content I provide) is no financial advice. If you use this indicator you agree to my Terms and Conditions which can be found on my twitter profile linked in my signature.
Flux Charts SFX Algo (Premium)Flux Charts SFX Algo indicator is a comprehensive and sophisticated all-in-one toolkit designed to cater to all the technical analysis needs of traders. Developed and designed by Russell W., head developer at Flux Charts.
The Flux Charts SFX Algo indicator stands apart with its unique ability to seamlessly integrate with various forms of technical analysis, while also offering the option to function as a standalone toolkit adaptable to any trading style. The indicator has been designed to take into account the dynamic nature of market conditions, ensuring that every feature included remains relevant, reliable, and effective.
Traders have countless possibilities when utilizing this indicator, allowing for the exploration and analysis of an array of cutting-edge features over time. This enables traders to selectively employ the features that align best with their individual trading styles and build a personal trading strategy.
The Flux Charts SFX Algo indicator is set to revolutionize the way traders approach technical analysis, providing them with the tools and insights needed to navigate complex financial markets with confidence and precision.
Flux Charts SFX Algo works in all markets (stocks, crypto, forex, futures, bonds, options, etc) and has many features including:
Buy signals (Not to be followed blindly)
Sell signals (Not to be followed blindly)
Buy & Sell Signal Ratings (Higher rating doesn't necessarily mean a "better" signal)
Algorithm Weighting Customization
Algorithm Sensitivity Customization
Algorithm Signal Strength Filter
Take Profit signals
Take Profit Retest signals
Take Profit Level Optimization
Trend Candle Coloring
Volatility Bands
+ more
What it does
The indicator uses an Adjusted Weighted majority algorithm to generate "buy" and "sell" signals. The algorithm takes into account several market metrics and weights them based on their recent performance. How far back the algorithm checks is based on the “Time Weighting” setting. This allows users to choose between having more data points or having more recency bias within the algorithm, but less data to decipher.
How it works and what differentiates it
There are many popular strategies in the market all of which go in and out of successful periods. The SFX algorithm effectively uses popular indicators or "experts" and weights them using a period decided through the "Time Weighting" Setting. The "experts" include popular indicators that cover Momenutmn, ATR trends, and EMA trends. Adjusted Weighted Majority typically weighs only through binary events however the SFX also uses a dynamic system to punish larger losses. The total weighting is then used to confirm a signal is agreeing with the most successful "experts" or indicators within the time period. This effectively will filter poor signals during periods of underperformance compared to other indicators and the converse during performant periods.
This weighting algorithm was inspired by the Princeton University lecture "Multiplicative Weight Algorithm" by Sanjeev Arora!
CME_MINI:ES1! 3 minute timeframe, July 7 2023.
Indicator Settings: (Sensitivity: 70, Signal Strength: 40, Time Weighting: Recent Trends)
The star-rated signals show the strength of the signals based on our weighting system
The colored candles (green & red) simplify the market into basic uptrends/downtrends
The volatility bands show areas of potential reversals
The volatility bands also show potential breakouts (Tight bands = consolidation, which could lead to an impulsive move)
The take profit signals suggest areas where profits should be taken in a trade
Settings and their Usage
Algorithm Settings Explained
Sensitivity determines how frequently signals appear. A higher sensitivity would lead to more frequent signals (Buy & Sell) appearing on your chart
Signal Strength helps filter out low-rated signals based on our Stochastic Weighting Algorithm. A higher signal strength will lead to fewer signals on your chart. A higher-rated signal doesn't necessarily make it a better signal than a lower-rated signal.
Time Weighting allows you to choose how much historic data you want the indicator to use when interpreting data for the signals. There are three options to choose from including:
- Recent Trends
- Mixed Trends
- Longterm Trends
Using the "Recent Trends" option will only use recent market data when looking at the market metrics our algorithm uses for generating "Buy" and "Sell" signals. Thus, there will be a recency bias which means the metrics the algorithm is weighing more heavily have recently performed well.
Using the "Longterm Trends" option will use more historic market data when looking at the market metrics our algorithm uses. This will give more data points for the algorithm to use, but it won't count for recent performances, but rather an overall performance in the past. Thus, if one metric has been doing poorly recently, it will still receive the same weight, even though it was performing well at the start of our lookback period for data.
Using the "Mixed Trends" option will give you a choice that is in between these two options. This will give you a good balance between having enough data points for market metrics, while also sustaining a good bit of market recency bias.