The Dems these days are a gift that keeps giving, this time finally managing to grasp my attention with something interesting happening in the democratic nominee race- Pete Buttigieg coming first in the Iowa caucus. Bernie and Warren fallowing him with the 2nd and 3d place respectively
Biden coming 4th Is almost as much the news as the results release chaos itself at this point.
Fist of all, the result of the way the Iowa caucus has been handled is a massive humiliation for the Dems really. The party that can’t manage its one state internal elections can’t run the country, or so are the optics at least.
Second- Bernie coming second is a problem. A problem for the Dems, who need to acknowledge that their second-best candidate is a geriatric communist, and a problem for the Dems again because he came second, not first, after the «glitch» in the system. Bernie fans now have the right to go apeshit about how rigged the whole thing was.
The fact that the app that failed was developed by the same people who worked for Hillary before does not help optics wise, to say the least.
The idea that Clinton "stole" the nomination from Bernie together with the DNC back in 2016 is still alive and well with Iowa now breeding more conspiracies around the "corrupt" DNC.
A massive loss of face. If Bernie does not get nominated, Bernie fans won’t turn out at all. If Bernie gets nominated-well, that is a problem for the country…
A big win for the Dems as a whole with the Buttigieg ahead, him being the only candidate with any semblance of common sense. The only one who is not too old and can link two words on the stage.
The chances of him becoming a nominee are still slim, though.
Watch Bloomberg as he is buying up the super Tuesday states with an eye on getting enough delegates for potentially becoming the kingmaker.
New Hampshire presents no interest as Bernie virtually got it already. New Hampshire is basically Vermont with more guns and fewer taxes, so there is that. It will be the end of the race for Bernie if he loses New Hampshire though.
Other candidates are still in the race for the money and the book sales only.
I pray all the Gods that would listen, for Butteguge or Sanders to get nominated- because that guarantees an interesting presidential race ahead of us.
Trump being acquitted, as expected, adds the insult to the injury of the Iowa chaos, with Nancy Pelosi acting like an 8-year-old tearing apart Trump's speech paper. Quite a symbol of what the current Dems really are these days.
Tesla mad swings, Coronavirus, Impeachment and now this. A fun time to be around, guys.
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