AI Momentum [YinYang]Overview:
AI Momentum is a kernel function based momentum Indicator. It uses Rational Quadratics to help smooth out the Moving Averages, this may give them a more accurate result. This Indicator has 2 main uses, first it displays ‘Zones’ that help you visualize the potential movement areas and when the price is out of bounds (Overvalued or Undervalued). Secondly it creates signals that display the momentum of the current trend.
The Zones are composed of the Highest Highs and Lowest lows turned into a Rational Quadratic over varying lengths. These create our Rational High and Low zones. There is however a second zone. The second zone is composed of the avg of the Inner High and Inner Low zones (yellow line) and the Rational Quadratic of the current Close. This helps to create a second zone that is within the High and Low bounds that may represent momentum changes within these zones. When the Rationalized Close crosses above the High and Low Zone Average it may signify a bullish momentum change and vice versa when it crosses below.
There are 3 different signals created to display momentum:
Bullish and Bearish Momentum. These signals display when there is current bullish or bearish momentum happening within the trend. When the momentum changes there will likely be a lull where there are neither Bullish or Bearish momentum signals. These signals may be useful to help visualize when the momentum has started and stopped for both the bulls and the bears. Bullish Momentum is calculated by checking if the Rational Quadratic Close > Rational Quadratic of the Highest OHLC4 smoothed over a VWMA. The Bearish Momentum is calculated by checking the opposite.
Overly Bullish and Bearish Momentum. These signals occur when the bar has Bullish or Bearish Momentum and also has an Rationalized RSI greater or less than a certain level. Bullish is >= 57 and Bearish is <= 43. There is also the option to ‘Factor Volume’ into these signals. This means, the Overly Bullish and Bearish Signals will only occur when the Rationalized Volume > VWMA Rationalized Volume as well as the previously mentioned factors above. This can be useful for removing ‘clutter’ as volume may dictate when these momentum changes will occur, but it can also remove some of the useful signals and you may miss the swing too if the volume just was low. Overly Bullish and Bearish Momentum may dictate when a momentum change will occur. Remember, they are OVERLY Bullish and Bearish, meaning there is a chance a correction may occur around these signals.
Bull and Bear Crosses. These signals occur when the Rationalized Close crosses the Gaussian Close that is 2 bars back. These signals may show when there is a strong change in momentum, but be careful as more often than not they’re predicting that the momentum may change in the opposite direction.
As we can see in the example above, generally what happens is we get the regular Bullish or Bearish momentum, followed by the Rationalized Close crossing the Zone average and finally the Overly Bullish or Bearish signals. This is normally the order of operations but isn’t always how it happens as sometimes momentum changes don’t make it that far; also the Rationalized Close and Zone Average don’t follow any of the same math as the Signals which can result in differing appearances. The Bull and Bear Crosses are also quite sporadic in appearance and don’t generally follow any sort of order of operations. However, they may occur as a Predictor between Bullish and Bearish momentum, signifying the beginning of the momentum change.
The Bull and Bear crosses may be a Predictor of momentum change. They generally happen when there is no Bullish or Bearish momentum happening; and this helps to add strength to their prediction. When they occur during momentum (orange circle) there is a less likely chance that it will happen, and may instead signify the exact opposite; it may help predict a large spike in momentum in the direction of the Bullish or Bearish momentum. In the case of the orange circle, there is currently Bearish Momentum and therefore the Bull Cross may help predict a large momentum movement is about to occur in favor of the Bears.
We have disabled signals here to properly display and talk about the zones. As you can see, Rationalizing the Highest Highs and Lowest Lows over 2 different lengths creates inner and outer bounds that help to predict where parabolic movement and momentum may move to. Our Inner and Outer zones are great for seeing potential Support and Resistance locations.
The secondary zone, which can cross over and change from Green to Red is also a very important zone. Let's zoom in and talk about it specifically.
The Middle Zone Crosses may help deduce where parabolic movement and strong momentum changes may occur. Generally what may happen is when the cross occurs, you will see parabolic movement to the High / Low zones. This may be the Inner zone but can sometimes be the outer zone too. The hard part is sometimes it can be a Fakeout, like displayed with the Blue Circle. The Cross doesn’t mean it may move to the opposing side, sometimes it may just be predicting Parabolic movement in a general sense.
When we turn the Momentum Signals back on, we can see where the Fakeout occurred that it not only almost hit the Inner Low Zone but it also exhibited 2 Overly Bearish Signals. Remember, Overly bearish signals mean a momentum change in favor of the Bulls may occur soon and overly Bullish signals mean a momentum change in favor of the Bears may occur soon.
You may be wondering, well what does “may occur soon” mean and how do we tell?
The purpose of the momentum signals is not only to let you know when Momentum has occurred and when it is still prevalent. It also matters A LOT when it has STOPPED!
In this example above, we look at when the Overly Bullish and Bearish Momentum has STOPPED. As you can see, when the Overly Bullish or Bearish Momentum stopped may be a strong predictor of potential momentum change in the opposing direction.
We will conclude our Tutorial here, hopefully this Indicator has been helpful for showing you where momentum is occurring and help predict how far it may move. We have been dabbling with and are planning on releasing a Strategy based on this Indicator shortly.
1. Momentum:
Show Signals: Sometimes it can be difficult to visualize the zones with signals enabled.
Factor Volume: Factor Volume only applies to Overly Bullish and Bearish Signals. It's when the Volume is > VWMA Volume over the Smoothing Length.
Zone Inside Length: The Zone Inside is the Inner zone of the High and Low. This is the length used to create it.
Zone Outside Length: The Zone Outside is the Outer zone of the High and Low. This is the length used to create it.
Smoothing length: Smoothing length is the length used to smooth out our Bullish and Bearish signals, along with our Overly Bullish and Overly Bearish Signals.
2. Kernel Settings:
Lookback Window: The number of bars used for the estimation. This is a sliding value that represents the most recent historical bars. Recommended range: 3-50.
Relative Weighting: Relative weighting of time frames. As this value approaches zero, the longer time frames will exert more influence on the estimation. As this value approaches infinity, the behavior of the Rational Quadratic Kernel will become identical to the Gaussian kernel. Recommended range: 0.25-25.
Start Regression at Bar: Bar index on which to start regression. The first bars of a chart are often highly volatile, and omission of these initial bars often leads to a better overall fit. Recommended range: 5-25.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
Kaschko's Seasonal TrendThis script calculates the average price moves (using each bar's close minus the previous bar's close) for the trading days, weeks or months (depending on the timeframe it is applied to) of a number of past calendar years (up to 30) to construct a seasonal trend which is then drawn as a seasonal chart (overlay) onto the price chart. Supported are the 1D,1W,1M timeframes.
The seasonal chart is adjusted to the price chart (so that both occupy the same height on the overall chart) and it is also de-trended, which means that the seasonal chart's starting value is the same in each year and the progression during the year is adjusted so that no abrupt gap occurs between years and the highs and lows of consecutive years of the seasonal chart (if projected over more than one year) are also at the same level. Of course, this also means that the absolute value of the seasonal chart has no meaning at all.
You can configure the number of bars the seasonal chart is drawn into the future. This projection shows how price could move in the future if the market shows the same seasonal tendencies like in the past. On the daily chart, the trading week of year (TWOY), trading day of month (TDOM) and trading day of year (TDOY) are shown in the status line.
Caution is advised as seasonality is based on the past. It is not a reliable prediction of the future. But it can still be used as an additional confirmation or contradiction of an otherwise recognized possible impending trend.
I have used a virtually identical indicator for a long time in a commercial software package popular among futures traders, but have not found anything comparable here. Therefore I implemented it myself. I hope you find it useful.
YinYang MomentumOverview:
YinYang Momentum is a Price, Volume and Momentum Oscillator. Its job is to help you see swings in momentum and the strength of it. It also creates signals (Blood Diamond (Bear) and Support Cross (Bull)) where these momentum swings may occur. YinYang Momentum features 3 Price and 3 Volume 'Mountains with Ice'. There are Predictive, Regular and Confirming Mountains. You have the ability to overlay them on top of each other which helps to decipher momentum swings. The Volume Mountains are very important for showing the strength behind the Price Mountains and their Signals. If you look, you'll notice, as the 'Ice' starts to curve into the 'Mountains' it signals a potential shift in Momentum. The green Mountain is the Predictive, the Blue is the Regular and the Purple is the Confirming. You'll also notice that the Predictive Mountains movements happen first and move much more drastically. When you notice the regular starts to follow suit, there is a potential for a momentum shift. Shortly after, a signal will occur if this shift is actually happening. You can also check the Confirming Mountain for more confirmation (however, leaving the Confirming Mountain active can be a little confusing and make it harder to read signals). YinYang Momentum also features Information Tables. These tables display how the Blood Diamonds and Support Cross' are fairing on different Timeframes. This way, you'll be able to see if it's in a Bullish or Bearish state on critical Time Frames no matter what Timeframe you're trading on.
Before we move onto the tutorial, let's discuss what each of these Mountains and Ice are and how they work. All of our Mountains and Ice are calculated using the same algorithm but with varying sources, lengths and multipliers. We are essentially calculating differences in movement and then sending those differences into an EMA for the Mountain Base and SMA for the mountain Ice. The values we use for the Predictive are much lower and therefore occur much quicker as they aren’t averaged out on longer lengths/time frames; this helps to make it more of a leading Indicator which may predict momentum changes. Our Regular is over a medium length and multipliers that result in a smooth but generally also gradual movement that helps reliability; this helps it act as more of an ‘in the now’ Indication of momentum changes. Our Confirming uses lengths and multipliers that are of a higher value and longer span; this makes it more difficult to use for determining entry / exit locations as it's more of a lagging indicator, but it helps to add confirmation as to whether the momentum change has occurred and wasn't a false signal.
YinYang Momentum may look like a lot is going on.. And well that’s cause there is.. But that doesn’t mean it's confusing or hard to read once you know what you’re looking for!
To make this tutorial a little easier to understand, let's turn off a few settings and dissect this indicator one thing at a time. YinYang Momentum features Price and Volume mountains. Currently in the photo above we have 2 Price Mountains and 1 Volume Mountain turned on (this is how it's set by default and how we recommend using it), however there are 3 Mountains available for both Price and Volume:
We are going to deactivate everything so it's the Regular Price Mountain + Ice enabled.
Now that it is just the Regular Price Mountain and Ice it is much easier to teach and understand. As you can see there are two different colors on the mountain. The dark blue is the Mountain and the light blue is the Ice.
The Ice moves before the mountain does and when the momentum happens it is larger than it (below or above). When the momentum starts to change however, the Ice curves inside of the mountain. As you can see here, where the BUY signal (red cross) is, the Ice curves into the mountain; also where the SELL signal (red circle) is, the Ice curves into the mountain. The Ice curving into the mountain is a very important leading indication that momentum is changing and the Signals (crosses and diamonds) help solidify this momentum change.
The Index levels for YinYang Momentum is a little different than most oscillators that range from 0-100. Instead YinYang Momentum’s neutral level is 0 and it ranges from -100 to 100. For these reasons, the Viable Range for Buying is -40 to -70 and the Optimal Range for Buying is -70 to -100. For Selling, the Viable Range is 40 to 70 and the Optimal Range is 70 to 100.
If you look at the example above, you can see whenever it has been in the optimal range and the signal occurred, it may potentially be an amazing time to buy or sell. However, when it is within the Viable Range it can be hit or miss. The reason for this is because we are only looking at the Regular Price Mountain and Ice. Once we turn on the Predictive Price and Regular Volume we will have a much clearer idea as to what is noise and what is a true purchase signal. Why don’t we turn on Predictive Price Mountains and Ice so you can see what we’re talking about:
So there are 2 big things that changed when we added the predictive price mountains + ice.
We can see that where the orange circle is, is just noise, it isn’t a viable buy signal.
We can see that where the red circle is, is actually a better spot to sell than the previous marked white circle slightly to the right of it.
We will explain why both above are true, but first let's explain how we were able to deduce this information.
There are 5 rules when deciphering if the signal is a true signal or just noise.
You want the predictive mountain to be decently spaced out from the regular mountain. Refer to the example above how that should look. Remember it's predictive so with parabolic movements it will get quite spaced out. If the price went up but slowly, it generally won’t be as spaced and isn’t as strong of a signal predictor.
You want the Ice to be of a decent size and to curve in on both the Predictive and Regular Mountains. Both arrows (red and white circle arrows) are pointing to Ice that does just that. The Predictive mountain is of decent size and spaced out and the Ice curves in sharply on the Predictive, before curving in sharply on the Regular and then we get both Predictive and Regular Support Cross on the Same Bar.
When you get the Signals (Predictive and Regular) the amount of bars between them matters a lot! On the same Bar is ideal, however 1-2, max 3 bars between them is acceptable. Any more than 3 bars spacing and it's too risky of a signal because that means momentum change was happening but then stopped before picking back up. This doesn’t mean it can’t be a good signal, it just means it is much more risky and we don’t recommend it.
You don’t want Signal Clustering. You can see an example of this from the picture above. Signal Clustering is where signals are back to back over and over. During this time the momentum is in a consolidation phase and easily swaps back and forth between signals. These signals are not reliable and should not be traded on. We only want to act on clear momentum based signals.
Last but certainly not least, actually, the most important! Ensure that the Mountain + Ice for both the Predictive and Regular is at the bare minimum touching (preferably inside) the Viable Range. The Optimal range is best, but most mountains don’t make it that far. Viable Range is where you will make most of your trades from. Sometimes a great signal happens with all 5 of these rules but it is only touching the Viable Range right at 40 or -40. This CAN be okay, but is also much more risky than if it was at 50 to 60 or -50 to -60.
Based on the 5 rules mentioned, take a second and look back at the photo where we initially added the Predictive Price mountains and Ice, can you decipher why the orange circle is just noise, and can you see why the red circle is a better sell location than the white circle slightly to the right of it?
Let’s bring that photo back up now and let’s discuss this:
Let's start with the orange circle:
This orange circle, without the predictive, was hard to tell if it was a good location to buy or not, but the second we turned it on we could clearly see it was just noise.
The spacing between the Predictive mountains and the Regular is almost non-existent.
There was signal clustering shortly before this signal.
Remember, there doesn’t have to be many rules broken for a signal to be either too risky or not valid at all. The safest trades are ones where it meets the requirements of all 5 rules (6 once we talk about volume, but 5 price rules).
Now, let's discuss the red circle:
This red circle, although it could have been chosen with just the regular, was much more noticeable with the predictive added on top.
It has a perfect spacing between the Predictive and the Regular all the way to the peak.
The Ice is large and both curve in very nicely towards the mountains.
The signals are within 2 bars apart from each other.
There is no signal clustering.
The Predictive is within the Viable Range and the Regular is just touching it.
For these reasons, the red circle actually would have been where you sold and not the white circle beside it.
This pretty much covers the Price Mountains, but wait! The most important Cherry on Top to your decision making process is coming next!
We have just enabled our Regular Volume Mountains and Ice (which are the black mountains + ice). As you can see, we have circled what we call the ‘Perfect Combo’. This Perfect combo is when you have all 5 Price rules met COMBINED with a high volume mountain. The Volume Mountain and Ice act as strength. They aren’t biased towards bulls or bears, they simply show strength to whatever signal is present with it.
For example, if all 5 rules are met with Price on a Blood Diamond (Bear) Signal and there is a High Volume Mountain then this is also a ‘Perfect Combo’. That Blood Diamond signal will potentially have great strength behind it. The Viable and Optimal Ranges don’t apply to volume mountains. Any volume mountain, even close to the Viable Range, is considered to be a very high mountain. High volume is when the mountain is above 0 and low volume is when it's below 0. Any signal with low volume has less of a chance of being correct, regardless of whether it abides by all 5 price rules.
You can see here that the 5 Price rules are achieved but the volume mountain is low. It is at -25. Since the 5 Price rules are right, there is still a decent amount of accuracy to this signal and the price did plummet after, but not nearly as much as it would have if the volume mountain was high with it.
We have turned our Confirming Price Mountain on here so you can get an idea of what it looks like and how it’s used. If you refer to the Support Crosses and Blood Diamonds circled in white, you’ll see that although they both received their signals on the Predictive and Regular, neither of them received it on the Confirming. This shows that these signals lost momentum shortly after. However if you look at both the red and green circles, you’ll see that they both received their confirming signals and that it helped give those signals momentum. The Confirming Price Mountain is meant to help confirm if the momentum change is still on track and the max 3 bars from the regular signal rule still applies to it. However its height within the viable and optimal range is important, just not as relevant
Before we move on to our Information Tables we want to take a second just to discuss our Volume Mountains and Ice. We haven’t had a chance yet to discuss the Predictive or Confirming Volume. When it comes to our Volume Mountains + Ice, we don’t recommend having more than 1 on at a time. The reason we have included the Predictive and Confirming is in case you find they suit your Trading Style best, not necessarily to be used the same way the Price Mountains and Ice are. The main reason for this is due to the fact that the Volume Mountains are much smaller and when overlaid on top of each other can make a confusing blur that is hard to decipher.
In this example above we have enabled both Predictive and Regular Volume just so you can understand what we are talking about. The two together can be rather confusing and actually interfere with your decision making process. For this reason, we highly recommend finding the Volume Mountain that suits your trading style best and solely sticking to that.
Our Predictive Volume Mountains and Ice may help sense volume changes before they’ve even happened. This can be very useful if your Trading Style revolves around heavy volume changes.
Our Confirming Volume Mountains and Ice are much slower and smaller, but they help show the movement of volume that has occurred already. This can be used to help see the movement of volume without fearing it may or may not happen.
Our Information Tables are there to show you valuable information on whether it is in a state of Support Cross or Blood Diamond on 6 different Time Frames at the same time. The % it shows you displays how much of a price change has occurred since that signal has happened. It is important to note, if for instance you see it is in a state of Support Cross but the % is negative, this generally means it is going to switch to Blood Diamond soon and vice versa. Therefore if you are in a trade, especially on a lower Time Frame and you are watching the 1 Day or a higher Time Frame and notice that the % is getting less and less, it may be a good time to get out.
We will conclude our Tutorial here. If you have any Questions, Concerns, Suggestions or Comments please don’t hesitate to contact us.
1. Show Predictive to Confirmed Trendline:
The Predictive to Confirmed Trendline is very useful for seeing when the predictive (Support Cross or Blood Diamond) has hit the confirmed (It’s a strong confirmation that the trend may be shifting). This trendline also features a Moving Average which helps give you a solid marker for when the Regular / Predictive mountains cross under or over it that a momentum swing may occur. Somewhat like when the RSI crosses above/below its Moving Average it dictates momentum change, that is likewise how to interpret when it happens with the mountains and this trendline.
2. Show Price Ice and Mountains based on:
The Price Ice and Mountains are very important when it comes to deciphering signal strength. For example, When the mountains are very low (regular and predictive) and are between the 2 red line (undervalued) or even possibly below the bottom red line, and the Ice on the mountains starts to curve into the mountains and then the Predictive and Regular Support Cross occur; this is a very strong Bullish Signal. But wait, that's not all, the cherry on top is when the volume mountain (black) is ALSO high while this occurs; the Volume Mountain adds Strength to the signal. When the volume mountain is high too during this ‘Perfect Combo’ this may potentially lead to very bullish price movement occurring soon. Here is an overview of each mountain:
2.1. Predictive: Are the least reliable, but they move first and nothing will move without the predictive moving first, and getting you ready.
2.2. Regular: Are the most accurate, they don't signify strength on its own, but they sure show some momentum.
2.3. Confirming: Are slightly behind when it comes to displaying data, and therefore shouldn't be used for entry / exit, but rather to show if the trend movement has truly been confirmed or not.
When the Ice starts to curve into the Mountain, (either upward or below) it signifies possible momentum change. There are Crosses (Bull), and Diamonds (Bear) to show when they've crossed. Cross' and Diamonds balance each other out and therefore there can never be more than 1 in a row (of the same type). When the Ice and Mountain size is very large (between 40 and 70), and the predictive Ice starts to curve into its mountain, and then the predictive curves into the Regular, and the Regular Ice is curving into its Mountain, then it may have some strong weight behind that signal. IMPORTANT: refer to Volume tooltip below for how to increase the signal strength even more.
3. Show Volume Ice and Mountains based on:
The Volume Ice and Mountains are for giving strength to the Price's signals and Size. When there is the perfect combo (described above) AND the Volume Ice + Mountain is high, then there may be a lot of strength to that Price signals (whether it is Cross (Bull), or Diamond (Bear)).
IMPORTANT: High volume mountains, unlike Price, don't mean good or bad. Volume shows strength to the Price, and therefore if there are high Volume mountains during a Diamond (Bearish), then there may be a lot of strength to that signal and vice versa.
4. Show Information Tables:
Information tables are used to display 6 different Time Frames and whether or not each time frame is in a state of Blood Diamond (red) or Support Cross (green). They also show how much % in price has changed since the current signal happened. These are very useful for seeing how the price is fairing on different Time Frames without having to constantly change your timeframe. For instance, maybe you base your entry off the 1 day time frame but then you swing trade on the 15 minute. Well, after you’ve confirmed your entry position and are sitting on the 15 minute, you can stay on the 15 minute and see how it is fairing on the 1 day, 5 minute or whatever time frame you choose. This way you aren’t distracted from the trade at hand. All of these Time Frames can be adjusted in the Settings (GUI) to whatever resolution you wish.
5. Res1 / Res2/ Res3 / Res4 / Res5 / Res6:
These represent the different resolutions (Time Frames) being used in your information tables and can be modified to display whatever resolution works best for your trading style. By default they are:
Res1: Current Timeframe
Res2: 15 Minute
Res3: 1 Hour
Res4: 4 Hour
Res5: 1 Day
Res6: 1 Week
Backup Res (not changeable): 5 Minute (this is only used if your Current Timeframe in Res1 is a duplicate of one of the other resolutions)
K's Reversal Indicator IIIK's Reversal Indicator III is based on the concept of autocorrelation of returns. The main theory is that extreme autocorrelation (trending) that coincide with a technical signals such as one from the RSI, may result in a powerful short-term signal that can be exploited.
The indicator is calculated as follows:
1. Calculate the price differential (returns) as the current price minus the previous price.
2. the correlation between the current return and the return from 14 periods ago using a lookback of 14 periods.
3. Calculate a 14-period RSI on the close prices.
To generate the signals, use the following rules:
* A bullish signal is generated whenever the correlation is above 0.60 while the RSI is below 40.
* A bearish signal is generated whenever the correlation is above 0.60 while the RSI is above 60.
YinYang RSIYinYang RSI is a Momentum Oscillator. It is loosely based on the standard RSI but uses our Custom True Value Zone Algorithm. Essentially it is a stronger, more accurate RSI that isn't manipulated by consolidation. YinYang RSI moves slightly slower than the standard RSI but when it does move it is much more accurate.
Why do we deem YinYang RSI to be a more accurate RSI? Well, let's discuss some of the underlying logic behind it. YinYang RSI is derived from the High and Low data from multiple Security Requests, we send that data into a modified Donchian Channel to calculate its Basis. That basis is then taken and averaged between multiple different VWMA calculations to ‘Smooth’ it out before we send it into an RSI calculation and display the final results.
This may sound a little confusing and you may be wondering, why bother doing this? The main reason we created the YinYang RSI is to remove the fact that consolidation causes Regular RSI to go down in index value. In our opinion RSI shouldn’t go down due to consolidation. By removing consolidation from RSI it innately made the RSI more smooth and since it became more smooth there were less times it crossed the RSI Moving Average (MA). In turn, since it crosses the RSI MA less, it means when it does cross the RSI MA, it is a much stronger more accurate signal; but don’t just take our word for it! Let’s get into some examples to show you exactly how it works:
Our RSI is very smooth, because of the way we apply VWMA to it, it keeps it from being a jagged line like the regular RSI is:
Our Indicator features 3 RSI’s in it: YinYangRSI, Regular RSI and YinYang Stoch RSI. The reason there are 3 is not only for the Information Tables (we will talk about this later), but also for the fact that you can overlay them on top of each other.
Here is the same dates but with Regular RSI:
Hopefully you can see how different they are and how smooth ours is, but if not, lets overlay them so you get a better idea:
When the YinYang RSI and Regular RSI are overlaid on top of each other, the Regular RSI’s colors change for easier readability. The Regular RSI turns Pink and the Regular RSI MA turns Orange. As you can see here, they function much differently and it is quite clear that the YinYang RSI holds itself during consolidation and is more smooth.
You may be asking yourself, this is great and all, but how does it help me trade?
Well, now that you understand the difference between YinYang and Regular RSI let's discuss exactly that!
So as you can see in the image above, when the RSI crosses the RSI MA it represents a strong movement in price is likely about to occur. When the RSI is very low (20 or less) and it crosses ABOVE the RSI MA, this represents a BUY/LONG signal. When the RSI is very high (80 or above) and it crosses BELOW the RSI MA, this represents a SELL/SHORT signal.
There are times where it is a good time to buy or sell, but the RSI may not be in the right place. This is rare but it does happen. We marked a location that did exactly that with an Orange circle in the picture above. These things happen, however we don’t recommend you act on them. The main reason is that they are much more risky. Nothing will ever be 100% accurate, but the key is making decisions that are more in your favor than not. When the RSI and RSI MA cross and the RSI is near 50, it's much less accurate, however, not impossible for it to be a good signal.
Now you may be wondering, how come I see 2 SELL or 2 BUY signals before the RSI moves a lot? This is quite normal. Based on the picture above, all of the BUY and SELL signals are accurate, but not all of them have insane price movements. However, they all did feature SOME price movements. Just because a BUY or SELL (RSI and RSI MA crossing) happens, doesn’t mean the RSI is going to move all the way from 80 to 20, sometimes the price only moves a bit and then corrects back. This is completely normal.
The part that is up to you is knowing when to exit these trades. You can use the YinYang RSI to see entry locations for Long/Short, but it can be risky to assume that you can go from a BUY right to a SELL and vice versa.
Don’t fret, there is a reason we have our YinYang Stoch RSI within this indicator and its not just because we felt like it! When you overlay the YinYang RSI and YinYang Stoch RSI on top of each other, you can get a very good idea of when a signal may be over and likely it’s a good time to get out. However, first, just so you understand what our YinYang Stoch RSI does, let's take a quick look at it.
At first glance, the YinYang Stoch RSI can look pretty strange and even overwhelming, this is completely normal. It features drastic movements, but only when there is good reason to! When the blue line (K) crosses the orange line (D) it represents momentum in price. So when the blue line crosses above the orange line it means BUY and when the blue line crosses below the orange line it means SELL.
How it works with the YinYang RSI is simple, lets toggle the two of them on together in the settings:
It may look a little confusing at first, and we don’t necessarily recommend you do it for your entry as it can be a little too much and sometimes confusing, but it can be very helpful for understanding your exit and if the momentum has changed/died down. Here's an example based on our initial BUY/SELL image above:
So since we’re talking about the double SELL signal and how to know if its momentum is ending we’ve zoomed in on this example. Here we can see where the pink circle is, that the YinYang Stoch RSI has gained buy momentum and the sell momentum has likely ended here. This is canceled out however, by the fact that shortly after we see another SELL signal combined with the Stoch RSI crossing under and also showing SELL momentum. The blue Vertical lines are to show visually where the stoch crossed over/under as they can be a little hard to see visually. Also, based on this example, you can see where the orange circle is that was clearly a very good buy location and also has the stoch crossover in that location too. So even though the RSI isn’t very low, there is still a decent amount of bullish momentum in that location. Is this enough for you to make a purchase on? In our opinion, it’s still a little too risky, but maybe it fits your trading style, or maybe you decide its a good time to Dollar Cost Average / purchase just a small amount.
Now, you may be wondering, as we mentioned it early, what are those Information Tables that have been sitting on the right of every example?
These Information Tables are there to display very important Time Frame data for you. Not only can you see 6 Different Time Frames, which you can customize within your Settings. You also get to see the level of RSI and RSI MA for YinYang, Regular and YinYang Stoch RSI. Being able to see this data on multiple different Time Frames without having to change the Time Frame you are on can be very helpful, especially if you’re trading on a lower Time Frame like 15 minutes. The color of the box is based on if the RSI has crossed the MA or not. When the box is Green, the RSI is greater than the MA (Bullish). When the box is Red, the RSI is less than the MA (Bearish).
This concludes our Tutorial on how to use YinYang RSI, below you will see all of our current Settings, what they all mean and how you can customize them.
1. Show Signals:
Signals are when the RSI crosses the RSI MA (for any RSI TYPE active). When these crosses happen, it will make a plot on the chart that represents Buy and Sell Signals. These signals have alerts that correspond with them, but you will manually need to set up these alerts yourself through the indicator. Please refer to TradingView for how to set up alerts.
2. RSI Type:
We have 3 types of RSI’s within this Indicator:
YinYang RSI
Regular RSI
YinYang Stoch RSI
These RSI’s can be used individually or overlaid on top of each other for easier comparison. It can be useful to go back and forth between indicators or have them overlaid to get a better understanding of what's going on.
2.1. YinYang RSI:
Our YinYang RSI is our custom RSI that is based on our True Value Zone Algorithm. It is the main purpose of this Indicator but can be used in conjunction with Regular RSI and YinYang Stoch RSI. YinYang RSI is a much more smooth, slow moving form of RSI that doesn’t go down from consolidation and therefore makes the RSI and RSI MA crosses much more accurate.
2.2. Regular RSI:
This is a regular RSI that is within our indicator so you can make comparisons and also overlay on top of our YinYang RSI and/or YinYang Stoch.
2.3. YinYang Stoch RSI:
This is a Stoch RSI that is calculated with our YinYang RSI’s values to create a very unique Stoch RSI. Our YinYang Stoch RSI moves very drastically and quickly when there is true momentum swings but it never really hovers in the middle. It makes its way from 0-100 and 100-0 within 2-3 candles usually and if it makes it all the way, you know there is momentum backing this price movement.
3. Information Tables:
3.1. Show Information Tables:
Our Information tables display 6 different Time Frame resolutions to give you the data of YinYang RSI/MA, Regular RSI/MA and Stoch RSI/MA over multiple different Time Frames so you don’t constantly have to keep changing yours and can focus on the trade at hand.
You can choose to display:
‘YinYang RSI’,
‘Regular RSI’,
‘YinYang Stoch RSI’
and/or any combination of the three so you can see all the data you want to your liking.
3.2. Display Tables Direction:
Since there are 6 different Time Frames shown, and you have the ability to display all 3 RSI and MA values, this table can get pretty big. If you have a large monitor and not too many indicators active it's no big deal and a vertical display is likely what you’ll want. However, if you have a smaller monitor or many Indicators active, it will scrunch this Indicator and make it difficult to see all of your Time Frames in the tables. For this reason, we have the option to display them ‘Horizontally’.
3.3. Res1 / Res2/ Res3 / Res4 / Res5 / Res6:
These represent the different resolutions (Time Frames) being used in your information tables and can be modified to display whatever resolution works best for your trading style. By default they are:
Res1: Current Timeframe
Res2: 15 Minute
Res3: 1 Hour
Res4: 4 Hour
Res5: 1 Day
Res6: 1 Week
Backup Res (not changeable): 5 Minute (this is only used if your Current Timeframe in Res1 is a duplicate of one of the other resolutions)
Alerts are available and customizable within the Indicator. You can set up an alert for any of the RSI crossing Signals.
If you have any Questions or Concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Signal to Noise TrendSignal to Noise Ratio
The Signal to Noise Ratio or SNR is used to assess the quality of information or data by comparing the strength of a useful signal to the presence of background noise or random variations.
In Finance the SNR refers to the ratio of strength of a trading signal to the background noise. A high SNR suggest a clear and reliable signal, meanwhile a low SNR indicates more noise (random fluctuations, volatility, or randomness).
Signal To Noise Trend
This indicator basically calculates the signal to noise of returns and then gets the Z-Score of the signal to noise ratio to find extremes levels of signal and noise. The Lines basically are standard deviations from the mean. 1,2,3 Are standard deviations same with the -1,-2,-3 Lines.
The signal is expressed as the positive Z-Score value, and the Noise is the negative Z-Score Value.
The moving average enhances the indicator ability to display the trend of returns and the trend strength. It provides a smooth representation of the Signal to Nose Ratio values.
There are more trending conditions when there is a higher signal, and there is more "ranging" conditions when there is more noise present in the markets.
The Standard deviations help find extreme levels of signal and noise. If the noise reaches the standard deviation of -3 then that means that there is a extreme negative deviation from the mean, and this would be a rare occurrence, with a lot of noise. This could indicate a potential reversion in market states, and could be followed by a trending move.
Another example is that if the Z-Score value reaches a Standard deviation of 3, this could mean that there is extremely strong and rare signal, and could potentially mean a change to a more noisy environment soon.
Regression Line (Log)This indicator is based on the "Linear Regression Channel (Log)," which, in turn, is derived from TradingView's "Linear Regression Channel."
The "Regression Line (Log)" indicator is a valuable tool for traders and investors seeking to gain insights into long-term market trends. This indicator is personally favored for its ability to provide a comprehensive view of price movements over extended periods. It offers a unique perspective compared to traditional linear regression lines and moving averages, making it a valuable addition to the toolkit of experienced traders and investors.
Indicator Parameters:
Before delving into the details, it's worth noting that the chosen number of periods (2870) is a personal preference. This specific value is utilized for the S&P 500 index due to its alignment with various theories regarding the beginning of the modern economic era in the stock market. Different analysts propose different starting points, such as the 1950s, 1970s, or 1980s. However, users are encouraged to adjust this parameter to suit their specific needs and trading strategies.
How It Works:
The "Regression Line (Log)" indicator operates by transforming the closing price data into a logarithmic scale. This transformation can make the linear regression more suitable for data with exponential trends or rapid growth. Here's a breakdown of its functioning and why it can be advantageous for long-term trend analysis:
1. Logarithmic Transformation : The indicator begins by applying a logarithmic transformation to the closing price. This transformation helps capture price movements proportionally, making it especially useful for assets that exhibit exponential or rapid growth. This transformation can render linear regression more suitable for data with exponential or fast-paced trends.
2. Linear Regression on Log Scale : After the logarithmic transformation, the indicator calculates a linear regression line (lrc) on this log-transformed data. This step provides a smoother representation of long-term trends compared to a linear regression line on a linear scale.
3. Exponential Reversion : To present the results in a more familiar format, the indicator reverts the log-transformed regression line back to a linear scale using the math.exp function. This final output is the "Linear Regression Curve," which can be easily interpreted on standard price charts.
- Long-Term Trend Clarity : The logarithmic scale better highlights long-term trends and exponential price movements, making it a valuable tool for investors seeking to identify extended trends.
- Smoothing Effect : The logarithmic transformation and linear regression on a log scale smooth out price data, reducing noise and providing a clearer view of underlying trends.
- Adaptability : The indicator allows traders and investors to customize the number of periods (length) to align with their preferred historical perspective or trading strategy.
- Complementary to Other Tools : While not meant to replace other technical indicators, the "Regression Line (Log)" indicator complements traditional linear regression lines and moving averages, offering an alternative perspective for more comprehensive analysis.
In summary, the "Regression Line (Log)" indicator is a versatile tool that can enhance your ability to analyze long-term market trends. Its logarithmic transformation provides a unique perspective on price data, particularly suited for assets with exponential growth patterns. While the choice of the number of periods is a personal one, it can be adapted to fit various historical viewpoints. This indicator is best utilized as part of a well-rounded trading strategy, in conjunction with other technical tools, to aid in informed decision-making.
SIP SmartlyIntroduction:
The SIP Smartly indicator is designed to mimic the behavior of a systematic investment plan, a popular investment strategy where a fixed quantity of an asset is purchased at regular intervals, typically monthly. In this case, we're applying this concept to trading by specifying a start date, a fixed purchase quantity, and certain conditions for buying.
Indicator Components:
User Inputs:
1. Start Date Inputs:
startyear, startmonth, startday: These inputs allow you to specify the year, month, and day when the SIP strategy begins.
2. buyQty:
This input allows you to specify the quantity of the security to purchase in each SIP installment.
What is Standard SIP ?
A Standard Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is an investment strategy where individuals consistently invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, in mutual funds or stocks. This approach promotes disciplined and long-term investing, taking advantage of rupee-cost averaging, where more shares are purchased when prices are low and fewer when prices are high. SIPs are designed for individuals seeking gradual wealth accumulation over time while mitigating the impact of market volatility through consistent, automated investments.
Logic of the Smart SIP Indicator:
Dynamic Quantity: The Smart SIP indicator allows you to invest a fixed quantity of a security at regular intervals based on technical analysis conditions. This is different from a standard SIP, where you typically invest a fixed amount of money.
Technical Analysis Driven: The Smart SIP indicator employs technical analysis indicators, such as multiple moving averages and uses the crossover of a higher MA with a lower MA which indicates a possible trend reversal, to determine Buy signals based on price trends. In contrast, a standard SIP doesn't consider technical factors but rather involves regular investments regardless of market conditions.
Adaptability: Unlike a standard SIP, which follows a predetermined investment schedule, the Smart SIP can adapt to changing market conditions. It triggers Buy actions only when specific technical conditions are met, providing a more flexible and responsive approach to investing or trading.
Market Value Tracking: The Smart SIP continuously tracks the market value of the invested quantity in real-time. This allows you to monitor the performance of your SIP investments dynamically, considering market fluctuations. In a standard SIP, you typically track the overall portfolio value without real-time adjustments.
Alert Notifications: The Smart SIP can send alert notifications when Buy conditions are met. This feature ensures timely execution of trades when favorable market conditions align with the technical criteria. In a standard SIP, you usually follow a fixed investment schedule without real-time alerting.
In summary, the unique logic of the Smart SIP indicator lies in its adaptability, technical analysis-driven approach, and real-time tracking and alerting features, making it well-suited for trading in financial markets while still following the concept of a systematic investment plan.
How to Use the SIP Smartly Indicator:
Start Date Selection:
Input your desired start date using the startyear, startmonth, and startday parameters. This is the date when your SIP strategy will begin.
Buy Quantity Setting:
Set the buyQty input to the quantity of the security you want to purchase in each SIP installment.
The indicator can trigger alerts when Buy conditions are met. These alerts can be configured to notify you when it's time to make a SIP installment.
Risk Management and Considerations:
Confirmation: While the SIP Smartly indicator provides insights, use it alongside other technical and fundamental analysis tools for confirmation before making trading decisions.
Backtesting: Before using this indicator in live trading, conduct thorough backtesting on historical data to evaluate its performance under different market conditions.
Position Sizing: Determine your position size and risk management rules based on the quantity purchased in each SIP installment.
Market Awareness: Stay informed about market conditions and news events that could impact price movements. This indicator is a tool to aid your trading strategy, not a standalone solution.
The SIP Smartly Indicator offers a systematic approach to trading by simulating a SIP strategy. By inputting your start date and desired buy quantity, you can follow a disciplined investment approach in your trading. Remember to customize the inputs to match your trading preferences and risk tolerance.
Disclaimer: This indicator is provided for educational purposes and should be used with caution. Trading involves risks, and you should thoroughly test any strategy before applying it in live trading.
GKD-C Trend Direction [Loxx]The Giga Kaleidoscope GKD-C Trend Direction is a confirmation module included in Loxx's "Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System."
█ GKD-C Trend Direction
Trend Direction relies both on the Average True Range (ATR) – a measure of market volatility – and the market's closing price. If ATR Smoothing is set to greater than 0, the ATR is smoothed using an Exponential Moving Average (EMA). This ATR is then multiplied by a factor to derive a threshold. Using this threshold and the market's close price, the code determines the position of the plotted line. The plotted line's color changes based on the close price's relationship to this derived value: green if the close price is above, and red if below, signifying the trend's upward or downward direction respectively.
█ Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System
Core components of an NNFX algorithmic trading strategy
The NNFX algorithm is built on the principles of trend, momentum, and volatility. There are six core components in the NNFX trading algorithm:
1. Volatility - price volatility; e.g., Average True Range, True Range Double, Close-to-Close, etc.
2. Baseline - a moving average to identify price trend
3. Confirmation 1 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
4. Confirmation 2 - a technical indicator used to identify trends
5. Continuation - a technical indicator used to identify trends
6. Volatility/Volume - a technical indicator used to identify volatility/volume breakouts/breakdown
7. Exit - a technical indicator used to determine when a trend is exhausted
8. Metamorphosis - a technical indicator that produces a compound signal from the combination of other GKD indicators*
*(not part of the NNFX algorithm)
What is Volatility in the NNFX trading system?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, ATR (Average True Range) is typically used to measure the volatility of an asset. It is used as a part of the system to help determine the appropriate stop loss and take profit levels for a trade. ATR is calculated by taking the average of the true range values over a specified period.
True range is calculated as the maximum of the following values:
-Current high minus the current low
-Absolute value of the current high minus the previous close
-Absolute value of the current low minus the previous close
ATR is a dynamic indicator that changes with changes in volatility. As volatility increases, the value of ATR increases, and as volatility decreases, the value of ATR decreases. By using ATR in NNFX system, traders can adjust their stop loss and take profit levels according to the volatility of the asset being traded. This helps to ensure that the trade is given enough room to move, while also minimizing potential losses.
Other types of volatility include True Range Double (TRD), Close-to-Close, and Garman-Klass
What is a Baseline indicator?
The baseline is essentially a moving average, and is used to determine the overall direction of the market.
The baseline in the NNFX system is used to filter out trades that are not in line with the long-term trend of the market. The baseline is plotted on the chart along with other indicators, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR).
Trades are only taken when the price is in the same direction as the baseline. For example, if the baseline is sloping upwards, only long trades are taken, and if the baseline is sloping downwards, only short trades are taken. This approach helps to ensure that trades are in line with the overall trend of the market, and reduces the risk of entering trades that are likely to fail.
By using a baseline in the NNFX system, traders can have a clear reference point for determining the overall trend of the market, and can make more informed trading decisions. The baseline helps to filter out noise and false signals, and ensures that trades are taken in the direction of the long-term trend.
What is a Confirmation indicator?
Confirmation indicators are technical indicators that are used to confirm the signals generated by primary indicators. Primary indicators are the core indicators used in the NNFX system, such as the Average True Range (ATR), the Moving Average (MA), and the Relative Strength Index (RSI).
The purpose of the confirmation indicators is to reduce false signals and improve the accuracy of the trading system. They are designed to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators by providing additional information about the strength and direction of the trend.
Some examples of confirmation indicators that may be used in the NNFX system include the Bollinger Bands, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), and the MACD Oscillator. These indicators can provide information about the volatility, momentum, and trend strength of the market, and can be used to confirm the signals generated by the primary indicators.
In the NNFX system, confirmation indicators are used in combination with primary indicators and other filters to create a trading system that is robust and reliable. By using multiple indicators to confirm trading signals, the system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of the trades.
What is a Continuation indicator?
In the NNFX (No Nonsense Forex) trading system, a continuation indicator is a technical indicator that is used to confirm a current trend and predict that the trend is likely to continue in the same direction. A continuation indicator is typically used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as a baseline indicator, to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
What is a Volatility/Volume indicator?
Volume indicators, such as the On Balance Volume (OBV), the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), or the Volume Price Trend (VPT), are used to measure the amount of buying and selling activity in a market. They are based on the trading volume of the market, and can provide information about the strength of the trend. In the NNFX system, volume indicators are used to confirm trading signals generated by the Moving Average and the Relative Strength Index. Volatility indicators include Average Direction Index, Waddah Attar, and Volatility Ratio. In the NNFX trading system, volatility is a proxy for volume and vice versa.
By using volume indicators as confirmation tools, the NNFX trading system aims to reduce the risk of false signals and improve the overall profitability of trades. These indicators can provide additional information about the market that is not captured by the primary indicators, and can help traders to make more informed trading decisions. In addition, volume indicators can be used to identify potential changes in market trends and to confirm the strength of price movements.
What is an Exit indicator?
The exit indicator is used in conjunction with other indicators in the system, such as the Moving Average (MA), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the Average True Range (ATR), to provide a comprehensive trading strategy.
The exit indicator in the NNFX system can be any technical indicator that is deemed effective at identifying optimal exit points. Examples of exit indicators that are commonly used include the Parabolic SAR, the Average Directional Index (ADX), and the Chandelier Exit.
The purpose of the exit indicator is to identify when a trend is likely to reverse or when the market conditions have changed, signaling the need to exit a trade. By using an exit indicator, traders can manage their risk and prevent significant losses.
In the NNFX system, the exit indicator is used in conjunction with a stop loss and a take profit order to maximize profits and minimize losses. The stop loss order is used to limit the amount of loss that can be incurred if the trade goes against the trader, while the take profit order is used to lock in profits when the trade is moving in the trader's favor.
Overall, the use of an exit indicator in the NNFX trading system is an important component of a comprehensive trading strategy. It allows traders to manage their risk effectively and improve the profitability of their trades by exiting at the right time.
What is an Metamorphosis indicator?
The concept of a metamorphosis indicator involves the integration of two or more GKD indicators to generate a compound signal. This is achieved by evaluating the accuracy of each indicator and selecting the signal from the indicator with the highest accuracy. As an illustration, let's consider a scenario where we calculate the accuracy of 10 indicators and choose the signal from the indicator that demonstrates the highest accuracy.
The resulting output from the metamorphosis indicator can then be utilized in a GKD-BT backtest by occupying a slot that aligns with the purpose of the metamorphosis indicator. The slot can be a GKD-B, GKD-C, or GKD-E slot, depending on the specific requirements and objectives of the indicator. This allows for seamless integration and utilization of the compound signal within the GKD-BT framework.
How does Loxx's GKD (Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System) implement the NNFX algorithm outlined above?
Loxx's GKD v2.0 system has five types of modules (indicators/strategies). These modules are:
1. GKD-BT - Backtesting module (Volatility, Number 1 in the NNFX algorithm)
2. GKD-B - Baseline module (Baseline and Volatility/Volume, Numbers 1 and 2 in the NNFX algorithm)
3. GKD-C - Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation module (Confirmation 1/2 and Continuation, Numbers 3, 4, and 5 in the NNFX algorithm)
4. GKD-V - Volatility/Volume module (Confirmation 1/2, Number 6 in the NNFX algorithm)
5. GKD-E - Exit module (Exit, Number 7 in the NNFX algorithm)
6. GKD-M - Metamorphosis module (Metamorphosis, Number 8 in the NNFX algorithm, but not part of the NNFX algorithm)
(additional module types will added in future releases)
Each module interacts with every module by passing data to A backtest module wherein the various components of the GKD system are combined to create a trading signal.
That is, the Baseline indicator passes its data to Volatility/Volume. The Volatility/Volume indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 1 indicator. The Confirmation 1 indicator passes its values to the Confirmation 2 indicator. The Confirmation 2 indicator passes its values to the Continuation indicator. The Continuation indicator passes its values to the Exit indicator, and finally, the Exit indicator passes its values to the Backtest strategy.
This chaining of indicators requires that each module conform to Loxx's GKD protocol, therefore allowing for the testing of every possible combination of technical indicators that make up the six components of the NNFX algorithm.
What does the application of the GKD trading system look like?
Example trading system:
Backtest: Multi-Ticker CC Backtest
Baseline: Hull Moving Average
Volatility/Volume: Hurst Exponent
Confirmation 1: Advance Trend Pressure as shown on the chart above
Confirmation 2: uf2018
Continuation: Coppock Curve
Exit: Rex Oscillator
Metamorphosis: Baseline Optimizer
Each GKD indicator is denoted with a module identifier of either: GKD-BT, GKD-B, GKD-C, GKD-V, GKD-M, or GKD-E. This allows traders to understand to which module each indicator belongs and where each indicator fits into the GKD system.
█ Giga Kaleidoscope Modularized Trading System Signals
Standard Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation gives signal
2. Baseline agrees
3. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5. Confirmation 2 agrees
6. Volatility/Volume agrees
1-Candle Standard Entry
1a. GKD-C Confirmation gives signal
2a. Baseline agrees
3a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
Next Candle
1b. Price retraced
2b. Baseline agrees
3b. Confirmation 1 agrees
4b. Confirmation 2 agrees
5b. Volatility/Volume agrees
Baseline Entry
1. GKD-B Baseline gives signal
2. Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5. Confirmation 2 agrees
6. Volatility/Volume agrees
7. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 'Maximum Allowable PSBC Bars Back' prior
1-Candle Baseline Entry
1a. GKD-B Baseline gives signal
2a. Confirmation 1 agrees
3a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5a. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 'Maximum Allowable PSBC Bars Back' prior
Next Candle
1b. Price retraced
2b. Baseline agrees
3b. Confirmation 1 agrees
4b. Confirmation 2 agrees
5b. Volatility/Volume agrees
Volatility/Volume Entry
1. GKD-V Volatility/Volume gives signal
2. Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5. Confirmation 2 agrees
6. Baseline agrees
7. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
1-Candle Volatility/Volume Entry
1a. GKD-V Volatility/Volume gives signal
2a. Confirmation 1 agrees
3a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5a. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 'Maximum Allowable PSVVC Bars Back' prior
Next Candle
1b. Price retraced
2b. Volatility/Volume agrees
3b. Confirmation 1 agrees
4b. Confirmation 2 agrees
5b. Baseline agrees
Confirmation 2 Entry
1. GKD-C Confirmation 2 gives signal
2. Confirmation 1 agrees
3. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5. Volatility/Volume agrees
6. Baseline agrees
7. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 7 candles prior
1-Candle Confirmation 2 Entry
1a. GKD-C Confirmation 2 gives signal
2a. Confirmation 1 agrees
3a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
4a. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
5a. Confirmation 1 signal was less than 'Maximum Allowable PSC2C Bars Back' prior
Next Candle
1b. Price retraced
2b. Confirmation 2 agrees
3b. Confirmation 1 agrees
4b. Volatility/Volume agrees
5b. Baseline agrees
PullBack Entry
1a. GKD-B Baseline gives signal
2a. Confirmation 1 agrees
3a. Price is beyond 1.0x Volatility of Baseline
Next Candle
1b. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Minimum
2b. Price inside Goldie Locks Zone Maximum
3b. Confirmation 1 agrees
4b. Confirmation 2 agrees
5b. Volatility/Volume agrees
Continuation Entry
1. Standard Entry, 1-Candle Standard Entry, Baseline Entry, 1-Candle Baseline Entry, Volatility/Volume Entry, 1-Candle Volatility/Volume Entry, Confirmation 2 Entry, 1-Candle Confirmation 2 Entry, or Pullback entry triggered previously
2. Baseline hasn't crossed since entry signal trigger
4. Confirmation 1 agrees
5. Baseline agrees
6. Confirmation 2 agrees
Market TrendMarket Trend by Trading Ninjaa
The "Market Trend" indicator is designed to provide traders with a clear visual representation of the prevailing market direction. By utilizing a higher timeframe moving average, this tool offers insights into the broader market trend. The indicator identifies:
Uptrends: When the price is above the higher timeframe moving average, the background is shaded green.
Downtrends: When the price is below the higher timeframe moving average, the background is shaded red.
Sideways Markets: Recognized by decreased volatility, these periods are shaded in gray.
Green Background: Indicates bullish market conditions. Traders might consider long entries or avoiding short trades.
Red Background: Suggests bearish market conditions. Might be used as a signal to consider short entries or avoid long positions.
Gray Background: Highlights potential sideways or consolidating market conditions. Traders might exercise caution, considering range-bound strategies.
This indicator is best used in conjunction with other technical tools for confirmation. Always backtest any new strategy involving this indicator before considering it for live trading.
Hybrid EMA AlgoLearner⭕️Innovative trading indicator that utilizes a k-NN-inspired algorithmic approach alongside traditional Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) for more nuanced analysis. While the algorithm doesn't actually employ machine learning techniques, it mimics the logic of the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) methodology. The script takes into account the closest 'k' distances between a short-term and long-term EMA to create a weighted short-term EMA. This combination of rule-based logic and EMA technicals offers traders a more sophisticated tool for market analysis.
⭕️Foundational EMAs: The script kicks off by generating a 50-period short-term EMA and a 200-period long-term EMA. These EMAs serve a dual purpose: they provide the basic trend-following capability familiar to most traders, akin to the classic EMA 50 and EMA 200, and set the stage for more intricate calculations to follow.
⭕️k-NN Integration: The indicator distinguishes itself by introducing k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbors) logic into the mix. This machine learning technique scans prior market data to find the closest 'neighbors' or distances between the two EMAs. The 'k' closest distances are then picked for further analysis, thus imbuing the indicator with an added layer of data-driven context.
⭕️Algorithmic Weighting: After the k closest distances are identified, they are utilized to compute a weighted EMA. Each of the k closest short-term EMA values is weighted by its associated distance. These weighted values are summed up and normalized by the sum of all chosen distances. The result is a weighted short-term EMA that packs more nuanced information than a simple EMA would.
TTP SuperTrend ADXThis indicator uses the strength of the trend from ADX to decide how the SuperTrend (ST) should behave.
ST is a great trend following indicator but it's not capable of adapting to the trend strength.
The ADX, Average Directional Index measures the strength of the trend and can be use to dynamically tweak the ST factor so that it's sensitivity can adapt to the trend strength.
The indicator calculates a normalised value of the ADX based on the data available in the chart.
Based on these values ST will use different factors to increase or reduce the factor use by ST: expansion or compression.
ST expansion vs compression
Expanding the ST would mean that the stronger a trends get the ST factor will grow causing it to distance further from the price delaying the next ST trend flip.
Compressing the ST would mean that the stronger a trends get the ST factor will shrink causing it to get closer to the price speeding up the next ST trend flip.
- Alerts for trend flip
- Alerts for trend status
- Backtestable stream
- SuperTrend color gets more intense with the strength of the trend
Machine Learning Regression Trend [LuxAlgo]The Machine Learning Regression Trend tool uses random sample consensus (RANSAC) to fit and extrapolate a linear model by discarding potential outliers, resulting in a more robust fit.
The proposed tool can be used like a regular linear regression, providing support/resistance as well as forecasting an estimated underlying trend.
Using RANSAC allows filtering out outliers from the input data of our final fit, by outliers we are referring to values deviating from the underlying trend whose influence on a fitted model is undesired. For financial prices and under the assumptions of segmented linear trends, these outliers can be caused by volatile moves and/or periodic variations within an underlying trend.
Adjusting the "Allowed Error" numerical setting will determine how sensitive the model is to outliers, with higher values returning a more sensitive model. The blue margin displayed shows the allowed error area.
The number of outliers in the calculation window (represented by red dots) can also be indicative of the amount of noise added to an underlying linear trend in the price, with more outliers suggesting more noise.
Compared to a regular linear regression which does not discriminate against any point in the calculation window, we see that the model using RANSAC is more conservative, giving more importance to detecting a higher number of inliners.
RANSAC is a general approach to fitting more robust models in the presence of outliers in a dataset and as such does not limit itself to a linear regression model.
This iterative approach can be summarized as follow for the case of our script:
Step 1: Obtain a subset of our dataset by randomly selecting 2 unique samples
Step 2: Fit a linear regression to our subset
Step 3: Get the error between the value within our dataset and the fitted model at time t , if the absolute error is lower than our tolerance threshold then that value is an inlier
Step 4: If the amount of detected inliers is greater than a user-set amount save the model
Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the set number of iterations is reached and use the model that maximizes the number of inliers
Length: Calculation window of the linear regression.
Width: Linear regression channel width.
Source: Input data for the linear regression calculation.
Minimum Inliers: Minimum number of inliers required to return an appropriate model.
Allowed Error: Determine the tolerance threshold used to detect potential inliers. "Auto" will automatically determine the tolerance threshold and will allow the user to multiply it through the numerical input setting at the side. "Fixed" will use the user-set value as the tolerance threshold.
Maximum Iterations Steps: Maximum number of allowed iterations.
Colored VWAP and BarcolorThis indicator plots the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) as well as changes the bar color if the current price is above or below VWAP, for quick visual reference.
Background Information
Straight from TradingView, "Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is a technical analysis tool used to measure the average price weighted by volume. VWAP is typically used with intraday charts as a way to determine the general direction of intraday prices. It's similar to a moving average in that when price is above VWAP, prices are rising and when price is below VWAP, prices are falling. VWAP is primarily used by technical analysts to identify market trend."
About the Indicator
This indicator changes the VWAP line color and bar color based on the current price.
Bar Color
Bullish Up Candle Color = Current price is above VWAP and the close of the candle was greater than the open.
Bullish Down Candle Color = Current price is above VWAP and the close of the candle was less than the open.
Bearish Up Candle Color = Current price is below VWAP and the close of the candle was greater than the open.
Bearish Down Candle Color = Current price is below VWAP and the close of the candle was less than the open.
TICK Strength Background ShadeThis indicator shades the background of each candle based on the strength off the current TICK.US chart. User can define the strength levels, which are by default set to 1-299 (lightest), 300-599, and 600+ (darkest). Best used on lower timeframe charts to help identify whether or not to remain in a trend, or if a trend is possibly reversing when you start to see the opposite color begin to appear following a trend.
TEWY - Magic Momentum IndicatorMy goal is to equip every trader and investor with the essential tools necessary to confidently navigate the complexities of the financial markets, enabling them to consistently identify opportunities and maintain a position of strength on the winning side of their trades. This indicator stands as a potent tool, offering the capability to effectively assess longer-term momentum trends.
Allow me to provide some context regarding the genesis of this indicator. By keenly observing the pattern of momentum loss preceding each trend reversal, coupled with the notable decrease in the rate of price change, I've formulated this indicator. This design is rooted in the understanding that these dynamics hold key insights into the market's shifting trends.
So, I've developed this indicator with the purpose of granting you the ability to select and construct optional combinations of up to two comparable symbols. Through this, you gain a comprehensive and insightful perspective on the ever-evolving dynamics of the market.
This indicator acts like an oscillator and momentum line serves as a key determinant. When the line is positioned above 0, it signifies a positive momentum; conversely, if it rests below 0, it indicates a sideways to negative trend. This mechanism offers a clear and intuitive means of gauging prevailing market conditions.
Should you have any inquiries or require further clarification regarding this indicator, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via direct message. I am here to provide you with the necessary guidance and support to ensure your experience with this tool is both seamless and enriching. Your understanding and satisfaction remain my utmost priority.
By TEWY - Trade Easy With Yogesh
I am Yogesh
OrderBlock [kyleAlgo]The principle of this indicator
ATR (Average True Range) Setting: The code uses ATR to help calculate the Supertrend indicator.
Supertrend Trend Direction: Identify bullish and bearish trends with the Supertrend method.
Order Block Recognition: This part of the code recognizes and creates order blocks, visualizing them as boxes on the chart. If the number of blocks exceeds the maximum limit, old blocks will be deleted.
Function to prevent overlapping: check whether the new order block overlaps with the existing order block through the isOverlapping function.
Order block color setting: The code sets the color according to whether the block is bullish or bearish, and whether it breaks above or below. Afterwards the color of the existing order blocks will be updated.
Sensitivity settings: Through the input settings of factor and atrPeriod, the sensitivity of Supertrend and the detection of order blocks can be affected.
Visualization: Use TradingView's function to draw and visualize order blocks on the chart.
Support and Resistance Levels: Order blocks may represent areas of support and resistance in the market. By visualizing these areas, traders can better understand when price reversals are likely to occur.
Trading Signals: Traders may be able to identify trading signals based on the color changes of blocks and price breakouts. For example, if the price breaks above a bullish block, this could be a signal to buy.
Risk Management: By using ATR to adjust the sensitivity of Supertrend, the symbol helps traders to adjust their strategies according to market volatility. This can be used as a risk management tool to help identify stop loss and take profit points.
Multi-timeframe analysis: Although the code itself does not implement multi-timeframe analysis directly, it can be done by applying this indicator on different timeframes. This helps to analyze the market from different angles.
Flexibility and Customization: Through sensitivity settings, traders can customize the indicator according to their needs and trading style.
Reduced screen clutter: By removing overlapping order blocks and limiting the maximum number of order blocks, this code helps reduce clutter on charts, allowing traders to analyze the market more clearly.
Overall, this "Pine Script" can be a powerful analytical tool for trend traders and those looking to improve their trading decisions by visualizing key market areas. It can be used alone or combined with other indicators and trading systems for enhanced functionality.
Intraday Direction Finder For Indices (Based On VWAP) Happy Independence Day..!!
This indicator is based on the concept shared by "learntotrade365" to Find Intraday Direction for Index.
To decide the direction of Index we check whether the constituent Stocks are trading above VWAP or below VWAP.
Lets Consider Banknifty Example.
Banknifty Constituents are:
IndusInd Bank
Based on concept, where above stocks are trading decides the direction as follows
Ratio Concept (Color)
6:0 Super Bullish (Lime)
5:1 Bullish(Green)
4:2 Mild Bullish (Aqua)
3:3 Sideways(Blue)
2:4 Mild Bearish ( Orange)
1:5 Bearish (Fuchsia)
0:6 Super Bearish (Red)
Features :-
1) Screener
In this Screener, we can clearly see which stock is trading above VWAP
& which is trading below VWAP along with ratio.
2) Chart Candle Colors
One can able to project candle colors according to Ratio colors.
3)Chart Background Color
One can set background color of chart if he is required.
Same this can be used with other indices also like Nifty, Finnifty etc.
Thanks For Reading Till here...!!
Kindly share your feedback or any suggestions.
Fibo Levels with Volume Profile and Targets [ChartPrime]The Fib Levels With Volume Profile and Targets (FIVP) is a trading tool designed to provide traders with a unique understanding of price movement and trading volume through the lens of Fibonacci levels. This dynamic indicator merges the concepts of Fibonacci retracement levels with trading volume analytics to offer predictive insights into potential price trajectories.
1. Fibonacci Levels: The FPI showcases three prominent Fibonacci levels on both sides of the current price, offering an intricate picture of potential support and resistance levels.
2. Support and Resistance Recognition: Harnessing the power of Fibonacci levels, the FPI provides traders with potential areas of support and resistance, aiding in informed decision-making for entries, exits, and stop placements.
3. Customizable Timeframe Settings: In order to cater to different trading strategies and styles, users can manually select their preferred timeframe for the Fibonacci calculations, ensuring optimal relevance and accuracy for their trading approach.
4. Volume Analytics: One of the standout features of the FIVP is its ability to calculate trading volume for every bar that is sandwiched between the top and lower Fibonacci levels. This ensures traders have a clear vision of where the majority of trading activity is occurring, lending weight to the credibility of the displayed support and resistance zones.
5. Volume-Derived Price Targeting: The Possible Target Arrow function is an innovative feature. By analyzing and comparing the trading volume in the bearish and bullish zones, it provides an arrow indicating the potential direction the market might take. If the bull volume surpasses the bear volume, the market is likely skewing bullish and vice versa.
Ideal for both novice and seasoned traders, the FPI offers a rich tapestry of information. It allows for refined technical analysis, more precise entries and exits, and a holistic view of the interplay between price and trading volume. Whether you're scalping, day trading, or swing trading, the Fibonacci Profile Indicator is designed to enhance your trading strategy, providing a comprehensive perspective of the market's potential movements.
LNL Trend SystemLNL Trend System is an ATR based day trading system specifically designed for intra-day traders and scalpers. The System works on any chart time frame & can be applied to any market. The study consist of two components - the Trend Line and the Stop Line. Trend System is based on a special ATR calculation that is achieved by combining the previous values of the 13 EMA in relation to the ATR which creates a line of deviations that visually look similar to the basic moving average but actually produce very different results ESPECIALLY in sideways market.
Trend Line:
Trend Line is a simple line which is basically a fast gauge represented by the 13 EMA that can change the color based on the current trend structure defined by multiple averages (8,13,21,34 EMAs). Trend Line is there to simply add the confluence for the current trend. Colors of the line are pretty much self-explanatory. Whenever the line turns red it states that the current structure is bearish. Vice versa for green line. Gray line represents neutral market structure.
Stop Line:
Stop Line is an ATR deviaton line with special calculation based on the previous bar ATRs and position of the price in relation to the current and previous values of 13 EMA. As already stated, this creates an ATR deviation marker either above or below the price that trails the price up or down until they touch. Whenever the price comes into the Stop Line it means it is making an ATR expansion move up or down .This touch will usually resolve into a reaction (a bounce) which provides trade opportunities.
Trend Bars:
When turned ON, Trend Bars can provide additional confulence of the current trend alongside with the Trend Line color. Trend Bars are based on the DMI and ADX indicators. Whenever the DMI is bearish and ADX is above 20 the candles paint themselfs red. And vice versa applies for the green candles and bullish DMI. Whenever the ADX falls below the 20, candles are netural (Gray) which means there is no real trend in place at the moment.
Trend Mode:
There are total of 5 different trend modes available. Each mode is visualizing different ATR settings which provides either aggressive or more conservative approach. The more tigher the mode, the more closer the distance between the price and the Stop Line. First two modes were designed for slower markets, whereas the "Loose" and "FOMC" modes are more suitable for products with high volatility.
Trend Modes:
1. Tight
Ideal for the slowest markets. Slowest market can be any market with unusually small average true range values or just simply a market that does have a personality of a "sleeper". Tight Mode can be also used for aggresive entries in the most ridiculous trends. Sometimes price will barely pullback to the Trend Line not even the Stop Line.
2. Normal
Normal Mode is the golden mean between the modes. "Normal" provides the ideal ATR lengths for the most used markets such as S&P Futures (ES) or SPY, AAPL and plenty of other highly popular stocks. More often than not, the length of this mode is respected considering there is no breaking news or high impact market event scheduled.
3. Loose
The "Loose" mode is basically a normal mode but a little bit more loose. This mode is useful whenever the ATRs jump higher than usual or during the days of highly anticipated news events. This mode is also better suited for more active markets such as NQ futures.
The FOMC mode is called FOMC for a reason. This mode provides the maximum amount of wiggle room between the price and the Stop Line. This mode was designed for the extreme volatility, breaking news events or post-FOMC trading. If the market quiets down, this mode will not get the Stop Line touch as frequently as othete modes, thus it is not very useful to run this on markets with the average volatlity. Although never properly tested, perhaps the FOMC mode can find its value in the crypto market?
5. The Net
The net mode is basically a combination of all modes into one stop line system which creates "the net" effect. The Net provides the widest Stop Line zone which can be mainly appreciated by traders that like to use scale-in scale-out methods for their trading. Not to mention the visual side of the indicator which looks pretty great with the net mode on.
HTF (Higher Time Frame) Trend System:
The system also includes additional higher time frame (HTF) trend system. This can be set to any time frame by manual HTF mode. HTF mode set to "auto" will automatically choose the best suitable higher time frame trend system based on how appropriate the aggregation is. For everything below 5min the HTF Trend System will stay on 5min. Anything between 5-15min = 30min. 30min - 120min will turn on the 240min. 180min and higher will result in Daily time frame. Anything above the Daily will result in Weekly HTF aggregation, above W = Monthly, above M = Quarterly.
Background Clouds:
In terms of visualization, each trend system is fully customizable through the inputs settings. There is also an option to turn on/off the background clouds behind the stop lines. These clouds can make the charts more clean & visible.
Tips & Tricks:
1. Different Trend Modes
Try out different modes in different markets. There is no one single mode that will fit to everyone on the same type of market. I myself actually prefer more Loose than the Normal.
2. Stop Line Mirroring
Whenever the Stop Lines start to mirror each other (there is one above the price and one below) this means the price is entering a ranging sideways market. It does not matter which Stop Line will the price touch first. They can both be faded until one of them flips.
3. Signs of the Ranging Market
Watch out for signs of ranging market. Whenever the Trend System looses its colors whether on trend line or trend bars, if everything turns neutral (gray) that is usually a solid indication of a range type action for the following moments. Also as already stated before, the Stop Line mirroring is a good sign of the range market.
4. Trailing Tool, Trend System as an Additional Study?
In case you are not a fan of the colorful green / red charts & candles. You can switch all of them off and just leave the Stop Line on. This way you can use the benefits of the trend system and still use other studies on top of that. Similarly as the Parabolic SAR is often used.
5. The Flip Setup
One of my favorite trades is the Flip Setup on the 5min charts. Whenever the Stop Line is broken , the very first opposing touch after the Trend System flips is a usually a highly participated touch. If there is a strong reaction, this means this is likely a beginning of a new trend. Once I am in the position i like to trail the Stop Line on the 1min charts.
Hope it helps.
Pivot Point SuperTrend Strategy +TrendFilterIn the dynamic world of financial markets, traders are always on the lookout for innovative strategies to identify trends and make timely trades. The "Pivot Point SuperTrend strategy +TrendFilter" has emerged as an intriguing approach, combining two popular indicators - Pivot Points and SuperTrend, while introducing an additional trend filter for added precision. This strategy draws inspiration from Lonesome TheBlue's "Pivot Point SuperTrend" script, aiming to provide traders with a reliable tool for trend following while minimizing false signals.
The Core Concept:
The strategy's foundation lies in the fusion of Pivot Points and SuperTrend indicators, and the addition of a robust trend filter. It begins by calculating Pivot Highs and Lows over a specified period, serving as crucial reference points for trend analysis. Through a weighted average calculation, these Pivot Points create a center line, refining the overall indicator.
Next, based on the center line and the Average True Range (ATR) with a user-defined Factor, upper and lower bands are generated. These bands adapt to market volatility, adding flexibility to the strategy. The heart of the "Pivot Point SuperTrend" strategy lies in accurately identifying the prevailing trend, with the indicator smoothly transitioning between bullish and bearish signals as the price interacts with the SuperTrend bands.
The additional trend filter introduced into the strategy further enhances its capabilities. This filter is based on a moving average, providing a dynamic assessment of the trend's strength and direction. By combining this trend filter with the original Pivot Point SuperTrend signals, the strategy aims to make more informed and reliable trading decisions.
Advantages of "Pivot Point SuperTrend" with Trend Filter:
1. Enhanced Precision: The incorporation of a trend filter improves the strategy's accuracy by confirming the overall trend direction before generating signals.
2. Trend Continuation: The integration of Pivot Points and SuperTrend, along with the trend filter, aims to prolong trades during strong market trends, potentially maximizing profit opportunities.
3. Reduced Whipsaws: The strategy's weighted average calculation, coupled with the trend filter, helps minimize false signals and reduces whipsaws during uncertain or sideways market conditions.
4. Support and Resistance Insights: The strategy continues to provide additional support and resistance levels based on the Pivot Points, offering valuable contextual information to traders.
Heikin Ashi MTF Trend [Pt]█ Introduction
The Heikin Ashi MTF Trend indicator takes a simple approach to understand the trend by visualizing Heikin Ashi candle colors across multiple timeframes and representing it in a simple and visual manner. It utilizes the Heikin Ashi (HA) candles across four custom timeframes to detect trend shifts and strength. The indicator also offers alert conditions for potential bullish and bearish trend shifts.
█ Features
► Multiple Timeframes (MTF) Trend Detection: The script fetches HA data from four different timeframes. This multi-timeframe approach gives a holistic view of the market sentiment.
► Weighted Trend Score: The individual trend scores of the four timeframes are multiplied with their respective weights and summed up to provide a cumulative trend score that is used to determine bar colors and trend shifts.
► Visual Trend Depiction : It displays the trend using default green/red squares for each timeframe and a gradient-filled bar to represent the cumulative trend score.
► Trend Change Alerts: Users can set alerts for bullish and bearish trend shifts.
█ Alerts
◊ Bull Trend Signal Alert: Alert when there is a bullish trend shift.
◊ Bear Trend Signal Alert: Alert when there is a bearish trend shift.
█ Usage Tips
◊ The greater the discrepancy in the weights across the timeframes, the more emphasis is placed on the higher weighted timeframe.
◊ While the gradient bar provides a quick trend overview, it's essential to view the trend squares to understand the individual timeframe sentiments.
◊ Always consider using this tool in conjunction with other indicators or methods for confirmation and enhanced trading strategy.
Happy Trading~~
Support & Resistance Dynamic [LuxAlgo]The Support & Resistance Dynamic indicator aims to return real-time predictive support and resistance zones that are relevant to a detected trend. This makes this indicator similar to our previously published Predictive Ranges indicator.
Users can additionally extend the most recent historical support and resistance zones.
Hypothetical resistance levels in an up-trend or supports in a down-trend would tend to be broken more easily, as such the indicator primary objective is to return reliable real-time support and resistance levels by taking this into account.
When the market is up-trending the indicator will only return support zones, while a down-trending market will cause the indicator to only return resistance zones.
If the price significantly breaks a support/resistance, rendering it unreliable, it can be a sign of a potential reversal.
Users can return support/resistance levels/zones for shorter-term trends by reducing the Multiplicative Factor setting.
🔹 Extension
Users can extend past estimated support/resistance levels, the amount of extended levels is determined by the users. Certain levels can stay relevant in the future, and can also aid in measuring the significance of a breakout, with further past levels being reached being indicative of more significant trends.
To determine if the price is up-trending or down-trending in order to show either support or resistance, the same method used in the predictive ranges script is used. A central tendency is estimated, if price significantly deviates from it upward an uptrend is detected, else a significant deviation downward would indicate a downtrend.
The central tendency estimate is used for the construction of the support and resistance levels.
Multiplicative Factor: Determines the frequency at which new supports/resistances are returned, with lower values returning more frequent levels/zones.
ATR Length: ATR averaging length used as deviation threshold for the central tendency estimate.
Extend Last: Determines the amount of most recent historical supports/resistances to extend to the latest bar.